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Author Topic: Romerouk's Muller Replication  (Read 526064 times)
Group: Guest
I guess the real question is how would we know the difference? if external energy enters a circuit and we have no knowledge of how or why this happens then it would appear to be OU so really we are not dealing with facts of any sort only appearances.

It doesn't a matter. My point is: assuming a system remaining the same over time (nothing consumed), those who try to explain OU with conventional concepts of physics and without considering extra input energy are wrong, question of consistency and logic. We are left with only two possibilities:
- either we consider that academic knowledge can explain OU and in this case we must consider that energy enters from outside into our apparently closed system
- or we consider that academic knowledge doesn't apply and therefore new theories are needed to explain apparent creation of energy.

Why? Because in the other cases (OU without energy coming from outside of the system), conventional equations of physics  lead to 2+2=5.

Rather than follow the "old school of thought" and go into denial by thinking it is impossible I use the new school of thought which says I should understand "why" it happens regardless of what I may believe.

"Why it happens" is a useless question when nothing is happening. The first point is to prove OU as a fact.
Then an answer can't be right if its formalism is not internally consistent, question of methodology, and it is not internally consistent if one of the two above possibilities is not realized.

« Last Edit: 2011-05-10, 10:36:11 by exnihiloest »
Group: Guest
The measurement is good MH, saying otherwise shows me that this is just your un-educated and ignorant opinion.

The measurement is not good. We can't even speak of "measurement".

Group: Guest
...you can't believe anything else can be true if it cannot be explained by your power equations. Maybe time to to get down to ground level without being a mile too high?

MH can't believe. We can't believe, we must not believe, we must know and the knowledge comes from the analysis of facts, observation, measurement. Until now OU in Romerouk's device is a question of faith, and it will remain a question of faith until answers to the "power questions".

Hero Member

Posts: 805

do you want a spanking too?  What is your guys problem?   He has shown you FACTS and OBSERVATIONS.  He has MEASURED for you the Input power and the Output power and you have OBSERVED if you watched the video.  So what faith are you talking about, you don't trust your eyeballs?  And why is the measurement not good? Because it shows almost twice the power out?  And you can't handle that?  


MH can't believe. We can't believe, we must not believe, we must know and the knowledge comes from the analysis of facts, observation, measurement. Until now OU in Romerouk's device is a question of faith, and it will remain a question of faith until answers to the "power questions".


Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948

Is there any indication that the ferrite core saturates when the rotor is approaching?  I'm just wondering based on the strong magnets on both ends of the ferrite.

Jr. Member

Posts: 69
Anybody know what is the timescale on the scope shot what Romero posted?

I afraid to ask in the topic, hence Stefan threatened me with banning, if I ever attack Romero in any way. :D

"A designer knows he has achieved perfection not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away." Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Group: Guest
How many people here have meet romerouk in person and can verify that hes truthful,none
No one knows this person other than thru this video,so you have a faith based belief
that hes telling you the truth.If Hes smart enough to make this device then hes smart
enough to trick you.Maybe theres a hidden battery, like in the capacitor or some other place.
Some people require very little concrete proof to believe,
some people require a great deal.untill someone other than Romerouk makes a replication that works
you can't be sure if its fake or real.
Group: Guest
How many people here have meet romerouk in person and can verify that hes truthful,none
No one knows this person other than thru this video,so you have a faith based belief
that hes telling you the truth.If Hes smart enough to make this device then hes smart
enough to trick you.Maybe theres a hidden battery, like in the capacitor or some other place.
Some people require very little concrete proof to believe,
some people require a great deal.untill someone other than Romerouk makes a replication that works
you can't be sure if its fake or real.

You'll just have to wait until tomorrow. He just said he will upload a new video, replacing the large cap. with a bunch of smaller caps in parallel and also removing the plastic encapsulation of the DC-DC converter so you unbelieving people can see the only batteries in the system are the ones that are invisible to you men of little faith!


Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
Anybody know what is the timescale on the scope shot what Romero posted?

I afraid to ask in the topic, hence Stefan threatened me with banning, if I ever attack Romero in any way. :D

Don't worry about that.  I've been banned from OU several times.

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
Romero is building a larger unit.

Who does everyone think that to get more power, the device must be "larger".  I think a better analysis of something that works will lead to a btter build than just scaling it up.

(The Methernitha (mis-spelled) group tried to scale up their device to produce 20kw and it wouldn't work.)
Hero Member

Posts: 1582
You seemed to have a ego so high you can't believe anything else can be true if it cannot be explained by your power equations. Maybe time to to get down to ground level without being a mile too high?

Tread carefully with your methods, chrisC, or you may find yourself kicked out. You are not on overunity now.
Group: Guest
Tread carefully with your methods, chrisC, or you may find yourself kicked out. You are not on overunity now.

Believe me Paul-R, you'll be the absolute last person in the world I would need technical or for that matter any advice from, please crawl back under your rock and observe what is happening.

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3030
  I'm waiting for a replication, too.  But I've seen enough with my little blocking-oscillator circuits to give this a chance.  It might work.

 I would also like to see the input and output power waveforms, and MEAN Pin and Pout evaluated as we have discussed.

 "Rigor without Rancor" is my motto.

Any news on the "Gabriel device" replications?  That path seems to have gone quite silent.  I know there were several working on replicating, including feynman (are you there, feynman?)

Group: Administrator
Hero Member

Posts: 3975

Buy me some coffee
If he truly is giving us all the details and it's not a fraud, personally i would cooperate in getting a replication up and running, then once all doubt has gone, he would have all the money he ever wanted thrown at him to scale up and understand the operating principle, the only problem with that is there's a good chance it would have been taken out of Public view, full disclosure to the masses is the only way but with guidance from Romero, i am hoping it gets this far.

Who's replicating and how far along are they?

Anyone on this board, if so please publish the build in a bench
Group: Guest
Re: Muller Dynamo
« Reply #633 on: Today at 03:45:39 PM »

T H I S  W A S   A   B I G    F A K E,      S T O P  R E P L I C A T I N G
World will be the same


EDIT: ...that post was from romerouk, ...on the other site.

EDIT: http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=3842.msg285496#msg285496

Group: Administrator
Hero Member

Posts: 3216
It's not as complicated as it may seem...
Hey guys,

Greetings from Waikiki, HI.

Why are you guys getting agitated? Like with the Mylow fiasco, time will sus out Romero's device in terms of its authenticity.

I am leaning towards it being authentic, because I have no reason to believe he is trying to be dishonest, and I can not see anything with the apparatus that would make me suspect foul play. Obviously not every stone as been unturned (every possible means of trickery), but it sounds as if Romero is willing to oblige in these respects, and is doing so as we speak.

I would suggest that we stay calm until the facts become verified with time.

Right now, validity of the looping should perhaps remain the focus, because that will prove all, one way or the other. The measurements are a moot point at this time imho.

How about we give Romero the optimism and benefit of the doubt, and focus on the evidence he is offering?

Cheers guys.


"Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe." Frank Zappa

Group: Administrator
Hero Member

Posts: 3216
It's not as complicated as it may seem...

"Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe." Frank Zappa

Group: Administrator
Hero Member

Posts: 3216
It's not as complicated as it may seem...
Hi Rosphere.

Yeah I saw that over there, and made a post.

I'm not so sure I'm convinced. He may be super-frustrated right now, and doing what he did is one way to alleviate the immense and constant pressure he's been experiencing since the beginning.

We're going to have to wait for someone who has close contact with him know the truth.

Too bad it had to come to this.  :-\


"Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe." Frank Zappa

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
Hey guys,

Greetings from Waikiki, HI.

Go to Diamond Head (an old volcano) if you have time, and the rainforrest.

Paradise Cove on west side.

Some lookout point you can drive to also.

Group: Administrator
Hero Member

Posts: 3975

Buy me some coffee
This is absolutely Bizarre

His home address is under the domain for all to see

my best guess is his work just got funded  >:(

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
yeah address and phone too

I noticed his forum doesn't work now.

Maybe he was threatened.


Group: Administrator
Hero Member

Posts: 3975

Buy me some coffee
 :)       :'(

It will unravel in time, either the rep's will work or they wont, still a whole lot to unfold yet.
Group: Guest

Or maybe I'm in DENIAL, like I accused MH.      :-[


I don't think you're in denial EM. I believe nobody would go through what Romero has done (past YouTube videos) and the amount of details he released to want to fake this. He's probably got a great offer to shut up or was threatened. Only way to find for sure is to replicate this thing. Probably costs at most $230.00 for all components including magnets; that's my quick mental calculation.


Group: Administrator
Hero Member

Posts: 3975

Buy me some coffee
MIB's have not pulled the entire stock of Maplin converters they are on a special price right now £9.99
Group: Guest
Whatever the truth is I hope he dumps the load he tried to carry (No pun intended).

If it was faked he did a great job of it.

If not, he should take the money and shut up about it. The alternatives may be many and probably very ugly.

When folks come forward with something like this that has a chance of being real - I wonder about their level of intelligence or naivety. The only thing safe to do is post everything needed for replication in one burst to as many people as possible and then run. The only option I can imagine is to make use of it for yourself and keep quiet.


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