...Is it a scam?, I do not know and have been given no reason to believe it is a scam or not, it should be obvious that if I simply called everything that I do not understand a scam I would be crazy because this would mean all reality must be dictated by my personal opinion,lol, that is crazy.
More than a century after Tesla, researchers of "free energy" have not yet a working machine.
Nevertheless in this period, thousands of people claimed "new technologies" or "new sciences" in spite of no evidence and no facts.
We must retain the lessons from the past:
- 100% of the so-called free energy inventions led to not one practical application, not even to a simple duplicable fact proving a new phenomenon
- 100% of the so-called free energy inventions were:
- pure scam (Mylow, Cycclone, Johnson motor, MPI, EBM...)
- conventional effect, misinterpreted (Avramenko single wire transmission, T.T. Brown Electrogravity, Steorn, Milkovic's double pendulum, DePalma N-machine...)
- false or empty theories, without facts (MEG, Flynn's Parallel Path Magnetic Technology, magnetic transistor...)
Therefore when a new free energy device is presented, we have almost 100% risks it is not working. So if we evaluate a new "technology" such Hidro, we must use drastic methods otherwise we will be perpetual losers as in the past.
Do we want to repeat again and again the errors of the past? If the answer is no, then we have to adopt a different attitude, this one of skeptics. We must reckon that general science can convince skeptics (a skeptic can admit that an electron is a real particle in despite the fact he never saw one) and general science works. Why science of free energy could not convince skeptics? If it works, it will.
In a skeptic attitude, we have not to suppose a priori that a free energy device works. It is supposed to not work until proof of the contrary. The proof is given by third party duplications. Of course when there are not yet duplications, the attitude of skeptics can be to lead them themselves. But if the inventors want spread their inventions, considering the vast amount of not working devices in the past, they have to present reasonable elements of evidence, either physical or theoretical, in order to trigger the need of testing their device. I don't see such elements in Hidro, so I have asked if some one saw them.
In the video I saw one element about the principle: two reservoirs filled with air, are interconnected by a tube, one is floating at the top of a water recipient and the other is at the bottom, attached to a weight. When the operator pushes the upper reservoir down, the pressure reduces its volume, more air is given to the other reservoir so that Archimede's force becomes sufficient to raise it up with its weight. What would be astonishing? This works perfectly according to physics laws.