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2025-03-28, 12:21:34
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Author Topic: New Look at Olde Technology.  (Read 9658 times)

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 1783
Would be cool to see.

Hey WLW,
Thanks for the link. It says
"Samsung Smart Drive washing machine motor, power up 3 x 150 watt work lights and 2 bench grinders.
The 'circuit' requires a battery and a load.
A flat car battery (it barely lit a brake light bulb) was connected to a 12VDC to 240 VAC inverter
From the inverter, the 2 wires went to an electronic motor speed controller. It was set on 100 rpm.
From the MSC 2 wires went to the Samsung motor.
The samsung motor is a 3 phase motor. Meaning there are 3 separate coil windings or 3 input wires. Or there are 3 motors in one.
The motor was pulled out of a washing machine complete, meaning it could run on the lab bench with just a cradle to support it.
All the wiring was cut off and discarded as we only needed 2 bare wires going in the motor and 2 wires unbridged to connect a Load
We used a flat car battery for 2 reasons. 1. it quickly showed the battery was not powering the lights and motors. 2. its a 4.5 VDC motor.
So on the bench was a motor with 3 input wires where each wound 1/3 of the coils in the motor. The end of these 3 wires after winding all the coils is bridged off or all 3 wires come together as a mutual dead end.
Pick any 2 input wires and connect them to the msc. (or flat battery)
Pick any 2 of the terminated wires (unbridge them) and take these to a terminal block where the motors and lights or the LOAD is wired into.
Now hand spin the motor up to 100 rpm and watch the thing become self sustaining and I warmed my hands under the heat of the 3 lights.
The samsung smart drive motor is a motor and a generator in one.
The 'trick' is to make it do both at once. This is done by unbridging the terminated wires giving the 'electricity' generated some where to go."

Have you replicated this? Has anybody replicated this? Got a video?
Group: Guest
   Have I,? No, has he?  No, or he would show it.
   I'm not into noisy spinning motor/generators.
   I am working on a no moving parts type of self runner, instead.

   Merlynn makes a hundred claims, but actually shows nothing working.
   Why? There are lots of motor generators shown already, what is the big deal?

    So, you are not going to show us your OU version, self running??? Or are you just here to insult everyone, that you don't really know,  with your amazing knowledge? Looks like it...
  So all these last pages (wall of text), without anything to back it up but some video that someone else made?
Is that it? No working device to share? We are here for free energy, not walls of text.

 I do believe in Tesla, and his ideas and results, but, I have my doubts about you two guys, with empty hands.
Group: Guest
Hi NickZ

well get urself a whirlpool washing machine or Samsung and rip out the motor in the bottom of the drum.

or go to eBay and get a Smartdrive motor, they sell them often for wind or turbine generation.

MerLynn told u all what to do and WHY.

I followed his cues, and did the practical to find out. That's all u gotta do !!!  O0

It takes TWO to tango, and u gotta do ur part !!! "GOD WILL WORK WITH YOU, BUT NOT FOR YOU" !!!

NOW though, I have no need to play with spinning or moving parts.
I've 'graduated' to moving mass-less fields in place of spinning drums of magnets (which have mass).


   Well then, can you show us what you say that you have "graduated" to. As that is my interest, as well.

Group: Guest
well I have built all kinds of motor/gens and replicated what MerLynn saw Joe demonstrate.

but never shot video.

at the end of the day, its not about 'talk'.

it's about what u can build & produce on the bench.

so I think I take my leave now, as my 'talk' is running out of steam.  :P

If you walk & talk with God, u can indeed invent like Joe does and will have NO need for forums such as this.  O0

Cheers to ALL,

« Last Edit: 2023-12-20, 18:20:32 by whitelightningwizard »
Sr. Member

Posts: 352
Sorry to see you go whitelightningwizard.  I just bought a Samsung motor recently and was hoping to get any tips you might want to share.  I have spent a lot of years with people who have shown that we all have the power to create and I do understand the importance of that in getting something like this going although I'm sure most people would not especially agree with that.  I've seen validation of this in data on the effects that the belief or disbelief in success will effect the outcome of experiments. 
Group: Ambassador
Hero Member

Posts: 4052
Please see this link ( Mooker.com too

The open source FE community has no boarders or boundaries , one person does not define it
One experience..(similar answer !

It’s a big world with many “Flavors “
At the end of the day.. we all share the same rock and suffer the same consequences ( of burning atmosphere ,deforestation,water pollution etc etc

You could not ask for a better fit than Jim at Mooker ..

Chet K
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Posts: 140
to get some one to clean


Consider it cleaned
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Some forums dont have closed minds.
Thankfully Chet isnt one of them.
Group: Moderator
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Posts: 140
I have read some of your posts and a couple videos you have linked.

his is a teaching of the highest order of how inductors really work

The Magnetic Charge in the Air we call 'oxygen' can be made with the South Pole Magnetism or Positive terminal on a battery.

Magnetism DOES create 'elements'. no matter HOW you view the Rigged 'electrolysis' experiment. as explained here. 
It is FOOLISH of these over educated "scientists" with varying 'degrees' of indoctrination to ignore the Magnetism in electrolysis and any residual Magnetism in the 'WIND' products (elements) manufactured.  Giving rise to one Wind being attracted to the Magnetic Field of the Earth and the other repelled (Pseudo scientists see this as "floating Up') from the Earths Field.

BY INDUCTANCE this MAGNETIC charge CHARGES UP the Iron or Hemoglobin in the Red Blood Cells to Charge UP the Dipole Battery we call the Brain. Nature places (or is) a Battery in all Living Things.

Inductance is but One magnetic Field acting upon another. It INDUCES 'something' in the 'other'. And here we still are, debating what it is thats induced. Until all these Pseudo scientists dump the electron for Tesla's Energy is Vibrations that is 'seen' as Frequency, will this change.

Pico, verpies, T1000 Nick Alien are firmly indoctrinated to believe the outcome product of this inductance is electrons.

If you hold dearly to this electron, then the Aether Energy Generator might be out of your 'league'. But from some of your posts I see a lot of Promise you might have what it Takes to make this Motor/Generator in one.

When procuring a Smart Drive Motor, try to get a complete motor not just the rotor and stator like sold on ebay. You need it to be Intact from the White Goods it was removed from. I even have one from a Ceiling Fan.

edit.....add.... But we need a 2 phase or 3 phase motor like in Smart Drive devices.

On this thread.. https://www.mooker.com/showthread.php?tid=35   Why Virtual Rotating Magnetic Fields May Be The Key
I state this as AN INFINITY LOOP of 'electricity'. Where 'electricity' is PURE VIBRATIONS. to introduce a mythical particle into the mix will see decades of Failure in Aetheric Energy Production.

edit speeling
Group: Moderator
Full Member

Posts: 140
Would be cool to see.

Jim, for several years this motor sat on a trolley in a shed. It was demonstrated to many people and I inspected it several times and even took my partner Kathy to see it run as she does have a Science Degree. I knew what it was that made this Radiant Energy. I know Joe's magnetic science.

Alas the Lismore floods, went up to the eaves on Joe's 2 story house and he lost everything. What wasnt washed away was stolen. His shed was emptied as was his storeroom under the house. Everything.  What he was left with was a SINGLE Vacuum Battery. Pure energy from the Aether like the so called Light Bulbs at Denderah. It is the size of a standard 'candle'. Foot long and 1 inch in diameter. Kathy and I and literally 100's of others have held this Vacuum Battery in our hands and touched our 'heads' like is shown at the Temple at Abydoss. Touching else where on the body has interesting 'actions' and some unpleasant.

Joe gave Kathy (as I had seen it all many times before) a real Science Demo (before the flood). Of the Many displays of 'over unity' if you must call it that because you dont know what it is thats being 'made', one demo consisted of... (and this may be able to be demo'd for your personal enjoyment) A plywood sheet about 2 feet square for mounting lights obtained from Bunnings (home depot) are wired in a closed loop on this board. Also in the Circuit is a brake Light Bulb for the purposes of its hidden or esoteric nature, or its COIL PROPERTIES. When one creates a Magnetic Field  in any fashion including, but not limited to a Coil or Magnetic Water Field, it MAY become Alive with Aetheric Energy or 'Radiant' Aliengrey has called it without ever understanding this term radiant as Tesla Used It.. But we arent up to creating Life for You yet with this science some here deny. We called it Cross Germination whereas Luc Montieger called it DNA Teleportation. I did it 10 years before Luc. No I am not a 'scientist'. Joe and I are Aetheric Physicists.

So we have a closed loop of bulbs with a coil as a 'circuit'. Joe then connects the Vacuum Energy Battery, to this Circuit and all the Lights come on. Removing the Vacuum battery the Lights stay on. You can remove one and the rest stay on. You can replace it and it comes on. As long as ONE light is on, it can have the other bulbs replaced or removed for demo purposes. These lights will stay on forever. Ordinary car battery for 'electrons' will not DO THIS. It takes a Special Non Hertzian Energy or Scalar Energy for this 'over unity'.

Now I cannot guarantee or make promises for Joe. But if you: Kick the can like I do each time I visit, Joe will show you what he has. You and I MAY go to Bunnings and buy the components and Joe MAY activate the Light Circuit and you MAY drive back to Melbourne with a Perpetual Light Circuit. Dont expect to get it on an airplane because no batteries are allowed on the plane and they WILL pull it apart trying to find a Battery and you will have just a cool story for the Bros on OUR. NO One will believe your video evidence. Even when you show them this Light Circuit they will call you fake. You WILL learn to deal with idiots ever after.

I do not want further discussion on this Demo. Please take it private if you are interested. I can set this up like I have set this up for dozens of others. I note its a 20 hour drive from where you live.

The GAME CHANGING WORLD CHANGING water into Oil Video is ignored for its impact on science. Only REAL scientists will investigate.
So too would any Video evidence on the Aetheric Energy Generator or the Battery made (Vacuum candle) using the Alchemy of the Aether  and the Physical World as the 2 sources of Vibrations to make 'electricity'. Similar to The JoeCell Battery that is the Alchemy of Fire added to Water. We, like Tesla, use all 5 'elemental' States of Matter to GENERATE what ever it is you believe you see when you See the Light (bulb).
Sr. Member

Posts: 352

When procuring a Smart Drive Motor, try to get a complete motor not just the rotor and stator like sold on ebay. You need it to be Intact from the White Goods it was removed from. I even have one from a Ceiling Fan.

edit.....add.... But we need a 2 phase or 3 phase motor like in Smart Drive devices.


Merlynn,  does that mean the one I got which is just the rotor and stator like this pic attached can't be used for this purpose?  Not a big loss if so as I could resell it but hoping it might still be useful. 
Group: Moderator
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Posts: 140
It requires a shaft so the Stator can spin.
They have some spline with (13?) groves that must be specially made in a machine shop for just those parts to spin.
If you can get the shaft it originally had you may be able to assemble a cradle.
Sr. Member

Posts: 352
Thanks Merlynn,  I will work something out.  O0

Sr. Member

Posts: 299
Group: Guest
   In talking about what is light, are there any "particals" to light, how is light produced from darkness, etc.
These are the questions to ask. And how to produce useful energy from thin air, from the surrounding non physical Aether.
« Last Edit: 2023-12-21, 17:15:24 by NickZ »
Full Member

Posts: 143
I have read some of your posts and a couple videos you have linked.

That's odd. I've only 13 posts on OUR and none link to a video.

his is a teaching of the highest order of how inductors really work

The Magnetic Charge in the Air we call 'oxygen' can be made with the South Pole Magnetism or Positive terminal on a battery.

Magnetism DOES create 'elements'. no matter HOW you view the Rigged 'electrolysis' experiment. as explained here. 
It is FOOLISH of these over educated "scientists" with varying 'degrees' of indoctrination to ignore the Magnetism in electrolysis and any residual Magnetism in the 'WIND' products (elements) manufactured.  Giving rise to one Wind being attracted to the Magnetic Field of the Earth and the other repelled (Pseudo scientists see this as "floating Up') from the Earths Field.

BY INDUCTANCE this MAGNETIC charge CHARGES UP the Iron or Hemoglobin in the Red Blood Cells to Charge UP the Dipole Battery we call the Brain. Nature places (or is) a Battery in all Living Things.

Inductance is but One magnetic Field acting upon another. It INDUCES 'something' in the 'other'. And here we still are, debating what it is thats induced. Until all these Pseudo scientists dump the electron for Tesla's Energy is Vibrations that is 'seen' as Frequency, will this change.

Pico, verpies, T1000 Nick Alien are firmly indoctrinated to believe the outcome product of this inductance is electrons.

If you hold dearly to this electron, then the Aether Energy Generator might be out of your 'league'. But from some of your posts I see a lot of Promise you might have what it Takes to make this Motor/Generator in one.

When procuring a Smart Drive Motor, try to get a complete motor not just the rotor and stator like sold on ebay. You need it to be Intact from the White Goods it was removed from. I even have one from a Ceiling Fan.

edit.....add.... But we need a 2 phase or 3 phase motor like in Smart Drive devices.

On this thread.. https://www.mooker.com/showthread.php?tid=35   Why Virtual Rotating Magnetic Fields May Be The Key
I state this as AN INFINITY LOOP of 'electricity'. Where 'electricity' is PURE VIBRATIONS. to introduce a mythical particle into the mix will see decades of Failure in Aetheric Energy Production.

edit speeling

Thanks for replying to my post. Perhaps you did attempt to answer my questions, but I don't know. I think you use a different language. I do know motors and generators, and I know that the Samsung motor will not rotate itself with 2 phase leads connected to a battery, center coil connection broken and 2 wires connected to a load. You make this specific claim and further claim it will sustain and generate excess power indefinitely. I call BS. It doesn't appear that you know much of anything about motors and generators. You have twice, at least, misidentified rotor or stator, saying the stator rotated or the coils are on the rotor.

I don't see anything of value with what you present here. Thanks, but no thanks.
Group: Moderator
Full Member

Posts: 140
That's odd. I've only 13 posts on OUR and none link to a video.

Thanks for replying to my post. Perhaps you did attempt to answer my questions, but I don't know. I think you use a different language. I do know motors and generators, and I know that the Samsung motor will not rotate itself with 2 phase leads connected to a battery, center coil connection broken and 2 wires connected to a load. You make this specific claim and further claim it will sustain and generate excess power indefinitely. I call BS. It doesn't appear that you know much of anything about motors and generators. You have twice, at least, misidentified rotor or stator, saying the stator rotated or the coils are on the rotor.

I don't see anything of value with what you present here. Thanks, but no thanks.

I was reading Your's and Floodrods posts from their respective profile pages at the same time.
I did mistakenly attribute the Video link of floodrods to you about Induction. My Bad.
But even so, I state you STILL know nothing about 'Induction" of Magnetic Fields and so your expertise on motors and generators is flawed and incomplete, because your Language of 'electrons' is Fake. And you think a sheet load of electrons appear out of nowhere just because you can spin a magnet.

This Build Bench has attempted to 'show' that there is lots more to learn about Transistors, Diodes, Coils, Magnetic Flux, Magnetic Lines of Force, 'energy', vibrations, Aether, Zero point, vacuum energy, motors and generators, not to mention the battery powered instruments EFFECTS upon your circuits from a Magnetic Point of View rather than an 'electron' point of view. 

But there is a reason for everything. And you are the expert about motors, generators, Induction and over unity too it seems.
"You have twice, at least, misidentified rotor or stator, saying the stator rotated or the coils are on the rotor." At least I made you think. Did it hurt?

I want you to call BS. I want many of you to call BS. This Aetheric Generator Build is beyond your Closed box thinking and will only bring you fruitless replications like it has brought you fruitless replications your entire life. Same goes to anyone who called BS on these presentations.
Giving closed minds Aetheric over unity will see humans bull Sheet up the planet even faster than they do now.

and I know that the Samsung motor will not rotate itself with 2 phase leads connected to a battery, says Mr Know Nothing.

WhiteLightningWizard sent me a video many Months ago of a Fysher Paykel (same design) Running on one, then 2 car batteries only.
Its better to get the Asleeples of the world to make all kinds of WONT WORK claims whilst getting the Design Build 'out there' so the Asleeples wont even try to learn. These Pearls are cast for those with Eyes to see not stuck on REM going from build to build to find one someone else proved "worked".

and many here are glad wlw is gone and now cant prove youre full of bsheet. And its not my video so Im not posting it.

Its not about your precious over unity, its about understanding the Universe we live in and the Aether as the Consciousness Matrix, if you will, that you ignore and well you want to keep it that way.

You have nothing, NONE of you have anything. And if you dont like my Builds then I am happy for you to leave with nothing.

So when I get to the Part on taking ANY 3 phase motor thats ever been built and give the additions or Add-ons to make this over unity by Adding another Rotating Magnetic Field to its Design. You will stay away and not comment yes because you Know Motors and Generators, Yes? Its Rhetorical. we both dont want the answer.

The objective, is to make you THINK. Question Everything. Do NOT take anything I say as Fact. Youse all MUST think for yourselves on this Bench. The Samsung Motor works as described. Over Unity beyond your wildest dreams. IF not when, you finally get it after solving the Magnet Orientation issues on the Rotor or outside drum that is rotating, by viewing the Joe video where he talks about this and understanding what each Pole of a Magnet REPRESENTS as a 'force' in Russellian terms of Expansion or Compression as the only 2 forces in the entire universe, You would have actually INVENTED something. Not just a copier who cannot think and turns to forums to find something you can understand and how it doesnt work. And here you are.

So consider yourself responsible for the lack of Video evidence of one of these motors running with just 2 of the wires from a car battery as the STARTING point to getting this BUILD up and running as you were the first to deny it cant happen as this presentation slowly unfolds in the manner of..... you will understand it before you commence the Build. Its INTEGRAL to the Build in a Mental Universe said Hermes Thrice Great.

And I feel Bad e3matrix jumped ahead and started from a very difficult position.
Group: Moderator
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Posts: 140
   In talking about what is light, are there any "particals" to light, how is light produced from darkness, etc.
These are the questions to ask. And how to produce useful energy from thin air, from the surrounding non physical Aether.

Against my better Judgement I will try again to enlighten you.
Everything is the Light.
All "Light" comes from the Quintessence. WLW could explain this better as the 'product' of MIND.
Ice is Blue, Water is Blue, Air is Blue and Fire is Blue.
But you could look at how 'air' or WIND of a particular 'inert' vibrational nature excited with Vibrations gave Light for Tesla.
You dont understand the MEANING of INERT in Magnetic Terms like you dont understand the Positive Magnetic Charge in (electrolysis) Oxygen. So you may never see the Light and NO explanation will ever suffice.

To produce or HARVEST 'energy' which is Vibrations from thin air you need another Elemental State of Matter to interact with the WIND. Usually this is the Earth as the 2 differing Elemental States or Frequencies to make a Battery.
The samsung Aetheric Generator is a 'Battery' where 2 rotating Fields of Fire interact creating a New Attachment or zero pint to the Aether for a BATTERY producing the similar NON Hertzian (car battery) Direct Current as the interaction between Fire and the Aetheric FIELD.

All here have some perverted idea of what this Aether is and there's no changing it, it seems

You dont understand it this way. Nor do you understand the Aether, a term you Profess and Offer as a Professor of Expertness.
Group: Moderator
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Posts: 140
The Aether...

From an email received...

Interesting about the Tetrahedral geometry. As I understand it, all tetrahedrons are reflected corners of cubes.

So it is the cubic wave field or 6 static orthogonal planes boundary planes making up what T calls “The Universal Grid”
or quad cubic aether matrix I think u called it, that acts as a scaffolding for the creation of simulated Tetrahedrons.

“The base matrix delta origin points are the universal grid”
so we really have a bunch of tetrahedrons within cubes, or as Russell states basically the ‘Geometry of Space’.

In other words, I think Tetrahedrons are DYNAMIC and Cubes are STATIC. one is projected, the other is projector.

Love Wiki....   
In physics, quintessence is a hypothetical form of dark energy, more precisely a scalar field,

And this is from the Guy who sold his soul by Contract for fame and fortune and wants to have the next Nobel Prize for imaginative theories.
The Aether is composed of spherical bubbles of aetheric energy. These spherical bubbles are called Planck Spherical Units (PSU) by Nassim Haramein.

If we dont stop this hairymans BS, its what they will teach your kids one day.

The Aether Energy Grid is a 3D Grid Structure.
Attached is a Walter Russell graphic image.

also attached is a pictorial representation.

Any abuse? Asking for questions is pointless as i get no answers.
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