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Author Topic: Romerouk's Muller Replication  (Read 526063 times)

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OMG Stirling is talking about going after him in the courts for wasting peoples time to deter similar future hoaxes, and they have his address, what a mess

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Romer must just about be realizing that saying it's a fake has put him in hot water, so will he come out with a full apology or reaffirm it's real but could not handle the limelight and is worried about his family safety.

Time will tell.
Group: Professor
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Posts: 3030
OMG Stirling is talking about going after him in the courts for wasting peoples time to deter similar future hoaxes, and they have his address, what a mess

This post at OU just now by JouleSeeker --

I know Sterling Allan personally.  Decent fellow, but I did not like his post claiming a hoax by RomeroUK --without a shred of evidence presented.  And it almost sounded like a threat of "civil" or "criminal penalties", ie. a Lawsuit.  And he spoke of an embarassing article at his website -- but who will be embarrassed in the end?

 Such talk by Sterling unfortunately puts a damper on efforts to pursue alternative energy and I don't like it.

I sent Sterling an email, will let you know what he responds.

Posting at OUResearch this morning:
"OMG Stirling is talking about going after him in the courts for wasting peoples time to deter similar future hoaxes, and they have his address, what a mess"
In response to Sterling's post here...
Hero Member

Posts: 805
MH said:
So I am asking for anybody to give me a technical explanation as to why the Romero motor is an over unity device.

RomeroUK's motor is an OVER UNITY device because  it generates more OUTPUT POWER  than INPUT POWER.


RomeroUK's motor is an OVER UNITY device because it was run in closed loop,  meaning some of the output power was supplied to the input, to verify if indeed it is OU, and it worked, and not only did it work, but it supplied exta power to the light bulb.

BTW,    This will be my last post here.  It's been a memorable journey!


Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3030
  Sterling replied; and quotes from an email he rec'd today from RomeroUK which explains a lot.  The man was intimidated at his home -- read carefully:

From: RomeroUK
To: sterlingda...
Sent: Wednesday, May 11, 2011 8:37 AM
Subject: RomeroUK

Dear Mr Sterling,


I am sending this email after I saw your opinion on the forum.

First of all I do not have that device anymore, probably is destroyed, I have no idea and I don’t care anymore.

I have spent years in trying to do different things, replicating all sort of devices and spent lots of money for that.

This last week was a nightmare for me, you have no idea under what pressure I have been and how many people contacted me, warnings that I should keep quiet, people saying they run multimillion companies and want be to build for Africa,… and in the end, yesterday, I had a personal visit after leaving my day to day job.

I had the impression that I live in a free country but it was demonstrated that anything is possible, we will never move forward.

I am an IT guy and I thought that I have a good brain but now after that I even forgot simple passwords and things I use every day, this is how scared I am.

I have a family, kids and they are most important for me. I had a lot of problems home with my wife because this too, she never wanted me to publish any of my work, but I did, and it looks that I should have listen to her. Well, now I learned my lesson.

I have never asked anyone for money or invited them to do a copy of the device I built, I have only showed my results, no intention to harm anyone in any way.

All I want now is to enjoy the life I had before and forget about doing any more research, I don’t have the power to do that anymore.

I am not good for this kind of pressure, I already have hearth problems, it is not worth it.

I just hope that one day someone better than me will have the strength to go thru all this.

I have always stated that I have no intention to sell or do any public demonstrations, please check my posts on overunity forum.


This is the end I hope, I don’t want be contacted by any other people, I have no more info to share. All I had I posted free and it is better to be considered as not working.


Best Regards,

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3030
MH said:

RomeroUK's motor is an OVER UNITY device because  it generates more OUTPUT POWER  than INPUT POWER.


RomeroUK's motor is an OVER UNITY device because it was run in closed loop,  meaning some of the output power was supplied to the input, to verify if indeed it is OU, and it worked, and not only did it work, but it supplied exta power to the light bulb.

BTW,    This will be my last post here.  It's been a memorable journey!


Wait -- please reconsider, EM.  Your posts have been insightful, very helpful.  And I mean that sincerely.
Group: Guest
Don't blame ya, EM.

You can only beat your head against a wall for so long.
Group: Guest
Well, government 1,free energy people 0 The powers that be acted too slow on this one
Theres a lot of replication going on at overunity some of it looks good this isn't over not even close
he did post enough to replicate it as long as they build it exactly as hes and assuming
the original worked.

Group: Administrator
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Posts: 3216
It's not as complicated as it may seem...

Although I respect your input and insights, I think you have gone over the line here.

Why are you jumping to the conclusion that the device was fake only because of Romero's post? Obviously it was not sincere.

Indeed, even his email to Sterling could be fake, but I doubt that very much. It appears the situation is very much a combination of the pressure he was receiving, and now some sort of intervention from powers that be.

Perhaps we'll never really know if it was real or not, but at this moment in time, we can not say with any degree of certainty "yes" or "no".

If it was a fake, he did a brilliant job of it, that's all I'll say.


"Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe." Frank Zappa

Group: Tinkerer
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Posts: 3948
Based loosely on Romero's statements about adjsuting the magnet spacing, I believed that he had the start of something.
Group: Guest
Based loosely on Romero's statements about adjsuting the magnet spacing, I believed that he had the start of something.

Yea, funny how a bit of iron between opposing fields can act as a traffic cop and field redirection mechanism for both fields. When they aren't opposing it just sits there and does almost nothing. It works much better with a bit of gap between it and a magnet or coil.

Those pesky field lines do insist on staying closed even if they have to flip directions to do it  :)

I don't think NASA ever did figure out why there was excess energy during magnetic reconnection. Anyone heard any news on that?

Maybe they had an unexpected visitor too  ;D

Last I heard, MIT shut up about it.

Group: Guest
So I am asking for anybody to give me a technical explanation as to why the Romero motor is an over unity device.

>>> RomeroUK's motor is an OVER UNITY device because  it generates more OUTPUT POWER  than INPUT POWER.


>>> RomeroUK's motor is an OVER UNITY device because it was run in closed loop,  meaning some of the output power was supplied to the input, to verify if indeed it is OU, and it worked, and not only did it work, but it supplied exta power to the light bulb.

Well, that sums it up pretty nicely.  It's an attempt to use knowledge and reasoning and logic vs. pure blind faith.

It also illustrates a measure of cognitive dissonance.  You ask for an attempt at a technical argument and the question is ignored and the best one can do is parrot back the party line.

If you said, "Look I really can't make a technical argument I concede that.  But I still believe that it works nonetheless."  That would have been an honest response.


Perhaps we'll never really know if it was real or not, but at this moment in time, we can not say with any degree of certainty "yes" or "no".

I can say with 100% certainty.  Sorry if that is a downer for the hopeful souls out there hoping for their Garden of Eden.  The output of the device is magnets cutting their flux through coils.  No free energy here because the device operates in perfect harmony with Nature.

The clips were not particularly impressive to me.  When it was allegedly self-running and the light bulb load was connected and disconnected nothing happened.  That doesn't jive.  The clips left out critical data and measurements.  A follow-on clip could have addressed those issues but that would have busted Romero.

You also can't forget that leading up to this episode Romero was repeatedly posting how he was firmly plugged into the ethos of the open source free energy community and that he would never betray his peers.  But instead I believe that he fell into a psychological compulsion and started doing stupid things.  He succumbed to a weakness and got trapped in a slightly unbalanced state of mind for a while.  This can happen to any normal rational person.  This started to be corrosive to his psyche.  Then the only way out of this viscous circle was to run away.

An analogy would be when a normal law abiding citizen succumbs to a strange and irrational urge to shoplift.  It happens all the time.

With the limited information that we have available, that's how I see it.  This is just my amateur opinion, I am no psychologist that's for sure.


P.S.:  I know that there are some of you reading this that think what I am posting is all part of psyop operation.  Oh please get real and realize that I am just a normal everyday person.  I am sure there are some people I could never convince otherwise.  What a world we live in.
Group: Guest
Well, that sums it up pretty nicely.  It's an attempt to use knowledge and reasoning and logic vs. pure blind faith.

..  I am sure there are some people I could never convince otherwise.  What a world we live in.

Indeed. It's not hard to be unconvinced by people bestowed with a one-track mind. You just have to wait and see and maybe learn something new.

Group: Guest
You wish the learning could go the other way though.  When this one dies then in X amount of months there will be another free energy claim revolving around the same concept: magnets cutting flux through pick-up coils.  Lo an behold, the rabid believers will believe again.
Group: Guest
You wish the learning could go the other way though.  When this one dies then in X amount of months there will be another free energy claim revolving around the same concept: magnets cutting flux through pick-up coils.  Lo an behold, the rabid believers will believe again.

Milehigh, I do not think you belong on this board, and this is not an insult.  You recognize that certain things are impossible given the laws of our universe.  While it is noble to say "nothing is impossible" and "if we try hard enough, we can do it", this is just false logic.  Some things are impossible, and what makes things difficult here is the complexity of the situation, give how many different ways overunity can be tried.

It is like watching someone playing with 100 pennies, making all sorts of arrangements with them - towers, circles, pyramids, etc. - and hoping they add up to more than a dollar.  No matter how you arrange the coins, it will always be a dollar.  It is impossible to come up with more.

So you are going to constantly get booed down by the guys stacking pennies and saying "wait, if we put this one like this, and stand this one on its edge, and spin this one just this way . . ."

Guys, if 100 pennies added up to more than a dollar, this universe would not exist in its current form.  If overunity was possible, then everything we know about the basic forces of nature - magnetic, gravitational - would be flat wrong, and I do not see how atoms could even stick together in that world.  Just stop it, give it up.  I am not an MIB, but really, go research wind or geothermal or something that obeys the laws of physics and get off this pipe dream.
Group: Guest

You make some interesting points.  What just transpired was the vetting process of a new claim that had a high profile.  That's actually a fun thing to do.  You get points raised on both sides and you analyze and look at different situations and scenarios with respect to the claim and so on.  In this case we have a claim with ostensibly impressive looking videos, but it's on razor thin ice.  The razor thin ice is that you have magnets passing pick-up coils in an ordinary configuration that we have all seen hundreds of times before.  Ho hum.  And yet the believers want to believe but in this case they don't even have a buzzword or some alleged secret sauce they can cling to.  It's kind of funny in that sense.

The desire (or the fantasy) is that some of the interested parties that are pro free energy would say for this case, "I get it.  This is an ordinary mundane application of pick-up coils and we all know that pick-up coils are under unity and obey the law of conservation of energy.  Therefore let's ask Romero to explain it further and request more information."  Because we are talking about the ordinary application of pick-up coils, even the hard core believers in free energy should be suspicious of this one and be asking some serious questions.

Unfortunately it doesn't work like that.  So the vetting is basically over and we are going to see the replications, and a lot of long faces at the end of the day.

Group: Guest

Don't blame ya, EM.

You can only beat your head against a wall for so long.

Are you making a reference to me here?

Group: Guest
You, alone?


I'll take it back if it will prevent you from repeating yourself, again.

( That is much better. Only three sentences  :)  It is a good thing my router crashed several minutes ago. My response would have been much more rude and abusive. Must be that 'Faith' thing again.)
Group: Guest

That took a long time for you think over and plan out.  If you have an issue with me just say it directly to me.  It sure as hell looks like you do with this comment, "My response would have been much more rude and abusive."

So do you?

Hero Member

Posts: 2735
I can say with 100% certainty.  Sorry if that is a downer for the hopeful souls out there hoping for their Garden of Eden.  The output of the device is magnets cutting their flux through coils.  No free energy here because the device operates in perfect harmony with Nature.
LOL, I could fill a few libraries with the names of the critics who were 100% certain that a new technology could never work and history has proven more often than not the critics were dead wrong. Oh we have scams and errors here and there where they were correct but more often than not the critics have been completely misguided in there opinions concerning new technologies that have really improved science and technology -- so you are in good company.

P.S.:  I know that there are some of you reading this that think what I am posting is all part of psyop operation.  Oh please get real and realize that I am just a normal everyday person.  I am sure there are some people I could never convince otherwise.  What a world we live in.
I would agree you seem like a normal everyday person and I can respect that however we should understand that normal everyday people have never improved anything in any way and simply repeat what they have been taught--- they hold the status quo. I would agree you seem perfectly normal which may be the reason why every one of your arguments tries to justify that everything must remain the same, have you ever wondered why that is?, why you think everything must remain normal--the same-- and that nothing can change?. I understand what you are saying however I am not bound by your limitations as I am an inventor, that is I have made substantial improvements in many areas of technology which is not considered normal. All we have to do is ask a simple question --- have you ever improved any technology in any way?.

It is like watching someone playing with 100 pennies, making all sorts of arrangements with them - towers, circles, pyramids, etc. - and hoping they add up to more than a dollar.  No matter how you arrange the coins, it will always be a dollar.  It is impossible to come up with more.
It seems like you are stuck on the same hamster wheel as milehigh, where the wheel just keeps going round and round and it seems like progress is being made but you never seem to get anywhere. As well your penny analogy is misguided because any inventor would have simply paid your $1 to a stranger to perform $2 worth of work for someone else in which case they have doubled their money. You see you are arguing nonsense because your answer is obvious due to the severe limitations you have applied which are that your silly pennies cannot interact with anything else. Does it make any sense whatsoever to state that something cannot change because the specific conditions we apply will not allow any change?. Maybe a question might help us understand----Can you name anything, anywhere in the universe that cannot and will never interact with it's external environment in some way? the answer is NO, there are no "isolated systems" and your analogy is complete nonsense.
« Last Edit: 2011-05-12, 06:35:40 by allcanadian »

Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman
Group: Guest
Can you name anything, anywhere in the universe that cannot and will never interact with it's external environment in some way? the answer is NO, there are no "isolated systems" and your analogy is complete nonsense.

Who cares about "interaction."  Interact all you want, but we are talking about overunity - production of energy without the need for fuel.  This is not possible.  By the same token, show me something anywhere in the universe where energy is produced and no fuel is consumed.

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Who cares about "interaction."  Interact all you want, but we are talking about overunity - production of energy without the need for fuel.  This is not possible.  By the same token, show me something anywhere in the universe where energy is produced and no fuel is consumed.
No, you are talking about OU because it is any easy way for you to justify your belief that we cannot get something for nothing in a closed/isolated system which is obvious. However I believe we, the people here, are talking about a free energy device which will produce energy we do not have to pay for hence the term "free energy". I don't think anyone here gives a damn about your silly OU, we are interested in a free energy device which is non-polluting and sustainable, on the other hand you keep confusing this issue giving the impression that we cannot harness a free energy source because it must be OU which is not the case. Let's be perfectly clear I don't give a damn about OU, I want a device which produces free energy to power my house and car.

Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman

Group: Administrator
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Posts: 3975

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It is a new free form of conversion we seek, how can anyone say that conversion of energy from one form to another is not possible, it happens all day long  :)

Free energy, COP>1 or Overunity call it what you want but no matter how you look at the device ultimately it will be a conversion device even if the process is not understood at the time of conception.

So if anyone wants a name for their device just stick converter on the end and all will be well  O0
Group: Guest

Found on ou.com:
"Great Work Romero!

There are tens of such messages everywhere. Yes, great work Romero, you have revealed the idiots but also clever persons who warned the others not to undertake premature duplications. Great work Romero, now we clearly know who is who. :-)

The worst in the Romero's story is that the participants who supported him and affirmed here and there that his matter was enough as evidence of over unity when it was obviously not, will do it again next time when a new romero will appear on youtube with a fake video, or a crank on the web with beautiful photos of miracles and preposterous theories.
Did you see them presenting apologizes or admitting their mistakes? No. Their faith is outside of any science, indisputable, preventing them from any progress because it let them deny the facts, falsify the reality, refuse to learn, ignore the lessons, fight the objective knowledge, with the collateral damage of encouraging cranks and charlatans.

In the quest for "overunity" the real experimenters must fight every day this counterproductive attitude, which is an obstacle much more troublesome than excessive doubts from academic authorities.
In free energy also there are bigots, and the bigots of free energy believe they have an "open mind" when they have only an empty mind.  ;D

Discarding them without compromise, without pity, and without further ado is imho the solution for a better efficiency, the life is too short to waste time and energy with them.
It is not a fit of temper but my cold analysis about our activity, thanks to Romero! Sorry for the digression.

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