Indeed. I think you're pointing to Lala Land. LOL. I've taken out permanent residence and am looking for full citizenship. It's a passport to the only place where I can identify with the locals.
Welcome Rosemary! I've been here in Lala Land for several years. The population is slowly increasing as more and more become disenchanted with "normal" terra firma as it presently is. Lala Land is essentially terra incognita to the "establishment" and that bodes very well for all present and future "citizens." All things are possible here...  Once the "free running" devices are fully explored and evaluated we may then desire to direct our attention to Pulse Width Modulated devices for purposes of comparison. PWM/PFM offers some very distinct switching advantages.
For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be known or brought out into the open.