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Author Topic: Circuit sj1. Terse and Technical only.  (Read 171850 times)

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055
Some time ago Kooler posted these circuits
as variants of the "Joule Thief"

Diagram Attached to Original Post

Upon analysis of the circuit diagrams it appeared
that the two circuits shown at the right of the
graphic were incorrect as there is no current
path through the transistors which includes the
transformer primary winding.

Kooler, in response to a question, indicated that
he believed those drawings were indeed correct
even though they looked weird.

It seems that the negative terminal of the power
sources in those drawings is connected to the
wrong end of the primary winding.  As shown,
the negative terminal of the sources are connected
to the end of the primary winding which is attached
to the transistor emitter.  These connections result
in a non-functional circuits.

By moving the negative terminal of the source to
the opposite end of the primary winding (where
the feedback capacitor is connected) the transistor
current paths will then include the primary winding
and the circuits will function.

Has anyone else who's tried those circuits had
similar experiences?

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.
Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 3030
  My friend Nul-points has results worth noting.  

  He started with the sj1 circuit and made it into an apparent "self-runner" -- he has results going for over a YEAR that show a rise in voltage of the battery while at the same time flashing an LED over the course of the year+.


  As I've previously noted, my own interest has moved towards devices with greater output power and thus of greater use to people in developing countries and world-wide -- but I wish to sincerely congratulate Nul-points for his continued effort and successful conversion of the simple circuit to a possible "self-runner" -- although this remains to be verified/replicated.
« Last Edit: 2013-03-21, 07:08:48 by PhysicsProf »
Group: Guest
My friend Nul-points has results worth noting.  

He started with the sj1 circuit and made it into an apparent "self-runner"

Certainly not, no OU, not even an apparence.
The blog is entitled "informal experiments with energy anomalies", but there is no energy measurement!
How much energy in the cells and the capacitors at the begining?
How much energy in the cells and the capacitors at the end?
Is there something depleted?

Nobody knows...

I listen to the radio every day. My receiver is powered with C batteries for 3 years. 3 years is a lot. So I have an apparent "self-runner"!  C.C
Fortunately among my physics professors when I was student, not one led me to a so low level. I thank them for having demanded of me much more intellectual requirement.

Hero Member

Posts: 805
« Last Edit: 2013-03-24, 13:37:34 by EMdevices »

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055
Quote from: exnihiloest
Fortunately among my physics professors when I was student, not one led me to a so low level. I thank them for having demanded of me much more intellectual requirement.

Every discussion has a beginning which consists of
certain observations.  Then, as it progresses it
becomes more detailed.

With continued analysis this discussion too will
become more detailed.

Patience.  In due time.  Rome wasn't built in a day...

It's possible that your present level of expertise
took a rather long time to manifest as well.

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.
Group: Guest
Every discussion has a beginning which consists of certain observations.  Then, as it progresses it becomes more detailed.

With continued analysis this discussion too will become more detailed.

Patience.  In due time.  Rome wasn't built in a day...

It's possible that your present level of expertise took a rather long time to manifest as well.

You speak of "observations", therefore at none time in the process, the discussion needs affirmations that are lies, like "apparent self-runner". We don't observe "apparent self-runner". False assertion, absence of facts, real wishful thinking, unacceptable misleading speech.

We observe strictly nothing new in this setup. There is nothing to expect neither in a day nor in a century, because there is nothing to observe, and we can't build anything from the nothingness.


Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055
We shall see.  The Truth Squad will assure that
any and all corrections are timely made.

All pertinent facts shall be revealed as
rigorous testing and analysis is carried out.

It may well be that there will be nothing new
in the final determination.  But, then again,
who can say conclusively?

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.
Group: Ambassador
Hero Member

Posts: 4052
"who can say Conclusively"?

Why Ex Of course !!

It will not happen here nor there ,it will not happen anywhere ...
It will not happen on this day Nor will it be next Centuray..
It will not happen In a pulse.in a Coil nor in a boil,It will not happen
how hard you toil....

Ex does not like to make OUnity  a claim he makes with complete ImPUnity...

And yes Exnihiloest,I know its not completely true....You see ...
You actually do believe


Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 1593
Frequency equals matter...

Buy me a drink
@Chet! Nice Dr Zeus!

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