Hi all,
i made an attempt to replicate this circuit, but as we already found out before, the problem is the Pout.
How to accurately measure that.
Anyway, i made a coil, both windings are 12 turns, and measure 0.93mH (930uH)!
Rb is a 2.2K resistor,
Cb is 140pF,
Rr is a 3.3 Ohm resistor
Do is a white led
Ro is a combo, 5.6K resistor and 5K potentiometer
csrin and out are both 1 Ohm resistors
Using a 2N2222A transistor
Frequency turns out to be around 525Khz.
Using 1 rechargeable AA battery with about 1.195V
Using the dual DMM method (low pass filter) for Pin, i found it to be around 40mW
But now how to measure the Pout correctly, that's the question.
I got some suggestions to dump the output (over the Ro) into a cap, but still then, how to measure the Power?
The csrout is floating, so no way to measure there with my scope.
Anyway, i am open for suggestions and meanwhile will try to find some way.
(i am thinking to separate the output pulses directly taken from the collector via a 1:1 transformer/toroid,
use a FWBR and a cap to create DC, then put a load on it (bulp), and measure there the voltage/current).
I video of this attempt is to be found here:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vV4xMeZ_41YRegards Itsu