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Author Topic: Romerouk's Muller Replication  (Read 526060 times)
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As long as one party is convinced there can be nothing interesting in any coil arrangement there is no point in the discussion.

As long as one party is convinced that the other party is convinced that there can be nothing interesting in any coil arrangement there is no point in the discussion.

Only the facts say if there is something interesting, for example by anomalous experimental results. May be there is something interesting in coil arrangement, nevertheless those who pretend that there is something interesting in coil arrangement never provided the evidence in spite of many crazy claims. So until now, it is an unfunded assumption and a hypothesis based on nothing else than a pure belief. We can keep it, but for no more than what it is.

Group: Guest

I was speaking of Richard Feynman, theory of quantum electrodynamics fame  :)

He would be hard to contact, too.

Just a question of faith, as for a coil arrangement. May be with a good coil arrangement, it would be possible to radiate "scalar waves" and communicate with his spirit, or to move back in the past. The method is even possibly patented.  ;D

Group: Guest
Just a question of faith, as for a coil arrangement. May be with a good coil arrangement, it would be possible to radiate "scalar waves" and communicate with his spirit, or to move back in the past. The method is even possibly patented.  ;D


I don't mean to intrude upon your religion but you didn't get my point.

Your arguments against the point others have been 'attempting to discuss' are already proven pointless by Richard Feynman several decades ago.


If anyone wishes to continue this off-topic discussion, please place it on thread you can moderate.

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Posts: 3975

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I've just found a cheap UK source for the magnet's
£1.15 each 20mm x 10mm Neo's

and the ferrite ones
pack of 10
£2.46 20mm x 5mm
Group: Guest
Your arguments against the point others have been 'attempting to discuss' are already proven pointless by Richard Feynman several decades ago.

False assertion.

If anyone wishes to continue this off-topic discussion, please place it on thread you can moderate.

A discussion is not "off-topic" only because you don't understand it or you refuse to consider points of physics and electronics that you disagree while nevertheless they apply here.
There is strictly no relation between Romerouk's Muller Replication and QM. Invoking Feynman is just a magic word, not even an argument from authority because you didn't connect it logically to this thread. On my side I gave all the reasons why a "ps" duration is here completely irrelevant, reasons easily understandable by people skilled in electronics or physics.
Nevertheless I can change my mind. I'm aware of QM, and Feyman's work. I can handle Feynman's diagrams.

So instead of digressing and accusing others with useless, unfounded and off-topic assertions ("They are only here to irritate", "they aren't here to participate in overunity research"...) and with a total lack of arguments, you should give your specific points relative to Feynman and our context, and I hope they will remain scientific and technical. What are they?


Group: Tinkerer
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Posts: 3948
Just a question of faith, as for a coil arrangement. May be with a good coil arrangement, it would be possible to radiate "scalar waves" and communicate with his spirit, or to move back in the past. The method is even possibly patented.  ;D

Do you believe scalar fields exist?   Can you explain what a scalar field is? 
Group: Guest
Do you believe scalar fields exist?   Can you explain what a scalar field is? 

Of course "scalar fields" exist. Anything whose the intensity or amplitude in any point of space can be characterized by a simple numerical value, is a scalar field.

In didn't speak of "scalar field" but of "scalar wave", which is a magic incantation from FE gurus (see Bearden) for transforming a quasi-static electric or magnetic field into a wave, by misinterpreting what is a "near field" condition.


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Just to let people know i have found a cheap Perspex disc supplier.

They are cheap, they do different colours, these can be used for the top and bottom plates.

Here's the details
383mm Dia X 5mm Disc Fl.Blue,Perspex 7t97 Neptune Blue, Fluorescent Acrylic Disc £3.45

They can also provide

clear acyrlic 200mm x 10mm disc with a dead centre pilot hole drilled for £14.85

The down side is they charge £12.50 P&P

Here's the link to the coloured cheap discs

Michael Wong is the guy to speak to, they also do fabrication.

Anyway i have ordered 2 sets and will raffle one set Free Of Charge to anyone who wants to enter the raffle when they arrive.

« Last Edit: 2011-05-25, 16:27:44 by Peterae »
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Frequency equals matter...

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Not to be a party pooper, but....

Don Smith,s and Muller's builds did not let the fluxes float around smoothly attracting or repelling.
The design has an aluminum cutter wheel to sharply and quickly annihilate the flux connections as abruptly as possible.
This is not EMF or BEMF. Mother nature abhors a vacuum. I posted this 4 years ago to instill the concept of jacking the flux at a very, very high rate of speed. I did not mean rotational either and neither did Smith or Muller. This is what Magnacoaster found out.


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Does anyone know which bearings Romero used, the shaft looks like it may have come from a video player machine drum motor.
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Posts: 1582
Does anyone know which bearings Romero used...
Very workmanlike offerings are available ex stock from builders' merchants. Ask for
replacement router bearings.

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Wow good call thanks Paul-R i know the ones  O0

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Cheers for the links, i like the router bearings they are greased for high speed and ready to go, simply bearings looks good as well.

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I wont know until i get my hands on some, but i imagine a router bearing is probably quiet a nice running beast, they can spin at 21,000 rpm, i would expect them to be pretty free running as there are no gears to drive it to such high revs.

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I cannot find the litz wire Romero used on the website he gave, looks like it's no longer stocked

Group: Guest
I cannot find the litz wire Romero used on the website he gave, looks like it's no longer stocked



They had some yesterday - guess they sold out again.

I emailed them earlier in the week - here's their response.

We are currently producing more of the enamelled stranded wire 7 x 0.125mm.

It will reappear on www.wires.co.uk in about 10 days.

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Cheers Duff Looks like it must be one of their popular items  ;D

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Something i find very interesting is the point at which each of the driver coil's are energized see pictures below
Hall 1 is triggered circumferentially as the rotor magnet is dead center above the driver coil

Hall 2 is triggering either before or after the rotor magnet hits the driver coil and he said he uses repulsion.


Now in the video the direction of rotor rotation is Clockwise, this is strange because it means Hall 2 is triggering the driver coil before the magnet passes the coil, if the driver coil was being used in repulsive mode surely this would stop the motor, i would say i either have something wrong or this driver coil is working in attraction mode, while the other is working in repulsion mode.

Another EDIT  :)
Hall 2 gets triggered from the rotor magnet, which turns on the driver coil right next to the hall sensor DOH i can see potential for this to oscillate the driver coil, as the coil energizes it may switch of the hall, which switches off the coil, then the magnet switches the coil back on....
« Last Edit: 2011-05-28, 21:26:59 by Peterae »

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As there is no need for me to doubt what Romero said about working in Repulsion mode, then maybe this is why the rotor rock back and forth when he first switches on, first drive coil repels rotor and de-triggers, second coil repels as the rotor approaches and pushes it back the opposite direction, only when it's given enough push can it pass with enough energy to over come the second repulsive coil, once the rotor magnet gets directly over the drive coil then it would then carry on repelling and accelerating the rotor, anyway the only way i guess is to build it, i think getting this process correct could be key.

There's certainly a lot to learn from the build anyway, just wish i had more time to devote to the build.
« Last Edit: 2011-05-28, 20:48:22 by Peterae »

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I think i will end up making my own 7 strand wire, shouldn't be hard to twist in a drill 7 lengths together, i have done it before for another project.
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@Peterea, 21,000 RPM that's crazy fast, i may have to get some of those myself.
21,000 RPM is fairly high however I have brushless RC helicopter motors that max out at 70,000 RPM in which case the bearings must be as small as possible because the linear speed of each ball bearing is a function of the inner diameter of the race in relation to the ball bearing diameter. One of my pulse motors uses ball bearings with an outside diameter of 1/4" which is quite small and has very little friction as well I have some ball bearings with an outside diameter of 1/8" which is very small.
The best bearing for larger applications that I have found are ceramic skate-board ball bearings which have the lowest friction I have yet to measure other than my magnetic bearings which of course have basically no friction at any speed. It is important to remember that the friction increases drastically with load and RPM as such a bearing may feel as if it has no friction on the bench but have a great deal of friction at max speed under load. I like to do a comparison test because it is hard to grasp just how much friction standard bearings actually have until we compare it to a high quality bearing, for instance a standard ball bearing will make 8 revolutions on a spin test and a magnetic bearing will make 70+ revolutions in the same test.
In any case the best quality off the shelf bearings I have found are usually high end, application specific, bearings made for RC helicopters or skate boards.

I should also mention that my thoughts concerning bearing technology led to a little insight concerning other technologies. That is we can never know which setup is best until we have seen the best and make a relative comparison. As such I think it is silly that some people may say spinning a magnet past a coil of wire must always produce the same results, you see the technology we have is not the best way of doing things but the worst. Imagine that, what if we were doing everything wrong but this was the only way we knew of doing things -- how would we know?. I have found there is always a better way of doing things however we have to think for ourselves instead of following others and  their popular opinion of the way things are.
« Last Edit: 2011-05-28, 16:42:04 by allcanadian »

Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman

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something that has always stuck in my mind about the HRR motor was he showed it as OU, but when he tried to replicate it, he could not get it to work, so they resorted to dismantling the coil to see what was special, the conclusion was that there may have been shorted turns that made it OU but because they unwound it they couldn't be sure.

Something similar happened to SM, he said something like when he had a working coil, they tried to reproduce it but ended up unwinding the original to see what was special, they then realized and were able to recreate it, at a guess what would you learn from unwinding a coil, well that also could have been a shorted turn.

So just in case Romero has trouble scaling up, then before he rips up the old coil, i would recommend monitoring inductance or resistance as each coil is unwound, just in case this is also the case.
It's a long shot but i would prefer to mention this just in case it's important.There maybe something hidden from theory in a shorted turn coil under certain conditions.

I will also add that shorted turns in Lineoutput TV transformer can result in flames and smoke, in scan coils it may be possible to couple the frame stage to the line stage, specially in the early days of TV design this could be very dangerous, but as time went on each individual circuit had overcurrent and monitoring circuit's to shut down the disfunctional circuit's to protect from fire and damage.

I think when you look back at what SM said about the TV exploding then the most likely event would be a shorted line/frame yoke coil assembly, most of the circuits were isolated and functional in separate circuits, the frame oscillator and horizontal oscillator both drove the scan coil yoke, so it's logical and common to think any current mixing would happen here

Notice in the Hall 1 picture that one of the coils has a solder joint, looks like he may have lengthened the wire by tagging on some more, to do this he would have soldered all 7 wires together, i wonder if he did this for all coils.

So we have 7 inductors in parallel, which are then in series with another 7 inductors that are in parallel and if the other coils are the same we then have these in series with the same again.

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The bridge rectifier is likely to be Maplin Spec, they do 2 like this and seems that the 600V is the same price as the 100V i would think he went for thr higher voltage so it's likely to be a KBPC606



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It's not as complicated as it may seem...
As there is no need for me to doubt what Romero said about working in Repulsion mode,....

Hi Peter.

I am fairly certain that Romero commented that the motor ran in attraction mode.

I commented early on that imho, it ran in repulsion mode, or a combination of both, depending on the strength of the core magnets and coil pulse.


"Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe." Frank Zappa
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