I dont believe in an evil society that is actively suppressing "real science" either. But scientific research and exploration needs time and funding, a reality no one can escape. And yes some of these ideas have been openly shared for many decades and perhaps centuries. There is no suppression, which makes it even worse. The best kind of surpression is ridicule or even worse, apathy. When your idea or paper is just sitting there collecting dust it doesn't matter how revolutionary the idea might be if no one cares and instead wants to chase the shiny glory of making a name of yourself like the "greats" that have come to pass.
Hi Broli,
Some very good insight, IMHO, and I must concure.
Conceiving a new technology, or a unique twist to existing technology, can be huge; but its only a
small step in the journey - a viable proof-of-concept based upon many iterative tests and analysis
must follow; that takes a lot of time, effort and money. But again, at the end of this phase you're
only left with a viable, all be it, a unique unexplained technology.
Now you have to explain it, in both scientific and engineering, terms. Again, time consuming and
possibly difficult if the science requires development as well.
Of course another hurdle is acceptance of the concept, especially if it's non-main stream. It has to
be rigorously defended; and even so, some will never acceppt it, that's just typical human nature.
Possibly a better route is just to quietly commercialize or industrialize this new technology and
let it simply speak for itself in a few sought-after applications. It will grow as time goes without
any needed fan-fare. This approach also side-steps much of the discourse, supression and apathy.
Although the search for an excess energy device is the primary goal; once achieved, so what!
But; when it's proven the device works as conceived, implementation then becomes the fun...
There are many examples - telephone, ICE, radio, flight, x-rays, TV, space, etc. - none of these,
and many others, were not done in a day or two, and they cost much more than a few dollars.
Please, let me join you "back on the ground!" SL