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Author Topic: Free Energy is easy  (Read 3750 times)
Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 2735
I see a lot of people doing different things but I'm not sure they understand how FE works.

First, there are a few simple rules.
1)Energy cannot be created or destroyed only transformed, key word transformed.
2)Matter cannot be created or destroyed only transformed, key word transformed.
3)In effect nothing can be created or destroyed only transformed.

The best example of a FE device is a solar cell. The cell does not create energy it transforms it. Energy from the Sun excites some free electrons in a material causing them to jump over what's called a band gap. The gap acts just like a diode or check valve which only allows the free electrons to move in one direction. The solar cell is a FE device because we do not pay for the energy only the device which transforms the energy, the energy is inherently free.

So when we speak of a FE device we are referring to a device which converts or transforms naturally occurring energy already present.

If we go back to our solar cell we can see the heart of the process is the band gap or discriminator. Discriminate; to make a clear distinction; distinguish. The solar cell band gap only allows high energy free electrons to jump the gap and not return. In effect, it is almost identical to Maxwell's demon. The gap can distinguish the difference between high energy and low energy free electrons only allowing high energy electrons to pass. So the band gap is not just a diode, it's more and this is what makes the process possible.

In effect, what everyone is looking for is Maxwell's Demon and they would do well to research it.

In fact, most FE inventors claimed the output is independent of the input. The input does not create the output the input controls the process which determines the output. In effect, the input energizes Maxwell's Demon which then allows it to control the flow of energy within the system. Similar to powering up a circuit to control some traffic lights. The energy in the circuit is not the energy of the traffic, the circuit only controls the traffic.


Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman
Full Member

Posts: 143
I see a lot of people doing different things but I'm not sure they understand how FE works.

First, there are a few simple rules.
1)Energy cannot be created or destroyed only transformed, key word transformed.
2)Matter cannot be created or destroyed only transformed, key word transformed.
3)In effect nothing can be created or destroyed only transformed.

The best example of a FE device is a solar cell. The cell does not create energy it transforms it. Energy from the Sun excites some free electrons in a material causing them to jump over what's called a band gap. The gap acts just like a diode or check valve which only allows the free electrons to move in one direction. The solar cell is a FE device because we do not pay for the energy only the device which transforms the energy, the energy is inherently free.

So when we speak of a FE device we are referring to a device which converts or transforms naturally occurring energy already present.

If we go back to our solar cell we can see the heart of the process is the band gap or discriminator. Discriminate; to make a clear distinction; distinguish. The solar cell band gap only allows high energy free electrons to jump the gap and not return. In effect, it is almost identical to Maxwell's demon. The gap can distinguish the difference between high energy and low energy free electrons only allowing high energy electrons to pass. So the band gap is not just a diode, it's more and this is what makes the process possible.

In effect, what everyone is looking for is Maxwell's Demon and they would do well to research it.

In fact, most FE inventors claimed the output is independent of the input. The input does not create the output the input controls the process which determines the output. In effect, the input energizes Maxwell's Demon which then allows it to control the flow of energy within the system. Similar to powering up a circuit to control some traffic lights. The energy in the circuit is not the energy of the traffic, the circuit only controls the traffic.


Most here understand solar energy and that is not the topic. Overunity is. Overunity is where the system output power (or energy) exceeds the system input power (or energy), meaning system efficiency is greater than 100% (unity). When overunity occurs (if it could), then the difference (output minus input) is free energy.
Sr. Member

Posts: 471
Overall efficiency is always below 100% while there is external energy input exactly like in solar panels. Overunity means only we don't know where is the excess input energy. For example magnetic field imho can be source of energy.

Sr. Member

Posts: 267
The universe has plenty of "free" energy to me.
The real question is how to turn this "dark" into "light" energy  O0.
You can turn 'dark energy' into "light" but you can become dark yourself. as variant. Then all that energy will be ours.  ;)
Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 2735
Most here understand solar energy and that is not the topic. Overunity is. Overunity is where the system output power (or energy) exceeds the system input power (or energy), meaning system efficiency is greater than 100% (unity). When overunity occurs (if it could), then the difference (output minus input) is free energy.

It's debatable, a heat pump has an output greater than the input and an efficiency greater than 100% but is not overunity. In fact, the only difference between overunity and everything else is a lack of understanding. People call something overunity when they do not understand where the energy comes from. In fact, the more primitive the people or culture the more likely they are to believe something is overunity or created from nothing. We could literally walk into some remote jungle and the natives would believe all our technology is magic.

For example, I invent a solar cell which appears to be 150% efficient, is this overunity just because you don't understand where the extra energy comes from?. It would be overunity for you but not for me which is proof overunity is just another name for a lack of understanding.

This is why I prefer to use the terms Free Energy or COP. We understand something being created from nothing is not an option and we recognize the extra energy must come from somewhere.

On a side note, I see broli made an interesting post. I call this the numbers game and is not what we want to do. This is where we see imaginary patterns in numbers and pretend our world is much more complex than it actually is, The Rabbit Hole. The most successful FE inventors did exactly the opposite and reduced everything to the absolute basics and first principals. In effect, to say here is a high energy particle and there a lower energy particle. In order to transform the energy already present we must find a way to separate the particles using less energy than is already present. It's literally that easy and there is no need for all this mind numbing complexity most imagine.

I decided to remove the off topic posts going in exactly the wrong direction and this is not the place for them. FE is supposed to be easy.


Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3474
I decided to remove the off topic posts going in exactly the wrong direction and this is not the place for them.
They were not off-topic - only you were unable to make the connection.

I take a great offense at what you have done!
« Last Edit: 2024-08-08, 13:06:59 by Chet K »
Sr. Member

Posts: 327
I decided to remove the off topic posts going in exactly the wrong direction and this is not the place for them. FE is supposed to be easy.

Things are hard until you understand them. I tried to make a simple point but you are right it got too convoluted so I don't mind the deletion. its funny because i used to scoff about the complicated math too until things clicked not in HOW to use the math but in literally what the math is saying and acting like.

If you dig down all the way to the basics, as you say, in both math you hit "axioms" these are like the fundamental "laws" of math that are ASSUMED to be true. There is only a very small handful of axioms as they need to be as fundamental as possible and consistent as possible as they define the whole of your language aka math. Anyway very little dare to touch these axioms as they are so simple and "obviously" true. However if you keep going down and to the most ABSOLUTE fundamental axiom of nature. It comes down to a decision, and arbitrary decision. You can use all kinds of math language or better yet you can use natural language. But in essence what it comes down to is you cannot create something out of nothing UNLESS.

And this is the "big" part that has been staring physicists and mathematicians in the face. You CAN create something out of nothing IF you create that "something" with its anti-"something". In math this is called an inversion. Or put simply in number theory. You can create as much as you want as long as you create in pairs of -1 and +1 at the time. Sure both added are 0 but you can use them separately as you please.

So how does this circle back to physics. Well modern day physics has known for ages that you can "create" matter/anti-matter pairs. In fact it happens all the time everywhere all at once in the "quantum" worlds. But this idea generalizes to everything in fact not only physics even math and beyond. To create something out of nothing you must create its inverted self.

So what is this -1/+1 pair power? In math the power of "inverse" allows you to start building an entire language around numbers and functions that map said numbers onto other numbers. And the inverse just means that if you repeat said operation that you come bacl to the original numbers. but this does not have to be a number. This means to produce ANYTHING out of NOTHING you MUST produce it as pair. A simple example is functions. For instance x2 and sqrt(2) or Sine and Cosine and so on. But then we are already in the weeds of maths so i digress. But yeah ANY language starts with a choice, a 50/50 chance choice, the choice to create a pair and arbitrary label which is the "+1" and which is the "anti" "-1" pair. A completely arbitrary and free choice, since people like free will well there it is.

Going back to reality and what we observe from quantum mechanics. It seems we can create "energy" if we can create two equal but opposite pairs and let them come close to each other. In physics this is called a particle anti particle annihilation. This "annihilation" produces energy in fact vast amounts which can be in any form you want but we can just call it "heat". So you create a pair and annihilate it and can continue to do so for essentially forever. There is no limit, this is the baffling thing about "quantum" mechanics, as long as you respect the fundamental rule of creating something with its anti pair you can annihilate it and produce energy.

Now how does one get a particle/anti-particle pair in nature. And translate that in an actually physical device anyone with a 3d printer can make without the need of a particle accelerator? Coming soon to 3d printers near you for all to enjoy.

So "math", "physics", "reality" everything is connected through the language that is being used. The beaty is its always a choice. You can dismiss a language and never get to understand it because its "hard". Or you can try and learn it to understand what is actually being said and talked about and realize that different languages seem to have the same patterns and essentially a language just allows you to interact with and observe things from a different perspective THAT is the true POWER of any language. Sure learning a new language can be hard especially in the beginning and more so with "math". But to me its not about the words or symbols used to tell a story but what we learn from the story and the NEW tools that become available to us in our OWN natural language. For example for most people its enough to only use the tools that math produces. And I am very grateful we already figured out so much already as I sure didn't want to live in the dark ages. However understanding something should imo always happen at its most fundamental level. This is true for any language you learn. This requires good teachers, people that can translate a language they understand to students that know nothing of said language and KEEP trying until ALL their students grasp at least the fundamental ideas. Anything beyond that is just bonus play time to see what else this whole system can throw at us starting from such simple basics. I am clearly no teacher let alone a "good" one. But again it all comes down to something and its anti self that come out of 0 and produce 1.

Perhaps one last example to drive this point home of how important language is. The Fibonacci sequence 0 1 1 2 3..., arguably the most famous sequence in the world. But did you know the sequence   of numbers is not describing "numbers" but pairs. I didn't at least until recently, because that is not how I have seen it. But that is how Fibonacci originally formulated the problem too. You start from 0 or nothing and out comes a pair of rabbits and then you create a whole eco system. This might seem like an obvious thing as you need a male and female rabbit. But hey obvious things is what makes fundamental rules.

I honestly don't care about all the philosophical or even spiritual implications this will come with, people can believe what they want but language is everything and every language must have an inverse. If we cannot agree on what the inverse is of something then we have no language and nothing has any meaning, 'yes' becomes 'no' and things become total chaos. EVERYTHING comes in pairs at the most fundamental level and you can create as much 'pairs' as you please as long as you respect the cardinal rule that anything you create has to come with the inverse of itself. Once you have something you can create everything obviously as you now have all kinds of functions to play with or chase "theorems" to prove but that is only for those people like doing that. The rest of us can enjoy our free energy which perhaps comes with a bit more freedom too.

Let me ask a final question to anyone willing to answer it. If you were going to start a new language from ZERO. And you were free to choose any word pair to start defining, which word pair (again itself and its inverse/negation) would you chose to start with?
« Last Edit: 2024-08-05, 20:24:53 by broli »

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3474
Let me ask a final question to anyone willing to answer it. If you were going to start a new language from ZERO. And you were free to choose any word pair to start defining, which word pair (again itself and its inverse/negation) would you chose to start with?
Space and Time because they are reciprocals of each other in the most fundamental equation of motion.
« Last Edit: 2024-08-06, 12:30:21 by verpies »
Full Member

Posts: 143
It's debatable, a heat pump has an output greater than the input and an efficiency greater than 100% but is not overunity. In fact, the only difference between overunity and everything else is a lack of understanding. People call something overunity when they do not understand where the energy comes from. In fact, the more primitive the people or culture the more likely they are to believe something is overunity or created from nothing. We could literally walk into some remote jungle and the natives would believe all our technology is magic.

For example, I invent a solar cell which appears to be 150% efficient, is this overunity just because you don't understand where the extra energy comes from?. It would be overunity for you but not for me which is proof overunity is just another name for a lack of understanding.

This is why I prefer to use the terms Free Energy or COP. We understand something being created from nothing is not an option and we recognize the extra energy must come from somewhere.


The accepted definitions for COP and Energy Efficiency concerning heat pumps are not as you say. I used ChatGPT to help assist explanation.

Asking ChatGPT on 5Aug2024.

Concerning the physics relating to a heat pump, how is c.o.p. (coefficient of performance) different from energy efficiency?


The Coefficient of Performance (COP) and energy efficiency are related concepts in the context of heat pumps, but they describe different aspects:

Coefficient of Performance (COP):

The COP is a measure of the efficiency of a heat pump or refrigeration system. It is defined as the ratio of useful heating or cooling provided to the work (energy) required to produce that heating or cooling.

For heating, the COP is calculated as:

COP heating = Heat Output / Work Input

For cooling, the COP is:

COP cooling = Cooling Output / Work Input
A higher COP indicates a more efficient heat pump.

Energy Efficiency:

Energy efficiency is a broader concept that generally refers to the ratio of useful output (energy or work) to the total energy input in any system, process, or device.
In the context of heat pumps, energy efficiency can be related to the Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER) for cooling or the Heating Seasonal Performance Factor (HSPF) for heating, which take into account variations in performance over different operating conditions and seasons.
While COP specifically quantifies the immediate performance of a heat pump under given conditions, energy efficiency encompasses the overall effectiveness of energy usage, often over a period or range of conditions.

In simple terms:

COP focuses on the ratio of heat transfer to work input at a specific moment.
Energy efficiency often considers the overall performance over time and varying conditions.
Both metrics are crucial for understanding and comparing the performance of heat pumps, but they offer insights from slightly different perspectives.


Thanks. I understand that the heat pump has COP greater than one (unity), so in that respect it is overunity. But in regards to energy efficiency, it cannot be overunity because the output energy is the sum of all the energy input minus the losses, correct?


Yes, that's correct. Here's a more detailed explanation:

Coefficient of Performance (COP) > 1:

A heat pump's COP can be greater than one because it transfers more heat energy than the electrical energy it consumes. This is possible because the heat pump moves existing heat from one place to another (from a colder area to a warmer area), rather than generating heat through the conversion of electrical energy alone.
For example, if a heat pump has a COP of 3, it means that for every unit of electrical energy consumed, it can transfer three units of heat energy.

Energy Efficiency:

Energy efficiency typically cannot exceed 100% (unity) because it is a measure of how well energy input is converted into useful output, considering all forms of losses (such as heat losses, friction, etc.).
In the context of a heat pump, while the COP can be high (indicating effective heat transfer), the overall energy efficiency considers that the total useful output (heat delivered) includes both the electrical energy input and the energy absorbed from the environment.
The energy efficiency formula would be:

Energy Efficiency = Useful Output Energy / Total Input Energy × 100%

Since the total input energy includes the electrical energy used by the heat pump and the energy absorbed from the environment, the efficiency in terms of total energy input cannot exceed 100%.

So, while a heat pump can have a COP greater than one, indicating it moves more heat energy than the electrical energy it consumes, its energy efficiency as a percentage cannot exceed 100% because it must account for all input energy sources and inherent system losses.


Thanks, bi


Memory updated
You're welcome! If you have any more questions about heat pumps or any other topic, feel free to ask.


Posts: 26
Fair enough that you deleted the posts, I was hesitant to post what I did because it does only tangentially relate to your OP.

Energy is all around us, measurably without resorting to exotic power sources like zero point energy, cosmic radiation etc etc. I think the focus on something exotic holds us back a lot in free energy research and discredits a lot of it too.

People spruke Tesla this and Tesla that (having never actually read Tesla but thats a story for another time) but ignore the fact that the only concrete example that Tesla wrote about wrt free energy was via ambient heat. Sure we can form hypothesis regarding other things he talked about but in terms of free energy but with Tesla, this is the most concrete we have to go on. Transforming heat into motion or/then electricity. Nature also uses this to generate cyclones and tornadoes.

Sr. Member

Posts: 267
Why does dark energy exist, even its quantity has been determined, but there is no light energy ?
Does dark energy obey the laws of thermodynamics ?

Posts: 26
Why does dark energy exist, even its quantity has been determined, but there is no light energy ?
Does dark energy obey the laws of thermodynamics ?

I think you misunderstand why it is called dark energy. Dark energy is postulated to exist, it is a mathematical patch to attempt to explain discrepancy between theoretical effects and measured effects.

So "light energy" in the sense of opposite to dark in the sense of dark matter would be all the energy we can make theories where theory and measurement match ie em, gravity, kinetic etc etc.

As for your question re if dark energy is thermodynamics I would say no it doesn't based on conventional theories about it.

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 1591
Frequency equals matter...

Buy me a drink
Incredible obfuscation...

Just bounce a weak magnetic field in resonance.

The resonant frequency is dependent on 3 things:

1) The configuration of the head, i.e. material and shape.

2) The space/distance that the bounce is to occur in.

3) The relation of the space/distance to the field strength.

This is why Bedini, SM, and Mueller used cabinet magnets.
This is why Bedini stated Neodyniums were to strong.
Coral castle is based upon the distance as a major factor because the head was crystaline.

Don Smith's units were the distance of the spark gap to the resonant coil field.

If you see a spark gap then the field is being micro pressured/thumped(SM) from it resonant statis base.

If you want a unit with out a spark gap well good luck. Only the EMP shakes the stability into ringing.

Review the Witt device again to see the large field interaction with the commutator sparking inside. Sounds like a magnifying transmitter to me.

Funny thing I never get arguments for pointing out the obvious.

Sr. Member

Posts: 327
Incredible obfuscation...

Just bounce a weak magnetic field in resonance.

The resonant frequency is dependent on 3 things:

1) The configuration of the head, i.e. material and shape.

2) The space/distance that the bounce is to occur in.

3) The relation of the space/distance to the field strength.

This is why Bedini, SM, and Mueller used cabinet magnets.
This is why Bedini stated Neodyniums were to strong.
Coral castle is based upon the distance as a major factor because the head was crystaline.

Don Smith's units were the distance of the spark gap to the resonant coil field.

If you see a spark gap then the field is being micro pressured/thumped(SM) from it resonant statis base.

If you want a unit with out a spark gap well good luck. Only the EMP shakes the stability into ringing.

Review the Witt device again to see the large field interaction with the commutator sparking inside. Sounds like a magnifying transmitter to me.

Funny thing I never get arguments for pointing out the obvious.

It's not about how obvious or simple it is. From all the mentioned names that were lucky enough to observe the effect. Why did noone succeed in bringing it into the world? A grandiose conspiracy that manages to stop everyone? That sure is giving a lot of credits for greed driven feeble minded humans. I mean with our sense of greed this would have been a product a long time ago no? What capitalist would not want to market this.

So what is really going on here?

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 1591
Frequency equals matter...

Buy me a drink
Stanley Meyer, Tom Ogle, Aaron Salter.

Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 2735
It's not about how obvious or simple it is. From all the mentioned names that were lucky enough to observe the effect. Why did no one succeed in bringing it into the world? A grandiose conspiracy that manages to stop everyone? That sure is giving a lot of credits for greed driven feeble minded humans. I mean with our sense of greed this would have been a product a long time ago no? What capitalist would not want to market this.
So what is really going on here?

Here is a clue, https://nationalinterest.org/blog/buzz/how-did-air-force-keep-sr-71-spy-plane-secret-114781
The story is comical and follows the same pattern as most supposedly impossible technologies today. The misguided critics claimed nothing can fly as fast as the SR-71 it's impossible, they claimed the observers were crazy and seeing things, they claimed there was no real proof it exists. Now the SR-71 is sitting in a museum, lol. Obviously the critics were either stupid or incompetent about the SR-71 and area 51 which have now been disclosed.

Most people intelligent enough to understand FE are also intelligent enough to understand the concept of the consequences of there actions on others. Which is why most FE inventors were wary of disclosing what they know to others not quite as intelligent as themselves. The atomic bomb is a good example, why not tell everyone how to build one?, because that would be stupid. These FE inventors were not stupid.

You should be grateful anyone chooses to share anything with you in this regard.


« Last Edit: 2024-08-08, 13:09:16 by Allcanadian »

Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman
Group: Ambassador
Hero Member

Posts: 4042
They were not off-topic - only you were unable to make the connection.

I take a great offense at what you have done!

Seems the FE forum moderator All Canadian is all about “no FE for you “stupid””
Playing God and making excuses as we burn our atmosphere destroy our oceans and planet .. maintaining the status quo and comfort for the powers that be …
Very poor fit for this venue IMO ….
Perhaps better you take your favorite pass time of brawling ( about almost anything) and distractions elsewhere AC

Yeah I know “ it’s all good at your house “ whats the hurry …
Better to rip the bandaid off ..

I see you removed a bit of information from post while I was plunking … about your CIA watchdog chum ( assumed?) that you use to visit FE claimants with ?,
And your other comments about FE inventors “coming to their senses “ about releasing FE open source to the world…
Double Yeesh…
« Last Edit: 2024-08-08, 15:37:29 by Chet K »

Sr. Member

Posts: 329
Be the change you wish to see in the world
Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 2735
Seems the FE forum moderator All Canadian is all about “no FE for you “stupid””
Playing God and making excuses as we burn our atmosphere destroy our oceans and planet .. maintaining the status quo and comfort for the powers that be …

Aren't we all playing God?.

Presuming to know better than nature as we continue to destroy it?.


Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman
Full Member

Posts: 123
  Actually AC, they are just trying to. Just not thinking things through for the obvious ending.
Group: Ambassador
Hero Member

Posts: 4042
I don’t think we need to have a discussion here about over unity “research “ forum
And the goals of its membership..( it’s in the forum tittle )

Perhaps persons who disagree with forum theme are in the wrong forum ?
The “haves” playing god with the “have nots”
And making choices for all ?(“we know what’s good for them”)

It is our destiny to find and access the “better way” ..
Attaching our machines to the wheel works of nature …

Rip the bandaid off and get on with the healing of our planet…
and sorting it all out …

Absolutely not interested in  starting a discussion of fears and what ifs …( should we close this forum too ??
Since it’s not inline with ??

Chet K


Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 1768
I see a lot of people doing different things but I'm not sure they understand how FE works.

First, there are a few simple rules.
1)Energy cannot be created or destroyed only transformed, key word transformed.
2)Matter cannot be created or destroyed only transformed, key word transformed.
3)In effect nothing can be created or destroyed only transformed.

The best example of a FE device is a solar cell. The cell does not create energy it transforms it. Energy from the Sun excites some free electrons in a material causing them to jump over what's called a band gap. The gap acts just like a diode or check valve which only allows the free electrons to move in one direction. The solar cell is a FE device because we do not pay for the energy only the device which transforms the energy, the energy is inherently free.

So when we speak of a FE device we are referring to a device which converts or transforms naturally occurring energy already present.

If we go back to our solar cell we can see the heart of the process is the band gap or discriminator. Discriminate; to make a clear distinction; distinguish. The solar cell band gap only allows high energy free electrons to jump the gap and not return. In effect, it is almost identical to Maxwell's demon. The gap can distinguish the difference between high energy and low energy free electrons only allowing high energy electrons to pass. So the band gap is not just a diode, it's more and this is what makes the process possible.

In effect, what everyone is looking for is Maxwell's Demon and they would do well to research it.

In fact, most FE inventors claimed the output is independent of the input. The input does not create the output the input controls the process which determines the output. In effect, the input energizes Maxwell's Demon which then allows it to control the flow of energy within the system. Similar to powering up a circuit to control some traffic lights. The energy in the circuit is not the energy of the traffic, the circuit only controls the traffic.

Have you got a free energy device? Do you know where you can get a free energy device? No? I didn't think so. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmx2bQDO1Vk

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 1591
Frequency equals matter...

Buy me a drink
Resonantly bounce the field. All devices do this. The Kunel device is a great example.
I have been shut out from making comments on Telegram OverUityDotCom. It is what it is.
Again, resonantly bounce the field. This advice is the starting point. There are so many attempts at building devices with this either not known or almost getting there.
Feed a charge pump with the ringing.
When anyone posts a build I will come after and highlight the operation. In fact any one who read the 'Resonantly bounce the field' will be able to see operation immediately.
The Hendershot weave coil causes a very small angular dissension at the wire proximity. This 'weakness' can be exploited sending ringing outward into the rest of the toroid field. The Kunel device uses the air gap to vary the field strength downward so it takes less energy to exploit the field weakness. The Witt device control is the jogging that appears and is transferred as a resonant propulsion kick. The Joule thief is a resonant Armstrong oscillator using very little current to oscillate.

Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 2735
Perhaps persons who disagree with forum theme are in the wrong forum ?
I think the majority agree that if there is an energy gain then the energy must come from somewhere. The problem seems to come from the terminology and how it's interpreted. Some claim free energy relates to a perpetual motion machine not energy which is inherently free. Some claim a device is OU but also claim the energy must come from somewhere. Some claim there is no such thing as perpetual motion even though most physicists more so astrophysicists consider it a known fact.

The “haves” playing god with the “have nots”
I was under the impression this was the way of the world more so in places like America. The rich and powerful are always playing god with those less fortunate than themselves aren't they?. How do you think so many people got so stinking rich and powerful?, it wasn't by being charitable. I mean, logically if they were actually charitable they would have given much of there wealth to those less fortunate but obviously they didn't hence the reason they are so wealthy.

Have you got a free energy device? Do you know where you can get a free energy device? No? I didn't think so
Certainly, Nelson Rocha has working tech because I replicated it and I believe Centraflow does as well. I wanted to get involved in Mikes tech and help out but it's really complicated and time consuming as Mike would probably agree. The timing, energy levels and geometry are beyond most persons capability but Mike makes it look easy. I have talked with Mike and he is a brilliant man who works harder than anyone I know to make progress.


Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman
Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 2735
Back to the topic at hand...
First, there are a few simple rules.
1)Energy cannot be created or destroyed only transformed, key word transformed.
2)Matter cannot be created or destroyed only transformed, key word transformed.
3)In effect nothing can be created or destroyed only transformed.

The best example of a FE device is a solar cell. The cell does not create energy it transforms it. Energy from the Sun excites some free electrons in a material causing them to jump over what's called a band gap. The gap acts just like a diode or check valve which only allows the free electrons to move in one direction. The solar cell is a FE device because we do not pay for the energy only the device which transforms the energy, the energy is inherently free.

So when we speak of a FE device we are referring to a device which converts or transforms naturally occurring energy already present.

Consider the excited free electron jumping the band gap in a solar cell. The excited free electron may be jiggling back and forth but produces a linear motion or migration across the gap from (+) to (-). It reminds me of the Inertial Transmission having an rotating eccentric mass attached to a one way bearing. I replicated the Constantinesco device and it's a brilliant concept. http://rexresearch.com/constran/1constran.htm
The energy of the input or oscillating mass is always perfectly conserved until such time as the inertia of the mass can produce enough force to overcome the load force. It never wastes energy trying to fight the load like most concepts, it always conserves the energy.

You see, you just learned something new of real value which can be applied in countless ways.

What I just explained relates to Nikola Tesla's brilliant claim that all electrical systems can in fact be treated as mechanical systems. They are mechanical systems which simply act on a much smaller level we cannot see. The only real goal is to apply a force (field) to a mass (particle) producing motion (a current) in the most efficient way. It's easy and we could literally dispense with all the fancy equations and terminology so many seem obsessed with. This is called working with first principals, to discard all which is not required and only focus on what is. To discard all the complexity and only focus on what we want.


Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman
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