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2025-03-28, 09:08:29
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Author Topic: Hubbard Coil  (Read 68633 times)

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055
Quote from: AC
Think about that... Qualities, Properties, Transformations and Motion.

Yes, one must Scientifically agree.  We are quite familiar with how Energy can transform or change as it dissipates into the environment.

But with respect to the Hubbard Coil, or other Coils which are reputed to have qualities enabling access to Anomalous Free Energy, have you actually done it?

Are you able to say with certainty that Replication of the Effect is doable and that you have done it?

Are you willing to reveal the successes that you have experienced as a result of your experimentation?

Have you accomplished a replication of the Hubbard principles which has produced Anomalous Free Energy?

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.
Hero Member

Posts: 2735
Yes, one must Scientifically agree.  We are quite familiar with how Energy can transform or change as it dissipates into the environment.

Dissipation is only one half of the equation and in order for energy to be dissipated it must first have been concentrated. There lies the trick doesn't it?, anyone can explain the dissipation of energy but almost nobody can explain how to concentrate energy like we find in nature. We could call it a lost art...

In many respects science is about reductionism and everyone would examine or test every part of the Hubbard device but nobody could get it working. The problem is that most don't understand nature or how something can be more than the sum of it's parts. Thus the very thing there looking for is never present because the operation is dependent on synchronization of the whole encompassing the sum of every part. This concept is found everywhere in nature but is completely foreign to most people.

We could think of it as not being able to see the forest for all the trees...


Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055
Quote from: AC
...in order for energy to be dissipated it must first have been concentrated.

There lies the trick doesn't it?, anyone can explain the dissipation of energy but almost nobody can explain how to concentrate energy like we find in nature.

We could call it a lost art...

Yes, we are able to concentrate Energy, or more precisely we concentrate the substances which will release the burst of concentrated Energy, then we perform work as a consequence of that Energy dissipating into the environment.

That principle is well understood and commonly exploited.

Are you saying then, as you maneuver around the bush, that you have done that conclusively with the Hubbard Principle?

Would you be willing to perform a demonstration and provide answers to questions posed by interested observers?

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.
Hero Member

Posts: 2735
Yes, we are able to concentrate Energy, or more precisely we concentrate the substances which will release the burst of concentrated Energy, then we perform work as a consequence of that Energy dissipating into the environment.

That principle is well understood and commonly exploited.

Concentrating substances and burning things to produce heat is considered the most primitive forms of technology. While nuclear energy harnesses the power of the atom it still produces harmful waste products and is also based on a hunter-gatherer mentality. The next step in evolution was photovoltaics (PV) which has no moving parts or emits waste products and converts solar energy directly to electricity. Free energy devices are similar to PV only they utilize a different energy source which is available 24 hours a day everywhere.

On the Hubbard device, fission/fusion has shown us that all matter is concentrated energy born from stars. Any ordinary material contains all the energy we could ever want as an internal motion near the speed of light, all Energy is Motion on some level. It all comes down to either interacting with the energy within matter or moving the matter as an energy carrier. The main problem is that we cannot see this energy because the scale is too small so we have to imagine what it's doing and how to interact with it. If we cannot imagine how to interact with internal or external energy forms then for all intensive purposes it's impossible. All the successful FE researchers and inventors were extremely creative people with an active imagination who were interested in learning about everything. Thus if we cannot learn new things we cannot move forward.

Think about that... we are literally immersed in a sea of energy in perpetual motion and all we have to do is find a way to interact with it on some level.


Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 3055
Quote from: AC
On the Hubbard device, fission/fusion has shown us that all matter is concentrated energy born from stars. Any ordinary material contains all the energy we could ever want as an internal motion near the speed of light, all Energy is Motion on some level. It all comes down to either interacting with the energy within matter or moving the matter as an energy carrier. The main problem is that we cannot see this energy because the scale is too small so we have to imagine what it's doing and how to interact with it. If we cannot imagine how to interact with internal or external energy forms then for all intensive purposes it's impossible. All the successful FE researchers and inventors were extremely creative people with an active imagination who were interested in learning about everything. Thus if we cannot learn new things we cannot move forward.

Think about that... we are literally immersed in a sea of energy in perpetual motion and all we have to do is find a way to interact with it on some level.

While you have adroitly avoided answering the "Success" question directly and have advanced the above hypotheses we shall take this to mean that you have not yet attained success with your Hubbard Principle efforts.

Yes, everything which surrounds us is Energetic, including everything about ourselves.

There are limitations on our ability, perhaps for our own benefit, to be able to access this enormous Energetic Potential.

Yes, creative minds have indeed been able to solve the challenges of collecting and utilizing the Energy available to us as a result of Solar Activity and Earth's Irradiation with Solar Produced Radiant Energy.

Now, please tell us candidly, have you actually been able to devise some means to exploit other Energies which are independent of those readily available to us?

In order for the Scientific Method to bear fruit there must be honesty.

For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.
Group: Guest
Dear muDped,

I have a challenge for you ;)
Could you survive one day without posting here ?  >:-)

Hero Member

Posts: 1582

In order for the Scientific Method to bear fruit there must be honesty.

...which is what poynt99 wil probably say if anyone criticises him for freezing threads.

What makes me concerned about AC's theory that Hubbard was about very high voltages is that Patrick was always nervous about listing HV voltage projects because anyone can read and have a go - and be seriously harmed. I think AC may be wrong - this could a regular voltage coil banging arrangement.
Hero Member

Posts: 2735
What makes me concerned about AC's theory that Hubbard was about very high voltages is that Patrick was always nervous about listing HV voltage projects because anyone can read and have a go - and be seriously harmed. I think AC may be wrong - this could a regular voltage coil banging arrangement.

Patrick should have been nervous because HV can be harmful if not lethal. HV circuits are exponentially more dangerous, much harder to work with, can generate harmful ozone causing lung damage, leaks from circuits like a sieve, is much harder to control because it destroys most electronics and causes magnitudes more EM interference. It is not twice as hard working with anything over 5000v it is magnitudes harder and more dangerous.

This is the main reason why so few people work with HV or understand it...

Here we could apply a little deductive reasoning, maybe nobody can seem to understand free energy devices because they use a phenomena few have ever seen or understand. Here is another clue, almost nowhere in nature do we find large currents other than lightning. In fact the fair weather global current from ground to the atmosphere is only around 1000 amps. Think about that, nature has evolved over billions of years and utilizes a power structure completely opposite to that of mankind. As Viktor Schauberger implied...""In every case do the opposite to whatever technology does today".

Which begs the question... what do we do today in our electrical devices and what would the opposite be?. We use inefficient low voltage/large currents which always tends to dissipate as heat not unlike our preoccupation with burning stuff to produce heat. Nature doesn't do this because it is un-natural, self-defeating and grossly inefficient. Nature always follows the path of least resistance while mankind seems to be doing the opposite.


Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman
Hero Member

Posts: 1582

But if we remember that HV like space around them and assume the boat story is correct, would they really have had massive voltages crammed into a small boat cruising around on a lake? It sounds like a recipe for a disaster.
Hero Member

Posts: 2735
But if we remember that HV like space around them and assume the boat story is correct, would they really have had massive voltages crammed into a small boat cruising around on a lake? It sounds like a recipe for a disaster.

Most FE devices like Hubbard's use a step up-step down configuration because it's not practical to redesign most devices like motors to run at HV. I was thinking about an analogy of why natures processes and FE technology seems completely foreign to most people...

Look at the pictures below of some devices most here like myself remember well. However the younger generation has no knowledge of them and in there cordless connected world it's hard to imagine why anyone would use such primitive technology. What we considered "normal" back then is completely foreign to them however I still remember an outhouse, propane appliances and a crank start diesel generator for electricity. In this respect it's all about our perspective and ability to change.

Thus it would be a mistake to "normalize" what we do, what we know or where were at with respect to technology because normal is always changing and evolves...

It's not as if the Hubbard device didn't work because Tesla gave the technology to Hubbard. What was Tesla doing at that time?, he was doing HV impulse experiments so it's easy to connect the dots. You don't honestly think a teenager like Hubbard just stumbled onto this technology do you?. Much of understanding FE relates to knowing the inventors, what they knew, when they knew it, who they talked to and there time line. The fact is very few inventors who supposedly invented FE devices actually invented anything. Most got there idea's from someone else in the same way we are talking here.

Think about that, how far we have come in only 20 years and where we could be 20 years from now. What is "normal"?... it's whatever we choose to make it at the time but it can evolve.


Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman
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