Quoting Ren: You say, "eventually the voltage on the capacitor gets so high that it stops charging".
Why does it stop charging? Simply because the voltage "gets so high?" Surely there is more to it than that? If the limit of the capacitor has not been reached then why does it not continue charging? Supposing you connect a variable power supply to a 12.6 volt battery. To be safe, between the power supply and the battery you connect a 100-ohm resistor. If you set the power supply to 13 volts, then current will flow into the 12.6 volt battery. If you set the power supply to 12.6 volts then the current stops flowing. It's sort of like that when the coil discharges. The capacitor acts like the battery, and the coil discharge cannot get "over the potential hump" associated with the charged capacitor, and therefore current will not flow into the capacitor. The current finds another path to follow instead, and that's through the transistor while it is in the process of shutting off. The faster the transistor shuts off, the smaller the "window of opportunity" you have for the coil to discharge through the the transistor. Therefore, you continue to charge the capacitor. Eventually the voltage on the capacitor gets so high that the shorter window of opportunity doesn't matter, and the high voltage cannot overcome the potential hump of the capacitor anymore. Instead the coil discharge goes through the transistor once again with a shorter higher-voltage higher-average-power pulse. In other words, this is a dynamically balancing system just like you see when Bedini motor stabilizes at a certain RPM. Change one parameter and then the RPM stabilizes at a new value. If you change a parameter associated with your Bedini motor and that affects the overall dynamics of the switching parameters and especially the timing, then the voltage on the capacitor will stabilize at a new level.