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Author Topic: The Death of the Lenz Law  (Read 176941 times)
Hero Member

Posts: 2735
I draw a clear distinction between renewable energy and free energy.  "Free energy" is the energy that people speculate magically materializes out of nowhere or allegedly comes from the vacuum or the Dirac sea, etc.  That's "free energy" and that's what the debate is focused on.  Energy that doesn't have a monetary cost like sunlight is not of interest to me.  Mixing the concepts of "free energy" and renewable energy is better to be avoided because it just clouds the debate.
I think one of the problems with this approach is that if energy is conserved, it cannot be created nor destroyed, then all energy is renewable without exception only the form and time frame may change. That is I may liberate energy from uranium (nuclear energy) which was given to it billions of years ago in another place and this energy may take another form. This energy then follows the laws of entropy and radiates outward over time to other objects which may eventually be pulled into stars or suns which have been speculated to form heavy elements and the process continues. I believe that if energy cannot be created nor destroyed and energy by law must radiate outward through entropy but at some point in time no matter how long gravitate towards objects then all energy in every form must be renewable energy by definition.
Another issue is time, should we have to start redefining everything based on time? that is to say energy held in matter from billions of years ago doesn't count as renewable, in this case what does? As well if all energy outside the context of the form it takes, time or place must be conserved and renewable by definition then there can be no such thing as free energy as all energy must be by definition renewable. I find all of these definitions very confusing :D

Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 1593
Frequency equals matter...

Buy me a drink
If my need represents 10 units but I can only retrieve 1 unit per the timeframe of the need then I am consumptive.
If my need is 1 unit per 1 unit of time and the source is 1000 units per sub unit of time is this overunity?

Resonance creates a time pump.

Group: Ambassador
Hero Member

Posts: 4052
Kone head shares "How its done"
Hi all
"rules" of successful coil-shorting are:
1) must use super low low low resistance switching. That is why reed swtiches work well (but wont last)...I was always using solid state mosfet relays in my motor for years, when I tried to coil short with them, it didnt work at all and was very confounded.
This summer, Ismael Aviso told me to do it solid state you MUST have ultra-low resistance switching and this means you can only use mosfets of high amperage basically.
Ismael actually puts 5 mosfets in paralell to get the ressitance low....solids state relays will NOT work as resistance is too high.  
Also this summer Gyula gave me  excellent bidirectional mosfet circuit, where mosfets connect at the source and gate so they swtihc AC this works very great.

rule2) ther emust be NO resistance in capacitor that fills up in coil shorting ...any resistance kills effect as you get the picture...
you shoulud have "two-stage" circuit to output power - that is cap fills up first, then cap dumps to load while at same time cap is disconnected from "source" (coils being shorted)
 I never had problems iwth extra draw (reflection) to motor when using reed swithcies - just like romerouk shows - you find that timing sweet spot - but when I made a very powerful mullergenrator with aircores, and one coil of 12  can put out 15A and 20V apiece (VA not watts) then had lots of problems of rotovertor motor going up in draw when coil-shorting.
My freind Bob Leff was testing this with me and I showed him scope shot what coil shorting looks like (oscilation rings)
and he said this is JUST LIKE TESL SPARK GAP (it is and  Ismael says same thing) - when spark gap jumps acorss upon connection, it shorts coil....and so what you do with Tesla spark gap is put "resonator" AC cap in series so we did that and "rerfleciton" (extra draw)  back to motor is totally GONE...(BIG breakthrogh!)
but you must experiment with different uf sizes - 6uf as example will be no refleciton, but lesser power let thourght...Bolt explained to me the AC cap in series works as high-bypass filter...letting the highend go through to fill cap but blcoking low end stuff that casues lenz-lug to rotor... other example is 100 uf will be lots of powe let through, but the lots of  relction etc...
The AC seris  caps also cuts lenz sw down too which also Ismael confimred to me he usesthem too...but really two-stage circuit and also high bypass cap is way you want to go for "extraction" of big power.
Ismael Shorts 5 times during peak period - and he times the shorts to occur right at tops of the OSCILLATION'S PEAKS that is the"how he does it"
I am woking on doing that now. using some 555 smitt-trigger timer cirucits that Bolt gave me which can sense, asimewave peaks and pop in the multiple shorts per peak.
Also, couple of new fellows are tag teaming bolt for more info!
Group: Guest

These sound like good ideas to me... 'shorting' is analogous to the sharp DC gradient, which seems to be the key to unexplored electrical physics, and what's in common across many anomalous phenomenon (besides resonance, frequency, and phase).

Just in my experience, anomalous phenomenon involving motor circuits are notoriously hard to replicate.  It's much easier to replicate solid-state anomalies -- for example, the Naudin 2SGen, which can be examined here:

Naudin 2SGen

My personal ambitions are for solid-state power and a self-runner .   The only reason I will deal with moving parts at all these days will be for powering a generator off HHO.   So anyway I think the shorting coil experiments are a good idea.  I just will be avoiding motors for personal reasons.   I suppose I'm just sick of the last project I worked on, for which I was employed, which was all stepper motors.

Hero Member

Posts: 2735
1) must use super low low low resistance switching. That is why reed swtiches work well (but wont last)...I was always using solid state mosfet relays in my motor for years, when I tried to coil short with them, it didnt work at all and was very confounded.
This summer, Ismael Aviso told me to do it solid state you MUST have ultra-low resistance switching and this means you can only use mosfets of high amperage basically.
Ismael actually puts 5 mosfets in paralell to get the ressitance low....solids state relays will NOT work as resistance is too high.  
Also this summer Gyula gave me  excellent bidirectional mosfet circuit, where mosfets connect at the source and gate so they swtihc AC this works very great.
I think this is a common problem everyone encounters, mosfets with high current ratings may have low resistance but usually have slow switching speeds and the 100ns range is like watching paint dry. As well the large gate capacitance usually requires a high power driver which eats up efficiency in a big hurry. Does anyone here know of any super fast, low resistance mosfets with a reasonable current rating? I have spent endless hours looking for the right specs and have yet to find anything remotely intersting other than RF mosfets costing hundreds of dollars.

Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055
The process of "shorting" the winding then "collecting"
the resultant impulse could be rather easily accomplished
with one of the now available "half-bridge" driver chips.

The "shorting" and "collecting" MOSFET switches can be
synchronized with the source waveform to enable the activity
in a burst of high frequency pulses at the precise time desired.

Constructing such a control circuit with discrete components
would be very challenging.

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055
I think this is a common problem everyone encounters, mosfets with high current ratings may have low resistance but usually have slow switching speeds and the 100ns range...

The Gate Drivers which will adequately provide the
high current charge/discharge pulses for rapid
turn-on and turn-off of the MOSFETs are now abundant
and inexpensive.

When properly driven the high current MOSFETs will
switch in several nanoSeconds.

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
If energy can not be created or destroyed then how did it come to exist in the first place?

Based on common sense reasoning, we can surmise that energy can be created or destroyed and that if we can not perform these acts then the fault is our own and not some law of the universe.  

Then the question becomes: "How do I create energy?"
Group: Guest

Try this... this is what I'm going to use unless I find something better.   It's integrated driver/MOSFET on SMT with up to 1000Vds ,  3-4ns switching speed, and 3pF input capacitance.

DRF1200 MOSFET/driver hybrid

The DRF1200 MOSFET driver hybrid. This hybrid includes a high power gate driver and
the power MOSFET. It was designed to provide the system designer increased flexibility
and lowered cost over a non-integrated solution

• Switching Frequency: DC TO 30MHz
• Low Pulse Width Distortion
• Single Power Supply
• 3V CMOS Schmitt Trigger Input 1V
• Drivers > 3nF

• Switching Frequency: DC TO 30MHz
• Switching Speed 3-4ns
• BVds = 1kV
• Ids = 13A avg.
• Rds(on) ≤ 1 Ohm
• PD = 350W


Haven't checked how much it costs though...
Hero Member

Posts: 805
This is how I would create energy in a closed system.

1)  create a potential field like gravity
2)  let the potential exert it's influence on somethething like a mass, and store this energy into another potential like a spring.
3)  turn off the first potential
4)  move the mass back to the starting point
5)  repeat

The implied assumption here is that a "potential field"  can just give energy or create energy not accountable to the phenomena that created the potential, which might take energy to "create" it.

So if we can find such a potential where the energy required to establish it is not a variable of the "objects" and their location in it, then maybe we can pull it off.



Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 1593
Frequency equals matter...

Buy me a drink

Group: Guest
Unit price $200.00usd


Ouch!   Well you get what you pay for...    maybe there is a way to do it cheaper , if we do it in 10ns instead of 3ns.   I should probably check Digikey datasheets before I shell out $200 x 3 = $600 for 3 frequencies.

Still this DRF1200 looks so awesome...  I mean 1000V !  Up to 8Amps!  You can do so many experiments with this one MOSFET.   Plus that fits perfect with my 1KV 2U rack power supply....  I'll keep looking though .   I'm making a parts list for my new lab.

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
This is how I would create energy in a closed system.

1)  create a potential field like gravity
2)  let the potential exert it's influence on somethething like a mass, and store this energy into another potential like a spring.
3)  turn off the first potential
4)  move the mass back to the starting point
5)  repeat

The implied assumption here is that a "potential field"  can just give energy or create energy not accountable to the phenomena that created the potential, which might take energy to "create" it.

So if we can find such a potential where the energy required to establish it is not a variable of the "objects" and their location in it, then maybe we can pull it off.


This requires a natural spring, a force that can be turned on and off, and a source of potential energy (mass).

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 1593
Frequency equals matter...

Buy me a drink
This requires a natural spring, a force that can be turned on and off, and a source of potential energy (mass).

Doesn't the Tesla coil secondary perform this spring function?

Group: Guest
I hope some of you guys set up coil shorting tests, the more the merrier.  The real issue at hand is once you get something going and you can see a shorted out sine wave on your scope display with the ringing oscillations, then what?  Just seeing the waveform and connecting up a FWBR and charging up a collector cap doesn't mean that the job is done.  Presumably you are doing all of this because you believe that shorting coils and creating some sort of LC tank circuit resonator and then siphoning off the energy in the resonating tank and charging a cap will give you free energy.

If you want to explore the circuit and see if it produces any free energy the first step should be to make an accurate schematic and post it.  Without a good schematic everything becomes a guessing game.  Then you have to make measurements on your power or energy in and your power or energy out.  This as far as I am concerned is the weakest link in the chain.  Some of you might see the oscillations in the sine wave and see the collector cap fill up and declare victory.  If it only was as simple as that, but it isn't.

Here is what you are up against:  Let's assume that there is a setup where you short the coil when current is flowing through it and that sets up the oscillations in the LC tank circuit. You know the energy stored in the coil the instant before the oscillations start is 1/2Li^2 and you had to supply energy from the outside world to get the current flowing in the first place.  Let's assume that energy came from a magnet passing by the coil.  Therefore there was Lenz drag on the passing magnet and that was the energy source to get the current flowing through the coil.  Then the LC tank circuit starts to oscillate with a fixed initial input energy of 1/2Li^2.  That resonates and goes through the FWBR to charge the collector cap.  There are resistive losses in the wires and losses in the diodes when you do this.  So unless you have a magic injection of extra energy from somewhere in this chain then the setup will be under unity.

It's all about making proper measurements that are as accurate as possible.  This is the hard part, getting to the point were you see the chopped sine wave with the oscillations should be the easier part.

I read Konehead's "How its done" and I wasn't impressed.  It doesn't really matter through.  If somebody is going to try something themselves it's ultimately all about power/energy out vs. power/energy in.

« Last Edit: 2011-03-10, 02:30:24 by MileHigh »
Hero Member

Posts: 2735
Still this DRF1200 looks so awesome...  I mean 1000V !  Up to 8Amps!  You can do so many experiments with this one MOSFET.   Plus that fits perfect with my 1KV 2U rack power supply....  I'll keep looking though .   I'm making a parts list for my new lab.
Thanks for the link, I will have to look into that mosfet with an integrated driver which sounds like it could save a bit of time, it has some pretty impressive specs as well.

If energy can not be created or destroyed then how did it come to exist in the first place?
I think that may be the best question I have heard in a very long time  :D, I have considered this problem for a long time and I came to the conclusion that we have been given no proof whatsoever that the universe has an end and if it has no end then why should it have a beginning. I understand that most everything we know implies that things must have a beginning and must end at some point but the farther we look into space the more we see, as well what we see may appear to be expanding but that does not mean everything must be expanding. I think the issue here is that we have no way to rationalize something that never begins or ends and it is completely beyond our ability to grasp but that does not mean it is not a possibility. It wasn't all that long ago that everyone looked at the horizon and assumed everything was flat so it may be possible that we have come to all the wrong conclusions yet again by making assumptions.

Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman
Group: Ambassador
Hero Member

Posts: 4052
I hope some of you guys set up coil shorting tests, the more the merrier
Thats right MH,the more the merrier ,and some new boyz are puttin the screws to bolt [heh heh]
And if he really throws in the full monty..................

There will be testing a plenty!!
It'll be your dream ......................or nightmare come true!![Yeesh Aquarious].
Sort of like a trifecta of OU !Gonna be a good time!!

Group: Guest
Mystic crystal revelation
And the mind's true liberation

Let's hope!

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3948
Mystic crystal revelation
And the mind's true liberation

Let's hope!

Come on MH.   If energy can not be created or destroyed then how did it all start?   If there was a "big bang", what existed before that? 

Until proven otherwise, conservation of energy is questionable.

Side note:

In one of Edgar Cayce's readings, he had been asked to ask questions about anti-gravity technology.  The reply was too the point and demanding:  "Prove theyself approved first!"  Then the voice added that these are creative forces that we inquire about and that information would not be provided until we had prove ourselves responsible. (My interpretation.)

"creative forces" = creation of energy
Group: Guest
Come on MH.   If energy can not be created or destroyed then how did it all start?   If there was a "big bang", what existed before that? 

Until proven otherwise, conservation of energy is questionable.

Ask Steven Hawking, don't ask me.  I am more concerned with the observable Universe as it is right now and our little corner in it.  The Earth is like a BBQ chicken and the Sun is the hot element that cooks the chicken and keeps us alive. Just about all our local energy stems from that setup, and it's all based on the conservation of energy.  That's the way the cookie crumbles right now.  If anything was ever invented or discovered that violated COE, then they would have to add an addendum to all of the science books.

Anyway, another enigma about free energy is that if you actually had it and you used too much of it, the Earth might not be able to stand the extra heat.


Sr. Member

Posts: 336
In 2008, total worldwide energy consumption
was 474 exajoules (474×1018J) with 80 to 90
percent derived from the combustion of fossil
fuels. This is equivalent to an average annual
power consumption rate of 15 terawatts (1.504×1013W).

Sunlight is Earth's primary source of energy.
The solar constant is the amount of power that
the Sun deposits per unit area that is directly
exposed to sunlight. The solar constant is equal
to approximately 1,368 W/m2 (watts per square meter)
at a distance of one astronomical unit (AU) from
the Sun (that is, on or near Earth). Sunlight on
the surface of Earth is attenuated by the Earth's
atmosphere so that less power arrives at the surface
closer to 1,000 W/m2 in clear conditions when the Sun
is near the zenith.

Earth Surface area is 510,072,000 km2 where
148,940,000 km2 is land (29.2 %) and
361,132,000 km2 is water (70.8 %).

Total energy produced by the Sun on the Earth
is approx. 510072000000 Joules or 510 terawatts,
and since only half the Earth is on sunlight
then the value is approx. 255 terawatts.

The IR radiation form the side of the Earth that
is not against the sun is the same, 255 terawatts.
Because if it was not then the Earth would have
boiled away a long time ago. The Earth's total ability
to get rid of heat by IR radiation to space is not

So the Earth is able to "take on" 255 terawatts
of heat without any problem. The extra small
15 terawatts (actually less than that) produced
by humans is small compared to the Sun's heat.

So if we replace the energy we today produce by
burning oil with free energy then the result
climate will be the almost same as today. We will
probably get more Sun energy because of a cleaner
atmosphere but the IR radiation at night will also
be larger because of that.

All in all I think humans will be better off with
free energy than burning oil.

Hero Member

Posts: 2735
If energy can not be created or destroyed then how did it all start?   If there was a "big bang", what existed before that?
The Big Squash, then the Big Bang and then probably another big Squash --- kind of like a piston engine.

In one of Edgar Cayce's readings, he had been asked to ask questions about anti-gravity technology.  The reply was too the point and demanding:  "Prove theyself approved first!"  Then the voice added that these are creative forces that we inquire about and that information would not be provided until we had prove ourselves responsible. (My interpretation.)
Until we have proven ourselves responsible? --- So basically he was saying were screwed, wonderful.


Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman
Group: Guest

I was only joking about the extra heat.  The numbers about the Sun are amazing though, eh?  For me that's why all of the gloom and doom talk about Man destroying the environment and Man running out of energy are just talk.  As oil becomes more scarce and more expensive we will continue to build more and more infrastructure to harness solar energy.  200 years from now there is a chance that most of our mains power will come from solar energy and stored solar energy.

This is a good one that may one day be in common use:


Sr. Member

Posts: 336

I was only joking about the extra heat.  The numbers about the Sun are amazing though, eh?  For me that's why all of the gloom and doom talk about Man destroying the environment and Man running out of energy are just talk.  As oil becomes more scarce and more expensive we will continue to build more and more infrastructure to harness solar energy.  200 years from now there is a chance that most of our mains power will come from solar energy and stored solar energy.

This is a good one that may one day be in common use:



Yes that updraft tower was a smart thing. And yes, the energy from the Sun is so large that man made energy
is peanuts compared.

The total solar energy absorbed by Earth's atmosphere, oceans and land masses is approximately
3,850,000 exajoules (EJ) per year. In 2002, this was more energy in one hour than the world used in one year.
Photosynthesis captures approximately 3,000 EJ per year in biomass. The amount of solar energy reaching
the surface of the planet is so vast that in one year it is about twice as much as will ever be obtained from all
of the Earth's non-renewable resources of coal, oil, natural gas, and mined uranium combined.

I also think that in 200 years time all energy will be from over unity systems. :-)

Group: Guest
Another few thoughts on the coil shorting experimenters.  Assuming that you build your circuits and then make proper measurements, and you record excess energy, then you can still take it one step further.

The next step that you can do is find out exactly when and where you get the excess energy in the operation of the circuit.  You have your scope and you can probe your circuit and create a timing diagram that shows the operation of the circuit on paper.  You should be able to show exactly where on the timing diagram the excess energy manifests itself.

Between here and OU it looks like there are a handful of people that are interested in doing this. This is because of claims made by Ismael Aviso, Doug Konzen and Bolt.  On the other hand, I gave a general description of the operation of a circuit like this a few postings back and showed how it worked and it doesn't look particularly remarkable to me.

So I hope that somebody follows through; 1) Build the circuit and show the schematic, 2) Make proper measurements, 3) If you find excess energy pinpoint exactly where the extra energy is coming from with the aid of a timing diagram.

It's easy to talk the talk, especially when nobody challenges you to offer up hard data and a detailed explanation to back up your claims.  So if some of you want to walk the walk, I have suggested to you what needs to be done.  You have lots of latitude to build it and make your measurements and show where the extra energy is coming from, and do it your own way.  As long as the data you present is credible then it will be great.

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