Note:This is a concept presentation that will also remain as a future personal reference of the concept. It "sticks" to the top of the page all the time for that reason. When I have more time, money and freedom, I'll bring more attention to this thread.
Members can always comment if they wish.
to begin, take a look at this: at Reply #9, page 1)
Later REEDIT: Energetic Forum reference was possibly changed in the last 2 yrs. This site above can attempt to replace that site.LATER RE-EDIT: Be advised that this post was removed from the host site. The antenna system isn't there as a post.
This does exist: I can do now.
Now, for certain modifications to this circuit above:
1a) Use three(3) line power transformers rated for 120VAC @ 60HZ, for standard American power mains.
1b) Keep one conventionally forward and begin with 12 VAC on the secondary.
1c) Take the other two in reverse and in series on the secondaries as well as the primaries, and connect the secondaries to give 24 VAC on the primaries.
1d) Connect two rechargable 12 VDC batteries to the 24 V primaries.
2) Take out the spark gap in the original, corrected last drawing on the Internet post cited above, and replace it with a Zener diode(s) for 24 V. (This will mitigate EMI caused by the spark gap. The capacitors will then dump a charge to the batterie(s).)
3) Wire up to three(3) capacitors in parallel(I'm using Radio Shack 35V, 4700mmF, axial electrolytic), between the Zeners and the 24 V output of the transformers.
4) Connect the rest of the diodes as shown.
5) Lastly, connect a 12 V battery to the drawing's input and then run wires to one of the batteries to charge both from the batteries' output, as well as recharge the start battery as an ongoing electrical effort. (Feedback effect.)
Note:This is a concept presentation to also remain as a future reference.
I may not get to testing this concept immediately, however, any Member can comment on whatever he/she wants to.
The 'Web address cited above does actually work when I invoke it with a mouse-click.
I'll try and draw an ascii diagram later when I have more time.
Next Experiment:
Use a 12V Zener to harvest the BEMF on a transformer secondary to recharge a battery out of a set on the other side of the core (a toroid would be ideal). I'll have to draw the circuit in acsii again, so bear with me.
Reedit:Well, I've downloaded a couple of Internet pages the have schematic drawings of what I'm thinking. They'll give you a beginning concept. They're on my thumb drive under names that have nothing to do with the Internet, so I'll get the e-address(es) later when there's more time on this computer.
Reedit, 28 Jun '11: Added last paragraph as an update.
Reedit, 12 Sept, '11: Rearranged text and replaced all caps with lower case lettering. Made this thread a "sticky" archive to return to later when I had more time and money.
Reedit, 17 Aug, 16: Announced that a reference post on another site didn't exist now, and uploaded a suggested page on Google Images, instead.