This was a place where i made a start sharing my results, but certain people think they know better so i will just let them explain my test results. Intresting thing is that they do not even seem to have any idea as to where i am with my experiments nor do i get the impression they actually know what is going on yet they do see that i am missing things so again i will let them explain to the rest my test results.
Well, Marco, acting in perfect "marco form", you deleted the whole thread and posted some arbitrary BS in it's place. I called you several times on the magnetic field orientation, no answer was ever provided. Ample BS was given, and the pressure proved to be too much for some people. As for where he was "headed": I do not care at all. The fact that you do not even know what you missed or what you misinterpreted leads me to think that you would like me to "do the work for you". Well it is Christmas, and I did post these results before. Despite our different views and actions, I like you Marco. You got the fire in your heart, and by that I know that you are a good person. (yeah I stole the fire in the heart stuff from "The Road".)
If you have an ion wind then you have HV. Add your compass, which is a conductive magnetized needle. The conductor will align to the electric field despite the fact that is it magnetized. It will rotate in the direct that is shortest, in strict order with the conservation of energy. (or is that the law of least action? Was that one of Weber's Laws?) If you run the flow of ions through the compass, the it will align to the flow, which is the direction of the conductor. You may think that the compass aligns to the Poynting Vector but hold it near the power supply and it does not point toward it, or away from it. It does point to the load, but this is not definitive.
Now, if you used a magnet on a string, the you would have noticed that the magnet moves towards the source of the ions. This is strictly following the laws of electrostatic induction, with the caveat that a pulsed field is much stronger than a static field. (HINT HINT) So, your comment on pulsed coils is also false.
A changing electric field is the way!
You can use magnetic fields, but you have to run them so damn fast that things get freaky. A changing magnetic field creates a changing electric field, but the electric field can change much faster than the magnetic field ever can, and it is easier to create.
So, where is this going?
Here is the deal, and you can deny it, you can argue against it, you can try to bury it, but it is the truth as I see it!
A changing electric field (or moving E-field), which is a traveling wave, which causes a displacement current will induce a current in a conductor by dragging the electrons along with it. Rather than finding another source of energy, or adding more energy to the system, we have instead found another means of induction that was right in front of us the whole time and entirely overlooked.
This means is "cumulative" and better yet, can be accentuated by addition of an external force field of force perpendicular to the moving electric field, which increase the current by increasing the precession of electrons. There are no other explanations, theories, discussions, or Bullshit! This is what SM tried to convey, what spherics tried to convey, and what many others discovered but did not understand.
(edited out the provocative and bad stuff)
« Last Edit: 2010-12-26, 17:52:51 by Grumpy »