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Author Topic: The Death of the Lenz Law  (Read 176936 times)
Group: Ambassador
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Posts: 4052
Well, This is how bolt see'e things?
Yes i will explain it all to you.

Meralco;1300 WATTS/6.4 AMPS/223 VOLTS .Dyno570 watts .

Meralco is the name of the city supply and it passes through very accurate metering system which measures  a 1300 watt i/p. The Dyno is the watts on the car wheels  after allowing for all losses in the system as the Dyno is basically a calibrated generator.

So you can see 1300 watt i/p versus 570 watts on the wheels.  = 43% efficiency OR the system losses are 56%. This is made up of 66% efficiency of DC motor and 10% drive train losses. ..roughly. As you go through each test the losses are about 50% with some small variation depending on how fast the motor and drive train is running.

Now the Aviso Tech

308watts/13amps/23.74 volts ,Dyno418watts .

308 watts measured i/p from the batteries using calibrated shunts and accurate metering.

The Dyno records 418 watts on the wheels which equates to about 12 to 18mph. Now remember there is a system loss of 50% we know this from the mains data sets. So 418 is multiplied by TWO to allow for reversing the loss = 836 watts. This is what the MEG must be supplying to give the watts on the dyno.

836/308 = COP 2.714 This the the GAIN of the MEG device.

If stood on a glass table supplied with 1000 watts i/p it will light 2714 watts worth of lamps or heaters.

That said this is a prototype and Ismael said more than about 25 mph the MEG delivers too much power and things start smoking. I figure it can run no more than 5kw at the moment without problems driving the 11kw DC motor.

You can do the other data sets and always the mains loss is roughly 50% from wall power to wheels and the Aviso tech reversing the losses for the data provides a COP of 2.7 through out the test. So despite the glamorous  sounding  technology its no better that other OU Meg devices already shown alike looped RV's and the Bulgarian MEG etc also has a COP of around 3.

Now we have to give Ismael praise where its due as he is one of the first to have an OU device measured by  government DOT engineers so now it has 3rd party verification its a real ZPE OU system albeit not the best when comparing to the TPU or Kapanadze etc. As i said in the other forum don't lose sleep over how this coil shorting and cascading thing actually works as there are dozens of other systems capable of COP 3 which is indicative of pulsing and dump to cap techniques most of which is open source for decades. Even magnacoster coil banging with magnet will do COP >3
So 1000 watts can make 2700 Watts just by slapping the coils around?
Sounds good!

Group: Guest
Bolt is just dreaming and is apparently on a permanent free energy acid trip.  If what he said is true then they should just rip the MEG out of Ismael's electric car and get the whole dawning of the Age of Aquarius thing going already.

There is not a single MEG in existence.  If Bolt has any electronics bench skills he should take up my challenge from a few postings back to test to see if the coil shorting technique works.

People like Bolt are the reason that Bedini releases "Free Energy from the Vacuum" DVDs on a regular basis.  Bedini is harvesting the free money that comes from the Sun pouring free energy down on the Earth.

Group: Guest
Here is a funny and apropos comment posted on Sterling's site:

Is this a scam or not? 
I don't know... I mean it's not as if he's selling magic water from his website that he claims can cure cancer. 
Oh, wait a minute, he is. 
Never mind. Maybe his magic water does cure cancer. And maybe his car really does suck energy from the air and isn't just using a hidden battery pack. I mean, if it *was* using hidden batteries he'd have to stop it after 30 mins or so and come up with some excuse as to why it can't be driven for a longer period. 
Oh, wait a minute, he is. 
But that doesn't necessarily mean it *is* being run from a hidden battery bank. 
We'll know the truth when it is put forward for independent testing... 
...unless, God forbid, some unforeseen event prevents it from being tested independently. 
But that isn't likely to happen, IS IT? 
Nope. I'm sure if some unforeseen event *does* happen to prevent it form being tested, it will just be a coincidence.
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Posts: 4052
« Last Edit: 2011-02-26, 17:29:36 by ramset »
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Ash almost always believes that some sort of free energy technology is real before it has been properly vetted.  He has probably been doing his thing for about 10 years now.  He refers to Ismael as a microwave engineer and I don't get any vibe from Ismael that he is or was an engineer.  I made reference to that in a previous posting.

Here is a new example:

FYMEGM repelling force by AVISO TECHN. 1Kilo coil
3 times repelling Battery start at 12.48 V end up 12.29V
Average Height: 26 feet
  "         Time: 1 sec
Battery: 9 V + 1.5V AA + 1.5 AA = 12volts

That doesn't sound like an engineer at all.


I would still like to hear your comments about this video:


What do you see?  Do you see a sideshow or a purpose?


Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 1593
Frequency equals matter...

Buy me a drink
It's Nikola Tesla's Wardenclyffe setup on a smaller scale. The environment is resonated and the receiver sees it.

Group: Guest
It's Nikola Tesla's Wardenclyffe setup on a smaller scale. The environment is resonated and the receiver sees it.

I agree with you although it's not literally the "environment" that's resonating.  The environment around the setup hidden behind the panel is being subject to a varying magnetic field.  However, what you are not discussing is the efficiency of the energy transfer between the transmitter and the receiver.  It might be roughly 5% in this demo.  Therefore it's not a practical way to disseminate power in the way I think some Tesla enthusiasts think it can be applied.  They think that the Wardenclyffe tower was a practical way to distribute power around the world that was never realized by Tesla.  In fact it's not the case and it's not a practical application for power dissemination.  Not to mention the fact that people would not tolerate living an environment with high-intensity EM waves pervasive in their surroundings.  Not to also mention the fact that the Wardenclyffe tower would require a huge power source if it actually was practical.  That could be a coal or oil-fired power plant, or a hydro dam, or a nuke plant.  The Wardenclyffe tower doesn't just magically create power out of nothing.  Have you thought about these issues?

So in that sense it's a sideshow.  It has no practical application in the day to day powering of our society.  All that you ever see at Tesla gatherings and shows is a demonstration of electrical arcing or the magnetic coupling at a distance like you see in this clip.  It's basically a demonstration of a high frequency high voltage and very weak transformer coupling between two coil setups.  I can't think of one real-world application for this stuff besides Tesla gatherings and demos at science centers.

So what do you think?  Can you name any practical applications for this stuff?

Group: Ambassador
Hero Member

Posts: 4052
Another fellow makes suggestions to Woopy
He also posted a PDF/ Patent [Attached]
From this institute of heresy
Z. Liξ, K. Matsunaga, D. Wang, T. Namihira, T. Sakugawa, S. Katsuki and H. Akiyama
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Kumamoto University,
2-39-1 Kurokami, Kumamoto 860-8555, Japan

Quite different than the comments you made MH.....................
From here

Woopy, you have good nose

With reasonable confidence I can say that to access this "effect" one needs very sharp gradients and/or exiting coil at its resonance frequency,

Easiest way to hit resonant frequency is to use spark gap, reed in this application works as spark gap. Thats why people have seen good results with reed and virtually nothing with transistors etc. Ordinary solid state components when driven in ordinary way are slow and transparent for HF and just do not work in this application.

For those who are trying to make solid state version, good choice would be russian "kacher" type circuit. There solid state components are "shockwave" driven and give desired effects. (NB! Kacher can and will affect your health, strong RF emission! NB!)

I dont see how one can easily combine very sharp gradients at exactly right frequency with rotary version and transistors etc. So I would bet on heavy duty reed or some other component exibiting wide spectrum sharp gradient "white noise" emission (and physical breaking of circuit).

Also series AC cap is a must. When there is AC cap in series, Ohm and Kirchhoff do not apply. And thats already half-done deal.

Also forget about directly measuring amps out of this contraption! This power is only good for driving not resistive loads (or charging acid batteries)! To use it for resistive load you must first transform it.

And as always, trust no one, follow your instincts, progress only after replicating basic effects  

Also posted this File with the comment
Look Familiar??

Group: Guest

The implicit goal behind any testing of the pulsing of a coil should be to see whether or not any excess energy is produced.  This is what Doug Konzen and Ismael Aviso are claiming.  In addition, we know that this idea comes up in one form or another all the time, RomeroUK being one of the more recent ones.

Whatever YouTube clips are being made right now by the various participants are not really that serious in terms of trying to test the claim.  Rather, they are simply attempts at replications that are being done to observe some sort of effect.  The same thing applies to the discussions.  The discussions are just talk about the methods to reproduce the effect, and they don't discuss making measurements to verify or refute the claim.  The simple truth is that the people involved don't possess the knowledge, experience, or skills to test for the claim.  So this is just a bunch of people having fun with electronics and they are ignoring the "hard stuff."  I find that frustrating at times but that's just the way it is.  Take the example of Imhotep's "Free Energy at Last Step by Step Must See."  That probably dragged on for a full year (848 postings on EF alone) and not a single person actually tested for the claim of free energy as far as I am aware.  I raised that issue with Imhotep himself a few times and he was mute.

The comments by Yssuraxu_697 are nothing to get excited about, see the previous paragraph.  He is a neophyte and it's all free energy hot air with no substance.

The pdf document, on the other hand, looks 100% legit and the boys should study it and try to understand it.  The document makes no claims at all about the production of excess energy.  I suppose if you are overexcited and you read "PULSED POWER GENERATOR" in the title you can delude yourself into thinking it's about the generation of free energy.

That's the deal.  Nobody is going to make a serious attempt to verify Doug Konzen or Ismael Aviso's claims.  Therefore Doug and Ismael are "safe" relative to the OU and EF forums.  It's all part and parcel of how the "system" works and if you open your eyes you will see Ismael play the system to try and squeeze out as many PayPal donations as possible.  If he ever gets found out, he will disappear.  People like Ash are unwitting aiders and abettors to support the system.  Ash has already made a video clip asking for donations when there is not a single shred of evidence that Ismael has anything that's real.  The visit to the government transportation lab was a farce because it looked like Ismael's people hooked up ordinary scopes to the batteries and ordinary scopes cannot measure the battery output power.  The only legit numbers coming out of that visit were the mechanical watts output by the drive wheels as measured by the dynamometer.  Nobody wants to state this because it will ruin the buzz.

Sterling is also an unwitting aider and abettor to this whole drama.  Sterling is an aider and abettor because he is looking for a potential future slice of the pie but there is never going to be any pie.

Quote Sterling:

Open sourcing doesn't mean just giving the technology away. (Ref.) Any commercial venture would be expected to provide a royalty of say 7%, most of which would go to the inventor, with a portion going to those entities (e.g. PES Network, OverUnity.com, Panacea BOCAF) that administer and propagate the project.

The notion that Sterling is going to "administer and propagate the project" is also laughable.  What the hell does Sterling know about engineering a product and then setting up a factory and putting it into mass production?  I am going to guess zero.

« Last Edit: 2011-03-01, 14:14:51 by MileHigh »
Group: Ambassador
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Posts: 4052
You are such a party Pooper!
But I love yah Man...................
Group: Guest
If Ismael is long gone six months from now and nobody has managed to prove a coil can produce excess energy then you can at least say that I was right.

If I prevent anybody from sending any money to that con artist for his battery-powered dune buggy or his magic water then that's at least a moral victory and I made the world a slightly better place.

The party-pooper is Ismael, he is making the world a worse off place.

It makes me think of an ugly story, and there is no connection at all to Doug or Ismael.  It's about the old days of tube TVs.  A poor old widow on her government pension calls the TV repair shop and they send a technician over.  That poor little old lady would be at the mercy of the TV repair shop.  It might have been just one tube that needed replacing, and back in the day unscrupulous TV repair shops would regularly turn a $35 repair job into a $400 repair job and suck the life out of people.  Just awful, such offensive behaviour.

A ex friend of mind told me the story, he was an on-call TV repair guy on the road for a few years in the 1970s and his boss would suck little old ladies dry.

Meanwhile Doug's clip about his magic motor that harnesses back-EMF pulses is still on YouTube and the clip must have been made about 10 years ago by now.  Note that nobody is using "Doug Konzen Special Magic Electric Motors" after all this time. Like I said, Doug and Ismael barely know what they are talking about themselves when it comes to electronics.

Group: Guest
Group: Ambassador
Hero Member

Posts: 4052
Whacky stuff!

You must be lovin this part?Gloating and all.............

BUT,this could lead to WTH<- Heck] is really going on with coil shorting?
I know you feel its a measurement error thats allowing for the 20 plus percent U.O.in Ismael's circuit

And this time I think there will be some real testing to do !
I also think you'll be adding to your "Frame of reference",
RE: O.U. :o
« Last Edit: 2011-03-02, 13:46:09 by ramset »
Group: Guest

I am not gloating, I am more frustrated with the way the process unfolds.

Look at this quote from someone on the pesn.com page:

A 6000 watt hour battery will power 800w of light bulbs at full brightness for 7.5 hours. 
So what does running the same 800w load for 4 hours prove?

It's gotten so ridiculous it's not even worth rebutting the points in Sterling's articles.


Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 1593
Frequency equals matter...

Buy me a drink
We need more content!.
It builds intellect and garners profitabiity.


Group: Tinkerer
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Posts: 3948
I agree with you although it's not literally the "environment" that's resonating.  The environment around the setup hidden behind the panel is being subject to a varying magnetic field.  However, what you are not discussing is the efficiency of the energy transfer between the transmitter and the receiver.  It might be roughly 5% in this demo.  Therefore it's not a practical way to disseminate power in the way I think some Tesla enthusiasts think it can be applied.  They think that the Wardenclyffe tower was a practical way to distribute power around the world that was never realized by Tesla.  In fact it's not the case and it's not a practical application for power dissemination.  Not to mention the fact that people would not tolerate living an environment with high-intensity EM waves pervasive in their surroundings.  Not to also mention the fact that the Wardenclyffe tower would require a huge power source if it actually was practical.  That could be a coal or oil-fired power plant, or a hydro dam, or a nuke plant.  The Wardenclyffe tower doesn't just magically create power out of nothing.  Have you thought about these issues?

So in that sense it's a sideshow.  It has no practical application in the day to day powering of our society.  All that you ever see at Tesla gatherings and shows is a demonstration of electrical arcing or the magnetic coupling at a distance like you see in this clip.  It's basically a demonstration of a high frequency high voltage and very weak transformer coupling between two coil setups.  I can't think of one real-world application for this stuff besides Tesla gatherings and demos at science centers.

So what do you think?  Can you name any practical applications for this stuff?


This Gentleman triggered a neon-buld-based detector at a distance of several feet with a Tesla coil.   Is it possible that high energy electrons (beta particles) triggered the detector (ionized the neon)?


(By the way, beta particles can travel several feet in air.)
Group: Ambassador
Hero Member

Posts: 4052
More from The man with all the batteries!{Ismael}
Plus A mornin movie [at the bottom]

»QuoteHere are some more emails from Ismael:

2:30pm I check again the running MEG , but the brightness of the bulb a little bit dim. I check the batteries, I found the battery from 265v down to 254v . I check individual voltage of the 21 batteries. I found out Two Battery that was used to power my controller & other sensor down to 7.8v & the other one down to 6.2v. but the rest still  in the good level of voltage.

Replace it three times the 75AH capacity compared to the other 19 batteries24 AH. To accomodate the Microcontrollers & sensor drain. After the replacement back again to 261V &  back again to the MARATHON Testing of the household power genset of the future the MEG.


We just bought a new tester.

Here's exactly my MEG set up. temporarily I have series of batteries up to 265V/ 24AH.( total of 21set of 12V batteries ) Since yesterday testing 4 hours same batteries.

I supply it to  the MEG resonator & my MEG output connected to a load of  2,000watts bulbs.

Today Since 10:15 am up to 1:40pm = 3 & 25 minutes running untill now. The voltage drop from 265v down to  260v.

This measurement of voltage while the MEG is running. Not when is power off.

The measurement between the power Off & On condition with 2 volts difference. from 265V at off condition & it will down 263 v if the MEG start.

If you will measure from off condition,, totally you will not notice the voltage difference & sometimes it goes higher to 270V.

The load not a exactly 2,000watts, but only 800watts since the volts accross the load only vary from 85v - 92v.


 batteries is 12V 24H Motolite AGM type. Bulbs 100watts 220V incandescent GE.

I swicth off my MEG at 5:45pm, I need to go for church activity. As well to ask more guidance & Blessing for humanity. Start from 10:15am,interrupted for 15 minutes & run again up to 5:45pm , Battery drops to 251v. So far so good I think I am more than 197% already. I will try to increase tomorrow, if give the chance.


OK Guy's you can post now the video





Regards, Stefan.
Group: Guest
More WAKE UP time for the people following Ismael:

From his YouTube page:

" MEG BREAKTHROUGH " Today March 3 3pm
MEG with resistive load equivalent of 1,000watts. The bulbs is 2,000 watts, 220v, 20 pcs. but the volts across the bulb terminal was 110v only
Running more than 2 hours now . Start at 270 v after two hours still at 270v. Measurement made while the MEG running, not a OFF condition.
The Battery 21pcs. x 12v = 6000 watts.
Battery will be replace by a converter to reduce the number of the Battery down to 1 set of 12Volts

Monitoring battery voltages means absolutely nothing.  The sentence, "The Battery 21pcs. x 12v = 6000 watts." doesn't even makes sense.

From an email to Stefan:

We just bought a new tester.
Here's exactly my MEG set up. temporarily I have series of batteries up to 265V/ 24AH.( total of 21set of 12V batteries ) Since yesterday testing 4 hours same batteries.
I supply it to  the MEG resonator & my MEG output connected to a load of  2,000watts bulbs.
Today Since 10:15 am up to 1:40pm = 3 & 25 minutes running untill now. The voltage drop from 265v down to  260v.
This measurement of voltage while the MEG is running. Not when is power off.
The measurement between the power Off & On condition with 2 volts difference. from 265V at off condition & it will down 263 v if the MEG start.
If you will measure from off condition,, totally you will not notice the voltage difference & sometimes it goes higher to 270V.
The load not a exactly 2,000watts, but only 800watts since the volts accross the load only vary from 85v - 92v.


The pulsing inductor (presumably) that forms Ismael's MEG output sustains between 85 and 92 volts across an individual 220-volt 100-watt light bulb.  You assume that he has 20 of these light bulbs and that's how he gets a potential 2000 watt load.

So Ismael says this to himself:  If I have 220 volts across each of the 20 bulbs then I draw 2000 watts of power.  In my case I have about 90 volts across each light bulb.  Therefore my power draw must be (90/220) * 2000 watts = 818 watts.  Therefore I will round it down to 800 watts and make this statement, "The load not a exactly 2,000watts, but only 800watts since the volts accross the load only vary from 85v - 92v."

This shows you that Ismael DOES NOT EVEN KNOW THE MOST FUNDAMENTAL BASICS ABOUT ELECTRICITY.  The power dissipated in a load is proportional to the SQUARE of the voltage.


Group: Ambassador
Hero Member

Posts: 4052
Are you sure your not gloating yet?

He should definately switch to LED's and get  more batteries.....................................

Group: Guest
He shouldn't switch to LEDs.  Mscoffman is wrong.  LEDs are one of the hardest things to measure for power dissipation because they are nonlinear.

There was some incredibly low-hanging fruit so I grabbed it.
Group: Ambassador
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Posts: 4052
It was a joke...............................
Group: Guest

Don't mind me I didn't mean to sound so serious!

Group: Guest
A microwave engineer, huh?  I think what this actually means is that Ismael is the first in his family to figure out how to prepare frozen TV dinners.

Sterling makes Ashtweth look like a die-hard skeptic these days.  I have never seen such absolute BS with so much hype!  The world of free energy has reached a new peak of incredulity.

Group: Ambassador
Hero Member

Posts: 4052
bolt makes a cogent observation,
Proper measurements are very easy to do. The use of battery terminal voltages and guessing lamp brightness will always have a massive discrepancy.  Despite the fact the DOE car tests clearly showed a good OU device these silly tests without proper measurements will not do Ismeal any favours.

Put a volt meter on the batteries and a current shunt to get i/p watts. Do the same with the load. Volts and AMPS and then a scope shot to make sure we are looking at either SINE or DC on the o/p A 3kw electric heater is a good load and then measure accurately the power going to it.

If the MEG is unchanged from the car data tests it has a COP of 2.7. For 1000 watt load the battery will be providing around 370 watts.

A 24Ah battery has about 288 watt hour so two in series capacity 576 watt hour. However lead acid is rated at 20 hour discharge. Within 1 or 2 hour discharges capacity can be 30% less. This assuming the batteries are brand new is enough to supply 1kw out of the meg for about 90 mins while the battery load is a constant 370 watts.

Its loopable assuming 1kw  is a 24/7 comfortable MEG  figure without over heating. 370 watts needs to go back plus losses could need a total of 470 watts going back if using inverters and lead batteries. This means it can loop and run a 530 watt load indefinitely.

However it would be so much better to see all this properly measured and recorded. Its also interesting that Ismael is considering using the MEG as a power source as i strongly suggested about a year ago  without it being tied to an electric car.


370 watts ?
Thats an awful big Measurement error!
Energy from the Fleether [Grumpy's flea fart senario]
Group: Guest
A microwave engineer, huh?  I think what this actually means is that Ismael is the first in his family to figure out how to prepare frozen TV dinners.

Sterling makes Ashtweth look like a die-hard skeptic these days.  I have never seen such absolute BS with so much hype!  The world of free energy has reached a new peak of incredulity.


Don't assume value to the claimed titles. It is common for titles to be self-proclaimed, assigned by an employer or head family member in some countries. I have experience with this problem in my real life. Many have the word 'Engineer' attached to their names. This means almost nothing to us when it comes from several parts of the world. The Philippines is one of them.

'Microwave Engineer' could mean 'TV Dish Installer'. 
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