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Author Topic: Romerouk's Muller Replication  (Read 526062 times)
Group: Guest

You realy don't read what I say, or perhaps you don't understand.   That's why I told you to read up on hysterisis losses and how to minimize them.    I'm going to say it again.  


Group: Guest

I thought we settled this already?    Have you not looked at his circuit and noticed the filter on the output.  I told you this already in a previous post, the bulk of the output power is DC not AC, due to this filter.   Are you familiar with filter theory and how the time constant smooths a waveform?    And how about the further smoothing of the ripple in the electromechanical  gages he uses, with their large time constants?

Have you seen the waveform?  I assume that the answer is no because we all are in the same boat.  All we can say right now is that we can assume that the waveform has a DC component and an AC component and most likely the AC component is small.  But the truth is we really don't know.  The moment you have AC going into a resistive load you need to do an instantaneous voltage times instantaneous current calculation as the basis for your power measurement.  An alternative is to use a true-RMS multimeter which will do the same thing.

So measuring the voltage and current with two analog meters in this case is fundamentally wrong.  On top of that I have some suspicions that under certain conditions analog meters are non-linear.

Another issue is this:  Asking for a second measurement because the first one is flawed is a good thing.  Even if the first measurement was good, double-checking it with a true-RMS digital multimeter would be a good thing.  Why do over unity enthusiasts instinctively and reflexively resist requests to make better measurements or to make double-checking measurements?  Think about it, it makes no sense.

The power output measurement in the first clip is no good.

Why did Edisons new lightbulb material work when thousands didn't work before?

You are making an apples and oranges comparison here and it's wrong.  A rotor magnet flying past a pick-up coil in a Bedini motor is fundamentally the same as a rotor magnet flying past a pick-up coil in Romero's motor.  All of the believers and replicators will have to do some soul searching about that one.  There is simply nothing at all in Romero's Muller replication to suggest that it will produce over unity.  If some of the replicators are competent with respect to making measurements, the measurements will bear this out.

Beyond that, the physics analysis clearly shows that a pick-up coil and moving magnet system is an under unity device that obeys the law of conservation of energy.  Why should Romero's pick-up coils and magnets be different?

I'm not sure what analysis you refer too, but I can do an analysis that shows extra energy coming in.   You see, our analyses are based on theories based on experiments, if this is something new, and I believe it is, then we need new theories and new analyses.

Please go ahead and show me your analysis that shows extra energy coming in.  What kind of energy is "coming in?"  From where?  What experiments?  What theories?  If you have some links that would be great.

So the 8/9 magnet/coil ratio is not special?  you see that in any standard generator out there?
Biasing the core of a generator is so commonplace it's standard practice right?
Pulsing some coils and generating from others is such an un-special configuration you can sell me a few on Amazon right?

It's not special.  It's just a method of staggering the outputs from the pick-up coils in time.  Big deal.

You never see biasing of the core of a generator because in real life that's useless and does nothing.  The only place you are are going to see that done is on the free energy forums.

Pulsing coils and storing the energy in a rotor and extracting that energy with pick-up coils is another thing that you will only see on the free energy forums.

MH, it's not good to be negative, let it go man.  When a major discovery arrives, it's paradigm changing, it will shock some and some will never accept it.

I'm not being negative, I am just being realistic and sensible.  Watch as the weeks go by and nobody can make a self-runner.  You will start to see my comments in a different light.

You realy don't read what I say, or perhaps you don't understand.   That's why I told you to read up on hysterisis losses and how to minimize them.    I'm going to say it again. 


Let's take another look at this.  Let's suppose that I accept that biasing the ferrite cores with magnets does what you say above.

Ok, fine, so what does that give you?

It gives you this:  It reduces the rotational friction on the spinning rotor by a very slight amount.  Let's say that there are three components to the rotational friction, 1) air friction, 2) bearing friction, 3) hysteresis losses in the cores.

So you have slightly reduced the drag on the motor but you are still left with air drag, bearing drag, and reduced hysteresis drag.

So EMdevices, what is so profound about that that you jumped up to a really big font?  Does it help the system achieve over unity or does it just marginally reduce the losses associated with the rotational friction?

Group: Guest

Now what if the videos were not faked and he actually ran the device for 5.5 hrs looping without a battery; just that capacitor and he showed it suspended. With all your 'pulsing' knowledge and experience with all the Bedini motors you have personally encountered and deemed to be non-O.U, how then can YOU explain? And please don't bring in the power measurements for now. Wanna explain to us?

The truth is that is for Romero to explain not me.  Why isn't HE taking his scope probe and making measurements and finding the alleged source of over unity and documenting it and then attempting to explain it?  Why isn't HE making a bunch of measurements on the self-runner and sharing them with the open-source community?

Your question should have already been posed to Romerouk.

Group: Guest

You probably already read my response to the issue of the biasing of the cores.  Supposing for the sake of argument biasing the cores reduces the rotational friction by 2%.  What is the significance of this as far as you are concerned?

Romero has made some comments about how critical the positioning of the biasing magnets is.  Well, if we are operating under the assumption that the biasing of the cores only makes a marginal reduction in the rotational friction, then Romero's comments about the critical positioning of the magnets don't really make any sense, do they?   What do you think about this issue?

Please share with us any thoughts that you have about the benefits of the biasing magnets.

Group: Guest
I am going to make one kind of tough comment here that I feel a bit uncomfortable making.  However, I think the benefits outweigh the disadvantages for people that are following both threads and are relating to my comments.

Here is a quote from the OU user Bolt:

Either you are replicating OR you are up-scaling and using bigger better coils and magnets. In which case get the best Schottky diodes you can afford. Excess amps now wont go a miss later. With 10A diodes in a bridge you got like an easy 50w per coil with 10 very large generator coils collectively 500w system.

Is this what you are building? :)

Also one other point. Once you built this some of you will want to use coil shorting to give an extreme boost of power and volts. You get 300-400v when the coil is shorted. If you plan on doing this you need like 500v diodes. At 350v and 0.5 amp you now have 175 watt per coil = 1.7Kw system. No its not too far fetched the wind power guys make these muller style systems at that power rating.

Bolt is a pie-in-the-sky over unity space cadet.  I have read many of his postings and most of them are just outrageous free energy fantasy talk that has no substance and makes no sense at all.

So my advice is to ignore all technical comments from Bolt because they will only corrupt and confuse impressionable minds that are trying to follow the debate and learn something.

There are many others like this but Bolt is in a class all by himself.  So sorry to sound tough but for those that are truly trying to follow and learn something Bolt's technical comments are to be avoided like the plague.

Again, I'm sorry but I feel compelled to speak the truth in this one particular case because the disinformation is so extreme.

Group: Guest

The truth is that is for Romero to explain not me.  Why isn't HE taking his scope probe and making measurements and finding the alleged source of over unity and documenting it and then attempting to explain it?  Why isn't HE making a bunch of measurements on the self-runner and sharing them with the open-source community?

Your question should have already been posed to Romerouk.


If it's not fake, I don't have questions for RomeroUK. He probably doesn't know where the extra energy comes from but he is not stubborn like you. You seemed to have a ego so high you can't believe anything else can be true if it cannot be explained by your power equations. Maybe time to to get down to ground level without being a mile too high?

Group: Guest
Hey Mh

Well in Romeros case, his setup would have to be experienced to get a feel for what he says and claims.

We dont know really anything to either argue nor endorse it for sure.

But a good tech, one that has interest in these devices and really wants to see one come to fruition, will not put down something he has not seen nor experienced. He/She should investigate with delight, experiment and find the truth before committing to comments.

Romeros setup has differences to Mullers. You know how if you took a pat. of a supposed device and build it, they dont seem to work.
maybe they all or most just need subtle changes to correct them.

So Romeros device is new. Maybe he was diligent enough to gitter dun.  :D  

Its fresh. It has a claim.  Like Myth Busters. Those people have their opinions before the tests, but they DO the tests, then come to conclusions.   Admittedly, I dont agree with all of their ways of testing to fully assume busted or not. But thats show biz.

I also have some of doubts still, due to experiences. But I keep thinking. Thinking of possibilities that I have not encountered.  ;]

Just as every day there is a new song, there can always be a new way that we have never heard of nor experienced.  

I dont believe Romero is lacking all that much info thus far.  More keeps coming. Diagrams are drawn, circuits are shown, wire/parts and sources are shown.  So I give it thumbs up so far.  We shall see.


Group: Guest

Is that you, from Fizzx?   

Group: Guest
If it's not fake, I don't have questions for RomeroUK. He probably doesn't know where the extra energy comes from but he is not stubborn like you. You seemed to have a ego so high you can't believe anything else can be true if it cannot be explained by your power equations. Maybe time to to get down to ground level without being a mile too high?



I can't explain to you why Romerouk is demonstrating a self runner when I see no evidence of any sort that that is possible.  I apologize if I appear to have a big ego.  Part of that is that you probably know how much mental work it is to make sure every sentence you write is in "politically correct free energy forum talk."  It can be very mentally draining to do that all the time.

One thing for sure, is that I am being 100% real and telling you what I really think and feel about Romero's Muller replication.  I am honestly and truthfully giving you the straight goods as I see them.  That's all that I can do.  For what it's worth I once did a course in "Electric Machines" but it was so long ago and the course did not make a big impression on me so I don't remember much.  Sadly, my professor about 10 years later was gunned down by a maniac.

Anyway, let's watch as the replication YouTube clips start to come down the pipe in a few days.


P.S.:  Good pun work!
Group: Guest
I am going to make one kind of tough comment here that I feel a bit uncomfortable making.  However, I think the benefits outweigh the disadvantages for people that are following both threads and are relating to my comments.

Here is a quote from the OU user Bolt:

Bolt is a pie-in-the-sky over unity space cadet.  I have read many of his postings and most of them are just outrageous free energy fantasy talk that has no substance and makes no sense at all.

So my advice is to ignore all technical comments from Bolt because they will only corrupt and confuse impressionable minds that are trying to follow the debate and learn something.

There are many others like this but Bolt is in a class all by himself.  So sorry to sound tough but for those that are truly trying to follow and learn something Bolt's technical comments are to be avoided like the plague.

Again, I'm sorry but I feel compelled to speak the truth in this one particular case because the disinformation is so extreme.


Well thats not nice.   ???

Some may not know everything. Some want to help, even if its of the little that they may know.

Ehh. Some just want to be a part of it. However they can. Some are a pain in the ass.  O0 

One thing though, I dont think it needs fast diodes really. Not as a gen on that motor. But if he does try the shorting later, better diodes would help with the spikes and current.  I have seen advantages of paralleling diodes.  funny thing is, I wonder why it can be done, paralleling diodes. Like you cant have 2 leds in parallel with 1 limit resistor, only one will light. Maybe if the current is enough the other breaks down also.  hmm

But anyways, not nice..    ;)   U were right in the first sentence.   :(


Group: Guest

Let me try to give you an analogy to help put things in context.

For starters. I can look at a pulse motor clip and have a pretty good innate feel for what going on.  I used to watch clips on Youtube and I sometimes realized that I knew much more about the motor in question than the person that built it and made the clip.  It's very easy for me (most of the time) to visualize the electrical and mechanical power flow and see the mathematical modeling that you can apply to the situation.

So here is the analogy:  You are a seasoned automotive mechanic that has worked on car engines for 20 years.  Somebody shows you a truck engine with a problem and asks you your thoughts on it?  Do you shy away and say you can't because you only work on car engines?  Of course you don't, you are quite capable of diagnosing a problem on a much larger truck engine because you have a lot of experience with car engines.

So when I tell you that there is no logical reason in the world to assume that Romero's pulse motor is over unity I really mean it.  I can look at the clips and see the construction and see what it is doing and easily visualize the electrical and mechanical energy/power trail that it manifests.  It all makes perfect sense in terms of it's operation, except for the over unity claim.

Romero's pulse motor is a vanilla pulse motor that is an under unity device.  I am certain of that and time is really and truly on my side.

Going back to the technical debate on OU, we are finally coming to the end of the round of questions about how to physically replicate the device.  This round of technical questions always happens and in a sense it's rather unfortunate that it always plays out this way.  Honestly people are asking the wrong questions at this time.  Whether a pick-up coil has 200 turns or 250 turns is almost incidental at this point in time.  People should be asking the technical questions about how it actually works.  Romero might not know how it works in the explanation sense, but he sure as hell can show how it works with sample scope shots and measurements.  That way people would have an idea for what to shoot for when they do their own building and testing.  Unfortunately this line of questioning is beyond the scope of your typical replicator.

But, there is a silver lining here.  Even a non-technical person reading this thread has seen my comments about what kinds of questions should be asked.

Group: Guest
Hey MH

Would it be to say that you dont believe in ou?

Hero Member

Posts: 805

I'm glad you finaly got the point, thanks to the big font.  :)

I never know if people read what I post or comprehend what I say!

Now,  the hysterisis loss and minimizing it may or may not be the full answer, and I don't think it is.  If you look at my other posts, I tend to belive the traversal of the B-H curve from high H values to low H values may also be critical, and romero confirmed that it doesn't work  if the magnets are reversed (implying a low-to-high and back H value variation)  

Think about this,   assume most of these exotic magnet motors are operating with a slight OU factor say 1.01, or 1%,  but due to losses like windage, eddy currents, hysterisis, I^R,  etc...  you would never know it,   so something to do is always mimimize the loses you can identify.  Bolt made a very good point over at overunity.com and I agree with him on that point.

I tell you guys,  the only thing I fear is that Romero will get nervous due to all the attention and come out and "claim" the device was faked, just to disperse the crowds.    And then, if this thing is realy hard to tune and balance and we need his help we won't have it.

Group: Guest
Well thats not nice.   ???

One thing though, I dont think it needs fast diodes really. Not as a gen on that motor. But if he does try the shorting later, better diodes would help with the spikes and current.  I have seen advantages of paralleling diodes.  funny thing is, I wonder why it can be done, paralleling diodes. Like you cant have 2 leds in parallel with 1 limit resistor, only one will light. Maybe if the current is enough the other breaks down also.  hmm

But anyways, not nice..    ;)   U were right in the first sentence.   :(


I agree that it was not nice.  But by the same token posting outrageous nonsensical bullshit to people that might be looking up to you is not nice either.  Even if you might not be self-aware that you are posting outrageous nonsensical bullshit it's still not nice.

You are right, there is no need for fast diodes here.  It's a motor, the switching frequencies are on the order of hundreds of Hertz.  That has nothing to do with the switching times of diodes which are probably on the order of nanoseconds.  There is nothing wrong with paralleling diodes.  With enough current flow, eventually both of them will switch on.

With respect to Romero's motor, the paralleling of the diodes is not needed, they bring nothing of any real value to the table.

If somebody doesn't believe me they can do the following:  Make a series of reference measurements that characterize your motor.  Power in, power out, RPMs, voltage and waveform going into the DC-to-DC converter, etc.  (In fact, all of the replicators should try to define a "standard set" of measurements so that they can compare the performance characteristics of different motors.)  Then remove the extra diodes and repeat your measurements.  You will find that the extra diodes had no real affect on the operation of the motor.

Hero Member

Posts: 805
MH quotes:

So when I tell you that there is no logical reason in the world to assume that Romero's pulse motor is over unity I really mean it.  

I can look at the clips and see the construction and see what it is doing and easily visualize the electrical and mechanical energy/power trail that it manifests.

Ok, I'm not a shrink but here it goes.        





You don't know electronics and motor theory well enough to comment, and you've clearly demonstrated that to me.   If you're a skeptic be a skeptic but don't expose yourself any further.    For your sake I hope this thing turns out to be a fake so we can all bow down to you and acknowledge our foolishness !     :-X


Group: Guest
Hey MH

Well if the bridge were to get warm or even hot, would that not have affect to the outcome in any way?  If they were to get hot, and adding the extra diodes reduced the current in the bridge, reducing the heat.
In this business, every bit counts. ;]
Group: Guest

Is that you, from Fizzx?   


Sorry Magluvin. I'm not associated with Fizzx. What is Fizzx? I'm just a regular guy who is eager to learn and to explore.

Group: Guest

I would believe in it if I ever saw it but so far nothing.  Aaron and Paul Lowrence and Rosemary Ainslie will tell you that over unity is popping up all over the place like the first round of Spring dandelions but they are wrong.


Think about this,   assume most of these exotic magnet motors are operating with a slight OU factor say 1.01, or 1%,  but due to losses like windage, eddy currents, hysterisis, I^R,  etc...  you would never know it,   so something to do is always mimimize the loses you can identify.  Bolt made a very good point over at overunity.com and I agree with him on that point.

That's not the claim in this case though.  Look, what do the cores _really_ do?  Nobody ever discusses that.  They increase the inductance of the pick-up coils.  That means when a magnet flies by the core the induction process results in less current flow through the pick-up coil (when it is in a discharging time slice) and a longer discharge cycle.  Certainly the external magnets may influence the inductance because of the polarization of the core, but the main effect of the cores is to increase the inductance of the pick-up coils.

More importantly, if you are an astute builder and tester you will do some measurements on one of the pick-up coils yourself with and without a core and draw your own conclusions.  You can also make measurements with and without magnets.  Some astute experiments might start to smash down some of your preconceptions with real hard data.

Honestly, as far as I am concerned the issue about the hysteresis energy losses due to the cores is yet another preconception that a lot of you have in your heads that is insignificant in the overall scheme of things.  Like seriously, suppose you loose three micro-joules of energy in a core when a rotor magnet passes.  Then you add your biasing magnets and you end up losing two micro-joules instead.  ( I think that these are realistic numbers)  What the hell does that have to do with the operation of the motor?  The answer is nothing.   In my opinion it's an example of you guys garden-pathing yourselves into an empty part of the woods.

In my opinion you have to focus on what is real.  Chances are the inductance change of the pick-up coils due to the cores is millions of times more significant than a few paltry micro-joules of lost energy from hysteresis losses.

Another question:  Do you really need the cores?  What value do they bring to the table?  I think that they will increase the energy transfer out of the generator.  Each pick-up coil can theoretically store more energy with a core in place.  However, I am out on a limb here and there are many factors at play.  The bottom line if I built a motor myself I would remove the cores and run the entire suite of test measurements again to generate a "performance vector" for the motor without cores and compare it to "reference performance vector" of the motor with cores.

« Last Edit: 2011-05-10, 04:22:46 by MileHigh »
Group: Guest

How can I be in denial when the burden of proof rests on Romerouk's shoulders?  By saying that I am in denial you are implying that Romero's over unity motor is real.  So you saw two YouTube clips and you now believe that in 10 years we will be in a Jetson's Hydrogen economy and the world is going to change forever because Romero made a magic vanilla pulse motor?  If you were wise you wold take a step back from that untenable position.

You don't know electronics and motor theory well enough to comment, and you've clearly demonstrated that to me.

Now I think that you're in denial.  I'm no wizard but I'm pretty well informed.

Also, you never replied about the output power measurement issue from Romero's first clip.  The power output measurement is invalid.


adding the extra diodes reduced the current in the bridge, reducing the heat.

Sorry, wrong and wrong.  The current won't change and adding extra diodes might make for a very marginal reduction in heat losses in the bridge rectifier.

Hero Member

Posts: 2735
Please share with us any thoughts that you have about the benefits of the biasing magnets.
Initially I had the same thoughts as you have on this issue however I have built more motor/generators than is probably sensible and experimented with magnetic biasing. On the surface there should be no reason that magnetic biasing should make any difference but in the real world it does and this can be proven easily with a spin test. That is I would spin up the motor/generator to X rpm and count the revolutions to a dead stop and magnetic biasing would always show much better returns on the initial energy input, near 15% in my estimation. I use laminated transformer cores on my relatively low speed generators which should produce almost no drag forces however in reality I have found there is a considerable amount of drag unless the cores are biased.
Another aspect in which we can be mislead concerns the motor/generator bearings, now if we use good quality ball bearings we can assume we have reduced friction to a minimum however this mimimum is in fact very large. In this respect we need a direct comparison to actually know how bad our supposedly good technology is which is why I always perform real direct comparison tests. For instance I used standard ball bearings on the rotor of my generator and an applied force of X produced 10 revolutions, next I bought some high quality ball bearings then washed the grease out of the races and replaced it with a high quality low friction synthetic oil. These bearings on the same rotor with the same applied force of X produced 23 revolutions. Now most would assume this is the best we could do however I then invented my own passive magnetic bearings to take the technology to the next level because for me enough is never enough. My magnetic bearings on the same rotor with the same applied force of X produced 73 revolutions. While we may think we are at peak efficiency with any standard technolgy this is seldom if ever the case, in reality I have found what many call standard technology is in fact a very poor way of doing things and always involves what I consider to be massive losses.
This is why I believe we should never replace real experiments with equations and calculations because real experiments can give us real insight and understanding but equations can only tell us what we usually already know or what has already been done.

With respect to Romero's motor, the paralleling of the diodes is not needed, they bring nothing of any real value to the table.
Im not sure I would agree, if we are dealing with currents having a relatively low rate of change then we can use standard diodes in the standard configurations. However I have built cuircuits with a high rate of change in which a single 4148 diode added in series produced a voltage rise of almost 100 volts. In this case it should be obvious that the rate of change of current must be higher than the rate of conduction of the diode otherwise there is absolutely no reason adding a single diode in series should produce such a difference. In fact this is a huge problem for me because I have yet to find any diodes anywhere that have the required specs to reduce this voltage rise to acceptable levels. Another note of interest is that at high rates of change leakage becomes an issue and diodes must be placed in parallel and cleaned with rubbing alcohol because the oil on our skin leaves a conductive residue when we handle the diodes. Why place the diodes in parallel? because this represents an increase in surface area which must produce a proportional decrease in charge density relative to the rate of conduction.
As well there is another issue which has confounded many experimenters, I have a small capacitive charging circuit with a high rate of change and when I move to another room the device either drops in efficiency or stops all together-- why does it do this? This issue bothered me for many days until I considered what should have been obvious, the relative humidity in the first room was 27% and in the next room 82%. Essentially there are a staggering number of things to consider in even simple circuits which can reduce efficiency, it is all those damn little things that always get us. As such I have little if no interest in standard technology my interest is in perfection and unfortunately standard technology and standard practice fall so short of this level they are practically useless.

« Last Edit: 2011-05-10, 06:11:25 by allcanadian »

Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman
Hero Member

Posts: 805
@ac,      Thanks for those insights.

@mh,      I already commented on the output power measurement, and why it is valid.  Did you not read my normal font posts?  Do I have to kick it up a notch again?

One simple question:    Why are you on this forum, if you don't believe in OverUnity devices?     

BTW,  You are in denial because you are shown an overunity machine runing in closed loop AND generating extra power and don't believe it because of your mind set.   Yes I believe it's real until proven otherwise. 

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3030
  Fun stuff.  Educational.  Keep an open mind, MH.

  Today, romerouk posted (OU):

I have removed one of the pair coils and replaced with a larger one and that has improved the system.

This suggests to me that he won't object to some changes with his system... and that he himself has an open mind (IMO)

Hero Member

Posts: 805
User Bolt made a few good posts there as well.  Apparently the Muller even/odd arrangement is not the OU "key" either, just a scheme for reducing cogging, especially in wind turbine generator designs.  He also seems to credit the biasing magnets.

Those magnetic flux simulations that were posted are really nice.

Group: Guest
@mh,      I already commented on the output power measurement, and why it is valid.  Did you not read my normal font posts?  Do I have to kick it up a notch again?

One simple question:    Why are you on this forum, if you don't believe in OverUnity devices?     

BTW,  You are in denial because you are shown an overunity machine runing in closed loop AND generating extra power and don't believe it because of your mind set.   Yes I believe it's real until proven otherwise. 


I'll repeat it again.  The pick-up coil output is a combination of DC and AC and it's going into a resistive load.  The analog meters measure the average voltage and the average current.  This only works for pure DC.  Once you have AC you need to use a true-RMS digital multimeter across the load.  That will give you the correct power measurement.  Therefore Romero's power measurement is no good.  This is basic electronics, it has nothing specifically to do with Romero's setup.  That's all that I can say about this issue.

I am on the forum for some fun and a plurality of views always makes things more interesting.

I haven't been shown an over unity machine.  I have been shown two clips that pretend to show an over unity machine.  As the replications start failing you might change your tune.

Group: Guest
Consider the new Nantenna technology which is simply two nano-scale conductors having a spacing equal to 1/2 the wavelength of the EM energy to be extracted. This new cutting edge technology is based on a very old and quite obvious concept because we know as a fact that if the conductors fall on the opposite peaks of the EM wave then they will be charged oppositely which constitutes electrical energy.
Now if this technology is so obvious then why didn't anyone develop it sooner utilizing larger wavelengths?

The answer is simple: the technology didn't allow it.

Today the improvement of the technology allows to apply conventional concepts as radio antennae, to very short EM wave length compatible with light, because we are now able to make them.

The "old school of thought" is really saying we cannot create or invent anything new

It is not true.
The "old school of thought" always said that light and radio are EM waves, not different in nature, therefore that antennae can work at any frequency. It is just a technological problem to make them under some very small size.
There is nothing new from a theoretical viewpoint. These Antennae at light wave length work according to conventional physics laws, they are products of an "old school of thought". We were not speaking of "school of thought" in engineering but in theoretical physics.

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