OK i have just fallen in love with a chip only been going out with it for 10 minuets LOL, the MRS will have to go in the morning.  The UGN3503 no wonder they discontinued this little baby glad i had some in stock, although i guess it may have been superseded, bandwidth 23kHz self biased midway for 0 Gauss, with a supply voltage of 6 volts we have a calibrated range of +/- 900 Gauss and 1.3mv/G So here i have attached the UGN to the top of my main drive coil core on the top, i have used a periphery hall to pulse me at TDC of the drive coil to give me a position of the magnetic field in relation to the center of the drive coil, Green trace is periphery and yellow is the UGN So here's the result I have adjusted the hall previously so it's 0G point is mid vertical axis and in the resulting waveform the bottom of the trace is at 0G the UGN scope channel is on 1V per div and as the UGN is calibrated for 1.3mv/G i am getting a swing of between 0 and 1.37V on the scope so therefore the top of my drive coils core is seeing a swing from 0G to 1000G oops looks like i am getting more out of this chip than the datasheet says, or it may well be the calibration is out slightly as the datasheet does say between 0.75 and 1.75mv/G. Anyway i can see clearly now what magnetism i have on my cores So i now know i am not seeing any pole shifting on my drive coil EDIT i am not using the periphery hall to drive the coil transistor only as a marker,i am using the drive coil pair that's triggered from the rotor magnets.