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Author Topic: Checking out Joel Lagace - Hang on I'M SERIOUS!!  (Read 14538 times)

Group: Elite Experimentalist
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Posts: 4236
dear Itsu,

No time for a drawing tonight.  Watching Joel's video,  as I see it, the positive poles of C1 and C2 seem to be directly connected by a thick (yellow and green colored) wire and the negative poles are connected by the switch via the 2V transformer coil. 

Can you check this again? My understanding is that the single, vertical, white and wide stripes on the sides of the caps indicate the negative poles.  (Regardless, my drawing does not give back the circuit shown in the video, no doubt.)   Aking has not indicated the poles of the capacitor, otherwise his drawing seems correct. 



yes you are right about the green / yellow wire, it directly connects the positive terminals, not the negative ones as i mentioned  O0

I have corrected that in my earlier post!

« Last Edit: 2025-02-17, 09:23:06 by Itsu »

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Posts: 489

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dear Itsu,

No time for a drawing tonight.  Watching Joel's video,  as I see it, the positive poles of C1 and C2 seem to be directly connected by a thick (yellow and green colored) wire and the negative poles are connected by the switch via the 2V transformer coil. 

Can you check this again? My understanding is that the single, vertical, white and wide stripes on the sides of the caps indicate the negative poles.  (Regardless, my drawing does not give back the circuit shown in the video, no doubt.)   Aking has not indicated the poles of the capacitor, otherwise his drawing seems correct. 

It looks like he's pulsing the negative side.  I assumed it was positive. In which case I assume my transistor is the wrong way around.
Is that a correct revision?

Electrostatic induction: Put a 1KV charge on 1 plate of a capacitor. What does the environment do to the 2nd  plate?

Group: Elite Experimentalist
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Posts: 4236
I think Joel's circuit suppose to look like this, but the real connections are hard to trace from his video:

So IMO Aking.21 his diagram looks OK if one supposes that the transistor is in the NEGATIVE path.


« Last Edit: 2025-02-18, 13:30:45 by Itsu »
Group: Tech Wizard
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Posts: 1250
It looks like he's pulsing the negative side.  I assumed it was positive. In which case I assume my transistor is the wrong way around.
Is that a correct revision?

Hi Howerd,

The transistor symbol as you drew in your proposed schematic is correct, if you meant using a normal NPN bipolar transistor say 2N3055 for switching (the 2N3055 is just an example type).
The transistor can be a MOSFET of course, this would be preferred if the DC resistance of circuit components as I wrote last night would involve the very high initial peak current drawn from C1 (or Ca as you indicated it).

Group: Tech Wizard
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Posts: 1250
Dear Itsu,

If the switch is an N-channel MOSFET (I think it is), then the drain and the source pins in your proposed schematic would need to be flipped I think.

This is because in case the MOSFET is connected like you drew, the body diode between the D and S pins would continually conduct as long as the voltage level in C1 is higher than the voltage level in C2 (diode forward voltage is to be considered).
Here I suppose of course that C1 is the voltage source (like a battery), the top wire line is positive as we agreed and the drain of the MOSFET should receive the positive polarity via C2 (which is a short circuit).

Have been busy so no schematic from me tonight, will be back tomorrow, sorry.

Thanks,  Gyula

Group: Elite Experimentalist
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Posts: 4236
Thanks Gyula,

you are right!

I have corrected the drawing above O0

Group: Tech Wizard
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Posts: 1250
Okay Itsu, you are welcome. So the very possible schematic Joel showed in his video is now okay I think as you have corrected.

But no need for revising the transistor connection in Aking.21's schema, his NPN transistor's collector receives positive voltage at the bottom leg of his right hand side 500F capacitor (C2 or Cb) from his left hand side 500F (C1 or Ca) capacitor, provided the top wire connects the positive poles of the two capacitors.

Or maybe you mean something else with his transistor connection?


Group: Elite Experimentalist
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Posts: 4236

Thanks Gyula.

Forget my remark about the transistor, it is correct.


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you said Kap said he had to make a component, assuming the cap.   did he say if it was made of wire, like a bifi or trifi?


Kapanadze gave no further details. Regarding our large project proposal for inputting energy into the grid, he said he would have to measure the wires.
He mentioned that he uses bifilar winding.
The component he refers to could just as easily refer to the way he uses the frequency generator.

Electrostatic induction: Put a 1KV charge on 1 plate of a capacitor. What does the environment do to the 2nd  plate?

Group: Mad Scientist
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Posts: 675
ok.  just got out my sig gen.  26.2 is 26.2khz.   there are no decimal points below 1khz, just whole numbers.


Group: Mad Scientist
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Posts: 675
as we have known in the past, the best way to replicate is to have the same components as illustrated in a claim. 2 of them in question here are the caps(cap c) and the transformer.

my first question would be the actual value of the caps, and second, can that transformer handle eff transfer from sec to primary at 26.5khz.

and thirdly, im still having an issue with the primary side of the transformer being able to supply the currents needed to charge up caps C to a higher level than caps A and B.  who knows.  the actual primary of the transformer, used as a sec here, could be 1kohm.


Group: Elite Experimentalist
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Posts: 4236
ok.  just got out my sig gen.  26.2 is 26.2khz.   there are no decimal points below 1khz, just whole numbers.


Correct, i happen to have a few of such sig gen's, and although it can go as low as 1Hz, it can not do 26.2Hz, so the below picture of Joel his video can only mean 26.2kHz.

And the duty cycle goes from 001 to 100%, so 074 is 74% duty cycle which is something like this:


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as we have known in the past, the best way to replicate is to have the same components as illustrated in a claim. 2 of them in question here are the caps(cap c) and the transformer.

my first question would be the actual value of the caps, and second, can that transformer handle eff transfer from sec to primary at 26.5khz.

and thirdly, im still having an issue with the primary side of the transformer being able to supply the currents needed to charge up caps C to a higher level than caps A and B.  who knows.  the actual primary of the transformer, used as a sec here, could be 1kohm.


Yes 26.2khz. I agree. Re the caps - remember the odd behaviour due to pulsing. Maybe a switched-mode trafo would handle the frequencies.

Electrostatic induction: Put a 1KV charge on 1 plate of a capacitor. What does the environment do to the 2nd  plate?

Group: Mad Scientist
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Posts: 675
yes, a different transformer would be better.

i know that sims are frowned upon when working with ou ideas, but this, without 3 or 4 plate caps, without hv static induction, should be able to work in sim.   

as i said earlier, 1 to 1 ratio, cap C would beat out cap B in charge voltage initially.  in the end we could get 100% of the original energy when we calculate all 3 caps for a total.  this is because we used the transfer from cap to cap to do something, charging cap C.

when i change the transformer ratio, higher on the output side, it gets worse the higher we go.

that transformer, depending on its intended input V to 2v out could be 1/50 or more ratio.

one other issue i had was the full bridge rectifier having possibly a 1.5v drop through 2 diodes at any time to charge a 2.5v cap.  but i didnt mention it as the transformer output to cap C was step up to negate that factor to virtually nill.  but only if the cap allowed higher voltages at its terminals initially before fully accepting the charge.  like as if after the rectifier, a higher voltage were trapped untill the caps resistance let it distribute...

what we would need is a lenzless transformer. a transformer where the primary acts as an inductor alone, but also has a secondary output that does not affect the primary.  with such a device, we could use the primary as an inductor to transfer ALL of cap A to cap B and get extra from the secondary.

my solidstate orbo could be that.   ill post some pics of the thing and post yt vids from back then.

when the magnets are not installed in the orbo, there is no output from the sec pickup winding as the windings are 90deg of each other as they are layered together. 

so i get output from the sec with mags installed and i get field collapse currents from the input winding like it was a lone inductor.

gotta do some running around and will post more this evening.

since this will still involve cap to cap and the transformer is still in question, it should be alright to just say we are trying a different transformer to stay in topic.

Group: Tech Wizard
Hero Member

Posts: 1250
Hi Folks,

It is good the switching frequency turned out to be 26.2 kHz and duty cycle is 74 %, thanks for these.

Yes, a switch mode type transformer or a modified flyback transformer would have less loss at 26 kHz versus a normal mains type transformer Joel seemed to use (2V to 110V AC, 60 Hz).

BUT in case the COP indeed tends to be much higher than one, this transformer loss cannot be an issue.

One more thing to consider: at 26 kHz even a transformer coil of 2 V has already an inductive reactance 1000 times higher versus the reactance at 26 Hz,
so the very high 100 -200 Amper peak current I referred to earlier via the switch is not valid. This makes it easier for the switch for the rated current spec.

The MOSFET type I and Magluvin suggested in the previous page can still be be good though if a flyback diode is used across the 2 V transformer coil to tame the spike amplitude. This is not loss, the flyback current via the diode helps maintain coil current after the switch is off.


Group: Mad Scientist
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Posts: 675
we have to remember, flyback diodes on a primary may not be a need as the secondary will be consuming the collapsing field.  otherwise, if we were to collect flyback from the primary, the secondary would be lacking as much.

if we were to just pulse an inductor or the primary of a transformer having an open sec, when we pulse it, the mag field expands, and that outward expansion induces counter emf of which creates the time delay to get max field and max current. now we switch off the transistor, the mag field collapses, opposite of the expansion effect, will induce forward current in the windings, same direction as the input when the transistor was on.  so the diode does not conduct that direction. but, the inductor having its own capacitance, no matter how small, comes into play. as the field collapses and forward current is developed, the end potential of that charges up that self capacitance to a high voltage. once the field fully colapses and the self capacitance is fully charged, now that capacitance discharges back into the inductor and then has a path back to the source through the diode of the transistor.

just wanted to be sure everyone understands that the field collapse does not induce reverse currents immediately when the transistor or switch is turned off.   ;)


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A point to remember.  The final receiving cap is in series. A series of 4. This is a highly efficient way of receiving electricity. The first few % or so charging up a capacitor is almost instant. Then the capacitor struggles and we get losses. Pulsing a cap therefore takes advantage of this factor. Possibly the faster the pulse, the more efficient the circuit because we are always in this sweet spot.
I enclose a typical cap charging graph.  We need to be as near to the vertical part as possible.

Electrostatic induction: Put a 1KV charge on 1 plate of a capacitor. What does the environment do to the 2nd  plate?

Group: Mad Scientist
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Posts: 675
here are pics of the solid state orbo i made years ago. 

starts with a ferite bead commonly found on some power cords and computer cables.

i use Schotch double sided tape around the outside of the bead then wind 2 layers 30awg around the bead. the tape helps hold the first layer on the bead and then a new layer of tape on the first layer then wind second layer on that.  tape is thin like regular schotch tape.

then wind the outer toroid style winding.  i did it till the strands inside were tight next to each other. so the outside strands have a little space between them.

so, if we pulse the toroid winding, the other winding will be virtually unaffected.  now we put the magnet, magnets, inside where they are almost as long as the core is long.  so on each side, in just a bit as in the pic.the magnets field will be very attracted to the bead so most flux will be in the core.  when we pulse the toroid winding. we want to instill enough flux so that the magnets flux is no longer attracted to the core and it expands outward 'cutting' the other winding inducing current in one direction.  when the toroid is turned off, the magnets field is reattracted to the core and collapses to the core and cuts the other winding again, inducing current in the other direction.  and we can recover from the toroid winding also.

there are some slight effects between the inout and output once it is in operation that i will go over later.

Group: Professor
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Posts: 3030
Here's Joel Lagace charging super capacitors in what appears to be a different way than described above in this thread - from an earlier vid of his.

I'm curious how Joel has this experiment wired...  And is it "easier" to replicate than what we're discussing above?



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Here's Joel Lagace charging super capacitors in what appears to be a different way than described above in this thread - from an earlier vid of his.

I'm curious how Joel has this experiment wired...  And is it "easier" to replicate than what we're discussing above?

In this video, Joel potentializes one plate of a capacitor with HV.
He uses an earth-ground to potentialise the other plate  THROUGH the MOT.
He then uses the MOT current to charge his super cap using (I presume) the diode that comes with the MOT.
I have attached a screenshot of the video.

One criticism:  He charges the HV module with his variac, which I presume is powered by the mains.
In the UK the neutral side of the mains wiring is connected to earth.
Electricity travels very easily through the earth. I would advise you to put either a fuse on the earth side or a mains bulb
If the mains bulb lights up then you are powering the whole setup from the mains.
If not then it is probably worth further investigation.
Either way you are better off powering the HV module from a battery, and use  a portion of the circuit to charge the battery also.

Electrostatic induction: Put a 1KV charge on 1 plate of a capacitor. What does the environment do to the 2nd  plate?
Group: Professor
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Posts: 3030
In this video, Joel potentializes one plate of a capacitor with HV.
He uses an earth-ground to potentialise the other plate  THROUGH the MOT.
He then uses the MOT current to charge his super cap using (I presume) the diode that comes with the MOT.
I have attached a screenshot of the video.

One criticism:  He charges the HV module with his variac, which I presume is powered by the mains.
In the UK the neutral side of the mains wiring is connected to earth.
Electricity travels very easily through the earth. I would advise you to put either a fuse on the earth side or a mains bulb
If the mains bulb lights up then you are powering the whole setup from the mains.
If not then it is probably worth further investigation.
Either way you are better off powering the HV module from a battery, and use  a portion of the circuit to charge the battery also.

OK - thank you, Howerd.

Group: Elite Experimentalist
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Posts: 4236
I was wondering why not more people were trying to replicate this rather simple setup, until i noticed this is a private thread from Grumage.
So probably not many people are able to see this thread.

As i did put something together with parts that were available to me, i now will present what i was able to replicate.

This is the circuit i have now:

A picture of this shows a rather chaotic mess of wires, which is due to the many DMM leads and scope probes attached to it:

So i  monitor the voltages with DMM's across the 3 super caps C1, C2 and C3 which respectively are 100F, 100F and 500F which is less as Joel uses, but in the same relation.
I also use the scope to monitor the MOSFET drain - source voltage, gate - source voltage and the drain - source current.

These scope signals can be seen here where yellow i the drain - source voltage, blue is the gate - source voltage and green the drain - source current.

We seem to have a rather big spike at MOSFET shut off time (90V at start) which probably is what drives the C3 (500F) cap via the transformer and rectifier to be charged.

I did a first test making sure to drain (short) both C2 and C3 so they were 0V and charged C1 to 2.7V then noting down initially every 5 minutes the voltage over C1, C2 and C3.
After one hour running, i switched to noting down voltage every half hour.

The result can be seen here:

We see IMO a practical normal behavior of the discharge - charge of the super caps.
C1 discharges from its initial 2.54V to about half of that, as expected
C2 charges from 0V to almost half of C1 its voltage minus the voltage on C3
C3 charges very slowly to a fraction of C2 its value by stealing it from C2.

So this initial run thus shows IMO no abnormal behavior.

Data on the transformer:

220V - 8V adapter
290mH - 2.1mH at 10kHz measured
509 Ohm - 2 Ohm measured
47 KOhm - 345 Ohm inductive reactance at 26.2kHz
interwinding capacitance 23pF thus 266 Ohm capacitive reactance at 26.2kHz

Energy balance of the super caps:

C1 (start) charged to 2.54V has 322.6 Joule
C1 (end) discharged to 1.28V has 81.92 Joule
C2 (end) charged to 1.18V has 69.62 Joule
C3 (end) charged to 0.109V has 2.97 Joule

C2 and C3 together have gained 69.62 + 2.97 = 72.59 Joule
C1 was left with 81.92 Joule of the initial 322.6 Joule

Normally we lose about half of the energy when connecting 2 caps together, so 322.6 / 2 = 161.3 Joule should be left over.
But we got left with 81.92 + 72.59 = 154.51 Joule, which IMO again is very normal.


Group: Mad Scientist
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Posts: 675
good go at it itsu.  i dont have super caps like these.  but, i think normal caps should work similarly.  while you have that set up already, would you have a 1 to 1 ratio transformer to try? i would say preferably much lower ohms on the windings.  i think you could get better results as in 'closer' to 100% total, similarly to what i found in sim.

my tests with the orbo will be with more normal caps.  first will be to test the toroid inductor to try and get nearly all of cap A to cap B.  then take from the pickup coil to cap C.  all done in just 1 shot, no pulsing. if we can get more in cap C with one shot than was lost in cap B, then we are good.

thanks for showing.  ;)

Sr. Member

Posts: 340
Thank you, Itsu, for performing that well documented experiment and confirming what a lot of us suspected.  I would love to be wrong and think that there is more to this setup such as finely tuned impedance matching/mismatching relationships, but it is hard to tell without Joel being willing to shine a closer light on some of the specifics.



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Thank you, Itsu, for performing that well documented experiment and confirming what a lot of us suspected.  I would love to be wrong and think that there is more to this setup such as finely tuned impedance matching/mismatching relationships, but it is hard to tell without Joel being willing to shine a closer light on some of the specifics.


This is not a replication of the Lagace video. There are different components used in the Lagace video.
It would be interesting to see how different makes of capacitors behave.
Different dielectrics or electrolytes make a cap behave differently.

I think that Lagace has been pulsing his caps for such a long time, that he has altered their behavior.
If you want to see the  effect, check out my last video. It works every single time without fail.
I would be interested to see if Itsu's caps experience dielectric absorption.

Electrostatic induction: Put a 1KV charge on 1 plate of a capacitor. What does the environment do to the 2nd  plate?
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