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2025-03-31, 22:14:42
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Author Topic: New Look at Olde Technology.  (Read 9688 times)
Sr. Member

Posts: 453

Tesla believed in the Aether and we are all trying to work with what Tesla Invented. AC. Even your DC is filtered and rectified AC.

Just FYI, Tesla did not invent AC (alternating current), AC transformers, or the AC induction motor.

Sr. Member

Posts: 352
I don't think you can suspend the forum rules in your bench.
Isn't this against forum rules ?

Don't be surprised if esoteric proselytizing without proposing or doing your own objective and concretely described experiments, will get you and your buddy whitelightningwizard, banned from this forum. 
I will not do this, but I have a feeling that the admin will.

Verpies,  I respect your knowledge but true intelligence is knowing that we don't know everything.  Do you really want to stifle what is being shared here that just might lead to an overunity sort of device or knowledge?   It's really not going to hurt anything to allow Merlynn to share his words.  Anyone has the choice to listen or ignore, believe or not believe what is shared.
Group: Moderator
Full Member

Posts: 140
Just FYI, Tesla did not invent AC (alternating current), AC transformers, or the AC induction motor.


Im Sure Westinghouse tore up Royalty Contracts with these other inventors too?

He DID Invent 3 Phase and the Samsung is a 3 Phase Motor. The subject of the Build.

Just For Our Information. What are your THOUGHTS on why the samsung motor is a 3 phase motor? what is it that makes it 3 Phase? And then Why can 3 separate windings in a single motor be considered 3 ROTATING MAGNETC FIELDS in a single device?

And did not Tesla say that Rotating Magnetic Fields will create Radiant Energy everytime?

The HOW and the WHY is the subject of this thread. Like it or not. 

Why can 3 separate windings in a single motor be considered 3 ROTATING MAGNETC FIELDS in a single device?
This is the question you could answer pico.... the rest are rhetorical.
Group: Moderator
Full Member

Posts: 140

Can't you see that a transistor is a crystal of silicon. Crystals tap into the sea of aether that surrounds us and amplify everything with its infinite energy.

Vibrations of the crystal lattice that taps the omnipresent aether field.

The transistor modulates the flow of the aether through vibrations of its crystal lattice, thus creating a gain and the diode allows the aether to flow only one way because in the reverse direction it encounters an out-of phase vibrations of the cathode which cause destructive interference and cancel the flow.

Antennas tap the vibrations of the aether - not the transmitter ...

the higher the amplitude of the silicon crystal vibrations that gate the aether flow.

Your impressions are very incorrect because they are based on outdated scientific principles like particles (electrons) and you should be thinking in terms of frequency of magnetic energy vibrations, which are based on the matrix structure of the aether and where the Life Sustaining Energy comes from and its modulation by the vibrating tetrahedral crystal lattices.

You offer No explanation of the Aether. Instead just rhetorical statements about a subject you DO NOT WANT DISCUSSED...

You MOCK that which you dont want to understand. That is not RESEARCH on Over Unity.

FIRST it is ridiculed, lambasted and mocked.
SECONDLY it is Violently rejected and banned or character assassinated.
THIRDLY it is finally accepted as Fact.

We study History so as to not make these mistakes again and again.
Group: Moderator
Full Member

Posts: 140
Standard 'science' theories clearly states... Over Unity is a Myth.
Yet you place Rules on what can be used to prove Over Unity.
Rules that are in place to Prove that which your Rules say cannot exist.

Anyone see a problem here?

Anyone see a clear example of Dissociative Cognizance?  Or Believing in 2 completely different set of ideas or rules in direct opposition to each other?

Sr. Member

Posts: 453
He DID Invent 3 Phase...

Well, in a way, yes.  His early 3 phase patent used 6 wires to interconnect his 3 phase alternator and 3 phase motor.  Several individuals are credited with developing "polyphase" systems almost simultaneously.

For example, in the same year that Tesla patented his six wire system, Mikhail Dolivo-Dobrovolsky invented a similar 3 phase system that was connected using only 3 wires in the familiar Delta and Wye configurations that are used today.  He is also credited for construction of the world's first 3 phase long-distance high-voltage transmission system.  He also gets credit for inventing what we call the squirrel cage rotor.

There were several other players at that time that deserve credit for their work inventing and developing both 2 phase and 3 phase systems.  3 phase systems used less copper for distribution and motors operating on three phase were more efficient with less cogging due the closer spacing of the 3 phase peaks.  Also, motor startup in a specific rotational direction was moreso assured with a 3 phase system.

This period of time represents a fascinating time in the history of electricity that everyone should research.  Who invented the AC power meter?  Why did Westinghouse originally use 133Hz for his AC system?  Why does part of the world currently use 50Hz while others use 60Hz?

The mid to late 1800's was a fascinating time in the history of man learning to use electricity.

Full Member

Posts: 143
Why can 3 separate windings in a single motor be considered 3 ROTATING MAGNETC FIELDS in a single device?
Hi MerLynn,

I have experience with these things, so excuse me, but I'd like to say.

The vast majority of electric power is converted using machines of the 3-phase design, connected in a wye configuration. As such there are not 3 separate windings. The 3-phase stator, when connected to the 3-phase power, produces a single rotating magnetic field in the air gap typically consisting of one, two or three pole pairs (or often more poles on larger or slow speed machines). The number of poles is determined by the magnetic circuit design and winding pitch.

The Samsung washer motor appears to be a BLDC, Brushless Direct Current motor. Having 3 leads (connections) it is fair to call it 3-phase, but it may not operate the same as the standard commerical/industrial 3-phase (sinusoid) machines. BLDC motors can have different electronic communication schemes. However having only 3 power connections, it cannot have 3 separate windings and 3 separate fields.
Sr. Member

Posts: 375
Standard 'science' theories clearly states... Over Unity is a Myth.
Yet you place Rules on what can be used to prove Over Unity.
Rules that are in place to Prove that which your Rules say cannot exist.
The main missunderstanding is on electricity phenomena itself. And eash 'OU' machine is open circuit which taps into energy all around us.
The simple analogy - how you make current in middle of the ocean you are all in? All these machines are just converters of ambient energy to the phorm we can use.
Group: Moderator
Full Member

Posts: 140

You have a particularly bad case of it....

Your science is fake yet your results are real.

And your thoughts on the Aether? In keeping with the Theme.
Sr. Member

Posts: 375

You have a particularly bad case of it....

Your science is fake yet your results are real.

And your thoughts on the Aether? In keeping with the Theme.
Lets not get personal, it leads nowhere.
And the are many names are like in zoo for the energy what keeps this planet turning, the life alive and many other Nature processes going on all around us.
Group: Moderator
Full Member

Posts: 140
The main missunderstanding is on electricity phenomena itself.

Yes as STATED... The most contested subject in Academia. At the Electric Universe forum its electrons or get the F outa here.
For Tesla, Electric Energy is Vibrations.
For Relativists its the Light speed of Marbles.
For You? only god knows you wont actually say.
This means everyone is wrong. No one is Right. Your science can ONLY be described as FAKE.
Which means there may just be more ways to Make it than you can think of with Fakery as the Basis of your thought projections.

I have introduced the Infinity Circuit for "electronics". I used it with the Gold Elixir generator. But its used in the Circuit of Blood in the Body, Its used in the Samsung Motor, Its even used in the JoeCell Tube Cell or every Cell of Joe's for that Matter.
I can think of several other places its used but I venture to say you have Zilch idea what it is I am even talking about. Because its so 'new' its worthy of a Nobel Prize for Imaginative Theories like all the others.

And each ?? 'OU' machine is open circuit which taps into energy all around us.

As in this Sea of Energy we hear so much about but keep looking for spinning marbles. Then why do you need to spin Magnets to tap into it? Is it because you hold Spin and electron as your source of extra 'energy' or some 'ether' that manifests because you get the equation right? Or are we in the middle of an ambient ocean of JUST WHAT EXACTLY again? You cannot define 'energy' or electricity' T1000. Because you cannot see it.

If we LIVE IN A SEA OF VIBRATIONS, one only needs to build a Tuning Fork to tap into it. Some tuning forks look like a JoeCell, Others like like some hairy ape masquerading as a Human/Machine. Some look like Toroidal Red Cells. The best I have seen is the Vacuum Cell to Tune in with the Vacuum Field of the Aether.

The simple analogy - how you make current in middle of the ocean you are all in? All these machines are just converters of ambient energy to the phorm we can use.

Middle of a Sea of Vibrations of Vibrating Light Crystals. These are all Tesla's Words. An ANTENNA is designed to pick up a particular Vibration in a Sea of Vibrations or a SEA of "undefined energy". Your science is fake giving you less than can be expected in a Sea of Energy.

I have said this earlier that there are two kinds of Over Unity devices and I've seen them both in operation.

The 4 States of Matter have 4 'kinds of Energy' or 4 ELEMENTAL VIBRATIONS. A solid or earth vibration is Lower than Air. Fire vibrates higher than all the rest. The elemental Vibrations are ALL FIRE but of varying frequencies that we can Harvest like the Baghdad Battery.
These are the Vibrations that are exclusively searched for on these type of forums.
Everything you play with are from this earthly ambient Vibrations we harmonize with.

Then there's the Aether, the breath of Gods. The 5th Elemental State of Matter or the Prima Matter.
Scalar or Non Hertzian, even Radiant, Tesla Called it, and NONE of you even knows it exists due to poor understanding of those who coined zero point or vacuum or the pathetic Dark Matter. (only a Satanist could think of that.)  Didnt Hawking do a 3some on epstein island? The video was 'legendary' said the dark web.

This is the energy that exhibits itself as Mr Samsung and I have warmed my hands under the Light of and thankfully the story has been restored.
This is what Rotating Magnetic Fields can do... becomes ALIVE with the Breath of Gods, Making oil because you asked it to at the 1.04 mark here listen carefully https://rumble.com/vhodfb-full-unedited-version-of-oil-from-water..html
Creating a Neutral Centre John Keely called it. Joe Calls it "Equilibrium". and its rumored to be a zero point if I can just put my finger on it. Its also your Astral Body's attachment to the Aether known as the Silver Cord for those with eyes to SEE.

The LENR forum didnt want to see LENR replicated it seems. Their 'Longitudinal waves' fit what Tesla called Non Hertzian Waves for the Ultimate Dissociative Cognizance. I was impressed at the strength of the DOGMA on the forum.

So have any experience of this Non Hertzian Scalar waves of Radiant Energy,  or Life Force Essence from the Aether T-000?
Or are you still in the Base elements.

What do you think he meant when Tesla said that the Aether is real, T-1000? Enough of the Semantics, Keep with the spirit of the Thread. You are doing good so far.

What is your view on the Aether? Do you have one?

attached is a pic of an Infinity Circuit and a use. 50 grams of Au powered up to give a nice flavor to the Spring Water.
Sr. Member

Posts: 375
The 4 States of Matter have 4 'kinds of Energy' or 4 ELEMENTAL VIBRATIONS. A solid or earth vibration is Lower than Air. Fire vibrates higher than all the rest. The elemental Vibrations are ALL FIRE but of varying frequencies that we can Harvest like the Baghdad Battery.
Your science is fake giving you less than can be expected in a Sea of Energy.
Define the energy what causes those vibrations.
And again, looks like I will just wait and ignore your posts until you knock off the bad habbit to make things personal. It is getting annoying.
Group: Moderator
Full Member

Posts: 140
Define the energy what causes those vibrations.
And again, looks like I will just wait and ignore your posts until you knock off the bad habbit to make things personal. It is getting annoying.

You are the expert here. Not me. How many decades have you spent researching this energy you want to get as Over Unity? Surly by now you know what it is. Dont be shy. Every one here also wants to know. Even me. I see some here are Tesla deniers, are you?

No T-1000 you answer the question "Define the energy what causes those vibrations" We need to know what you know. Not what I know.

I know nothing according to some and they have at least read My New Atomic Structure of Light Crystals. Lets hear something as good as Tesla's from Mr T Please.... in keeping with the theme of the thread for the 3rd time.
Sr. Member

Posts: 375
No T-1000 you answer the question "Define the energy what causes those vibrations" We need to know what you know. Not what I know.

I know nothing according to some and they have at least read My New Atomic Structure of Light Crystals. Lets hear something as good as Tesla's from Mr T Please.... in keeping with the theme of the thread for the 3rd time.
Before digging history of inventions and understanding of how things work the common language is required. So please share your own level of understanding and keep arogance, ignorance and all other bad human traits away from it.
When I share my own thoughts and ideas and being met with hostility because I challenge status quo that breaks whole conversation.
Group: Moderator
Full Member

Posts: 140
Before digging history of inventions and understanding of how things work the common language is required. So please share your own level of understanding and keep arogance, ignorance and all other bad human traits away from it.
When I share my own thoughts and ideas and being met with hostility because I challenge status quo that breaks whole conversation.

Rules of the Bench.... Share a build.... Build shared Samsung Motor for Aether Energy.
Share operating Intellectual Property with explanation of why this is so.
The Common Language and what constitutes forum rules is defined by theories.
Theories are NOT facts. Explanation of the Aetheric Energy is rejected on the Premise that it isnt a 'Fact' based upon an excepted common theory.

Rinse and Variably repeat for all builds.

Start again...
Set up topic to define Aether as to what Tesla would have thought of it as or incorporate his thoughts into our understandings.
This includes what Tesla considered PRESSURE in a circuit as a way to define our common language of 'electricity'.
Ask for crazies (those who hold electron spin as supreme source.) to give their understanding of Aether and Electricity.
No one wants to define the common language used for 'electricity' manufacture on forum.

We are or at least I am, trying to redefine this Common Language that is based upon a Fake electrolysis experiment of putting electrons in water to make 2 gases as the Basis of the Entire Atomic Structure and thus where 'electricity' comes from.

To dismantle this fakery, and why failure on this forum to achieve Over Unity, we go back to the one single experiment that defines the Atomic Structure. We find it doesnt split water it splits a caustic Liquid because if it was pure water nothing happens. So we ADD stuff to get the reaction we want and claim its something other that it is....
One doesnt get any more FAKE than this. And its drummed into every high school kid and held as a fact for Life.

So electrons have entered common language and accepted as fact and no dissent is allowed.

The Crazies dont seem to want to define this common language of what electricity is.

Until you realize T-1000 (and many others here) that your common language is fake, your science is Fake, what you Believe is Fake, can we get a common language to move forward with. You hold dear fake theories to reverse engineer what others SEEMED to achieve. But we must Trust the Science. Wall Thornhill trusted the science. Before he Died Suddenly, he was attempting to make the electron a DI-POLE or what I call a Structure of Light with a Polarity. The guy knew its all fake, and in my opinion he was nothing but controlled opposition.

Defining 'energy',  'electricity' and 'Aether' according to Tesla's understandings and there are lots of History here to ponder, we may get a common group think more in tune with what was also taught when Alchemists were the experts like Newton. The infinity Circuit has Opposite and Equal actions. We are an Infinity Circuit of 'electricity'. We are a Product of Aetheric Energy. We USE Atheric Energy to run a marathon. We also USE the Ambient sea of 'energy' when we breathe and this has escaped everyones attention and fails to be included in Common Language.

Until you answer the question of what you think Aether energy is, and what you think electricity is that you want MORE OF, can we move forward. You may at any time leave the 'game'. Or you may stay, but the bench does have rules and for the 4th time, We are here to understand Aether and Energy like You and Others on this bench understand it. Until we get all this fakery out in the open and examine it thoroughly, will you ever understand what it is the Samsung motor produces without any Hertz. Or that its "design" is a Motor AND a Generator in One.
I contend that when you understand it then you can build it. Its like the cart and the horse. If this were not the case, it would already have been done.

All my theories are out in the open, Verpies it seems hasnt read or followed links to the Structure of Light and how 6 of them make a Light Crystals, as Prima Matter. We are not up to what I think or believe. The theme of the thread is What YOU People as Reverse Engineers believe it is.

I claim all of youse have Dissociative Cognizance. Believing in Fake Theories yet produce real results and there is a lot of contesting as to what is Real about anyone's results. You are Basing your Reality on Fake Science but no one here has a problem with that and this mindset then determines forum rules.  It doesnt get much worse than this in any reality we care to mention.

You call it Hostility. Care to give me another "way" to say that all you know is 'basically' WRONG?
Of course you are going to get your feathers ruffled. There is no nice way to say your thoughts and ideas are perverted facts and will give perverted results in a fake reality. You have to LEARN to question your own reality and what you believe. This is REAL science. Question Everything.

And here we are continuously debating what can and cant be said on this forum and 'Our Ambassador' even recognizes there is nothing useful here on the forum. I say the two are connected.

I need for YOUSE all to think for yourselves. Not regurgitate common fake theories. Otherwise Mr Samsung will be elusive to your reality.

To recognize that your theories are Fake, you need to actually DEFINE what it is that you believe.

If you dont want to and just want to be spoon fed some new theory that you will reject because you still dont see that what you believe is Fake, then say so. But my theory has already been given in other threads and links and can easily be found and isnt 'relevant YET.

The Relevance is on your part. Deconstructing your Myths aint easy. The Cult like dogma is strong with 'electrons'.
If you dont understand the Aether then say so.

We already know you dont understand 'electricity' when you state, The main missunderstanding is on electricity phenomena itself. and then fail to give any understanding of 'electricity' other than we live in a Sea of it and it powers nature.

The theme of the thread is for the crazies to give their views. I can but draw the conclusion you dont have any. Others resort to wikifakepedia.

The Ball is in Your Court. Pick it up. The alternative is unthinkable.

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3670
The Ball is in Your Court. Pick it up. The alternative is unthinkable.
How can it be if you keep deleting my posts ?
For that I will now lobby to move you to another forum that allows the paranormal, esoterica and does not require real results.
Group: Moderator
Full Member

Posts: 140
you answer questions posed to T-1000 and others on this thread and on other threads. You think youre the expert on these subjects and can answer for them. We already know any answer you can offer. Youve stated it enough times. enough is enough.
If I wanted an answer from you, and I have asked you as a 'crazy' to state your opinion of Aether and Electricity, you fail every time.
Your posts are counter productive to getting to the Bottom of ENERGY. I see you have nothing to offer the over unity community thats REAL in your terms even. Your Posts hold back progress and thats why they are removed. 

Group: Guest
Prepared Statement of Tesla
(For interview with press on 81st birthday observance)

"At the close of 1889, having worked one year in the shops of George Westinghouse, Pittsburgh, I
experienced so great a longing for resuming my interrupted investigations that, notwithstanding a
very tempting proposition by him, I left for New York to take up my laboratory work. But owing
to pressing demands by several foreign scientific societies I made a trip to Europe where I
lectured before the Institution of Electrical Engineers and Royal Institution of London and the
Société de Physique in Paris. After this and a brief visit to my home in Yugoslavia I returned to
this country in 1892 eager to devote myself to the subject of predilection on my thoughts: the
study of the universe.

During the succeeding two years of intense concentration I was fortunate enough to make two
far-reaching discoveries. The first was a dynamic theory of gravity, which I have worked out in
all details and hope to give to the world very soon. It explains the causes of this force and the
motions of heavenly bodies under its influence so satisfactorily that it will put an end to idle
speculations and false conceptions, as that of curved space. According to the relativists, space
has a tendency to curvature owing to an inherent property or presence of celestial bodies.
Granting a semblance of reality to this fantastic idea, it is still self-contradictory. Every action is
accompanied by an equivalent reaction and the effects of the latter are directly opposite to those
of the former. Supposing that the bodies act upon the surrounding space causing curvature of the
same, it appears to my simple mind that the curved spaces must react on the bodies and,
producing the opposite effects, straighten out the curves. Since action and reaction are coexistent,
it follows that the supposed curvature of space is entirely impossible. But even if it existed it
would not explain the motions of the bodies as observed. Only the existence of a field of force
can account for them and its assumption dispenses with space curvature. All literature on this
subject is futile and destined to oblivion. So are also all attempts to explain the workings of the
universe without recognizing the existence of the ether and the indispensable function it plays in
the phenomena.

My second discovery was a physical truth of the greatest importance. As I have searched the
scientific records in more than half dozen languages for a long time without finding the least
anticipation, I consider myself the original discoverer of this truth, which can be expressed by
the statement: There is no energy in matter other than that received from the environment. On my
79th birthday I made a brief reference to it, but its meaning and significance have become clearer
to me since then. It applies rigorously to molecules and atoms as well as the largest heavenly
bodies, and to all matter in the universe in any phase of its existence from its very formation to
its ultimate disintegration.

Being perfectly satisfied that all energy in matter is drawn from the environment, it was quite
natural that when radioactivity was discovered in 1896 I immediately started a search for the
external agent which caused it. The existence of radioactivity was positive proof of the existence
of external rays. I had previously investigated various terrestrial disturbances affecting wireless
circuits but none of them or any others emanating from the earth could produce a steady
sustained action and I was driven to the conclusion that the activating rays were of cosmic origin.
This fact I announced in my papers on Roentgen rays and Radiations contributed to the Electrical
Review of New York, in 1897. However, as radioactivity was observed equally well in other
widely separated parts of the world, it was obvious that the rays must be impinging on the earth
from all directions. Now, of all bodies in the Cosmos, our sun was most likely to furnish a clue as
to their origin and character. Before the electron theory was advanced, I had established that
radioactive rays consisted of particles of primary matter not further decomposable, and the first
question to answer was whether the sun is charged to a sufficiently high potential to produce the
effects noted. This called for a prolonged investigation which culminated in my finding that the
sun's potential was 216 billions of volts and that all such large and hot heavenly bodies emit
cosmic rays. Through further solar research and observation of Novae this has been proved
conclusively, and to deny it would be like denying the light and heat of the sun. Nevertheless,
there are still some doubters who prefer to shroud the cosmic rays in deep mystery. I am sure that
this is not true for there is no place where such a process occurs in this or any other universe
beyond our ken.

A few words will be sufficient in support of this contention. The kinetic and potential energy of a
body is the result of motion and determined by the product of its mass and the square of velocity.
Let the mass be reduced, the energy is diminished in the same proportion. If it be reduced to zero
the energy is likewise zero for any finite velocity. In other words, it is absolutely impossible to
convert mass into energy. It would be different if there were forces in nature capable of imparting
to a mass infinite velocity. Then the product of zero mass with the square of infinite velocity
would represent infinite energy. But we know that there are no such forces and the idea that mass
is convertible into energy is rank nonsense.

While the origin and character of the rays observed near the earth's surface are sufficiently well
ascertained, the so-called cosmic rays observed at great altitudes presented a riddle for more than
26 years, chiefly because it was found that they increased with altitude at a rapid rate. My
investigations have brought out the astonishing fact that the effects at high altitudes are of an
entirely different nature, having no relation whatever to cosmic rays. These are particles of
matter projected from celestial bodies at very high temperature and charged to enormous
electrical potentials. The effects at great elevations, on the other hand, are due to waves of
extremely small lengths produced by the sun in a certain region in the atmosphere. This is the
discovery which I wish to make known. The process involved in the generation of the waves is
the following: The sun projects charged particles constituting an electric current which passes
through a conducting stratum of the atmosphere approximately 10 kilometers thick enveloping
the earth. This is a transmission of energy exactly as I illustrated in my experimental lectures in
which one end of a wire is connected to an electric generator of high potential, its other end
being free. In this case the generator is represented by the sun and the wire by the conducting air.
The passage of the solar current involves the transference of electric charges from particle to
particle with the speed of light, thus resulting in the production of extremely short and
penetrating waves. As the air stratum mentioned is the source of the waves it follows that the socalled
cosmic rays observed at great altitudes must increase as this stratum is approached. My
researches and calculations have brought to light the following facts in this connection: (1) the
intensity of the so-called cosmic rays must be greatest in the zenithal portion of atmosphere; (2)
the intensity should increase more and more rapidly up to an elevation of about 20 kilometers
where the conducting air stratum begins; (3) from there on the intensity should fall, first slowly
and then more rapidly, to an insignificant value at an altitude of about 30 kilometers; (4) the
display of high potential must occur on the free end of the terrestrial wire, that is to say, on the
side turned away from the sun. The current from the latter is supplied at a pressure of about 216
billion volts and there is a difference of 2 billion volts between the illuminated and the dark side
of the globe. The energy of this current is so great that it readily accounts for the aurora and other
phenomena observed in the atmosphere and at the earth's surface.

For the time being I must content myself with the announcement of the salient facts, but in due
course I expect to be able to give more or less accurate technical data relating to all particulars of
this discovery.

To go to another subject, I have devoted much of my time during the year to the perfecting of a
new small and compact apparatus by which energy in considerable amounts can now be flashed
through interstellar space to any distance without the slightest dispersion, I had in mind to confer
with my friend George E. Hale, the great astronomer and solar expert, regarding the possible use
of this invention in connection with his own researches. In the meantime, however, I am
expecting to put before the Institute of France an accurate description of the devices with data
and calculations and claim the Pierre Guzman Prize of 100,000 francs for means of
communication with other worlds, feeling perfectly sure that it will be awarded to me. The
money, of course, is a trifling consideration, but for the great historical honor of being the first to
achieve this miracle I would be almost willing to give my life.

My most important invention from a practical point of view is a new form of tube with apparatus
for its operation. In 1896 I brought out a high potential target-less tube which I operated
successfully with potentials up to 4 million volts from '96 to '98. This device was adopted by
many imitators and with slight modifications it is employed even now in all research laboratories
and scientific institutions here and in other countries, and virtually all atomic investigations are
carried on with it. At a later period I managed to produce very much higher potentials up to 18
million volts, and then I encountered unsurmountable difficulties which convinced me that it was
necessary to invent an entirely different form of tube in order to carry out successfully certain
ideas I had conceived. This task I found far more difficult than I had expected, not so much in the
construction as in the operation of the tube. For many years I was baffled in my efforts, although
I made a steady slow progress. Finally though, I was rewarded with complete success and I
produced a tube which it will be hard to improve further. It is of ideal simplicity, not subject to
wear and can be operated at any potential, however high, that can be produced. It will carry
heavy currents, transform any amount of energy within practical limits, and it permits easy
control and regulation of the same. I expect that this invention, when it becomes known, will be
universally adopted in preference to other forms of tubes, and that it will be the means of
obtaining results undreamed of before. Among others, it will enable the production of cheap
radium substitutes in any desired quantity and will be, in general, immensely more effective in
the smashing of atoms and the transmutation of matter. I am hopeful that it will be possible by its
use to carry out a process in which there should be no misses whatever, but only hits. However,
this tube will not open up a way to utilize atomic or subatomic energy for power purposes.
According to the physical truth I have discovered there is no available energy in atomic structure,
and even if there were any, the input will always greatly exceed the output, precluding profitable,
practical use of the liberated energy.

Some papers have reported that I had promised to give a full description of my tube and its
accessories on the present occasion. This has caused me a considerable annoyance - as, owing to
some obligations I have undertaken regarding the application of the tube for important purposes,
I am unable to make a complete disclosure now. But as soon as I am relieved of these obligations
a technical description of the device and of all the apparatus will be given to scientific

There is one more discovery which I want to announce at this time, consisting of a new method
and apparatus for the obtainment of vacua exceeding many times the highest heretofore realized.
I think that as much as one-billionth of a micron can be attained. What may be accomplished by
means of such vacua is a matter of conjecture, but it is obvious that they will make possible the
production of much more intense effects in electron tubes. My ideas regarding the electron are at
variance with those generally entertained. I hold that it is a relatively large body carrying a
surface charge and not an elementary unit. When such an electron leaves an electrode of
extremely high potential and in very high vacuum, it carries an electrostatic charge many times
greater than the normal. This may astonish some of those who think that the particle has the same
charge in the tube and outside of it in the air. A beautiful and instructive experiment has been
contrived by me showing that such is not the case, for as soon as the particle gets out into the
atmosphere it becomes a blazing star owing to the escape of the excess charge.

The great quantity of electricity stored on the particle is responsible for the difficulties
encountered in the operation of certain tubes and the rapid deterioration of the same."
-Nikola Tesla
Group: Guest
   The only proof of the Aether concept that Merlynn has mentioned up to now does not work, the Samsung motor.
Or does it?
   We can all read up on what Tesla did. You don't need to flood this forum with more essays on what energy is, but show something WORKING, instead. Teslas ideas are not new, here. We've been talking about what he did, for years now. And no self runner to be found, therefrom.
 Is talk and unproven opinions all you guys offer? Merlynn and the wizard...
    We would prefer this to be a builders thread, instead. If you don't have a working device, or are not building one, you are not helping to achieve our goals, here. Nor will conventional science come up with the answers and proof  that we seek, either.

Group: Guest
   The only proof of the Aether concept that Merlynn has mentioned up to now does not work, the Samsung motor.
Or does it?
   We can all read up on what Tesla did. You don't need to flood this forum with more essays on what energy is, but show something WORKING, instead. Teslas ideas are not new, here. We've been talking about what he did, for years now. And no self runner to be found, therefrom.
 Is talk and unproven opinions all you guys offer? Merlynn and the wizard...
    We would prefer this to be a builders thread, instead. If you don't have a working device, or are not building one, you are not helping to achieve our goals, here. Nor will conventional science come up with the answers and proof  that we seek, either.


Hi NickZ

well get urself a whirlpool washing machine or Samsung and rip out the motor in the bottom of the drum.

or go to eBay and get a Smartdrive motor, they sell them often for wind or turbine generation.

MerLynn told u all what to do and WHY.

I followed his cues, and did the practical to find out. That's all u gotta do !!!  O0

It takes TWO to tango, and u gotta do ur part !!! "GOD WILL WORK WITH YOU, BUT NOT FOR YOU" !!!

NOW though, I have no need to play with spinning or moving parts.
I've 'graduated' to moving mass-less fields in place of spinning drums of magnets (which have mass).

Full Member

Posts: 143
or go to eBay and get a Smartdrive motor, they sell them often for wind or turbine generation.

MerLynn told u all what to do and WHY.

Please point to where MerL told us all what to do and why. I can't find that. Thanks in advance.
Group: Guest
   Wizard and Pal:
  That is your baby, show it self running, please. Not one person will follow you until you put your cards on the table.
You can quote Tesla all you want. We've heard it all before. Got anything to show???
I also, am not interested in noisy motors/generators, wiith moving parts. Yet, that would prove the point, of self running.

Group: Guest
Please point to where MerL told us all what to do and why. I can't find that. Thanks in advance.

on Cadman's Samsung bench https://www.overunityresearch.com/index.php?topic=4475.0

actually this baby is Joe's. inventor credit goes to him.  O0

Group: Moderator
Full Member

Posts: 140
   The only proof of the Aether concept that Merlynn has mentioned up to now does not work, the Samsung motor.
Or does it?

You most surly wont know til you try.

We STATE as the OPERATING INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY that an understanding of the AETHER is required for ALL our Devices to work
If you want to dispute that, there are other benches you can follow on your continued trail to failure.
Yet here you still are... Why are you here on my bench trying to stop the flow of info?? we found out verpies and pico and T-1000 are only up for an argument to the point they will argue amongst themselves that they are always right.
Totally abusing the reason for Benches. You support this double standard it seems Nick. Your silence is consent.

  We can all read up on what Tesla did. You don't need to flood this forum with more essays on what energy is, but show something WORKING, instead. Teslas ideas are not new, here. We've been talking about what he did, for years now. And no self runner to be found, therefrom.

No you havent a clue what Tesla did. If you did you would have your over unity. Are you a Tesla Aether Scalar Non Hertzian Radiant energy Denier too? The rest are it seems.

I showed a VIDEO of a Magnetic In Line Cell Working.
I showed a Video of an Electric Cell Working.
Both these INVENTIONS will deliver over unity and I have described how to get your beloved electrons out of them in Aetheric Terms

These are METHOD PATENTS. Not some design variant patent. Do you know there are 2 types of Patents? I do because my father has 2 of them and Joe wont File with the Govt his UN REVERSE ENGINEERABLE Methods because he doesnt need the Right to Sue for Infringement.

Because your 'electron theories' will send you down the path of failure, we like to keep it that way because trying to get you to see the Light Crystals is clearly pointless.

And here I am telling you this IP and you STILL just dont get it.
The First Method Patent for the Internal Combustion Motor didnt have Rings and was very inefficient and yet today it has many VARIANTS of this Method Patent that give High Power.

You cannot see the leap in technology here because you have dismissed the Leap in Technology Tesla tried to give you.

You dont want to understand how ours work. Therefore you dont want one.
You cant SEE what we have now. Nor can you See what else this Technology can do. You do not have an inquisitive or inventive mind it seems from MY perspective which is diametrically opposite view of yours. And you take the High Ground we cannot question your theories of failure.
The Mantra of SHOW and TELL has got you your 'electron donor' in EU terms has it? Which Bench again? The one arguing about deleted posts?

We arent in Kindergarten anymore Nick. We are in the Real world and I have written the book on the Near Death Experiences we have encountered from the Alphabet companies. The 'others' are just DEAD. The other half of the book is the near every time we Show and Tell, they only try to rip off the IP with lies and fakery and out right theft. So there's never been any 'trade' as this is PRICELESS. A term you havent given much thought about.

I told this story to Chet on the phone the other day...  Joe instructed, lets call him Jim, from Cairns how to build 5 electric Cells in 2000. Jim got a truck, a tractor, 2 cars and a pickup to run and LEVITATE on the Classic Build JoeCell. Jim couldnt help himself he had to share it with HUMANS. Instead of the Local TV station sending out a camera crew to Video real evidence it would appear they informed some alphabet company as Jims kids found Do NOT Cross Tape everywhere on Jims farm, the gates padlocked and not a vehicle in sight. They found Jim 3 months later as a vegetable in Rockhampton Hospital. Joe's responsible for that in Karmic terms ... Oh thats right... its some ESOTERIC theory thats been debunked by electrons too it seems. You will believe what you want to believe and you still dont know what to believe about the Water into Oil video. So its not the Show and Tell you want so banning is the only option your Hand can Play.

While Jock Pennycook went to the toilet and left his laptop open on the table, Joe tapped the keyboard and up came a List of Inventors. He was the only one left alive on it.
To get Jock off his back, he built a Cell and installed it on his F150 Ford Pickup, Jock drove it to Canberra and let HIS WORK PLACE at ASIO (your CIA) examine it for 2 weeks. 1000's saw it levitated 1/2 inch off the ground. You stick to your denial of Aether and Love to death your precious electrons. This isnt the Bench for you.

Joe and I are still alive because our SHOW and TELL is ONLY done in a Shed. (as explained to Chet) And quite frankly it hasnt worked out too well for us.

This Bench is the alternative... Present and Invent. Explain IP and provide the List of Components with operating instructions. At the shed Show and Tell you ONLY get a working device. So you actually get less in the Shed than you get here. And we stay alive. You have a Death Wish and dont even know it.

And no you havent heard it all before. No Where in the Private world (verses the Govt world) will you learn how AC is derived from the (imaginary according to your science) Lines of Force, or the Magnetic Waves interacting with Copper to give AC as Vibrations in keeping with Tesla's Science. But but but electrons are real... I havent even started on what he meant by NON PHYSICAL PHENOMENA Tesla told you to study to actually learn something NEW.

Youve never heard that there is a SCIENCE to this SAME Pole Technology that gives us over unity as LENR as well as electricity
Youve never heard about Neutral Plate Technology.
And a NEW way to create Keely's Neutral Centre technology.
This is all to be dismissed because there's no show n tell when the show n tell is dismissed.
Actually Nick, you dont want anything new, you want the same ole same ole from the failed Benches.
Prove me wrong.... where on this forum is there over unity I can build...  much less out of Junk like ours.
Everything here is a nightmare to construct for the usual hobbyist.

Is talk and unproven opinions all you guys offer? Merlynn and the wizard...
You see, even the simple Field Generator of the Silver Joe Cell escapes your VIEW of what Magnetic Water can do.
Stop with the false accusations Nick. Ive offered more and your denial is pathetic.

    We would prefer this to be a builders thread, instead. If you don't have a working device, or are not building one, you are not helping to achieve our goals, here. Nor will conventional science come up with the answers and proof  that we seek, either.

Videos of working devices....
I showed a VIDEO of a Magnetic In Line Cell Working.
I showed a Video of an Electric Cell Working and gave the schematics and the Easy for Dummies Aetheric Operating principles to Follow
The only JoeCell videos on the net, that shows a JoeCell doing something that you cant explain only dismiss. You wouldnt know a working Device if you were looking at one in a Mirror. Study Nature said Schauberber. Nature IS over Unity for Gods Sake. But No, its some mythical particle.

They literally excavated the ground under the invention of my fathers trying to find the extra 'energy' input. We broke ALL the Theories about British Thermal Units, BTU's and so NO report was signed off on. So their precious theories remained intact.
You people are all the same. Brain dead.

How many Benches are there on this forum?
How many have given you video evidence of over unity?
How many are actually "active" still and does this mean they were successful following the electron science?
Tell me which one will give me a build like you want so I can build it too.
Why are you pestering me for more 'proof'?  It seems there's a dozen or more benches here that are a complete failure following forum science actually that might be more to your liking.


Have you looked at procuring a Smart Drive motor yet in getting back to the Building of an Aetheric Energy Device.
Did the instructions survive the restoration?
Full Member

Posts: 143
on Cadman's Samsung bench https://www.overunityresearch.com/index.php?topic=4475.0

actually this baby is Joe's. inventor credit goes to him.  O0


Hey WLW,
Thanks for the link. It says
"Samsung Smart Drive washing machine motor, power up 3 x 150 watt work lights and 2 bench grinders.
The 'circuit' requires a battery and a load.
A flat car battery (it barely lit a brake light bulb) was connected to a 12VDC to 240 VAC inverter
From the inverter, the 2 wires went to an electronic motor speed controller. It was set on 100 rpm.
From the MSC 2 wires went to the Samsung motor.
The samsung motor is a 3 phase motor. Meaning there are 3 separate coil windings or 3 input wires. Or there are 3 motors in one.
The motor was pulled out of a washing machine complete, meaning it could run on the lab bench with just a cradle to support it.
All the wiring was cut off and discarded as we only needed 2 bare wires going in the motor and 2 wires unbridged to connect a Load
We used a flat car battery for 2 reasons. 1. it quickly showed the battery was not powering the lights and motors. 2. its a 4.5 VDC motor.
So on the bench was a motor with 3 input wires where each wound 1/3 of the coils in the motor. The end of these 3 wires after winding all the coils is bridged off or all 3 wires come together as a mutual dead end.
Pick any 2 input wires and connect them to the msc. (or flat battery)
Pick any 2 of the terminated wires (unbridge them) and take these to a terminal block where the motors and lights or the LOAD is wired into.
Now hand spin the motor up to 100 rpm and watch the thing become self sustaining and I warmed my hands under the heat of the 3 lights.
The samsung smart drive motor is a motor and a generator in one.
The 'trick' is to make it do both at once. This is done by unbridging the terminated wires giving the 'electricity' generated some where to go."

Have you replicated this? Has anybody replicated this? Got a video?
« Last Edit: 2023-12-20, 02:35:16 by bistander »
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