@All I remember going outside with a friend for a smoke on a perfectly clear, calm and silent winter night, then I saw four insanely bright lights appear out of nowhere in the sky. The lights were not moving and there was absolutely no sound coming from the lights on a perfectly calm, silent winters night. Next an orange colored spherical object came from the lights made a perfect 90 degree radius turn and accelerated out into the vastness of space at a rate of speed that defies description. There was no sound through all this, there were no silly propellers beating at the air, there were no flames belching from the rear, there was no contrail, no vapor trail--- this was not rocket propulsion it was something else on a perfectly clear, calm winters night. later we discussed what we saw and agreed we saw exactly the same thing and that we had absolutely no explanation for it, none whatsoever, but it was real. Now consider this event in regards to the people we call experts, can any of the so-called mainstream experts here give me any reasonable explanation whatsoever for what we saw? You see this is the point where what we call "expertise" falls flat on it's face because none of the experts have a god damn clue where to begin. There is no logic, no reason, no justification because what I saw and know as fact cannot happen --- it is impossible relative to all the the known and proven facts. The fact of the matter is that I would trade every expert here(and a thousand more) and all the knowledge they possess for 5 minutes with whomever was piloting the craft I saw, they are the real experts acting on a level which makes everyone here including myself look pre-school if not prehistoric. Let's look at this from another perspective, let's look at the best our so-called experts have to offer, we have automobiles in which only 16% of the energy contained in the fuel actually moves the vehicle forward and on a km per litre of fuel basis aircraft are similar, we have power plants running at absolute efficiencies near 5-10% for nuclear, 30-50% for coal and natural gas, we have wind power that can barely break 16% and solar is no better. Until recently we commonly used a light source that was only 10% efficient, furnaces near 60%, our homes had and still have massive heat losses and the required average percentage of fresh clean air coming into the house is 5%. My god when I consider the very best the experts have to offer in this supposed modern day and age I feel like falling into a big bottle of whiskey and drinking myself into oblivion because it is pathetic when we actually consider the facts. I guess this is why I take most every opinion I hear or read with a grain of salt and have returned to the fundamentals (the basics) of science,electrodynamics and nature. When we look at history and draw time lines I can only think that somewhere along the line we missed something, that somewhere along the way we took a wrong turn and were too damn stubborn to go back and correct our mistakes. I guess the most relevant question we could ask is, even if we are crazy, delusional and misguided could we do any worse than the best our mainstream experts have to offer considering the state of technology?. That's my rant for the day,  Regards AC
« Last Edit: 2011-03-08, 02:24:44 by allcanadian »
Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger
“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman