This topic deals with the water as fuel systems. The late Stan Meyer was rumored to be poisoned after he successfully demonstrate his invention.
I shall be visiting the famed inventor, Bob Boyce in the near future. Bob is doing the verification work on a FLEET prototype. He has also reproduced and improved on the HHO invention by the late Stan Meyer.
The invention used pulsed DC to split the water molecule into hydrogen and oxygen with some suitable LCR circuit. The resulting hydrogen and oxygen gases can be recombined as fuel.
My belief is that the LCR circuit leads-out or brings-in electron motion energy. The splitting or electrolysis of water does not use the energy from the Input Power Source. Most if not all of it comes from the lead-out or bring-in electron motion energy. The load is constant as the water molecules are split. A sharp resonance condition can be maintained. The resulting invention can produce energy in the Kilowatt range. Hopefully, with the guidance from Bob, we can have a conclusive demonstration of such a device.