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Author Topic: Hans Coler Colleage letters survived  (Read 17187 times)

Posts: 44
Iffarand: Thank you for the translation. Maybe you could post or send me the raw german text? I could then improve this and put it in the right sequence before translating it again.

Havercake: Why do you think the Norrby patent is registeret in The UK? I find it plausible that Norrby is the same that I found. I searched swedish cencus and he is the only one that is registered. He is residing in Stockholm at the time, probably is Hamngatan his business adresse. At the time he was working in a company involved with legal consultation and properties.

Maybe he was an investor? There are later examples of investors wanting to claim their rights for the patent (Sandberg and Modersohn).


Posts: 44
Norrby, Robert, businessman,
Homeland researcher, composer, b. 7
June 1875 in Sunds skn, Östergötl. county.
Parents: public school teacher ocli
savings bank chamberlain Glaës Jonsson and
Ingeborg Lovisa Ek. ■—■ After
maturity e.x in Linköping in 1894 became N. fil.
B.Sc. 1S97, file. lic. 1902 and file. dr
1905, all in Uppsala. The years 1910-47
is he working as verkst.dir. in AB Tjäder's agency
(legal business agency and
property brokerage) in Stockholm.
He has
held farms in various parts of Sweden,
among others a. Skälby in Grödinge so-called,
Stockholm County, ' 1912-42 and Vallby i
Rimbo skn, same county, since 1925.
In 1926-29, he was Ordf. in
Sv. the property brokers' association. and 1944
—46 words in Stockholm
real estate association. In addition, he has
held positions of trust in
Homeland organizations and economic
associations of different sias. —
N. has published several writings in
dialect and homeland research, mainly "Ydre
district farm name" (1905) and
"Kindabygden och Ydre" (1937). He has
also made a name for himself as a composer
to some songs, above all to
texts by E. A. Karlfeldt, pp. “Svarta
Rudolf" and "Säng med positiv"". -— Married
1) 1902-07 with Karin Berg; 2) 1919
with Ingeborg Pehrsson. L. S.


Posts: 47
Havercake: Why do you think the Norrby patent is registeret in The UK? I find it plausible that Norrby is the same that I found. I searched swedish cencus and he is the only one that is registered. He is residing in Stockholm at the time, probably is Hamngatan his business adresse. At the time he was working in a company involved with legal consultation and properties.

Hi Thomas.  There is a record of the UK patent application that somebody found (Smudge?)

See below.

The patent application appears to have been cancelled or rejected.  However the published UK specification lists the priority Swedish application date as 24 February 1920.

In most countries it is a criminal offence for a citizen to attempt to patent something in a foreign country before applying to, and getting clearance from, their own domestic patent office.  This is a matter of national security - in case the technology is deemed to be of strategic military or economic importance.  If the patent office decides that the patent should remain secret, then the specification is not published, and the applicant is forbidden to attempt to apply for additional patents in other countries.

Sometimes an inventor will try to bypass this restriction by getting someone else, in another country, to apply for a patent in thier own name - relying on a business arrangement so that the inventor should still benefit financially. This is a very risky practice.

I once knew an inventor (now sadly deceased) who was a French citizen and decided to try this in order to patent his invention in the UK - as he did not like some of the French rules on industrial patents.  However, the people he went into business with swindled him - by cutting him out of the contract - so he lost his invention.  He could do nothing about it, as he would have been guilty of a criminal offence, in France, had he admitted to his attempt to bypass the system.

Does anyone know whether Willi Unruh applied for a patent in Germany?  As a German citizen he would have had to apply there first - but if the German patent office decided that it was strategically important, they would have seized the patent and forbidden him to patent the invention in any other country.  If he then tried to get around the restriction, by passing details to someone in another country (perhaps Robert Norrby?) and was discovered to have done so, he would have been arrested.

This is why the relative dates of the Norrby patents, and Unruh's arrest, could be significant.

« Last Edit: 2024-04-05, 21:09:50 by Havercake »

The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new discoveries, is not “Eureka!” but “That’s funny…”  --Isaac Asimov
Sr. Member

Posts: 280
Iffarand: Thank you for the translation. Maybe you could post or send me the raw german text? I could then improve this and put it in the right sequence before translating it again.

I simply uploaded the images to Google Translate for translation. Unfortunately it doesn't offer the choice to download the original text.

Posts: 44
Ok. I think there might be some interesting information there. I will see if I can get a better translation.

I did a quick search in the swedish patent archive. Nothing on Norrby, but the database does not include denied application.

From what I have read so far, it seems that Unruh is charged with economic fraud - schwindel.

If I understood Smudge correctly earlier - one hypothesis is that all the investors and speculators where the ones responsible for this situation, and not nesseceraly Unruh himself. I can easily see how the speculators would collect donations in exchange for all sorts of promises and so on.


Posts: 47
From what I have read so far, it seems that Unruh is charged with economic fraud - schwindel.

I agree that we need a better translation. Thank you lfarand for the google translate - there are clearly some howlers, but we can already get some useful information from it.

With regards to the schwindel charge - the translation says:

In the fall of 1922, a number of financiers filed a lawsuit
against Unruh for fraud, and in November 1922 he was
simultaneously arrested for alleged fraudulent fraud.

This suggests that Unruh had already been in prison for two years before an additional charge of fraud was made against him.

The original worldwide press reports (George Renwick seems to have been the source of all of them) are slightly circumspect over the exact nature of Unruh's arrest in 1920.  They imply it was for fraud, but if the authorities had actually arrested him on the grounds of national security, then suspected financial fraud could have been a convenient explanation to give to the press.

« Last Edit: 2024-04-05, 12:42:06 by Havercake »

The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new discoveries, is not “Eureka!” but “That’s funny…”  --Isaac Asimov

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 1961
It seems Unruh claimed the device got its energy from splitting the atom and we all know where that area of research led.  So national security could have been involved in his arrest.  I would point out that the UK patent we have copies of is not a patent, it is a patent specification.  It clearly states a patent was not granted.


Posts: 44
Still not perfect, but slightly improved. Interesting to read about the brother Hans v. Unruh:

Willy Beyer

Attorney and notary
Berlin, May 25th 1922

State Secretary Dr. Kempner,
Reich Chancellery Wilhelmstr.

Dear Mr. State Secretary,
Referring to your conversation with the Horren Dr. Jossel
and Wolff allow me to submit the following to you:
The engineer Willy v. Unruh (nobility denied) made
an invention or discovery a few years ago that was supposed
to make it possible to generate large quantities of electricity
using small means.

The first small experimental apparatus worked in 1912.
In the years that followed, the experiments continued and were
partially interrupted by the war.

In 1916, however, a larger apparatus was already in operation.

After the war, especially in 1920, an even larger apparatus
demonstrated considerable achievements.

Unruh was approached by a large number of money people,
both national and foreign, who wanted to earn money by exploiting
the device. However, it cannot be used because Unruh always
feared that his discovery would be brought to his attention and because
the device only burned occasionally.

In the fall of 1922, a number of financiers filed a lawsuit
against Unruh for fraud, and in November 1922 he was
simultaneously arrested for alleged fraudulent fraud.

The pre-trial detention lasted for years and Unruh was in the first instance because of the amount through the apparatus and because of the check, which was smaller than Unruh's and did not have the great achievements of the same.

counterfeit checks
sentenced to 5 years in prison. The experts,
who had not seen the apparatus working, explained that,
according to the known laws of nature and the current state of
science, it was impossible for the apparatus to have the
highest performance.

In the second instance, the experts repeated their opinion.
However, the power was stopped. 4 years reduced, taking into
account 2 years of examination booklet and retention period of one
year, so that 1 year remains to be wasted, of which around 4
months have been served.

Unruh is currently in pretrial detention in double

The second instance did not find, as the first instance did,
that the apparatus was fraudulent because a large number of independent
witnesses were able to testify that they had frequently seen
the apparatus in operation and had not detected any errors despite
all the efforts.

The second instance therefore had to leave open the question
of whether the device was a fraud or not, but condemned
Unruh because he had spent large sums of money on an
unfinished device and used it for himself.

During Unruh's pre-trial detention, his brother Hans built
an apparatus on his behalf to guide to prove that his brother's device was not a fraud and to help his brother in the criminal proceedings. This device has also burned repeatedly, but is currently not burning.

In the last few months a captain a. D. Coler of both devices, d. H. that of willy and that of Hans v. Unruh, as well as looking for the secret writing of Willy v. Knowing the balance exactly, he built a device that works. But the apparatus is essential

[... differences and patent rights between the v. Unruh group and Coler au avoid,
both have united and are also in the process of producing the
group Hans v. Unruh, as well as another group Conrad with
Hans v. Unruh worked so that everyone interested
in the device would be united in a top group.

Interested parties from abroad have already gathered
around Colert's apparatus and have had their
expert provide a copy of the attached report.
[... is the following plan:

All interested groups should be brought together
immediately, if possible in the next few days, into a unified
Unruh-Coler group.

This plan has already largely been implemented.

The balance device that was installed after Willy von. The
balance wheel has now been completed and should be set to
burn immediately. Last Friday, with the permission of the public
prosecutor's office, von Unruh went through several attempts
to switch on his device, discovered and eliminated
significant errors, and had notable initial successes. According to his
belief, it is still a matter of hours or days until the device returns
to its previous performance.
3./As soon as the apparatus is activated, the criminal trial experts
should be called in immediately and examine the apparatus.

As soon as the performance of the device has been determined
through these reports, the invention should be offered to the German

Only if the German Reich rejects it should it be made
available to foreign countries.

In order to carry out these flanes, it is urgently necessary to have
Mr v. Unruh to be freed from prison at least temporarily
so that he
can get his device ready. The public prosecutor's office rejects the
suspension of punishment because there is incompetence and the
completion of the apparatus is not a major suspension of punishment,
especially since it is not clear whether the apparatus actually
caught fire. The opinion of the public prosecutor's office may be
formally correct, but it does not take into account the importance
of Unruhs findings.

Incidentally, Unruh has lost about 50 pounds over
the years of eseft and suffers from chronic gallbladder
catarrh and continued biliary calcium. In my opinion, there are doubts about its ability to hold.

On the other hand, the invention of Unruh, if it exists,
is of such enormous consequence that the German
Reich has the greatest interest in clarifying this question
as quickly as possible and in exploiting the invention
in its own interest. If the balance apparatus does what it
has done for a while, then a transformation is imminent
which, in my opinion, is as important as the service
of the fire for humanity.

It is therefore urgently necessary that v. Unruh
is to be released at least for one month from prison as quickly as
possible, for the two reasons listed above, so that the above-
mentioned plans can be implemented as quickly as possible


Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 1961
Putting aside whether the device produced excess energy (it did have three batteries inside it) there can be no doubt that when demonstrated the thing had internal oscillations.  How can a device with no active components oscillate?  How many people here on this forum have risen to the challenge to find that answer?  Until recently I thought I knew practically all there is to know about the magnetic properties of iron.  Like almost everyone on this planet who is skilled in electromagnetics I knew iron has a remanent field.  And if asked how long that field would remain with the iron in a quiescent state I would have said it is permanent magnetism.  OK, it might decay slightly over many years but so what? It never occurred to me that there is a reason for that slow decay, or that whatever caused it might be so important that it could be used somehow.  Now suddenly I discover that temperature plays its part in that slow decline, and iron can be treated in such a way that the slow decline can be speeded up.  What was many years now becomes milliseconds.  That tremendous change could have significant consequences in our overunity search, see the SEMP thread.  The iron heat-treatment used there is a means to get the iron to absorb carbon and create that enormous change of characteristic.  In the Coler/Unruh stromerzeuger the magnetization of the iron cores was important and certainly Coler would, after failing to get oscillations, deliberately demagnetize by taking the iron cores above their Curie temperature in order to start afresh.  Did his crude heat treatment modify the iron's characteristics?  Has anyone ever gone down this route to investigate?


Sr. Member

Posts: 302
Is it true that a short-circuited permanent magnet has a higher Curie temperature?
And why ?

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 1961
Is it true that a short-circuited permanent magnet has a higher Curie temperature?
And why ?
I was not aware of that but I can see it to be true.  A shortcircuited coil will have current induced into it that attempts to hold the decaying field constant, hence you would have to take the temperature higher to get the magnet demagnetized. 


Posts: 44
Im sorry if i am totally off, but could this be somehow related, and also if not, what does it mean?

He had also had Kloss and Schumann's statements verbally confirmed. The big current. of 6 KW he had not seen but only received a description of from C. It had [...] been in operation for a short time while he was on holiday. A couple of the perm. magnets had broken, probably due to the cold from an open window, and since then C. had not succeeded in getting the device working again [...] all his devices had been bombed. Mrs. Coler had been killed on the same occasion.


Posts: 47
A couple of the perm. magnets had broken, probably due to the cold from an open window

I'm sure Smudge will say more, but he has talked about energy possibly being extracted from the environment by somehow directly converting thermal (heat) energy to electrical energy via some process within the material of the magnets.

There is, of course, the well known magnetocaloric effect https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnetic_refrigeration - but this is not normally thought of as a way to produce electricity, so there seems to be something more mysterious going on.

Conversely, of course, as we don't know what material was being used for the magnets mentioned above, the comment about the open window could be metallurgically correct.  Some iron grades are very fracture sensitive below zero Celsius - and, depending on their manufacturing method, there can be enough residual internal stress in a component to result in low temperature fractures.  It is something I sometimes had to deal with during my career, before retiring.

The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new discoveries, is not “Eureka!” but “That’s funny…”  --Isaac Asimov


Posts: 47
I find this part in the translated document interesting:

All interested groups should be brought together
immediately, if possible in the next few days, into a unified
Unruh-Coler group.

There is also talk of a "Conrad" group.  Who is that?  We may never know, now.

There are clearly a number pages missing from the document (for some reason) - so we are only seeing a part of the picture.  But it does suggest that the authorities were gathering together a number of disparate "research groups", with the view of uniting their research under state control.

As soon as the performance of the device has been determined
through these reports, the invention should be offered to the German

Only if the German Reich rejects it should it be made
available to foreign countries.

Of course, the individual researchers might well have had other ideas, and would not have necessarily "fallen into line" - especially if they felt that the German state was effectively "stealing" their inventions.

This is also evidence that Coler and Unruh were previously working on devices entirely independently. So the occasional suggestion that Coler had simply been Unruh's "assistant" may be quite wrong. (I would not be surprised, though, if Unruh, with his aristocratic pretensions, would claim Coler was his assistant if queried over their relationship.) 
« Last Edit: 2024-04-06, 13:36:03 by Havercake »

The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new discoveries, is not “Eureka!” but “That’s funny…”  --Isaac Asimov

Posts: 44

Power generatorU.' Electric light without wire. Air transactions in the truest sense of the word form the sub-division of a huge trial that began in front of the jury court in Berlin-Mitte and is expected to last ten days, as no fewer than 120 witnesses and a whole army of experts will be heard. At the center of the accusation is the engineer Willi Unruhaus Berlin, who, however, claims that he is a Baron von Unruh be. Unruh has to answer because of numerous cases of fraud and forgery of documents. He is also accused of the businessman Fritz Wilke, the head of the broker Ernst Brinkmann from Hamburg The essence of this invention, whose yield, according to alleged reports, could wipe out Germany's entire reparation debt within a short time, is said to be that an apparatus invented by the defendant can be used to generate any amount of electrical energy from the air at very low cost nen , so that in the future the kilowatt hour would make up about the 1000th part of the previous bed day. According to the defendant, this is intended to achieve complete independence from coal. Based on this alleged invention, the defendant founded syndicates, corporations and companies with high-sounding names and took over their management, calling himself Frei Herr von Unruh .He received large amounts of money. The prosecution, which is represented by public prosecutor Schwandtke, is based on the expert from the Physical-Technical Reichsanstalt and is of the opinion that the invention is a fraud. The co-defendants are accused of having participated in the cancellation of the share certificate, although they are said to have known the non-existence of the invention. The defendant owned a laboratory in which his showed the machines to donors. When the defendant Willi Unruhe was questioned, it emerged that, although he also called himself an engineer, he had no technical training. He wanted to have trained himself. After his wife had acquired a "large inheritance, he set up his own laboratory and wanted to acquire domestic and foreign patents for his inventions." As early as 1913, he was involved in the invention of the electricity generator from air and received design protection )?

— Defendant: A Dutchman named Hodmark had taken it upon himself to raise IS million guilders for the company. But he let us down with his payments. — Pres.: How did you get the money? — Defendant: I had the share certificates sold by the co-accused, Captain Kohler 0Creditors are said to have been duped through the sale of share certificates. The defendant gave lectures about the “Stromzeuger II” to invited guests in Potsdam, mainly from the former court society. The third defendant, Captain D. Kohler, denied any intention to commit fraud in the sale of the share certificates. He saw the power generation apparatus working for eight hours at a time when the electric power plant in Berlin was on strike, so that other sources of supply were unthinkable. This gave the impression that it was a true invention. The last defendant, Kaufmann B rinkmann from Haniburg, is also fighting the accusation of fraud. I put a lot of money into the company myself and still believe in the invention today. After hearing a few witnesses, the hearing was postponed until Wednesday morning.

Posts: 44
Also, much later:


“Inventor” invented official documents. And now ends up in prison. After three days of negotiations, the chairman of the 19th criminal chamber of the Berlin regional court announced the verdict against 47-year-old Willi Unruh. The defendant was sentenced to three years in prison and a fine of 1,000 marks, alternatively a further 50 days in prison, for continued recidivism fraud in conjunction with serious forgery of documents. Willi Unruh, who had already been convicted four times for fraud, had led a number of people to believe that an authority and two financial people were very interested in his “transformational inventions” in the electrical field and had already bought some of them for five million Reichsmarks. To corroborate these fraudulent statements, the defendant presented a document from this supposedly interested authority, which he had prepared himself. All the maneuvers had the purpose of enticing money from the deceived, which he used for his own expenses and especially for his numerous trips.


Posts: 44
Conrad group is Coler group


Posts: 47
Conrad group is Coler group

Thanks Thomas.  And thankyou for the article translations. Do you know what newspapers they were from? (I assume these are clippings amongst Mr Sandberg's papers).

Do you know if "Captain D Kohler" and "Hans Coler" are the same person, or different people?

The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new discoveries, is not “Eureka!” but “That’s funny…”  --Isaac Asimov

Posts: 44
The clippings are from a quick search here: https://www.deutsche-digitale-bibliothek.de/newspaper?lang=en

The previously posted legal document i found here: https://www.archivportal-d.de/item/7TEPEQE6LKZYAYYOIHOI3NON5Y3RLOSS

This is really a rabbit hole.

Not sure about D. Kohler.


Posts: 47

This is really a rabbit hole.

It certainly is.

Not sure about D. Kohler.

I suspect it is a different person - as he just seems to be one of the people involved with the investment mania, bringing in more investors.

The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new discoveries, is not “Eureka!” but “That’s funny…”  --Isaac Asimov


Posts: 47
Leipziger Tageblatt and Handelszeitung: Official gazette of the council and police office of the city of Leipzig

Saturday, 11.12.1920

A new, mysterious “cache di” has been occupying German readers for a few weeks now. On December 7th, a newspaper in Leipzig carried an “in” wire report about the invention of a certain Willi von Unruh. According to this, Unruh is said to have succeeded in harnessing the energy released when the atom splits.

However, this wire report expresses a certain reservation about Unruh's inventions - specialist magazines should clarify the matter and the gentlemen inventors should wait with their publications until the necessary clarity is available. The Unruh matter initially seems doubtful insofar as there is actually the possibility of generating energy in this way. However, the fact that Unruh succeeded in doing the thing is contradicted by all sorts of circumstances that are so overwhelming that one should first demand proof from Unruh before the matter is believed.

What makes it more difficult is that Unruh is only now putting forward his idea of ​​the 'Alomzerstäubuiig', while he demonstrated his device about two years ago without making this declaration. Because of the demonstration at that time, Unruh forfeited a loan of 50,000.from which one could not observe the lamps.

At that time, Unruh gave the explanation that electricity was being 'induced' into the copper plates that he was transforming. The objections that this was completely impossible were sought [...] and at that time notarial documents about the burning time of the lamps were presented as evidence. This notarized?» U customers Koben contain nothing about the splitting of atoms. Even back then, it would have been criticized that such things are not examined by a notary but by an engineer and that at most the protocol or signature can be certified by a notary.

In the meantime, Unruh has become aware that it has been successful to drive through the Aiom decay. Then Unruh tried to save himself from his dead end of errors by foisting this atomic ice universe on Kat as the justification for his machine. So he asked, after he realized that the violated natural laws were always given to him

 [...] mystics in the Technology By Prof. Alfred Freund, Leipzig  We published, with all reservations, an essay about the invention of Willi v. in the evening edition of the "S .LL" on Wednesday . Unruh's 'There, atom at its energy source', although we had no doubt that it would first have to prove its worth. We must now admit that we cannot make progress through mystical ideas. We must not give in to the belief that some mysterious force, such as Hoffmann or Unruh believe they have found, will bring this help. We have to help ourselves through work and cloth. [...] thing" that of course didn't work in a real way" is attempted to be made probable by this new reference.

The following consideration also speaks against Unruh. The decomposition of atoms certainly produces heat, but no electrical energy. As if this warmth had to be put into electrical work first, the Assembly of Delegates voted in two resolutions on the beginners' training and engagement question. In particular, the acting school, which was founded by members of the Frankfurtmain Schauspielhaus, whose lessons are free and some of the students also receive material support, but above all it is taken into account that only [...] For some time there have been alarming observations phenomena in our economic life. So-called 'inventors' raise hopes that can never be fulfilled and meet every objectionexpert ropes with the indication that the expert does not understand or want to understand their “matter”. One of the most serious such cases was the so-called heat engine by Franz Hofsmann in Hall. Hoffmann wanted to improve the perpetual motion machine, i.e. the machine that does more than is necessary to drive it, by switching impellers into a vacuum pumped air, which are driven by the moving air. He claims that according to a 'radiation law' that Franz Hoffmann had invented for himself, the sun [...] in two days. Two whole pages of print for this nonsense and, in a sense, called on the Hamburg idealists to support this thing giving money would have to have such unforeseeably beneficial consequences for us. It was immediately announced that the first machine should be ready in about two months [...] Prof. Herkner:

The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new discoveries, is not “Eureka!” but “That’s funny…”  --Isaac Asimov

Posts: 44
Nice! Thank you. There was even a reference to Franz Hoffmann.
Hero Member

Posts: 2735
I found this link which seems the most credible to date and offers some new insight.
It becomes pretty obvious that these were real researchers doing real experiments and this was not a hoax.


Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman


Posts: 47
I found this link which seems the most credible to date and offers some new insight.

It becomes pretty obvious that these were real researchers doing real experiments and this was not a hoax.

Thanks - unfortunately the Rimstar page is a bit horrible if you don't have a good ad-blocker on your browser.

It is basically a transcript of the UK military BIOS report - see http://www.rexresearch.com/infolios/colerbios.PDF

I've extracted the text and images from the rimstar page and created the PDF below - which is a bit easier to read.

The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new discoveries, is not “Eureka!” but “That’s funny…”  --Isaac Asimov


Posts: 47
In 2011 a researcher named Dr Thorsten Ludwig wrote a paper based on his experiments with an approximation of the Coler Magnet Apparatus:

Downloadable from: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.phpro.2011.08.039

Experiments with a replica of the famous Coler “Magnetstromapparat” (magnetic current apparatus) were conducted. The replica was built at the same institute at the Technical University of Berlin where the original was tested by Prof. Kloss in 1925. The details of the setup will be presented in this paper. The investigation of the Coler device was done with modern methods. The output was measured with a digital multi meter (DMM) and a digital storage oscilloscope (DSO). The results of the measurements will be presented. Did Coler convert vacuum fluctuations via magnetic, electric and acoustic resonance into electricity? There is a strong connection between magnetism and quantum field radiation energy. The magnetic moment of the electron is in part an energy exchange with the radiation field. The energy output of the Coler apparatus is measured. Furthermore the dynamics of the ferromagnetic magnets that Coler reported as the working principle of his device was investigated with magnetic force microscopy (MFM) and the spectroscopy mode of an atomic force microscope (AFM). The magnetic and acoustic resonance was investigated with magnetic force microscopy (MFM). The connection between ZPE and magnetism will be discussed as well as the perspective of using magnetic systems as a means to convert vacuum fluctuations into usable electricity.

But I'm not really sure if it adds anything useful, or just creates more confusion.

The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new discoveries, is not “Eureka!” but “That’s funny…”  --Isaac Asimov
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