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2025-03-31, 23:31:50
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Author Topic: Ask chatGPT  (Read 3248 times)
Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 2735
Today I read on line this "All Magnetic Fields have a Center Plane, between Both Poles...North, South.
Yes this is true. Generally speaking were referring to the external magnetic fields.

I don't believe you. Please give sources or experimental proof.
The magnetic viewing film shown below shows the poles as dark and pole edges as bright. Yet near the center or middle between the poles of every magnet we always see a bright line similar to a pole edge. In fact I have seen this first hand countless times and when I mapped the magnetic field with my magnetometer array it agreed with the viewing film. Why do you suppose we always see a transition line in the middle?. You can see it can't you?.

You keep saying that there is a transition at the midpoint. Transition from what to what? What is different on either side of this transition midpoint?

I'm glad you asked, if I have a yardstick and label one side left and the other right is there a center?. Well of course because logically when we label one thing as an opposite to another we always infer a transition must take place. To say left or North or Up just magically became it's opposite right, South, down with no transition shows a complete ignorance to logic and reason as well as cause and effect. To clarify...

You keep saying that there is a transition at the midpoint.
Yes I just explained the logic of why opposite conditions must always have a transition.

Transition from what to what?
Indeed, what to what?, you seem to have no idea what a magnetic field is or how it works. What we do know is that the magnetic field is a property of space and does not rotate with the source. The imaginary rotation was an artifact from the mistake of assuming there are imaginary lines and loops. We also know the North and South poles seem to have different qualities and logically said qualities must have transitioned from one to the other in some way.

What is different on either side of this transition midpoint?
Uhm, the North and South poles. When you agreed to define the different poles as North and South you also agreed that one transitioned into the other didn't you?. Or did they just magically appear out of nowhere and have no relation to each other?. Your reasoning seems to have come off it's rails my friend.

Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman
Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 2735
On magnetic lines and loops. I wanted further clarification from ChatGPT and found why mistakes are made.

Question- if there are no field lines there can be no field loops. is there any proof the field does loop?

You're correct that field lines are a conceptual tool used to represent magnetic fields. They help us visualize the direction and strength of the field at different points in space. However, field lines are not physical entities themselves; they're just a way to represent the field's behavior.

The idea of field loops comes from observing the behavior of magnets. For example, if you were to sprinkle iron filings around a bar magnet, you'd see the filings align along curves that form closed loops from the north pole to the south pole. This visual representation demonstrates the continuous path of the magnetic field, creating what appears to be loops.

Indeed, the whole notion of field lines and loops came from Faraday's observations of the patterns in iron filings. However the theory is wrong and the iron filings only show the results of something called induced magnetism. A bar magnet induces a magnet field in each iron filing causing parallel filings to repel and serial filings to attract. It does not show that the source magnetic field has lines or loops it shows what happens to small stuff induced within a magnetic field.

To be clear, the source magnetic field did not create the lines and loops the individual induced fields in each iron filing did. In fact the lines and loops are what is called "experimental error". It's an error because the thing supposedly measuring the field was biased by the field. Not only is it an experimental error but an amateur error. The whole premise of measurement is that the thing doing the measuring not be biased by the thing it's measuring. 

Another proof is that a non-ferromagnetic hall effect sensor does not detect any lines. There are no lines and there are no loops nor is anything flowing in any imaginary lines or loops.

Here is neat video showing more proof.
Note that whenever the magnet is moved over the hall sensor array we see a break (black line) at the center of the magnetic field. If there is supposedly no transition or neutral point then why is there always a break at the center?.

Another strange aspect to this. In this modern age of science one would think every tom, dick and harry would have mapped every kind of magnetic field with hall effect sensor arrays by now. The internet should be littered with real visualizations not just fake simulations showing imaginary lines and loops. Where are all the real maps and visualizations?, there basically non-existent. It would seem to me confirmation bias is alive and well but real science not so much.


Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman
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