What do you think the fundamental NMR frequency of pure iron is ?
Without and with an externally applied magnetic field...
That is a 1 MHz waveform with a 2.5% duty cycle. Its maximum frequency component is at least 40MHz ...or more if the rise/fall times of the pulses are short (squarish).
What is the resistance and reactance of the load which you plan to apply these pulses to ?
From my notes it should be 3.237778 MHz
Then coil A is driven 3x that, so 9.713334 Mhz for coil A
With external magnetic field the original author states that the pulse rate can be lowered to ~3khz, when the field coil is powered "by high volts and high amps" = very strong magnetic field.
My coils are all matched to about 175mH, 144 ohms in a brooks coil configuration. You can see the bobbins in the pictures earlier in the thread.
Once I can find a frequency range I can simplify more, try different things, but for now I need to actually be able to sweep the frequency range up to ~10Mhz.
I've added a round robin pulsing setup for the top coil, 3 mosfets will round robin pulse coil A to reduce the frequency requirements for each individual mosfet. So if I pulse at Iron's NMR, it would be 3.3Mhz per mosfet, which these GaNFETs are rated for (>10Mhz switching capability).
My hope is that I can use a strong magnetic field, find some frequency ranges with a response, and slowly turn down the power and see how the frequency response changes, so I can get a better estimate.
One of the reasons I want to try to avoid using the magnetic field coil is to research an effect the author stated where "quite frankly, you can stick two 3/4cm copper bars in the field and measure substantial voltage and current", that implies the field is rotating at an extremely high speed.
Worst case, I just use my magnetic field coil and be happy if I get a result.