MH I'm going to ask you to have a look into Chetty's world again. "Moment" [9900 celsious ,sonoluminescence] Whether I do it with a coil a hammer ,perhaps a "wind"? THAT harvest time! The door has been opened........................ Keep it open!!!!!!! I believe It can be done ONLY BECAUSE THE BUG DOES IT! Some folks make a lot of sence when they play with the Hammer [pulse] open the door and keep it open . It may take a big "Wallop"[energy] to open the door,but after that, I think the beast can just be tapped on the chin. perhaps others will talk more about this, Chet PS Actually I know they will,Its what where talking about @AC Thanks for sharing your thoughts As always "they are provoking"
« Last Edit: 2011-02-24, 12:58:37 by ramset »