Thinking, pondering. I recall as a child wondering what would happen if a guy hooked up a generator to an electric motor, then took the output of the generator and fed it back into the motor. Could you get it to keep running? That's what we're talking about here really -- correct me if I'm wrong -- with the Muller, RomeroUK, Bedini etc. devices. Even if they somehow want to combine the motor with the generator (MG) with a single rotor, it's still such a combination.
Later when I studied Physics, I learned that this is IMPOSSIBLE to keep running, due to something called the Second Law of Thermodynamics... Entropy and all that. Graduate school, PhD in Physics -- they drilled this in. Heck, I drilled it in.
But of course, if there is an OUTSIDE SOURCE of ENERGY, then the combo can keep running as long as the OSE continues, with no violation of the Second Law of Thermodynamics. Like gasoline added to the motor/generator.
Fast forward to the present and find inventors claiming they've GOT IT -- a self-running moto-generator (MG) combo. OK -- once this is EXPERIMENTALLY VERIFIED and replicated and verified again, THEN we can do experiments to determine the nature of the OSE.
It really doesn't help to make progress if someone says IN ADVANCE of experiments, that it is IMPOSSIBLE. Really, that is just a statement that there is NO other source of energy than those already currently known.
I'm not willing to take such an arrogant Lord-Kelvin attitude. I'm willing to let experiments take the first step, does it work? Make the measurements carefully THEN we can worry about determining the OSE. (And at that stage, I predict finding the OSE will be relatively easy through carefully-designed experiments.)
SO -- my question has to do with HOW to make rigorous MEASUREMENTS of a moto-gen (MG) combo. Help me on this, I know how to do measurements of V and I using a Tek 3032 DPO, for example. Is that the best way here with an MG?
Motor is 12 V DC and draws a few amps. Generator is 12 V DC and puts out a few amps.
Critical now to MEASURE the Vin and Iin accurately as well as the Vout and Iout -- or any other reliable way to measure Pin and Pout. BE sure to allow for PULSED DC.
I await your best thoughts and suggestions on how to reliably do these measurements. Then I want to build a simple MG combo and test out the methods.
Thanks, in advance! I know you guys have good ideas.
« Last Edit: 2011-05-25, 08:19:41 by PhysicsProf »