i was reading on this web page http://amasci.com/elect/elefaq1.html#ak ,most of his stuff make real sense ,but still i am not sure what is electrical current ?when we move the magnet over a coil , a voltage and current will be generated . how the current generated ?? what actually happens in the coper coils ?
I am sure the well educated guys could tell you everything about the electric current, which written in all the books around the world, but don't forget until we understand how an atom, or atomic systems work,we still don't know everything. Maybe the CERN will shed some light with new discovery's. However I think I have a very good example for you, to show from another viewpoint, what electricity is. BS mode on. Take two exactly same circular coils, same size, same amount of wire, same inductance, resistance, capacitance,which are separated from each other some meter apart, and connected together by wires. Take two exactly same magnet hang on a rope over the coils in the same point, same plane, like a pendulum. Now if you move one magnet, on the other side the other magnet start to move too. Depending on the the speed of the magnet passing over the half area of the coil, you will experience more loss in the system, so not all the movement could be transferred from one place to another. In the speed which matching the resonant frequency of the coil there will be the less loss in the system. However still there. In a superconducting case, you could transfer all the motion from one place to another by the coils, without any loss, still no free energy. In a simple way, electricity is wave motion across the mass, which transfers the momentum, from one end of the mass to an another. All the charged capacitor you could imagine hold "momentum", which could be transferred to any place by conducting materials, and converted to any form of energy with the necessary components. So, don't forget, if you have 1 and you transfer even in a superconducting circuit, you will got 1 on the other side, in real life less than 1. There could be only one way to have free energy,and that would require some outside source of "free motion". Like the one, which give the existence our material world, and still allow the atomic parts to move when all the energy is removed from the system. BS mode off.
« Last Edit: 2011-01-31, 03:02:54 by Chef »
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