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Author Topic: Spectacular Meyer Cell Blows Away All Other Designs Of Making Hydrogen Gas!  (Read 2570 times)
Full Member

Posts: 143
The Stanley Meyer Patented hydrogen generator cell was the best method for generating usable hydrogen gas fuel from plain water ever invented. Efficiency % was in the thousands. (that means overunity) The several Patents have run out and are in public domain. This means you can study/ build cells. Don't listen to naysayers. Read/study the tech data for yourself. (no electrolysis at all) Small units for use or for blast furnaces of industry. There were 3 levels of this. Books - Birth of new technology + water fuel cell company manual. See what others have done as bench tested. A coined common expression had been given for this as -- Voltrolysis. Go!

Stan Meyer's helper technician Chambers fled to Canada and started his own company called Xogen and filed Patent for his version , since he knew about previous work. The small unit written up as construction manual was called HYDROSTAR. He had purposely left out the pertinent details about the coil flyback high volts generated in both Patent and the released manual.I have the original paper printed manual.  Ebay sells disc for this, but no details on high volts. Most Patents don't divulge exact every small detail required , except for the Horvath Patents.

Others have requested, in the past, on how the original Hydrostar Hydrogen Generator had the pulses divided down to get 20Htz from 20,000 htz main oscillator.  That was for going to the toroid coil for magnetic field pulses into the rising ions of solution. The IC CD4059AE can be used for that, as well as a divider for 1000 cycles down to 1 per second, for a flashing LED, so as verification that the main oscillator is in working state for your other circuits. Ic available on Internet Ebay. The full manual is available on disc. The ferrite toroid core wire coil is too much trouble to make, but can be purchased completed, or a 2 piece ferrite UU core set could be used, so as getting a closed flux core, and WAY easier wire winding. The Hydrostar circuit was an offshute of the Meyer resonance cell by Chambers . He used to work as tech engineer for Meyer in Ohio. He fled to Canada and filed Patent for HIS version of the circuit. The Patent omits notation of flyback coil high voltage connected to the Main electrode pipes water capacitance cell. He says the magnetic field circuit increases energy content of fuel gases emitted, by spinning the ions in different direction. Hydrostar was purposely then JUST A MODIFIED circuit to only increase car gasoline mileage by introducing Hydrogen and oxygen for about 25% increase in gas mileage.
The divider IC circuit itself does work. I use it to verify my Dr. Clark Zapper has the oscillator working as led flash per second from 1000 cycles.

Sr. Member

Posts: 335
Ever considered the fact that Stan Meyers hydrogen generator was nothing more than an ultrasonic cavitation device? Growing cavities that then go POP with temperatures that reach the surface of the sun. I dont think water stays bonded at those temperatures. People tend to complicate simple things :)

See below images.

Source: https://www.iqsdirectory.com/articles/ultrasonic-cleaners/ultrasonic-cleaning.html

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3666
I dont think water stays bonded at those temperatures.
It doesn't
Full Member

Posts: 143
Meyer probably tested various waters for resonance cell. , Tap water, rain water, distilled water+ double distilled water, and de ionized purified water. The higher resistance was made higher with tubes coating applied for certain tube cell assemblies. The secondary wiring on ferrite step up transformer was also resistance type wire on some assemblies. (not copper). The L coils and C of the water was resonant to the power supply frequency applied. Water level had to be kept at level, or an automatic electronic adjusting circuit applied for the changing frequency with water level change. He had said that de ionized water was best. It can be purchased in small quantity for bench tests. See also used home water filter system and change the cartridges for de ionized water SOURCE from tap water input. The final voltrolysis water cell should show only extremely fine bubbles rising up in concentric tubes to fast foam generation of ionized hydrogen and ionized oxygen, at extremely low watts input.  (not h2 +o2) No electrolysis at all, - small current IN PRIMARY and inductors for repeated DC polarization alignments of water molecules , before the high volts was applied from FLYBACK effect.This is called burst mode , with on + off time of high frequencies pulse train. Something like 3 seconds on and 7 seconds off. Gaseous fuel developed during P.S. off time. The Patented term wording is- Thermo Explosive Energy. and over unity.This bench set up is a more important project to do than others you have in mind, or on going. Stan Meyer U S Patents time has run out and are in public domain. His brother and his own Patents only have to do with selling you hydrogen gas at a gas station. Don't forget the Meyer 2 manuals. Water Fuel Cell Company Manual + Birth Of New Technology- for purchase or read on line............. Go!
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