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Author Topic: The Death of the Lenz Law  (Read 176937 times)
Group: Ambassador
Hero Member

Posts: 4052
From user Haither at OU here   http://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=10467.msg276677#new
The first sentence says it all

since the new algorithm of Prof. Turtur came out which promised the possibility to extract energy from the vacuum with simple parts i saw the need to make an easy-to-use software in which every user could enter their values for coil, magnet and capacitor and let the software determine the energy output. Also many more steps than the original 10,000 are supported.
So if you wondering if you will be able to extract energy with coil, cap and magnet you have at home, enter the values as exact as possible and let the calculation begin.

This is now the first version i'm releasing - as open source software under GPL - in which all parameters can be edited and the output is logged via a log.html file and also an Octave/Matlab-file which is able to plot the results.

I won't have much time to work on the software, nevertheless please post or message me features you'd like to see in future versions.
Attached is a picture of a possible output.

Download DFEM-Software Mirrors (feel free to scan for viruses before using it):


Download Octave:

Open Source Octave (Matlab like clone)

GUI Octave for IDE front end under windows

Note that the coil has to be cylindrical and that the magnet inside the coil should have the smallest gap possible to the inner diameter of the coil.
Have fun!
Group: Ambassador
Hero Member

Posts: 4052

Here's the link to Ismael's new video. He describes the ground scouring charge effect demonstrated by Altrez as "Inductive Collapse".

{The Altrez Vid mentioned above}


Ismaels new vid


I believe this quote implies that Ismael or an associate is posting and watching the OU forums
From iald


Don't worry Ismael so exited & tired ( mistake on calculation usually happen to any devoted inventor's ) on His MEG R & D newly born less than two weeks after they assemble it. We have new two video showing the big difference  between a normal load of 1,000 watts & the voltage drop per minute, against 1,000 load with MEG system & voltage drop per minute using same batteries. They have very big difference.
A side note,I'm staying at a friends ,The sound works on this computer [spell check too]
I see that having Sound doesn't help me understand any better!

I asked Syncro for the Link to the Microwave Ground scouring comment

« Last Edit: 2011-03-05, 20:15:25 by ramset »
Group: Ambassador
Hero Member

Posts: 4052
now this is interesting
Ismael harvesting [energy] in the field!


Group: Ambassador
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Posts: 4052
How its done
From bolt
This is quite old technology for a few of us although some of you have only just started to use it. Kone has been shorting coils on his generators for a few years now and advancing to multiple shorts per sine wave PEAKS only. For each time you hit the coil peak sine wave the power is amplified again and again reaching hundreds of volts from what would normally be just a few volts without shorting. Its a hammer on the bell!

To do this properly requires an AVR/ Arduino/PIC  micro processor to sample the incoming wave form then apply 5 to 100 shorts each lasting just a couple of uS's right on TOP of the sine starting 2 degrees BTDC and ending 2 degrees ATDC creates incredible high power and high frequency harmonics.

The "poor mans" version is to use 555's in order of Zero Point Schmitt trigger, Sine wave peak delay, Window Width generator, Coil shorting Spike Astable running usually at least 20 to 100 times faster than carrier the o/p goes into coil shorting IGBT's rated at least 1500v and very low turn on ohms. This type of setup with a large heavy coils should generate hundreds of watts.

This modulates the carrier and these harmonics can then be pulled off using series resonance tuned RF alike demodulator power stages more advanced then just adding a cap and hoping for the best. Requires RF tuning and matching skills to capture this properly without wasting it.

Its the basis for Ismael Aviso MEG technology once you get up to shorting coils of several thousands of volts and dumping into HV oil caps.

BTW try adding neo magnets in 5 to 1 ratio as Magnacoaster and drive only at the Bloch Wall. Now you have solid state generator and dump those reed switches and halls no longer required.
Group: Guest

About 20 postings back I suggested that someone do a bench test to see if what Bolt/Aviso/Doug is saying is true or not.  A lot of the contributors have the bench setups to do the research if they want to.

Bolt lives in a universe where his statements make sense to him.  The problem is that there are no hard facts on the ground to give substance to what he says.  It would be fun to have a "showdown" on the bench with him to set things right.  Set up a shorting coil experiment and do the data gathering and analysis together.  Bolt would become a new man after he did the testing himself and saw what the data revealed.

It's amazing how the notion that an inductor is a source of free energy is so strongly embedded into the fabric of the free energy mindset.  It's so deeply entrenched that it self-propagates.  It's like the ultimate old wives' tale.

For all the cross-posting you do here, why don't you do me a favour and cross-post this back into the OU thread.


Group: Tinkerer
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Posts: 3055

To do this properly requires an AVR/ Arduino/PIC  micro processor to sample the incoming wave form then apply 5 to 100 shorts each lasting just a couple of uS's right on TOP of the sine starting 2 degrees BTDC and ending 2 degrees ATDC creates incredible high power and high frequency harmonics.

This modulates the carrier and these harmonics can then be pulled off using series resonance tuned RF alike demodulator power stages more advanced then just adding a cap and hoping for the best. Requires RF tuning and matching skills to capture this properly without wasting it.

BTW try adding neo magnets in 5 to 1 ratio as Magnacoaster and drive only at the Bloch Wall. Now you have solid state generator and dump those reed switches and halls no longer required.

Shouldn't it be possible to apply the "shorting" technique
to an ordinary line operated transformer secondary winding?

Has anyone tried such an experiment yet?

Would you be willing to offer any amplifying/clarifying commentary
to the final statement regarding the Neo Magnets and the "solid state
generator?"  Interesting...

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.
Group: Ambassador
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Posts: 4052
If you were a person with a bench,who performed experiments and shared opensource,i would post that invite in a second![bolt has a strong work ethic,he's a doer ]

I'd like to know that myself!

Group: Guest

Some of them probably read here anyways.  Don't give me the "if you preformed experiments" line though, that Jeff Bit's-and-Bytes nonsense talk.  It's the peer pressure you are succumbing too.  You have no problem posting the stuff from the boys on the OU thread here, but you are afraid to post what I say here over there.  It's a double-standard.  I would get some satisfaction seeing my statement about a coil not being a source of energy dropped right into the middle of their discussion.  That way they couldn't pretend to ignore.

Fahrenheit 451 gives me the chills.

Group: Guest

Some of them probably read here anyways.  Don't give me the "if you preformed experiments" line though, that Jeff Bit's-and-Bytes talk. MileHigh

Yep sure, just had to try and pull me in again when the tough gets going. Ramset is right along with a ton of others MileHigh, How can you continue to to say that you are an expert without doing any of the work yourself. Hell, you get the opportunity to call me by my first and last name. You even get to see what I design and build, but you do not have the guts to say who you are or show your worth(less) to this community. You must be getting paid big bucks by big oil. All you do is bash, and criticize the very communities that are trying to make a change. So you get the Nay Sayer Award. Way to go. Place it proudly above your arm chair where others can view in the place you contribute the most!
Group: Guest
Yep sure, just had to try and pull me in again when the tough gets going. Ramset is right along with a ton of others MileHigh, How can you continue to to say that you are an expert without doing any of the work yourself. Hell, you get the opportunity to call me by my first and last name. You even get to see what I design and build, but you do not have the guts to say who you are or show your worth(less) to this community. You must be getting paid big bucks by big oil. All you do is bash, and criticize the very communities that are trying to make a change. So you get the Nay Sayer Award. Way to go. Place it proudly above your arm chair where others can view in the place you contribute the most!

You are such a broken record Jeff and you got some jabs in too!  You also make a fool of yourself yet again with respect to the identity issue.  I replied to it last time in detail and I am sure you read it.  Yet you are pretending that you didn't read it and you just go and repeat yourself, making a fool of yourself in the process.  You have probably gone over this issue a half-dozen times.  It's ridiculous.  I am not going to risk putting myself in danger, no matter how small the risk might be.  That had better sink into your brain Jeff.

Communities that are trying to make a change?  Certainly some people are and clearly some others aren't.  If I ever saw something of merit from your associates I would say so.  Right now I don't see a single thing.


The title of this clip is "Renaissance Charge Free Energy Lawnmower."  Do you really and truly believe that this thing runs on free energy because it charges one bank of batteries while it runs and drains the main bank?  Can you swap the two banks of batteries back and forth thousands of times and keep running your "free energy lawnmower" until the batteries eventually wear out?

If you believe any of this then you are a complete idiot.  Not to mention the fact that Rick has never ever produced any credible test data about the "free energy lawnmower" or any other related device as far as I am aware.

It's just part of a pseudo-high-tech Carney pitch to get the customers at the concessions to throw quarters at plates in hopes of winning free energy stuffed pink bunnies.  The only problem is that the customer money losses are far superior to the pink bunny returns.  The same would apply to the lawnmower, the energy losses would be far superior to the energy returns.

Group: Guest
You are such a broken record MileHigh
"Foul" Deception. Dude you can't even compete. Give it up. Your "MO." (motive) is to always deflect the truth. You have not built any thing, so all you can do is change the subject and try and deflect. I hope that "Nay Sayer" award is shinning brightly in your spot above your arm chair!
Group: Ambassador
Hero Member

Posts: 4052
If this does what bolt says it can,then they'll get it running on caps ,then they'll get it Looping ,
Then you'll have more to "test"!

I believe this will happen this month! [one way or the other].

This is the most I have seen bolt involved ,I like it!
Group: Ambassador
Hero Member

Posts: 4052
It's the peer pressure you are succumbing too.  You have no problem posting the stuff from the boys on the OU thread here, but you are afraid to post what I say here over there.  It's a double-standard.  I would get some satisfaction seeing my statement about a coil not being a source of energy dropped right into the middle of their discussion.  That way they couldn't pretend to ignore.

Your makin me feel guilty!,
Are you gonna go right to the "Triple dog dare"?
Group: Guest
You must be getting paid big bucks by big oil. All you do is bash, and criticize the very communities that are trying to make a change. So you get the Nay Sayer Award.

LOL. This has for many years become the standard response to anyone that is in the least sceptical or doubting about these various free energy claims. It's the card that is always played in futile attempts to discredit anyone who asks the wrong questions or is not satisfied with the answers. Basically anyone with half-a-brain that will not conform.

By your logic, I too must work for 'Big Oil' and be in line for the Naysayers award, as I'm also a hardened sceptic and very critical of the science - or lack thereof. Still waiting for my first paycheck from them tho'! :D
Group: Guest

Like usual it's a topsy-turvy world with you.  None of my questions to you for real experimental evidence to back up your claims have ever been answered and you continuously attempt deflection with the "build something/armchair" line.  You also played the "Big Oil" card.  You ignored my questions about Rick and the battery-powered lawnmower.

You've got nothing and the last conference was a big demonstration of under unity toys, battery chargers that drain one bank of batteries to charge another bank of batteries for a net loss of energy.  The next conference will be the same thing.

Here is an example of how ridiculous it can get:  Jeff, for your 10-coiler, what is the power consumption in watts from the the source battery bank, and what is the power output in watts to the charging battery bank?

Probably the most basic question about your 10-coiler and I assume that you don't know the answer.  I have asked you before and you have ignored the question every time.  There is a very good chance that you don't even know how to make those measurements.  Chances are that none of the attendees to the next conference will ask that question either.  If someone does ask the question, the reply will be deflected away by Rick or someone else by saying "You can't measure this energy with multimeters."  It illustrates how much of a farce the whole thing is.


Bolt and the boys are going to make a shorting coil system self-run by routing the output back to the input and using a big capacitor to act like a battery?  I hope that they really do that experiment and I hope someone in the group actually knows what they are doing.  Bolt will be in for a big surprise when he sees the setup fail to self-run.

And it is a double-standard and I can only ask and I respect your choices. I can't tell anybody what to do.  But I can say again that Bolt has got glazed eyes and is on a free energy acid trip.


Yes indeed, the "Big Oil" card was played by Jeff.  One can only hope that the truth will prevail one day.  People have got to start asking the right questions and ask for experimental proof for various free energy claims.  During the July Renaissance conference I want to see people taking shifts riding the magic self-charging electric lawn mower so that it runs 24 hours a day non-stop for the entire duration of the conference!

Group: Guest
Regrettably the results Prof Tutur was getting in his latest published  simulations were due to artefact's caused by using large  step sizes. We have done simulations with adequately small step sizes -- and all hints of OU disappear.
Group: Ambassador
Hero Member

Posts: 4052
And it is a double-standard and I can only ask and I respect your choices. I can't tell anybody what to do.
Well actually ,in my book, I owe you,I have learned an awful lot from your posts!
Some fellows in these forums just treat me like an idiot,and they don't explain things!
You take the time [well spent ] to explain!

This whole thing[coil razzal dazzle] is getting right to the place that it has to be.
Will it run on a Capacitor with gain?Please be patient.

Group: Guest

Yes indeed, the "Big Oil" card was played by Jeff.  One can only hope that the truth will prevail one day.  People have got to start asking the right questions and ask for experimental proof for various free energy claims. 


LOL. It will never happen MH, because the people that fall, hook, line and sinker for this stuff are not only gullible in the extreme, but also sadly not educated enough to even form the right questions in their minds, let alone ask them.  The scammers thrive on these people, and let's face, from the general mentality of the masses, the scammers and con artists will be in business for a very long time to come.

Like you, I'm never welcome at the party because I upset too many people by asking the 'wrong' questions! C.C
Group: Guest
I am not a Tesla fanboy, and the research and technology that he developed has largely been superseded by newer  technology.  That's progress for you.  Everything that Tesla did was 100% conventional.

Oh yeah? Try this:

Dr. Konstantin Meyl -- Tesla Scalar Wave Theory and Experiments

How do you explain lighting lights at quadruple the distance with no Hertzian power loss proportional to R^2?    Obviously there is more to the story -- the best theoretical and practical explanation being Tesla scalar waves.

By the way MileHigh, it is my opinion you are a professional disinformer involved in 'Information Operations' (IO) and 'Digital Engagement' (DE).  The same goes for Farrah Day.  This opinion has been shared with me in private by other researchers.  Anyone arguing with you is wasting their time.   Shall we play 'guess your employer'?  I'm pretty good at that game, you know.

Revealed: Air Force ordered software to manage army of fake virtual people
Though many questions remain about how the military would apply such technology, the reasonable fear should be perfectly clear. "Persona management software" can be used to manipulate public opinion on key information, such as news reports. An unlimited number of virtual "people" could be marshaled by only a few real individuals, empowering them to create the illusion of consensus.

Tesla Scalar Waves Suppressed from EE Textbooks... What else is missing?
The only reason I am posting this is to bring to the attention of all honest and open-minded readers gross errors in textbook electrodynamics.  I want individuals who may have been influenced or discouraged by your shallow yet self-proclaimed 'authority' to understand that the experiment is the ONLY way to get at the truth , truth which was been suppressed for over 100 years.  Tesla is a critical point of departure for anyone interested in free energy research, and the information  I posted is critical for understanding the theory and practice of a small  -- but key -- part of this suppressed information... Scalar Waves.

Meyl's scalar wave experimentation device also blows the bullshit and drivel you have been posting sky high.  A mile perhaps.

There is a place for skepticism against charlatans, of which there are many.  All free energy claims should be subjected to scrutiny and replication of the device.  However, MileHigh,  your attempts to control the discourse, and your attempts to discourage others from experimenting on their own terms illustrate your interest lies not with the truth, but rather in narrowing the scope of knowledge.

If this was my board, I would have banned you long ago.   Just like at overunity.com.  

Like you, I'm never welcome at the party because I upset too many people by asking the 'wrong' questions!
-Farrah Day

No , you are not welcome at the party because you are a professional disinformer.  You don't ask questions -- you make claims and appeals to conventional knowledge.  Your purpose is to discourage experimentation on the subject of water electrolysis (HHO) and other related phenomenon,  and to control the discourse with your self-proclaimed 'expertise'.  This is textbook COINTELPRO , and I am calling both of you out publicly.  Anyone with half a brain that reviews both your posts will see a constant pattern of negativity, discouragement, appeal to so-called experts, and insistence that breakthroughs are impossible.   These are psychological tactics, and both of you are reprehensible for participating in such activity.

Group: Guest
Well Feynman,

I can see it is going to be fun sparring with you from time to time.  I can assure you that I am realer than real.  For what it's worth from what I have seen so far I would characterize you as being slightly "off," a nearly rabid believer in fringe-anything.

As far as the virtual people stuff goes, I am sure that goes on.  You can see it in the commercial sector, where there are websites that have fake product reviews.  I am sure that in realms of national security that it's going on.  It simply has to be going on.  It's done to infiltrate terrorist cells.  It's also used by law enforcement to find pedophiles and other criminals.

But when you look at the free energy cottage industry, it's not nearly as important as you think it is.  It's not even a faint vestige of an echo of a blip on the government radar screen.  It's actually quite laughable to think that it is.  But since I understand you a certain amount from your postings, I am not the least bit surprised that you think that psyops are being done to monitor and suppress the free energy movement.  The only psyops going on in the free energy cottage industry are done by unscrupulous individuals that are con artists looking to steal people's money.  So the psyops come from within the cottage industry itself, and not from the outside.

I am just here for fun because I have a technical background and it can be interesting to look at what people are doing and debate it.  In all honesty I have never seen a proposed free energy system that had any merit after suitable analysis.  I can smell the BS from a mile away.  It's just something I am good at doing.  What you may not realize is that often there is a lot of excitement but no substance.  I have to see substance before I get excited.

As far as the "scalar wave" thing goes, I view that as a free energy fetish.  On top of that the vast majority of people that make definitive statements about scalar waves don't really know what they are talking about.  They have never seriously studied electromagnetics at a university level and wouldn't know what a Smith chart was if it bit them in the ass.  Beyond that, big deal if you can propagate electromagnetic waves where one of the components is lined up with the direction of propagation.  Ho hum.

How do you explain lighting lights at quadruple the distance with no Hertzian power loss proportional to R^2?    Obviously there is more to the story -- the best theoretical and practical explanation being Tesla scalar waves.

If you are referring to those clips in the thread, I watched them a few months ago and I don't recall seeing anything special.  I think that the university in Germany the guy comes from is suspect also.  I think that I did some digging there but would have to double-check.

The only reason I am post this is to bring attention of all honest and open-minded readers to gross errors in textbook electrodynamics.  I want individuals who may have been influenced or discouraged by your shallow yet self-proclaimed 'authority' to understand that the experiment is the ONLY way to get at the truth , truth which was been suppressed for over 100 years.  Tesla is a critical point of departure for anyone interested in free energy research, and the information  I posted is critical for understanding the theory and practice of a small  -- but key -- part of this suppressed information.

Meyl's scalar wave experimentation device also blows the bullshit and drivel you have been posting sky high.  A mile perhaps.

I am not aware of any gross errors in textbook electrodynamics.  On the other hand, I have read statements like that countless times on the various free energy forums and my "Smith chart" statement applies here also.  I don't claim to be an authority on anything nor am I shallow.  However, it's possible sometimes within a few postings to get a sense of someone's knowledge level with respect to energy and electronics.  It will interesting to see what you cite relative to understanding and theory and sometimes I might comment on it.

I never post bullshit and drivel.  If you want to discuss certain points be my guest.

However, MileHigh,  your attempts to control the discourse, and your attempts to discourage others from experimenting on their own terms illustrate your interest lies not with the truth, but rather in narrowing the scope of knowledge.

You are in a giant spin zone here.  Escape the vortex before you get sucked in!

Welcome to the forum.

Group: Guest
No , you are not welcome at the party because you are a professional disinformer.  You don't ask questions -- you make claims and appeals to conventional knowledge.  Your purpose is to discourage experimentation on the subject of water electrolysis (HHO) and other related phenomenon,  and to control the discourse with your self-proclaimed 'expertise'.  This is textbook COINTELPRO , and I am calling both of you out publicly.  Anyone with half a brain that reviews both your posts will see a constant pattern of negativity, discouragement, appeal to so-called experts, and insistence that breakthroughs are impossible.   These are psychological tactics, and both of you are reprehensible for participating in such activity

Blimey you suddenly think that you know an awful lot about me. :o

Professional disinformer!  LOL, I'll have to add that to my CV. 

I've never discouraged experimentation, and if you knew me as well as you think you do, you would know that. I've only ever stood up against and been out spoken about ridiculous claims, con artists and stupid people saying stupid things. Outrageous claims are fine, but they need to be supported by very compelling evidence to back up those claims... they never are. My negativity only balances the madness of over-eager muppets who believe everything they read, without care or question.  Neither have I ever insisted that breakthroughs are impossible. However, when you get half-wits like Fast Freddy claiming that 'Fusion' is taking place, and his electrolyser is 'Making' electricity... in a bucket, then you don't need to be Einstein (or even a professional disinformer) to see that he's full of crap!

Incidentally, have you noticed that Fast Freddy has closed his Youtube account and done a runner... do you think it was something I said? ;)
Group: Guest
Regrettably the results Prof Tutur was getting in his latest published  simulations were due to artefact's caused by using large  step sizes. We have done simulations with adequately small step sizes -- and all hints of OU disappear.

And another one bites the dust!
Group: Guest
Your response speaks for itself.  I was obviously correct , and I'm very glad I've gone ahead and posted the truth.

But when you look at the free energy cottage industry, it's not nearly as important as you think it is.  It's not even a faint vestige of an echo of a blip on the government radar screen.
Lol, really?  You can do better than this...  this is a pretty weak refutation. Besides the obvious like the international energy security detailed in numerous think-tank reports [1],[2], keeping the billions in 'black' space-based weapons technology secret [3],[4], the obscene amounts of money from hydrocarbon revenue [5], vast systems of technological control [6], etc  you can't see any reason you are collecting a paycheck for doing this?  

[1] US JFC -- Joint Operating Environment , Energy Security Report

[2] UK MoD -- Future Strategic Context

[3] HAARP -- The Military's Pandora's Box

[4] The Economic Crisis and the Pentagon`s Black Budget

[5] About Oil and Natural Gas

[6] "Reengineering" the Internet for Persistent Surveillance

The only psyops going on in the free energy cottage industry are done by unscrupulous individuals that are con artists looking to steal people's money.
I never once mentioned the word 'Psyops'. This is a military term. Only someone involved in the industry [7] would respond to my allegation of 'Digital Engagement' with the word 'Psyops'.  And yes, the Psyops you and others are paid to conduct on the various free energy message boards are to discourage people from experimenting in areas which contradict known 'textbook theory', because there is a real danger of disruptive technology becoming open-sourced.

[7] Psychological Operations -- United States

I am just here for fun because I have a technical background and it can be interesting to look at what people are doing and debate it.
Ah so we are to believe the vast amounts of time and energy you spend 'debunking' free energy around the clock on multiple message boards across the internet is just a hobby of yours?  Is getting banned for posting disinformation also a hobby of yours?

Beyond that, big deal if you can propagate electromagnetic waves where one of the components is lined up with the direction of propagation.  Ho hum.
Well, yeah besides lossless transmission of wireless energy, and the possible induction of a rotating scalar potential in a toroid where the E and H fields are colinear, or the other millions upon millions of other applications, there's nothing to see here.

I think that I did some digging there but would have to double-check.
Yeah go check with your boss.  

« Last Edit: 2011-03-07, 22:01:29 by feynman »
Hero Member

Posts: 805
The high voltage kickback from a generator/motor coil that is shorted can be easily obtained with one of Bedini's motor circuits, as some may remember.  (for the record,  I don't endorse his theories and products)

A few years ago we had user HRR on gn0sis.com  and he got everyone excited after he showed a video of what appered to be a Bedini window motor running on it's own and slowly building up voltage in a capacitor.   A few of us tried to replicate that project and I was one of them and I clearly remember that there were a few voltage spikes per half cycle due to feedback.  It was exacly the same physics, the transistor would conduct hard and then feedback and oscillations would stop conduction and the coils would oscillate a few times.   What was not incorporated, and perhaps should be explored, is a tuned RF tank circuit that can be pumped by these oscillations.  Another idea is to limit the induced voltage to the base of the transistor so it is biased right in that zone where it can oscillate through most of the 180 deg phase.

Just something to think about.

Group: Guest

A few years ago we had user HRR on gn0sis.com  and he got everyone excited after he showed a video of what appered to be a Bedini window motor running on it's own and slowly building up voltage in a capacitor.   A few of us tried to replicate that project and I was one of them and I clearly remember that there were a few voltage spikes per half cycle due to feedback.  It was exacly the same physics, the transistor would conduct hard and then feedback and oscillations would stop conduction and it would oscillate a few times.

I remember that time EM...that was before I quit research for a few years.  I remember the video too.  It was a shame no one could replicate the effect.    If I remember correctly, (and if we are thinking of the same video), Bedini eventually got ahold of the video, and he himself claimed the video was fake! (even though it was using a modified Bedini circuit!) That is, what I remember is that Bedini claimed there was a 9V battery hidden in the circuit.  But that could just be because he couldn't replicate the effect  ;).  

I don't think there's any way we'll know for sure (whether the video was legit or fake), but I would not be surprised either way.    The problem with that video is that there were no scope traces .  

Well now, especially with these new results from Joule Thief showing that the possible COP>1 with a strange waveform, we may get closer to the truth of of how to build a small , open-source, replicable , self-powering circuit.  Tesla was right that everything is strongly dependent upon resonance and phase.

EM, make sure you check out the results from PhysicsProf regarding a possible COP>1...   if replicated, it has something to do with the phase.

JT COP=0.90 and COP=1.13

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