Physicists can be dreamers too, and I'd go so far as to say that the best physicists are dreamers too. But you missed the point of what I said: “they take the time to compare their theories with observations, and reject anything that doesn't conform to the facts”. The placebo effect is a fact, objectively assessable.
The difference between a physicist and a pure dreamer is only there, in the method. In this way, the dreams of the former can become reality, you can go to the moon or communicate remotely via radio waves. In free energy, we mostly have dreamers, pure dreamers who for ages have been rehashing their old legends about Tesla or Kapanadze, marvelling as if at the novelty of any conventional fact, and of course getting nowhere. My labels serve to distinguish between the two. Those unable to make a selection should turn to religion. After all, the dream that praying to an all-powerful god could be effective in obtaining anything including free energy is a dream like any other, isn't it? So we should keep it too? and endlessly assert, as in the Kapanadze case, that if it doesn't work, it's because we haven't used the right practices, haven't prayed properly?... Physics is all about putting labels on realities: the laws of physics. And it works. Mixing everything up, on the pretext that anything would be equal to or could be equal to anything, gets you nowhere.
To be honest I don't subscribe to either schools or 'sides' as both have daggers and if care is not taken stabbing will ensue. I believe a respectful balance can be made between any side if it can collectively pull all forward, you can believe in nothing and never go forward or you can believe in everything and fail to achieve anything. At the end of the day what makes anything 'real' and enter the 'real' space is by becoming a tangible physical device/technology/toy/experiment/art... that anyone can see, touch, feel, smell, hear, replicate, experience, confirm and enjoy for themselves that someone has pored their heart and soul into making it. Regardless of the source that brought it and their belief system. Science and knowledge have historically always been an aggregation of many contributors holding different belief systems across the entire world. I have many of my own beliefs, theories, and even 'truths' but even those change almost on a daily basis and sometimes get erased or rephrased and still I often conclude with 'I don't know'. As I have no way to provide evidence or proof for any of them. But our ego often gets ahead of us and that is when the slip ups occur. Forcing others to 'believe' you is an even more foolish and dangerous endeavor. Ideas and words can be infectious and lead to cultish hive mind behavior and followers. Followers that are often, and sadly, used as mere pawns to satisfy an ego. Following someone is not bad not everyone has the capacity or even ambition to lead. But followers must also be careful of ego's that will lead them off a cliff. A good mantra is to perhaps not judge someone on their beliefs, theories or their words but on the actions they take. To me any belief system can have great value, its golden nuggets so to speak, and its a matter of respectfully taking what works for you and leaving what doesn't, which can be different for everyone. But either side yelling and fighting over THE TRUE belief system will help no one move forward. People should stop trying to change each other and their belief systems. Take what works for you and leave what doesn't work for you and move forward, it's not rocket science. And on Tesla as the person, besides his current 'followers' keeping his story alive I do believe Tesla's story is a sad one and perhaps and often misunderstood one. Many times I wondered what Tesla did wrong to end up befriending and falling in love with a pigeon. I wondered why the world treated Tesla the way it did back then. Was he really just ahead of his time? Where his ideas too big of a scope for the investors at the time? Was human greed the main culprit? Did he become paranoid? Or did he just go crazy? There could be some elements of truth in each of these. However I do not believe these were the main cause for his ultimate demise. I believe Tesla's story is about betrayal. I believe he felt, and what seemed to have been a constant stream of betrayal, from his environment and as a result decided to completely isolate himself and his heart from it by no longer sharing and no longer moving forward. But I have no way of knowing for sure. However If true then this is a truly tragic story if you ask me. Perhaps if Tesla worked and shared his work in a more loving and forgiving environment our world would have looked significantly different by now. People will always hurt and betray each other regardless of their intentions, personality, relationship or belief system. Not being able to love, forgive and forget will keep everyone crawling on the dirty floor like little helpless babies no matter what new 'leader' comes.
« Last Edit: 2024-10-06, 08:46:18 by broli »