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Author Topic: Hans Coler Colleage letters survived  (Read 15740 times)


Posts: 47
This is another of Dr Ludwig's papers, this time from 2012:

https://doi.org/10.1016/j.phpro.2012.08.010  (free to download)

Tuning Coler Magnetic Current Apparatus with Magneto-Acoustic Resonance

An attempt was made to tune the Coler magnetic current apparatus with the magneto acoustic resonance of the magnetic rods. Measurements with a replica of the famous Coler “Magnetstromapparat” were conducted. In order to tune the acoustic, magnetic and electric resonance circuits of the Coler device the magneto-acoustic resonance was measured with a frequency scan through a function generator and a lock-in amplifier. The frequency generator was powering a driving coil, while the lock-in was connected to a pickup coil. Both coils were placed on a magnetic rod. Resonances were observed up to the 17th harmonic. The quality Q of the observed resonances was 270. To study the magneto-acoustic resonance in the time domain a pair of Permendur rods were employed. The magneto-acoustic resonances of the Permendur rods were observed with an oscilloscope. Spectra of the magneto acoustic resonance were measured for the Permendur rods and for a Coler replica magnet in the frequency range from 25 kHz to 380 kHz. The next step was to bring the resonances of the Permendur rods close together so that they overlap. The 10thharmonic was chosen because it was close to the 180 kHz that Hans Coler related to ferromagnetism. Further more magneto-acoustic coupling between the Permendur rods was studied. Finally the question was explored if Hans Coler converted vacuum fluctuations via magnetic and acoustic resonance into electricity. There is a strong connection between magnetism and quantum field zero point energy (ZPE). An outlook is given on next steps in the experiments to unveil the working mechanism of the Coler magnetic current apparatus.

Unfortunately, as far as I can see (from his page on ResearchGate), his researches on the Coler device ended there - and he hasn't got any further in attempting to  "unveil the working mechanism".
« Last Edit: 2024-04-08, 15:13:07 by Havercake »

The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new discoveries, is not “Eureka!” but “That’s funny…”  --Isaac Asimov

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 1949
The Magnetstromapparat is not the machine that offers the world free energy.  I have met Dr Ludwig and seen both his replication and others.  The reason for this is the UK BIOS report gave enough details of the M machine to allow it to be replicated.  The Stromerzeuger is the machine of interest that led to the prosecutions for fraud.  Ther are no definitive drawings, photos or circuit diagrams of the S machine available up to now, and it would be helpful if the current search for documents could reveal such items.



Posts: 47
From what I understand from Sandbergs notebooks, he accidentally comes in contact with a mr. Chambers (no first name) of Imperial Paper Mills, Gravesend. He says he has been previously working on a similar device around 1930 (at the same time he was involved in experiments on radium together with Eve Curie (who to my knowledge did not engage in scientific research)).

It seems that mr Chambers steps in for Coler and continues the research for several years (at least up to 1954). He is supported by the british on a similar agreement as Coler was. At some point he designs a new model, claiming to have a 300 v output. There are some schetches and descriptions of it.

Then the notebooks ends and apparently the invention and its development is transferred to a military research fascility in Canada. The last letter I could find from the scientist working on it there, Mr Walter White (difficult to google), is dated 1969, only a few months before Sandberg dies.

This is a bit of a revelation, for me.  I had assumed all military research into these devices in the UK had simply halted after Coler's death.  After all, there were some in the Ministry who were already unhappy about funding what they would have deemed an "obvious hoax".

Sandberg's "accidental" finding of Chambers is curious.  The "Eve Curie" claim would suggest that Chambers was something of a fantasist - but, of course, being a fantasist doesn't rule out also having an ability to recognise odd things happening when messing around with electrical equipment. In some ways, a sprinkling of irrationality can help to stop people from thinking too logically, and can lead to unexpected discoveries. 

Maybe fantasists are also more ready to come forward and trumpet their "discovery" than most people - as they might not fear ridicule in the the same way as most of us.

The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new discoveries, is not “Eureka!” but “That’s funny…”  --Isaac Asimov

Posts: 44
I am in the progress of fully transcribing the notebooks and hope to find more time to continue this in the near future. So far I have only transcribed book 1 out of 12.

The Chamber story is beginning in book 8 or 9 I think. It is not unlikely that Sandberg just got it wrong, and that Chamber was referring to Eve Curie's sister.

It will be interesting to see if the notebooks reveals anything detailed about the Stromerzeuger, which i believe was the machine that Coler was working on in Christchurch. The report from Hurst was written after the investigation in Berlin in 1946 where Coler demonstrated the Magnetstromapparat and was meant as a fundament for evaluating whether to bring Coler over or not. Sandberg is not mentioned, but in the notebooks he describes being very much involved with it and that he is translating the german reports for Hurst as there was a long waiting time to get german documents translated at the time.

About the whole "hoax" explanation - it is undeniable as i see it that they did stumble upon something which is still unexplainable.

Smudge - could you say something more about Ludwig and his findings? I tried to contact him but didn't get any reply. Did he have any informtion about the Stromerzeuger?

« Last Edit: 2024-04-08, 12:18:34 by thomasarthur »

Posts: 44
Hurst leaves the scene early on. After the report is finished and before Coler arrives from Berlin he returns to Cambridge to continue his studies. The task as assigned by MOS is then given over to a mr. Silverride. Even though Hurst's rapport is what results in the british government deciding to go further with the experiment in the UK, he himself expresses that he is very sceptic and do not believe that they will find anything very interesting.

It seems strange that there are no more rapports describing any results of Colers experiments in Christchurch on the Stromerzeuger. After all, they invested quite a lot of money in this project.

Even though MOS is responsible for the operation to find Coler it is co-ordinated with FIAT which I believe was an american initiative. The base Hurst and Sandberg is staying at in Berlin is under FIAT administration. (Difficult to google FIAT - the acronym stands for Field Information Agency, Technical)

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 1949
About the whole "hoax" explanation - it is undeniable as i see it that they did stumble upon something which is still unexplainable.
I agree.  There are too many instances where a working device was witnessed.

Smudge - could you say something more about Ludwig and his findings? I tried to contact him but didn't get any reply. Did he have any informtion about the Stromerzeuger?
I met him through my work with Chava that took me to Germany on a number of occasions.  At the time of our meeting there was only written descriptions of the Stromerzeuger, in Hurst's BIOS report. (Note that Sandberg appeared as the co-author of that report)  I have a 2012 paper written by Ludwig (seee below) and also his 2011 Powerpoint presentatation on the subject.  He mistakenly attributes the witness statements by the eminent Professors in the BIOS report to the Magnetstromapparat that is a hexagonal arrangements of permanent magnets.  That is wrong, the actual device witnessed to work was the Stromerzeuger, so Ludwig followed somewhat a blind allley there.  After Chava abandoned this work I have had no contact with Ludwig.
It seems strange that there are no more rapports describing any results of Colers experiments in Christchurch on the Stromerzeuger. After all, they invested quite a lot of money in this project.
The files at the National Archives are all from the Ministry of Supply headquarters in London.  They would only contain high level correspondence, not any day-to-day details of Coler's work.  It is possible that other archives contain more information.  When SRDE Christchurch closed down I think archives went to MOS establishments in other parts of the country.
Even though MOS is responsible for the operation to find Coler it is co-ordinated with FIAT which I believe was an american initiative. The base Hurst and Sandberg is staying at in Berlin is under FIAT administration. (Difficult to google FIAT - the acronym stands for Field Information Agency, Technical)
The USA, UK and Russia were all chasing after German technology and it is not surprising that this split into two groups that resulted in Germany being split into two.  I assume FIAT was the UK USA alliance.


Posts: 44
Smudge - I just received Hurst's printed report from a german antique book store. You said earlier that there are some variations in the printings. Is there a way to check if the one I got is the correct one?


Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 1949
Smudge - I just received Hurst's printed report from a german antique book store. You said earlier that there are some variations in the printings. Is there a way to check if the one I got is the correct one?

There were over 300 copies of that report made, I have a photocopy of number 306 that is held in the Imperial War Museum archive (see front cover image below).  I found another copy at the National Archives (I forget its number) and it was identical to mine.  Of course there were only hard printed copies in those days, so they were all the same.  There are lots of versions online where different people have produced copies by dilligently typing the words and adding images, maybe even some that have machine-read the words to create the digital version.  I have no idea as to whether these versions are identical to the originals.

Posts: 44
Thanks again. You said earlier that you went throught the national archive looking for coler related stuff. I tried and only came up with one document that was related to Sandberg and the "Coler invention", but nothing else. Isn't this where you also found Colers death certificate?

Also, what would be interesting would be to look at the archives of OKM - Oberkommando der Marine. I suppose alot of these archives also were translated to english after the war.


Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 1949
Thanks again. You said earlier that you went throught the national archive looking for coler related stuff. I tried and only came up with one document that was related to Sandberg and the "Coler invention", but nothing else. Isn't this where you also found Colers death certificate?
No, I found details of his death and where he was living.  Then I obtained a copy of his birth certificate from the local registry office.
That file relating to Sandberg is bulky and contains many documents, I have taken photos of all.  I could send them to you by email, lots of emails!  There is another file there concerned with German nationals brought to the UK to work here that has details of that scheme and Coler's contract.


Posts: 44
More from the notebooks, probably more intriguing than clarifying. Please feel free to comment and ask (or explain) into the techical details:

In november 1946 Coler is transferred from Berlin to a detention camp in Wimbledon. There he encounter Ronald Richter who will later assist him in his research.

It is decided that he can be set up at SRDE in Christchurch. In Christchurch he starts with a hexagon device with some, but small success. At one point, water from a tea kettle was spilled over the appliance and the effect disappeared. Due to the humidity, the poles were reversed. (Hexagon device = magnetstromapparat)

Coler is accommodated in a hotel in Bournemouth with other german scientists.

He constructs a huge version of the Stromerzeuger with 36 magnets: "app.'s weight: 190 kg copper plates, 75 kg magnets. A total of about 300 kg (14 pl. 1.20 m long) costing a maximum of 50 pounds."

In the beginning of 1947 Hurst's report is printed in 200 copies. "C. looked at the report and immediately said that Hurst's diagram was not correct. He then changed the diagram in pencil so it was correct."

In the spring of '47 Colers contract is discontinued. The Stromerzeuger has not showed any results. Coler works together with Ronald Richter in Spedan Tower, Hampstead, on a magnetstromapparat. There is no real result, but much discussion on the theory. It seems that Coler for the first time is using a oscilliograph which is requested by Richter. This seems revelatory to Coler. A paragraph i found interesting was this:

"29/4 meeting with Coler, for whom I obtained some materials that he was missing. I also handed him some "Berichte" by Haid about Unruh's hexagon. It turns out that the original Unruhsetup is identical to the one that Dr. Richter has arrived at in his calculations, apart from the compound 6-D which Coler believes Unruh has kept secret and likewise the magnetic core's conducting compound. Unruh has had it all along, says Coler.”


Posts: 47
Thankyou Thomas.  That is very interesting.  It suggests that there was a little more going on during the UK investigation than was implied in the Hurst report.

I also assume the Ronald Richter, mentioned, is the same chap who later led the infamous "Project Huemul", in Argentina.  That is also quite intriguing.



The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new discoveries, is not “Eureka!” but “That’s funny…”  --Isaac Asimov

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 1949
More from the notebooks, probably more intriguing than clarifying. Please feel free to comment and ask (or explain) into the techical details:

In november 1946 Coler is transferred from Berlin to a detention camp in Wimbledon. There he encounter Ronald Richter who will later assist him in his research.
That is new information not available from the National Archives.  Presumably the detention camp was a holding centre while the Ministry of Supply people (Hurst + others) who brought him to the UK decided where he could work.

It is decided that he can be set up at SRDE in Christchurch. In Christchurch he starts with a hexagon device with some, but small success. At one point, water from a tea kettle was spilled over the appliance and the effect disappeared. Due to the humidity, the poles were reversed. (Hexagon device = magnetstromapparat)

Coler is accommodated in a hotel in Bournemouth with other german scientists.
That is sensible, Bournemouth is close to Christchurch.  No mention of the other scientists in the Archives dealing with Coler, but there could be under a different file.

He constructs a huge version of the Stromerzeuger with 36 magnets: "app.'s weight: 190 kg copper plates, 75 kg magnets. A total of about 300 kg (14 pl. 1.20 m long) costing a maximum of 50 pounds."

In the beginning of 1947 Hurst's report is printed in 200 copies. "C. looked at the report and immediately said that Hurst's diagram was not correct. He then changed the diagram in pencil so it was correct."
It would be helpful if there were sight of Coler's pencil ammendment.

In the spring of '47 Colers contract is discontinued.
The intention was to give him a continuation contract as we find him at a hotel in Farnborough in December close to the RAE who were supervising his work.  He had a heart attack and died there at the hotel.

The Stromerzeuger has not showed any results. Coler works together with Ronald Richter in Spedan Tower, Hampstead, on a magnetstromapparat. There is no real result, but much discussion on the theory. It seems that Coler for the first time is using a oscilliograph which is requested by Richter. This seems revelatory to Coler. A paragraph i found interesting was this:

"29/4 meeting with Coler, for whom I obtained some materials that he was missing. I also handed him some "Berichte" by Haid about Unruh's hexagon. It turns out that the original Unruhsetup is identical to the one that Dr. Richter has arrived at in his calculations, apart from the compound 6-D which Coler believes Unruh has kept secret and likewise the magnetic core's conducting compound. Unruh has had it all along, says Coler.”
That work in between the UK MOS contracts is new information.  Is there any further information on this compound 6-D?


Posts: 44
Colers contract is renewed for 6 months (ending january 1948). The machine is then moved to Farnbourogh. Coler is then working closely mith a Mr. Sims.

Sandberg is only occasionally admitted to visit the military base, but keeps contact with Coler on the phone and meets him in the hotel at weekends.

I have the impression that there are references to 4 different machines; 1. The hexagon or magnetstromapparat. 2. The Stromerzeuger. 3. The turbine or Hoffmanns dynamo. 4. The grundexperiment (also referred to as the tripod). It is implied that it is the same principle that is at work in all four.

Smudge: As you know from the national archive documents, the testing of the Stromerzeuger proved not results. However, Coler claims that it was operating for 33 hours but that he was unable to get hold of any witnesses at the time. Sandbergs diaries relate the same story, but from a different viewpoint. Coler tells Sandberg that he purposely interferred so that the tests would come out negative. His reason was that he feared that the british would take the machine from him and develop it further without him.


Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 1949
Colers contract is renewed for 6 months (ending january 1948). The machine is then moved to Farnbourogh. Coler is then working closely mith a Mr. Sims.

Sandberg is only occasionally admitted to visit the military base, but keeps contact with Coler on the phone and meets him in the hotel at weekends.

I have the impression that there are references to 4 different machines; 1. The hexagon or magnetstromapparat. 2. The Stromerzeuger. 3. The turbine or Hoffmanns dynamo. 4. The grundexperiment (also referred to as the tripod). It is implied that it is the same principle that is at work in all four.

Smudge: As you know from the national archive documents, the testing of the Stromerzeuger proved not results. However, Coler claims that it was operating for 33 hours but that he was unable to get hold of any witnesses at the time. Sandbergs diaries relate the same story, but from a different viewpoint. Coler tells Sandberg that he purposely interferred so that the tests would come out negative. His reason was that he feared that the british would take the machine from him and develop it further without him.
This is all new information not made public before.  Not surprising that Sandberg persisted with the development after Coler died.



Posts: 47
Yes - this is wonderful stuff.

Isn't it interesting that the only "official" report that has surfaced (Hurst) is one which is ambiguous, and doesn't show a definite positive result.

Regarding Paul Hoffmann - this photo is on ebay (like the one from the newspaper in Sandberg's notes).

Revolutionary invention by a Berliner in the field of electrical engineering.
The Berlin engineer Paul Hoffmann has succeeded in an invention that promises to be of revolutionary importance in the field of electricity generation. During decades of study in his mechanical workshop and laboratory, Hoffmann systematically studied phenomena in electrical machines that lead to an over-powering of the Drive machines. Through a system of windings in the armature and in the poles, in addition to the energy previously observed, he creates an additional effect, which he himself calls the resonance effect. In his experiments, he succeeded in converting the mechanical drive of the dynamo into a To implement a power output that, roughly speaking, would have resulted in 123 percent of the available power. For example, engineer Paul Hoffmann with the one he designed.
Dynamo. Copyright Keystone View Co. text without guarantee

« Last Edit: 2024-06-23, 19:16:00 by Havercake »

The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new discoveries, is not “Eureka!” but “That’s funny…”  --Isaac Asimov

Posts: 44
A few weeks back I came across an archive folder from professor Bragstad called "Korrespondanse med Ragnar S. Skancke vedr. Colerapparatet og P. Hoffmanns dynamo" dated 1926-1928. At request, the university library of Trondheim was kind enough to do a complete scan and make it public.

However, it turned out to be so much more than a correspondance between the two professors! It is a 307 pages document containg various notes, letters and reports on the Stromerzeuger and Paul Hoffmann's dynamo, and also what i believe is a scetch of Unruh's "grundexperiment" (page 100) (I referred to it earlier as a "tripod" due to a misreading. It was called the "two-leg".)

As far as I know, all this material has been completely unknown up till now. The language used is either german or norwegian, so if anyone has the technical abilities to translate that could be very helpful.


Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 1783
A few weeks back I came across an archive folder from professor Bragstad called "Korrespondanse med Ragnar S. Skancke vedr. Colerapparatet og P. Hoffmanns dynamo" dated 1926-1928. At request, the university library of Trondheim was kind enough to do a complete scan and make it public.

However, it turned out to be so much more than a correspondance between the two professors! It is a 307 pages document containg various notes, letters and reports on the Stromerzeuger and Paul Hoffmann's dynamo, and also what i believe is a scetch of Unruh's "grundexperiment" (page 100) (I referred to it earlier as a "tripod" due to a misreading. It was called the "two-leg".)

As far as I know, all this material has been completely unknown up till now. The language used is either german or norwegian, so if anyone has the technical abilities to translate that could be very helpful.

I'm using Google Gemini AI Studio. We can only do one jpg at a time unless I write a script to batch process. Here is page one.
General Information:
Document Type: This is a Norwegian telegram form ("Telegram," "Den norske Rikstelegraf").
Date: The date appears to be October 31st, 1926 ("31/10 1926").
Time: The time sent is 9:50 ("9.50").
Sender Location: Berlin ("berlin").
Possibly Handwritten Section: The large scribbles at the top seem to be a reference number or filing system, likely added later. The same goes for the smaller scribbles in the "Tjenstlige bemerkninger" (Service Notes) section.
Form Printer: "A/S N. & F. Kr.a 1922" likely refers to the company that printed the forms.
Key Content:
Recipient: "professor bragsted trondhjem" (Professor Bragstad in Trondheim). This is likely a university professor.
Message: "rung verreist weitere nachricht dienstag =sandberg+" This is German, confirming your suspicion! Let's break it down:
"rung" - called (past participle)
"verreist" - traveled, gone on a trip
"weitere nachricht" - further message, more information
"dienstag" - Tuesday
"=sandberg+" - likely the sender's name or a reference code
"(Someone) called. (He) has traveled. Further message Tuesday. =sandberg+"

I then gave it pages 2 - 10 which are all hand written.

This is fantastic! Thank you for sharing these pages. It's clear we're dealing with technical notes, likely related to electrical engineering or materials science, based on the diagrams, equations, and terms like "Volt," "Kabel" (cable), and "Isolere" (insulate).
It's difficult for me to provide a precise translation and interpretation of each page without further context. However, I can point out some recurring themes and keywords to give you a better sense of what these notes might be about:
Recurring Themes:
Cable Insulation: The notes frequently mention "Papier" (paper), "Jute" (jute), "Guttaperka" (gutta-percha), and various compounds, all materials used in historical cable insulation.
Voltage Testing: There are references to "Volt" (volts), "Belastung" (load), and "Impuls" (impulse), suggesting experiments or research on cable voltage capacity and breakdown.
Historical Development: Several years are mentioned (1890s-1920s), and the notes seem to track the evolution of cable technology and materials over time.
Companies/Individuals: "Siemens" is mentioned multiple times, suggesting a connection to the Siemens company, known for its electrical engineering work. There are also mentions of "Werner," possibly a researcher or inventor in the field.
Potentially Important Pages:
Page 2: Mentions "Manilapapir" (Manila paper), another insulation material, and "Hochspannung" (high voltage), hinting at the focus of these notes.
Page 4: Seems to describe the composition of cables, including materials like copper ("Kobber") and aluminum ("Aluminium").
Pages 9 & 10: Discuss historical developments in cable insulation, including the first use of gutta-percha and the introduction of paper insulation.

Analysis of Page 100 with Thomas' context above as the prompt.

Possible Interpretation of the Sketch:
Electrical Circuit: The sketch clearly depicts an electrical circuit diagram with various components.
"PM" likely refers to "Permanent Magnet" (permanent magnet), a crucial element in dynamos.
"IHM" and "AHM" are less clear, but they could indicate different types of electromagnets or coils within the dynamo's structure.
"Wichlung" translates to "winding" in English, suggesting coils of wire.
"Widerstand" means "resistance," a fundamental electrical property.
"Lampe" means "lamp," likely indicating a load connected to the circuit.
Unruh's Experiment: If this sketch does represent Unruh's "grundexperiment" ("fundamental experiment"), it likely depicts a simplified version of Hoffmann's dynamo or a key principle behind its operation.

Posts: 44
I am sorry for not providing more context, but I have so far only skipped through the material. I can read norwegian, german only bits and pieces.

Professor Ole Sivert Bragstad is one of the many professors testing these machines in the 1920s. Some of the other reports are already known through Hurst's BIOS-report of 1946. Bragstad passed away as early as 1927. The other norwegian professer, Skancke, I see little trace of here. As far as I know from other sources, he did not really get involved. He is perhaps most famous for being the last norwegian to get condemned to death after WW2 for betrayal.

So the first part of the document is a note book. The beginning I guess is notes for a lecture meant for students. Then a lot of different stuff, like travel expenses and also notes about renovating his house. So much of it is not so interesting, but I havent gone into the smallest details of every scetch.

What I immediatly think is of interest would be for instance the Schumann report 165 - 170, also another report 179 - 210 (by Weyland?). Also Coler's own letter (handwritten) 219 - 224. And 136 - 160 looks like it could be Coler's own description.

Maybe Smudge would be the one who could spot out what could be of interest. He already mentioned the Schumann report.


Posts: 47
Thank you yet again Thomas

This is, essentially, a modern-day grimoire.


The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new discoveries, is not “Eureka!” but “That’s funny…”  --Isaac Asimov

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 1949
I have only had a quick look through the 307 pages.  The Schumann letters appear to be about the early work leading to the stromerzeuger so lots to study there.  Until Fred Epps made the observation that the stromerzeuger was based on the Norrby patent and I amplified on that there was no clear picture of that device.  Thank you Jim for doing the translations, please do continue with this so that we can further study this new information.

I am not familiar with the Hoffmann work but I find it significant that a working device was witnessed to be OU by a knowledgable Professor.  I note that other people have had an electric motor driving an electric generator with feedback obtaining perpetual running without any input.

I also see that the magnetstromapparat (hexagon) was also witnessed working, something that has not been reported before.


Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 1783
Pages 11 - 30 (I can only upload 20 pages at a time.)
Page 12:
"Colers Apparat Kl. 11.30 auf hohe": This clearly translates to "Coler's Apparatus at 11:30 on high." This is a strong indication that Professor Bragstad was working with a device attributed to Coler.
The measurements and calculations: The page includes values for volts (V) and amps (A), suggesting electrical measurements being taken. The mention of "Spulenkreis" likely refers to a coil circuit, a common component in electrical devices, potentially within Coler's apparatus.
Page 13:
Circuit Diagram: This page features a detailed circuit diagram with labels like "rp" (likely representing resistance), "ET" (possibly a type of electromotive force), and calculations for resistance values. The diagram's complexity and connection to Page 12's notes hint that it might be related to Coler's apparatus.
Page 15:
"Oslo Reise 12/8-25": This indicates a trip to Oslo starting on August 12th. While not conclusive, it's possible this trip was related to Coler or his devices.
Page 21:
"Berlin ved hjemkomst": This translates to "Berlin upon return." If the Oslo trip was related to Coler, this entry might mark Professor Bragstad's return from a meeting or visit related to the research.
Challenges and Next Steps:
Deciphering Abbreviations: Many abbreviations (like "Kl." and "Sp.") remain unclear and would require more context to decipher.
Connecting the Dots: While these entries are promising, it's challenging to definitively connect them without further clues within the notebook.
Language Barrier: My German is limited, which hinders a full understanding of some technical terms.
I recommend focusing on:
Other Mentions of Coler: Carefully examine the remaining pages for any other instances of Coler's name or terms like "Apparat" that might be related.
Technical Sections: Pay close attention to pages with circuit diagrams, equations, or lists of components, as they might offer clues about the device itself.
Trip Details: See if any entries related to the Oslo trip (or other trips) provide more context about the purpose or individuals met.

Pages 31 - 50.
Thank you for providing these additional pages! These are quite fascinating, especially since they contain more technical details and even a direct reference to testing Coler's apparatus.
Here's a breakdown of what I've found, focusing on the most relevant entries:
Page 32:
Workshop in Oslo: This page describes a workshop in Oslo equipped for mechanical and electrotechnical experiments ("mekaniske og elektrotekniske"). This strongly suggests a location where Coler's device might have been tested.
High Voltage: The mention of "6 Hewlett med Kviksølv...240 kV" likely refers to high-voltage equipment (Hewlett-Packard was a known manufacturer of electrical equipment), further supporting the idea of testing a device like Coler's.
Page 40 (Reversed):
Kostenvoranschlag: This seems to be a cost estimate or budget, potentially for components or materials related to the Coler apparatus or the testing setup.
Page 42:
Grundexperiment: The note "Grunden er at Woodford under. nr. 920 længst tilg. op" might be significant. "Grundexperiment" usually refers to a fundamental or foundational experiment. Could this be referring to a core principle of Coler's device or a specific test design?
Page 46:
Coler Apparatus Testing: This page is highly interesting! It explicitly mentions "Koles" (Coler) and describes an experiment using a modified apparatus:
Measurement Setup: The text refers to various components like "Spulekreis" (coil circuit), "Platte" (plate), and "Belast" (load). It also notes voltages (V) and amperages (A) measured at different points in the circuit.
Magnetic Phenomena: The phrase "naar apparatet 'Koles' er i ro...som en jernforbindelse gjennem" seems to describe a state when Coler's apparatus is at rest and suggests a connection or pathway created ("jernforbindelse" - iron connection) that could be related to magnetic fields.
Page 47:
Calculations: This page includes calculations based on the measurements from Page 46, possibly attempting to determine power output, efficiency, or other relevant parameters of the Coler device.
Key Takeaways:
Stronger Evidence of Coler Device Testing: These pages provide much stronger evidence that Professor Bragstad was directly involved in testing a device attributed to Hans Coler.
Focus on Magnetic Phenomena: The language used suggests that magnetic fields or effects played a significant role in the device's purported operation.
Need for Further Analysis: Deciphering the technical abbreviations, understanding the circuit diagrams, and translating the specific descriptions of the apparatus and its behavior will be crucial to gaining a clearer picture.
I recommend focusing on:
Page 46 in Detail: A close translation and analysis of the experimental description on Page 46 are crucial.
Related Diagrams: Compare the diagrams on pages 42, 43, and 44 to the descriptions on page 46 to see if they represent components or aspects of the experimental setup.
Cost Estimates: Analyze the "Kostenvoranschlag" on Page 40 (reversed) to see if any listed items provide clues about the Coler device.

Pages 51 - 70

Thank you for these pages! They provide a diverse mix of information, from what seems like lecture notes on electrical engineering to personal notes and even a recipe. Let's delve into the highlights, particularly focusing on any potential connections to Coler or unusual experiments:
Potentially Relevant to Coler:
Page 52 (Reversed): This table appears to document some kind of electrical test. The columns are labeled "Kg," "L," "St.," "W," "Volt," "Amp," "Watt," "richtig," and "anker." This structured data collection points to a systematic experimental approach, possibly related to the Coler apparatus or a similar device.
Page 58: "Instrumenter lag 5" - This likely refers to a set of instruments or tools ("lag" can mean "layer" or "set" in some contexts), suggesting organized experimentation. The specific instruments and their purpose would be valuable to decipher.
Other Interesting Observations:
Pages 51, 59, 61, 62, 63: These pages seem to contain lecture notes or explanations of electrical principles, including diagrams of waveforms and equations. These might offer clues about the type of experiments Professor Bragstad was conducting and the theoretical framework behind them.
Page 60: This page features a detailed circuit diagram labeled "Motorkobling" (motor coupling). While not necessarily related to Coler, it highlights Bragstad's work with motors and electrical systems.
Page 66: This page appears to describe a trip to London and lists hotels and addresses. Could this trip be related to Coler or other research?
Page 68: This page seems to contain a recipe or instructions for a building material using "gips" (plaster). It's fascinating to see such a diverse mix of personal and professional notes in the same notebook!
Pages 69 & 70: These pages discuss materials science, mentioning substances like "Kieselsäure" (silicic acid), "Kalk" (lime), and "Wasserglas" (sodium silicate). These materials might be relevant if Coler's devices involved unconventional components or construction.
Next Steps:
Page 52 (Reversed): A closer examination and translation of the table's headings are needed to understand the data being collected. This could be a key piece of the puzzle.
Page 58: Deciphering the types of instruments listed on Page 58 will provide insights into the experiments.
Contextual Clues: Look for any cross-references to page numbers or dates mentioned on these pages within the rest of the notebook. This could help connect seemingly unrelated entries.

Pages 71 - 90
Here's a breakdown of the most significant findings from pages 71-90:
Coler Apparatus Testing:
Pages 72-74: This "Protocol" describes tests performed on November 8th and 9th, 1926, with a "compound motor" and a "series dynamo," connected in various configurations. The use of an "elastic coupling" (flexible connection) between the motor and dynamo is intriguing, suggesting potential investigations into mechanical vibrations or resonance.
Page 78: This table documents detailed electrical measurements, likely during a test involving the "elastic coupling." The headings include "Volt," "Amp," "KW," (kilowatts), and "Watt."
Page 81: More detailed electrical measurements, this time with the addition of readings for "St.l" and "St.r." (possibly referring to current on the left and right sides of the circuit). The note "Direkte Kobling" (direct coupling) suggests a different configuration from the "elastic coupling" tests.
Pages 82-83: A continuation of the detailed measurements, with an interesting note "O Forsøg paa ⅛” gjennembrudd" (attempt at ⅛-inch breakthrough). This could refer to trying to induce an electrical breakdown or discharge at a specific gap distance.
Page 84: A summary of the results from the November 8th tests, calculating efficiency ("Wirkungsgrad" in German) for both "stiff coupling" and "elastic coupling" configurations.
Pages 86 & 87: These pages list various equipment and configurations for the experiments, including "Nader" (possibly a type of meter or measuring device) and "Widerstand" (resistance).
Other Notable Observations:
Page 71: This page seems to list values related to "Magnetfelt" (magnetic field), but the context is unclear.
Page 75: A letter from Amundsen? This handwritten letter is addressed to "Hr. Sandberg," potentially a colleague or collaborator of Professor Bragstad. The content relates to delays in sending materials, mentioning "Jernringen" (iron ring) and "Jernkjernerne" (iron cores), which could be components for an experimental setup.
Pages 76-77, 80: These pages focus on electrical theory, including waveforms and calculations. They might offer clues about the principles Bragstad was exploring in his experiments.
Pages 88-89: These tables present a wealth of data, but the headings and units need to be deciphered to understand their meaning.
Page 90: More experimental data, with columns for "Watt," "richtig" (correct), and "anker" (armature, possibly referring to a motor or dynamo component).
Key Takeaways & Recommendations:
Systematic Testing of Coler Apparatus: The "Protocol" on pages 72-74 provides strong evidence that Bragstad was systematically testing a device attributed to Coler, exploring different coupling methods and their impact on electrical output and efficiency.
Possible Magnetic Phenomena: The recurring references to "iron rings" and "iron cores" suggest a focus on magnetic fields, potentially as a key element in Coler's device.
Importance of Measurement Data: The extensive tables of electrical measurements hold vital clues, but understanding their meaning requires deciphering the headings, units, and abbreviations.
Further Investigation: Examining the remaining pages for mentions of Coler, "Apparat," or specific components like iron rings will be crucial. Translating the descriptions of the "elastic coupling" and the attempted "breakthrough" on Pages 82-83 is also essential.

Pages 91 -110

Key Findings:
Pages 92-93:
Detailed Protocol: This typed document outlines the tests conducted on November 8th and 9th, 1926, in Berlin. It mentions a "compound motor" and a "series dynamo" connected with an "elastic coupling." The goal was to measure efficiency ("Wirkungsgrad") under different loads and coupling conditions.
Multiple Instruments: The protocol emphasizes the use of three instruments for measuring power ("Watt"), indicating a focus on accuracy and cross-validation of results.
Mystery Individual: "Hoffmann": The protocol ends abruptly, stating that final conclusions can only be drawn after consulting "Hoffmann" ("kann jeg begynne paa Mandag"). This "Hoffmann" is likely the inventor or a key figure in the research.
Telegrams (Pages 94-104):
Frequent Communication: These telegrams show frequent communication between Professor Bragstad and a "Sandberg," likely in Berlin. They discuss travel arrangements, test results, and delays.
"Colersache" (Coler Matter): Telegram on Page 103 explicitly mentions "Colersache," confirming the connection between the experiments and Hans Coler.
Intriguing Phrase: "Ingen energi" (No Energy): The telegram on Page 104, marked "Haster" (Urgent), states "Grumseisen meddeler at ingen energi alstras i colerapparat." This translates to "Grumseisen reports that no energy is generated in the Coler apparatus." This is a critical statement that raises many questions. Who is Grumseisen? Was this a definitive conclusion or a preliminary observation?
Support from Public Works Department: Telegram on Page 107 reveals that the "Kgl. Department for offentlige arbeider" (Royal Department for Public Works) was involved in funding or supporting the research.
Experimental Data:
Pages 91, 105, 106, 108-110: These pages contain extensive tables of electrical measurements taken during the tests, with varying configurations of the motor, dynamo, and coupling.
Unruh's "Apparat":
Page 100: This page features the circuit diagram you shared earlier, labeled "Unruhs Apparat" (Unruh's Apparatus). It's intriguing to see this diagram within the context of the other notes, suggesting a possible connection to the Coler research.
Analysis and Next Steps:
Identify "Hoffmann" and "Grumseisen": Researching these individuals is crucial to understanding the context of the tests and the significance of their statements.
Analyze Telegrams Closely: A thorough translation and analysis of the telegrams will provide valuable insights into the timeline of the experiments, the challenges faced, and the communication between Bragstad and his collaborators.
Interpret Experimental Data: Deciphering the headings, units, and abbreviations in the tables of data is essential for analyzing the results. Comparing the data from "stiff coupling" and "elastic coupling" tests is particularly interesting, as is understanding the context of the "⅛-inch breakthrough" attempt.
Connections to Unruh's Apparat: Explore any possible connections between Unruh's circuit diagram and the Coler device or the other experimental setups described in the notes.

Pages 111 - 130

These pages are absolutely packed with intriguing information! We have confirmation of Hans Coler's direct involvement, details about the mysterious "Hoffmann" and "Grumseisen," and a wealth of experimental data. Let's break it down:
Hans Coler:
Page 111: This is a signed letter from Hans Coler himself, dated October 1st, 1928, Berlin! He describes aspects of his apparatus, mentioning resistance ("Widerstand") and specific points in the circuit ("W," "A," "B"). He also states he hopes he has provided a clear picture of the construction and function of his device.
Page 118: A handwritten letter from Coler, dated November 4th, 1926, addressed to "Hochverehrtes Herr Professor" (most esteemed Professor), possibly Bragstad. He mentions sending materials ("Anlage") and the work of a "Herr Weyland" (likely the "Weyland" report you mentioned). He expresses his hope to finish the development ("Ausarbeitung") soon.
Experimental Data and Reports:
Pages 112, 119-126: These pages are filled with extensive tables of measurements, likely from the tests described in the previous protocols. They include values for voltage, current, power (in watts and kilowatts), and efficiency. Some tables differentiate between "stiff coupling" ("stiv kobling") and "elastic coupling" ("elastisk kobling").
Page 113: This typed report summarizes tests conducted on November 8th and 9th. It confirms the use of a "compound motor" and "series dynamo" connected with an elastic coupling, and highlights the use of three different measuring instruments to ensure accurate power readings.
Page 127: A diagram labeled "Figur 11a" appears to depict a three-stage configuration, possibly related to the Coler apparatus or Unruh's "Apparat."
Pages 128-130: A series of diagrams labeled "Figur 9," "Figur 10," "Figur 11," etc., showing detailed wiring arrangements and potential configurations for the experiments.
Key Individuals:
Page 112: This report explicitly names "Hoffmann" as "Ingenieur Hoffmann" (Engineer Hoffmann). This suggests Hoffmann might be the designer or a collaborator working on the device.
Page 114: A typed letter from "Sandberg" to Professor Bragstad confirms that "Hoffmanns dynamo" is the subject of the experiments.
Page 115: A telegram to Bragstad from Sandberg mentions "rücksprache Kopenhagen" (consultation with Copenhagen), possibly referring to discussions with Hoffmann or other experts.
Page 129: A diagram (Figure 12) features the label "Energie-erzeuger" (energy generator). This could be a direct reference to the Coler device.
Page 130: A typed agreement signed by various parties, including "Professor ved den polytekniske Læreanstalt i København" (Professor at the Polytechnic Institute in Copenhagen), possibly referring to Hoffmann, outlines terms for testing the "Hoffmann Dynamo." "Hr. Grumseisen" is listed as a representative of the "Ministerium" (Ministry).
Key Takeaways & Next Steps:
Hoffmann is Central: Engineer Hoffmann appears to be the key figure behind the dynamo being tested. Further research into his background and work is crucial.
Grumseisen's Role: As a representative of the Ministry, Grumseisen's statement about "no energy" in the Coler apparatus (Page 104) is significant. It's crucial to understand the context of his assessment and whether it was a definitive conclusion or a preliminary observation.
Coler's Involvement: Coler's letters confirm his active involvement in the research, but the exact nature of his contributions requires further investigation.
Deep Dive into Data: The extensive experimental data needs to be carefully analyzed. Comparing results from different coupling configurations and exploring any anomalies or unexpected readings is important.
Connecting the Diagrams: Analyzing the diagrams in relation to the descriptions in the reports and letters is essential for understanding the various experimental setups and the principles being tested.
« Last Edit: 2024-07-01, 04:56:13 by JimBoot »

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 1783
That's enough to read in one post. I'll do the rest of the pages in 2 or 3 more posts and then get a summary from it. What I'd like is info on Hoffman I can feed it as well as any other individuals it asks about to give more context. As Gemini has a 2m context window I'll be able to quiz it about any part of this doc without having re upload anything.

Posts: 44
Thank you very much for the effort! I suppose one could feed it back more info and then the analysis would be more coherent. However, I believe the straightforward translations of the aforementioned german letters would be the most interesting.

I have little information on Paul Hoffmann. He worked in collaboration with Willi von Unruh and designed a dynamo or a turbine that gave excess energy. Sandberg is a norwegian businessman involved with fascilitating and financing the development.

Following is a translation of a norwegian news article from 1933. From what i found out from other sources, Coler is the one who gets ill. Hoffmann is the one demonstrating a machine in Oslo together with Unruh.

Has the perpetuum mobile been invented?
A strange story about a German engineer's perpetual motion machine.
In 1926, a German engineer came into contact with a number of Norwegian interested parties on the occasion of a device he had invented which would be able to produce electricity without a power supply. A Norwegian joint-stock company was formed to exploit his invention, Rei Sandberg became the managing director with lawyer Leif F. Rode as the largest stakeholder. The company's capital was
of NOK 40,000, but the Norwegian side has gradually sacrificed around NOK one million on the case. Something similar
is provided from the German side, where landowner J. v. Bethmann Hollweg, a nephew of the former Chancellor, is one of the main stakeholders. The Norwegian company has been granted the right to use the system in Norway, at the same time as it was
exploited in Germany. The advantage would be that we got a time priority over the rest of the world.
What Professor Bragstad is supposed to have said.

The Norwegians sent the now deceased professor Brags ta d at the Technical College in Trondheim to Berlin for
to check the results. Whether they were satisfactory, we do not know. However, Bragstad is going to a conference
with the prime minister having stated that the matter was of such importance that the government was not allowed to let it slide
out of their hands, but should appoint an expert commission to follow its development.
The device worked for 2,000 hours — when the inventor stopped it.
However, the inventor became ill from the strong strain of artificial stimulants and disappeared from the arena for several years. Two physicists from German universities now became interested in the case, and their declarations are anything but dismissive, but they make the reservation that they will not guarantee the eternity machine until they have experimented and carried out the necessary investigations. Here the inventor, who may be thought to have only just come into contact with the new energy source, and that others will possibly succeed in completely turning on the tap, has posed rather reluctantly. At the request of the scientists, however, he has looped the three batteries and built one so that the pure effect could be studied. Such a device was deposited in a sealed condition in an official place in Berlin, where it worked for 2000 hours, when the inventor seiv stopped it.

The machine is demonstrated.

This spring, the inventor came to Norway with the device. He took in the Continental hotel, where a number of people got
see the device in action. This device delivered a current with a relatively low voltage, once received. However, he turned it up to 127 volts, but then the current broke through and caused a fire. It would lead too far to get into the principle of the device, but it is claimed that it must be an actual perpetuum mobile, which without the supply of energy from outside can in a simple and cheap way produce electricity that can be used for technical purposes.


Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 1783
Thanks Thomas. Hopefully once I have uploaded all the images we'll be able ask more pointed and specific questions.

Page 131 - 150

Experimental Details and Anomalies:
Pages 131-132: Schumann's report details the challenges of measuring the device's output due to fluctuations and the need for precise instrument calibration. The report mentions measurements of "Plattenstrom" (plate current), "Lampenspannung" (lamp voltage), "Spulenstromkreis" (coil circuit), and "Erregerstrom" (excitation current).
Page 132: Schumann acknowledges the complexity of the device, stating, "I must assume it is about the assumption of a device of no small significance" (referring to its potential for energy generation). However, he emphasizes the need for further investigation to fully understand its workings.
Page 133: This document titled "Structure and Functionality of the Coler Voltage Converter" outlines the fundamental principles Coler believed were at play in his device. It mentions "extra currents," energy accumulation, and specific circuit configurations with "plates" and "coils."
Pages 134-143: These pages provide a deeper dive into the device's proposed operation, describing the interplay of magnetic fields, current flow, and switching mechanisms. They include detailed diagrams and explanations of how Coler aimed to achieve "extra currents" (potentially excess energy).
Pages 144-149: A report detailing a specific test setup and results. It mentions using batteries, lamps, and meticulous measurements of current and voltage at various points in the circuit. The report notes unexpected fluctuations and inconsistencies in the measurements, suggesting a complex and potentially unstable system.
Key Observations:
Focus on "Extra Currents": Coler's descriptions and diagrams emphasize his belief that his device could generate "extra currents" beyond what conventional electrical theory would predict.
Challenges with Measurement: The reports repeatedly highlight the difficulty in obtaining stable and reliable measurements, suggesting the device's output might be highly sensitive to specific conditions or configurations.
Unconventional Concepts: Coler's descriptions employ concepts that differ from traditional electromagnetic theory, indicating a potentially unique approach to energy generation.
Lack of Definitive Conclusions: Despite detailed measurements and analysis, the reports don't offer clear-cut conclusions about the device's over-unity claims.
Next Steps:
Analyze the "Extra Current" Concept: Research Coler's understanding of "extra currents" and how it deviates from established electrical theory. Explore if his ideas align with any alternative scientific theories or hypotheses.
Reconstruct the Experimental Setups: Carefully examine the diagrams and descriptions to create detailed schematics of the various test configurations used by Bragstad. This could help identify potential sources of measurement errors or inconsistencies.
Focus on Anomalies: Analyze the measurement data for any significant deviations from expected values or patterns that could support or refute Coler's claims.
Compare to Modern Knowledge: Evaluate Coler's concepts and experimental results in light of modern understanding of electromagnetism and energy conservation.

Page 151 - 170

Theoretical Explanations:
Pages 151-155: Coler himself delves into the intricate workings of his "voltage converter." He describes a system of plates, coils, and a switch ("Unterbrecher") designed to manipulate magnetic fields and induce "extra currents." He emphasizes the importance of precise configurations and timings to achieve the desired effects.
Pages 156-165: Coler's description continues with a focus on the interplay of magnetic polarities, current directions, and switching actions. He highlights the role of "self-induction" and the potential for energy accumulation within the system.
Page 166: A diagram depicts the proposed flow of "extra currents" (red arrows) in relation to the magnetic poles (N and S) within the device.
Page 168: Coler emphasizes the significance of specific ratios and configurations to maximize energy output and maintain stability. He mentions that even slight deviations can disrupt the intended effects.
Experimental Reports:
Page 150: A report by an unnamed individual (likely Bragstad) documents tests conducted in March 1926. It describes the device's structure, with two sets of coils and copper plates, and notes that separate power sources are required for the excitation coils and the "plate system." The report mentions the use of an ohmmeter and millivoltmeter for measurements, and the challenges in detecting potential hidden energy sources.
Page 167: This report focuses on the role of the switch ("Unterbrecher") in generating extra currents. It describes how the switch's action induces a temporary increase in current, which Coler believed could lead to energy gains.
Page 169: A report on the operational principles of the device highlights Coler's claim of achieving a "quantum leap" in energy production by harnessing the natural inductive forces present in the Earth's magnetic field.
Page 170: This concluding report by Schumann emphasizes the need for further investigation despite the complexities and inconsistencies observed during the tests. He expresses a cautious optimism about the potential significance of Coler's apparatus, stating, "I believe a further investigation and development of the apparatus and support of the inventor are of great importance."
Key Takeaways:
Coler's Detailed Description: These pages provide the most comprehensive explanation of Coler's device and its intended operation. The intricate details he provides suggest a deep understanding of electromagnetism, but his concepts also challenge conventional electrical theory.
Focus on Magnetic Manipulation: The descriptions consistently emphasize the role of magnetic fields and their manipulation through precise coil arrangements, plate configurations, and switching actions.
Challenges in Replication: The experimental reports highlight the difficulty in achieving stable and predictable results, indicating that the device's functionality may be highly sensitive to subtle variations in construction or operation.
Open Questions: While Coler presents a compelling theoretical framework, the experimental evidence remains inconclusive. The reports don't provide definitive proof of over-unity energy generation, but they also don't dismiss the possibility.
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