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Author Topic: Romerouk's Muller Replication  (Read 526065 times)
Hero Member

Posts: 2735
There is no new technology here.  When an issue comes up your tactic is to cite examples from unrelated subjects and then try to draw an analogy with the current subject at hand.  The current subject at hand is that a magnet moving past a pick-up coil is under unity and it has nothing to do with the "few libraries" that you could fill.
Actually this wasn't a tactic of any sort and I was simply trying to be polite, what I really wanted to say is that when I hear people say they are 100% certain about things warning bells go off because I think this is a form of fanaticism ie.(excessive intolerance of opposing views). That is a when person has made up there mind regardless of all the facts and they will not even entertain the idea that they could be incorrect which I find a little disturbing because it also implies egotism and intolerance in a greater sense.

I suppose I helped improve technology when I helped design a "3D" stereo-vision system that allows surgeons to perform minimally invasive surgery with a heads-up type display or when I helped design a real-time processing system for inspecting flat panel displays for LCD and plasma display manufacturing plants in Asia.
As far as your substantial improvements go, I think that you should consult with your peers to see what they think.  I get a sense that your "substantial improvements" are similar to the "discoveries" that happen on the free energy forums all the time.
So what your really saying here is that you are a genius, a god among men in the engineering world, and I am a delusional free energy crank, hmm that's an interesting theory.

Edit: after reading my two posts I see I was a little too honest and not very polite, I apologize in advance and will try to stay on topic in the future. I just enjoy the banter because you can debate your point very well but this is not the place for our jousting matches, lol.

Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman

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Hero Member

Posts: 3216
It's not as complicated as it may seem...
It's good to see we're able to "play nice" guys.

Nothing wrong with some healthy debate...keeps each "side" on their toes so to speak. ;)

I see a lot of activity and new threads on OU. I haven't really been following things there since the "announcement". Where do things stand at the moment?


"Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe." Frank Zappa
Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3030


This one require to learn the way you input the circuits, which make it may harder to learn.

Right -- I downloaded macspice but don't see how to input the circuit, which is what I want to do, of course.

Attached is what I get on the screen -- allows me to enter a few commands...

@.99 -- I've been following.  There is one replicator who says he is about ready.   And someone found a youtube from 2009 that shows a possibly similar device, self-running is claimed:  http://www.youtube.com/user/Rod5157#p/u/2/SOyPEiPb9Zw 

Group: Guest

I've never run Mac so I can't be much help.
It does however look like the spice3 command line interface though in which you would have to provide a .net file or create one through the edit command.

I think you'd be much happier in the long run installing wine as WaveWatcher suggested and running LTSpice under wine.

Heres another link that may help.


Video how to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=msYNfqvv-uw

Group: Administrator
Hero Member

Posts: 3975

Buy me some coffee
I urge anyone replicating this to publish their build, i suspect if the pressure got to Romero and this is the only reason then he may have been reincarnated as another user who may just help tweak and align the build  O0

If indeed this is successfully replicated then the pressure will be of him and he would be in a position to reinstate his website and the pressure would be off, so it's still in his interest to help people build.
Group: Guest

I also think that Romero will "spawn" again and be back a few months (not sooner) because he wants to have his fun on the forums.  I don't think that he will ever come back with his original handle.

I know that some enthusiasts and replicators must think that I am a bad guy.  However, for one thing I have made perhaps a dozen or so technical comments illustrating problems with his setup and nobody has tried to rebut them.

After we go through the "Mylow type" replication cycle with dozens of people posting clips of non-working motor-generators perhaps some of the believers out there will start to see what I said about this one in a different light.

So I await my "redemption" although it's going to take some time.


Group: Administrator
Hero Member

Posts: 3975

Buy me some coffee
Indeed MH

The thing i cannot get my head around is that if you are going to deliberately fake something then why do it when people know your name and address, he would know the anguish that faking would cause everyone, he has obviously put a lot of time and effort in the past in building other devices, why didn't he claim one of these as being OU, i find it hard to believe this is really a fake, but as you say time will tell.

Jr. Member

Posts: 69
I don't see right now any difference between Romero and Mylow, and all others who did not told the whole truth about the videos which they made. As I remember Mylow built a lot of things also, before he made the fake videos, and he was there on the forum to help others. There was no rational explanation why he done that.  Peoples sent him free magnets, parts, everybody was so excited. That was what peoples needed, and Mylow give them.  Most of the  OU community peoples want to believe in every single video what they see on youtube, which show a claimed OU devices! The builders want to replicate, the chatters want to talk about,posting countless meaningless post, arguing about the nothing, trying to convince each other about their beliefs. That's what they like! After some time, MIB must appear, which bring the excitement to the next level. Some week, month will pass when most of them will realize they was played all along, but hardcore believers will still believe!

..and there is Stefan, who can't be happier about these excitements, hence in the end, it's just a business...

"A designer knows he has achieved perfection not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away." Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Group: Guest
I don't see right now any difference between Romero and Mylow, and all others who did not told the whole truth about the videos which they made. As I remember Mylow built a lot of things also, before he made the fake videos, and he was there on the forum to help others.

The part I find amusing is the way people interpret Romero's final message, the shocking "It was all a fake" parting shot.  Most everyone seems convinced that the MIBs put pressure to force him to fabricate this lie.  Hasn't anyone considered that Romero wanted to leave this impression?  Much more devious than just admitting the fake straight up in an honest way.  Nothing is better than leaving a juicy conspiracy and watching the ants scamper about, digesting the possibilities.
Group: Guest
I interpret the "It was all fake!" comment as an attempt to lay a guilt trip on all the members in the forum, both supporters and detractors, because of all of the "pressure" that was being put on Romero.  In other words it's supposed to be interpreted in the opposite way as he stated, as a cry out in frustration that "It was all real!"  Mylow did exactly the same thing.

However, it's all a double-cross.  He wants you to think that it was real by crying out that it was fake but the real truth is that it really was fake.

Note also that Romero made many statements that he would never let his open source buddies down.  Nor did he appear to be "under pressure" except for the fact that new people were coming into the thread and were too lazy to read it from the beginning and therefore asking the same questions over and over.  That was tiring.  Horror of horrors.  That's what they have FAQ's for.

Finally, when you are in a panic because you realize that you got in over your head and you know that you are eventually going to be found out, you play the "MIB card" because you know ahead of time about half of your forum peers that believe in your motor-generator are going to believe you.  Then you run away and simply disappear.

So you make a hasty exit in an MIB smoke screen and then watch people waste their time and money as an anonymous cookie-free web surfer on the forums.

Not a happy story at all.  It's like when jackass kids break into a high school at night and block all the sinks and flood the bathrooms and set off all of the fire extinguishers.  Their "youthful prank" ends up causing $350,000 in damages.
Group: Guest
I am going to comment on our friend Fausto's video:

There has been concerns from many members that such small coil would not be able to produce more than 2 or 3 volts when used as a generator.

In this video, I am demonstrating a very simple experiment that it is very possible and indeed very simple.



I think your overall setup is a reasonable approximation of Romero's setup for the purposes of your experiment.  However, your analysis is incomplete.

Let's look at the issue of the relay coil itself.  It is machine-made and it is done with a much higher gauge (smaller diameter) wire.  Therefore it has many more turns as compared to Romero's hand-wound pick-up coils that are made with much lower gauge wire.

You know that the voltage generated by the pick-up coils is proportional to the number of turns in the coil.  I challenge you to unwind your relay coil and count the number of turns.  Then someone else probably knows the approximate number of turns in Romero's pick-up coils.  Compare those two numbers.

Your experiment is great except for the fact that you are not factoring in the fact that your machine-wound relay coils have a much higher number of turns.

Try repeating exactly the same experiment with hand-wound pick-up coils that are similar to Romero's and see what kind of voltage output you get.

You really should know this Fausto.

Group: Guest
Another comment about Fausto's experiment where he changes the orientation of the neodymium magnet that he has attached to his relay coil.

There is more cogging when the the rotor magnet is attracted to the magnetically biased pick-up coil core.  That's when the orientation is [N-S] [N-S].  So in this case Fausto feels a pull when the rotor magnets fly by.

There is less cogging when the the rotor magnet is repelled from the magnetically biased pick-up coil core.  That's when the orientation is [N-S] [S-N].  So in this case Fausto feels a push when the rotor magnets fly by.

That's all fine and dandy.  Either way the cogging is energy neutral.

However, Fausto says this when he does a test where there is repulsion between the rotor magnets and the biased pick-up coil core, "You can feel that by hand here, the fighting back is so much smaller, and produces so much more energy."

Fausto, you are leading yourself down a garden path here.  I watched the clip.  For both orientations of the neodymium magnet the scope traces and the apparent brightness and duration of the flashing of the LEDs appears to be about the same.

I suggest that you go look at your clip again.  There is no reason for one orientation to produce more energy than the opposite orientation and that is clearly demonstrated in your clip.  Again, you are seeing what you want to see and this is not good at all.

Your conclusion is flat-out wrong.

You have to be unbiased if you want to do successful experiments.  You made two major mistakes, 1) ignoring the higher number of turns in your pick-up coil, and 2) letting your own wishful thinking and bias to want to believe in free energy conclude that one magnet orientation produced more energy than the other orientation when that was clearly not the case.

I hope all of the replicators read these last two postings and do some serious contemplation about what just happened here.

Group: Guest
Quoting Fausto:

I think this is only demonstrating one of the thing his motor has. This will definitely help with the cogging and easy the rotation. It will not eliminate cogging specially when using the energy  generated by the generating coil BUT there is a very fine line where the generation of energy and the cogging is balanced to its best.

So this technique will help fine tunning, as Romero said, the position of each individual magnet/coil arrangement while pursuing the most energy.

There is no real relationship between the cogging and the generation of energy by the pick-up coils.  As I stated before, any magnetic bias that you apply to the pick-up coil core will not affect the generation of energy.  Fausto proved this in his last clip.

Fausto seems to be implying that there is a balance or perhaps a trade-off between cogging and energy generation and this is not true.

You should all know exactly where the "energy generation" comes from.  The rotor magnets pass by the pick-up coils and induce EMF in the coils and that pushes current through a load attached to the coils.  When that happens there is a Lenz' law drag on the rotor.  It's not truly "energy generation" rather it's energy transformation where kinetic energy stored in the spinning rotor is converted into electrical energy when the rotor magnets pass the pick-up coils.  It's all energy transformation that is taking place and there is not a single iota of energy generation taking place.

For what it's worth I also noticed that the two problems that I pointed out with Fausto's clip were not mentioned by anybody on the OU forum thread.

Listen boys, don't be sheep and be afraid to speak up and say what you think.  I bet you that at least a few of you noticed the same two issues about Fausto's clip that I noticed and posted about but perhaps you would not feel comfortable stating them.  That is a recipe for disaster and if you operate like this you guys will never figure things out and come to the right conclusion.

« Last Edit: 2011-05-14, 20:33:11 by MileHigh »
Group: Guest

You can sit there and blah blah blah  what is it, 12 hours a day here. Maybe even more. Your words mean nada.  You are proving nothing to anyone. lolol

Till YOU start disproving with your vids and pics and scope shots, your words are as good as you claim Rosemarys are. blah blu blah.  lolol

You will never debunk with your words. You got nutthin.  lol  I laugh at most of your crap   Show me any of your experiments/experience that gives you this authority here. lol
You wont and you dont.  Just blah your wrong, blah it can never work and blah...  lolol  haha 

Its like no matter what is shown, you try to find a way to make it look and sound bad.  I see nobody at your side here in agreement with you.  That shows a lot.  Pathetic.   lolol

Why dont you go over to OU and tell Fausto himself?  Are you not allowed there?   lol

Cmon, show us what you got as any proof to what you say. SHOW IT.   You wont. You just dig the argumentation. lol

I saw the vid. You are the only one I see complaining, 3 posts in a row.

Group: Guest
Just like here in your latest post about Rose...

" I posted once that she should refrain from describing circuitry and post schematics instead. " 

Yet all you do is describe and show nothing.  pew  What a laugh.   Hypocrite.

Group: Guest

You are a Joe Blow that barely knows his ass from his elbow when it comes to electronics and physics and energy.  I am a Joe Blow that used to make a living doing this stuff and I have had thousands of hours of training and thousands of hours of experience on the bench and years of experience in the real world doing this stuff.

So keep that in mind as you watch all of the honest replicators FAIL to reproduce Romero's magic.

Group: Guest

You bitch about me giving reasons why it shouldn't work.

You tell me why it should work.

Group: Guest

You are a Joe Blow that barely knows his ass from his elbow when it comes to electronics and physics and energy.  I am a Joe Blow that used to make a living doing this stuff and I have had thousands of hours of training and thousands of hours of experience on the bench and years of experience in the real world doing this stuff.

So keep that in mind as you watch all of the honest replicators FAIL to reproduce Romero's magic.


I dont believe you. Why should I?  Show me.   lol 

Group: Guest
Ask others and they will tell you that it's true.
Group: Guest

You bitch about me giving reasons why it shouldn't word.

You tell me why it should work.


We are all workin on it. You are just talking.  

These forums are suppose to be constructive, yet your posts a destructive.  How about making your own forum that does what you like to do.   lol  talk about bitching. Hypocrite.

Group: Guest
Ask others and they will tell you that it's true.

Oh, well then it must be true. I appologize.  NOT

I ask you to prove it, and you pass the buck.  Thats just lazy.

If we started a new thread here, where constructive people could gather, you would not stay here on this one. You would come there an try to ruin it for those that dont care for your comments.  I betcha. Thats what you do.  lame.

This thead here is worthless now. Nobody is here, they are all over there. Why? Because of YOU.  :-*

Group: Guest

The number of guests on this forum have been spiking pretty high recently.  I can only wonder if a lot of them are people on the OU thread coming here for a second viewpoint.

My postings are constructive, I can assure you.  It's important to have opposing views on a subject expressed even if that requires the pretense of having two tabs open on your browser.  That's not much of a big gulf, is it?

If you want to play in an electronics sandbox and fantasize about coils and free energy while your OU buddies spend hundreds of dollars building a silly "motor-generator" that ultimately does nothing but turn battery power into waste heat, more power to you.

The real bad guy is Romerouk and in a few months chances are you will realize that.


P.S.:  And I know that you can't tell me why it works.  In your case it's a rhetorical question.  However, even the seasoned experimenters can't say why it should work.  In fact nobody can state why it should work.  That's a pretty shaky premise to drop $300 on and the next two months worth of experimenting.
Group: Guest
Fausto made some comments about Litz wire probably producing more output voltage in the pick-up coils on his YouTube clip.  I told him that this is not the case for the same number of turns.  He forwarded me a description from BruceTPU so let's have a look at what he said.

Well, the next day, a thought crossed my mind, to seperate the strands on my 8 stranded parallel wire coil (individually insulated is all I am speaking of!) and to see what I see. And lo and behold, identical voltage and amperage was on each wire! But how to get at it..? Well, initially, I connected each strand to it's own individual full wave bridge rectifier. And then connected the full wave bridge rectifiers, like little batteries, either in series for more voltage or in parallel for more amperage. Very cool stuff.

Identical voltage and amperage (equals power) on each wire if you test them separately.  Test them in parallel and you will get one-eighth the power from each wire.

But then yesterday, I found an even easier way to get at this power. I took individual diodes to individual strands of the coil. Then each strand could be wired in parallel for more amperage or in series for more voltage or both, just like little batteries. Then, using just one full wave bridge rectifier for the total coil output. This worked well, and produced the identical output, at using an individual full wave bridge rectifier per strand.

One more time this is not true.  If you wire them in parallel the amperage per strand is one-eighth the amperage of the single strand.  If you wire them in series by connecting pairs of wires together at each of the ends for a "zig-zag" current flow then there is self-cancellation and you've got nothing.  If you add extra wires to connect them in series with all of the current flowing in the same direction then you will get eight times the voltage and one-eighth the current.

If you have 4 strands @ 20 feet, or 1 strand at 80 feet the power potential is identical. The advantage only becomes apparent, when you wind a coil with say, 12,000 feet of wire, if all in series, the resistance would be so high, no current would flow, thus, not possible. BUT, if I wind 50 strands at 225 feet per strand, I only have the resistance of 225 feet for that given strand and gauge wire, put will STILL have the power potential of nearly 12,000 feet!

I think that Bruce is making wild speculations here.  The bottom line is this:  You put power into a pick-up coil by putting avarying magnetic flux through the coil that cuts through the loops of wire.  You can only extract a finite amount of power from that based on how much power is being transferred into the coil by the varying magnetic flux.  There is a upper limit of power that can be extracted from the coil.  More output voltage means less output current and more output current equals less output voltage.  No amount finagling with the individual strands and how you wire them up will change this.

So, we are able to use extreme lengths of wire, in parallel, keeping the resistance reasonable, and produce enormous amounts of output for said given magnetic field.

See my comment just above.  Bruce's comment here is deluded and/or misleading.  You cannot get any kind of power output amplification by playing with how you configure the individual strands in a multi-strand coil.

Each collector for our TPU, made of our homemade litz, will need to have each strand, with a diode attached, and a full wave bridge rectifier per collector output segment. This will allow us to use all 12,000 feet of wire contained in our three collector output TPU coils. Rotate a weak magnetic field around that, and I already have proved it will produce power.

It will only produce as much power as you can pump into it via varying magnetic flux and no more.  The length of wire and the number of strands means nothing, it's just a trade-off between voltage and current.  More voltage equals less current and vice-versa.

Group: Guest
Going back to Fausto's clip for Magluvin or anybody else:

I made three points about Fasuto's clip:

1.  He did not account for the larger number of turns in his coil.

2.  He was wrong when he said one core-biasing magnet orientation produces more power than the other.

3.  He was wrong when he suggested that there was a relationship between the cogging and the output power.

If anybody wants to debate this be my guest.

lololol Perhaps somebody would like to create a "Kamikaze" profile on OU and copy and paste the above text into the OU thread.  I wonder how long the posting would last.  lololol

Group: Guest

This thread here is worthless now. Nobody is here, they are all over there.

I think the read count on this thread went up by about 900 in 24 hours.  Who knows, it could be the Muller enthusiasts on OU pushing the read count up.  Dontcha think?

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