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Author Topic: Crystal Over Unity  (Read 11826 times)
Sr. Member

Posts: 375
Is this question in reference to what type of wire Tesla used?

Please enlighten us...

Tesla did not use copper wires. That is the Claim yes. For me to provide the 'answer' will create much unwarranted debate.
But if this info can still be found by others when given more clues in this discovery science lesson, perhaps it will open many eyes.
I will say this about what is know about 'history' of Tesla...

Since this bit got my attention too.. :)

Nobody is stopping you from making Tesla coil from iron wires then have it on video recording. With all wave inside wave frequency modulations testing, creating longitudinal waves, wireless energy transmition,etc.
Then instead of just empty arguments we could have constructive discussion.

P.S> For background information, in one of N. Tesla patents - https://patents.google.com/patent/US381970A/en "use a core, A, which is closed upon itselfthat is to say, of an annular cylindrical or equivalent form--and as the eflicicncy of the apparatus is largely increased by the subdi vision of this core I make it of thin strips, plates, or wires of soft iron electrically insulated as far as practicable."
British Patent 24,421 - Improvements in Systems for the Transmission of Electrical Energy and Apparatus for Use Therein "The transformers, as actually constructed are, in reality, nothing more than this. For example, starting on a spool or roll of hard rubber which may contain a central core of iron wires or strands, an insulated wire is wound until a coil is built up of the desired length. This coil is built up precisely as any other, the wire being wound around the core or spool until its convolutions fill up the space and form one complete layer. The winding is continued in the same way until another layer is formed and so on."

Group: Guest

Tesla also wrote that if one does not 'vacuum seal with beeswax' capacitors and coils etc. then results like his would just not be achieved.

my 2 cents.

Group: Guest


Bedini says an iron coil is backwards to a copper coil. Meaning to get North at one end and South at the other you connect + & - reverse to a copper coil.
This also means the field collapse is reversed.  O0

Leedskalnin made currents with iron coil and no core needed this way.

Group: Moderator
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Posts: 140

Bedini says an iron coil is backwards to a copper coil. Meaning

this distraction of Magnetic and para-magnetic to materials is by design
This distraction of Alkaline and Acidic to the Magnetic Polarity of Liquids (or whatever) is by design
Copper is a 'South Pole' metal and Iron is a 'North Pole' Metal. Together they make a Battery.

What do we need in Scalar Non Hertzian Aetheric energy manifestation? North Pole Fields being activated.

I note that in T1000's attachment, the AIR becomes the conductor of Electricity negating wires as in Wireless.

I cant answer my own questions, you wont learn anything that way. Everything I say is just noise to some here.

ANY reference to the word "longitudinal waves" in reference to Tesla Work is a distraction by design. Fake science in real terms.
Sr. Member

Posts: 453
It took us 5 years to get this report as its the same with the other reports I have, No one wants to sign their name to these Fantastic Results. Too good to be true.... even for you.

Are these results indeed "fantastic"?  Probably not...

The use of electrolysis to remove dissolved solids from water has been well studied and put into commercial applications for some time.  A search using the word electrolysis in concert with the likes of "sludge, wastewater, process water, electrochemical reactor, etc" will provide a wealth of information on the subject.  Electrolysis converts dissolved solids into precipitates and gases and can be used to dewater sludge and process wastewater.  It is used by some municipalities as an alternative to chemical flocculants during wastewater treatment.

Saltwater chlorination of swimming pools similarly uses electrolysis to convert dissolved NaCl into free chlorine.  In this application, best efforts are made to prevent precipitates (via controlled salt concentration and water chemistry) because at specific power levels, dissolved solids will precipitate and form a slimy deposit on pool walls.

The point is, electrolysis has been well studied for some time with regard to removing dissolved solids.  The electrochemical shifts and processes involved are fully explained using our present understanding of science.  No hidden magic or voodoo is required for those explanations.

And then there is the Joe cell for which all manner of scientifically extraordinary claims have been made over the years.  Are we surprised that a Joe cell (an electrolyzer) removes dissolved solids as in your attached PDF report?  Not really, as discussed above, the process has been known for some time.  Is there something magical or scientifically extraordinary regarding the operation of a Joe cell that causes it to perform better than a standard or purpose built electrolyzer when used in a similar application?  We do not know.  A rigorous study or comparison is typically not performed or allowed by the inventor.

Even with regard to the production of HHO, Joe cell's are claimed to output large amounts of gas compared to "standard" electrolyzers.  Yet, where are the results of a rigorous (scientific, third party, etc) study comparing the Joe cell to a standard electrolyzer under similar conditions?

It is often the case that when someone attempts to replicate a Joe cell that results in performance no better than a "standard" electrolyzer, the replicator is told they did not do something "magical" correctly.  You did not precondition your cell properly or you must have some sort of faith or meditative state to allow it to vibrate and perform correctly, etc.

What is never provided is a rigorous and scientific comparison to prove the Joe cell performs any better than a standard or purpose built electrolyzer in a similar application.

Group: Moderator
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Posts: 140
The use of electrolysis

Even with regard to the production of HHO, Joe cell's are claimed to output large amounts of gas compared to "standard" electrolyzers. 

What is never provided is a rigorous and scientific comparison to prove the Joe cell performs any better than a standard or purpose built electrolyzer in a similar application.


Electrolysis is only 2 electrodes. This is not electrolysis because the Neutral Plates produce more bubbles than the 2 'electrified' plates. This might be beyond your comprehension. Or you need to get out more. Even Browns Gas has NO neutral Plates. Thats what makes the JoeCell Unique and FANTASTIC beyond your wildest dreams. This JoeCell is a device that changes the Memory of Water permanently. Salt into fresh. Water into Oil... a Permanent change with Zero By-Products. I bet you would need to see it done a dozen times to 'get it'.

In this Video we show the 2 Polarities of the Charged Gas made by just reversing the electrodes.... No One else on the planet can make IMPLOSIVE gas in any format you care to build. Dan Winters saw this enough times to start a website on Implosion technologies... No one can duplicate this. It is Unique and you will Never understand it with the closed Mindset you display.

what I provided was..... is a rigorous and scientific comparison....  of Advanced forms of this technology.  I met Mike McRae Williams the day he finally delivered this report to Joe.
These guys travel all over Australia and know every method on the Planet to clean up waste. You placed no importance on the decades of Industrial research and solutions. Instead wanting MORE reports. Its never enough with you guys.

Charlie Spiers took back to Melbourne Uni 16 samples of water for testing. Charlie was the Head of Earth Resources for the Victorian Gov't and Head of Implementing Carbon Credits for the Govt. He came back twice because he couldnt get his head around where the salt went, You see.  Charlie and Joe went down to the Ocean and collected 1000 litres of High Tide sea water. They came back and ran it through the same Cell used in that Carrington Report (Joe has MANY variations of this Cell) Salt water in and Pure Fresh water out.  Charlie came back a second time because he couldnt get his "Mind around where the salt went" Charlie wont ever provide the reports from the Uni. He would NOT sign his name to any report. But yet he still wanted to know. You on the other hand just want more reports.

It was enough for Mike and his company but in the report it does say why this didnt go ahead.

This isnt the only example of these sort of tests. The Brisbane sewerage works couldnt believe shit could turn into drinking water which Joe Drinks EVERY TIME.

Nor could the Brisbane Uni when we transmuted a Honey like TAR liquid into fresh water that the Head of R&D SANTOS Metagasco also drank as it exited the Cell.

No for you Pico, nothing will ever awaken your mind. Asleeple you will remain

This vid
is me videoing Rebecca who is videoing a presentation to take back to the USA which is the video I posted earlier.

Now Rebecca visited Joe several times and even brought with her a PhD Chemist with his own water testing kit leaving Nothing to chance.
He would NOT provide a written report either.

I really dont need to read your skepticism but without it others will never learn there IS NEW MAGNETIC TECHNOLOGY out there. Not the same ole same ole shitty 2 electroded methodology from the Modern Physicists of today.

Sr. Member

Posts: 453

In this Video we show the 2 Polarities of the Charged Gas made by just reversing the electrodes.... No One else on the planet can make IMPLOSIVE gas in any format you care to build. Dan Winters saw this enough times to start a website on Implosion technologies... No one can duplicate this. It is Unique and you will Never understand it with the closed Mindset you display.

Apparently, you watch this video and believe it shows something happening that is unexplainable by everyday science.  And because of this, alternate "pseudoscience" type theories must be conjured to explain its operation.  You see something amazing, almost magical, to marvel at.

However, an electrochemist would watch this video and right off the top of his head think of several metal ion related electrochemical reactions that could inhibit the production of oxygen when the cell is connected with one polarity applied, and not inhibit the oxygen when the cell polarity is reversed (looks like oxy is inhibited in the first part of the video).  The electrochemist would see nothing unusual or extraordinary.

Science deniers rarely know much about the science they deny...

Group: Moderator
Full Member

Posts: 140
Apparently, you watch this video


In actual fact. I am the cameraman and they are my family. This was done the next day after Charlie Spiers had left. He saw it too.
So having seen this Implosion Demo of Compression energy or North Pole cold fusion energies, as a rough guess over a 100 times. Just never got around to making a video that is presentable with real people in the actual environment these discoveries were made.

The Cell used for this Implosion and the Opposite and equal Action of heat burn expansion, has been used many times as a Teaching Cell.
I did the course, my son did the course, and several others. Peter Stevens the man who made Joe Famous and started the ball rolling by borrowing the first cell and showing others, never saw or knew any of this. Peter feigned finding god after visiting the Walter Russell Science Centre.

This is the First Lesson of Operation. once you build it and want to put water into it the first time. literally hooking up the electrodes and .....
Now Joes does each of these steps and then its your turn. You repeat exactly what he does.
1. Each component as it's assembled is 'sparked' with a battery to remove Memory but we also need to wash it out under plain tap water or Liquid Electricity and Ones Bio Field Become One. You know that Y factor? Well here you can learn about it.
2. Fill it up from the tap. Understanding water source differences based upon Earth Charged Frequencies like those at the top of a mountain spring that have hydrologists scratching there heads in silence comes as Lesson 2. Primary Water. Definitely a pseudo science because if it was real it would be fake news.
3. return cell back to 'insulated cradle' or a bucket.
4. Make sure the battery is Charged and connect using an alligator clip the Negative Electrode from the Battery to the centre tube and then the positive to the outer Cylinder and WATCH. People have spent HOURS watching bubble this way. Some do it for WEEKS and MONTHS. Some see bubbles and some dont. My son didnt get bubbles. Then Joe gets bubbles and Son tries again and no bubbles. Then you ask the universe for help and it replies Ask and ye shall receive bubbles. It then Bubbles. I not only didnt get bubbles the first time but the Battery had ZERO spark when arcing the terminals. I, in an instant, flattened the battery. Im good. So Joe said fix it. The ole coil between the battery terminals trick. I had flattened one side of the battery. more here https://www.overunityresearch.com/index.php?topic=4549.msg109595;topicseen#msg109595
5. We repeat this changing places as many times as it takes for pico to get it.
Now Your Spirit has learned how to program a JoeCell in a Mental Universe said Hermes. A Water Dowser operates exactly the same way.

I believe you deny having critical thinking skills. But I could be wrong

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3670
Science deniers rarely know much about the science they deny...
That phrase is a keeper!

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3670
The use of electrolysis to remove dissolved solids from water has been well studied and put into commercial applications for some time.  A search using the word electrolysis in concert with the likes of "sludge, wastewater, process water, electrochemical reactor, etc" will provide a wealth of information on the subject.  Electrolysis converts dissolved solids into precipitates and gases and can be used to dewater sludge and process wastewater.  It is used by some municipalities as an alternative to chemical flocculants during wastewater treatment.
My municipality uses this method to precipitate contaminants in waste water.

What is never provided is a rigorous and scientific comparison to prove the Joe cell performs any better than a standard or purpose built electrolyzer in a similar application. 
Indeed but that is not surprising - the concept of rigor is alien to loose minds and gardeners.
Group: Moderator
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Posts: 140
My municipality uses this method to precipitate contaminants in waste water.
We dont have any precipitate so no its the same method... try again

Indeed but that is not surprising - the concept of rigor is alien to loose minds and gardeners.
the concept of comprehension is beyond some too. There is no "drop out' with 4 ring magnets and 2 washers over a pipe even with raw sewerage. If it will go through a foot valve it comes out as Water. Charlie Speirs "I cant get my mind around where the salt went"
The "electric Tube cell" does have drop out. But our drop out unlike yours, will NOT re-dissolve back into ANY water. Again a New Methodology to make real inert fertilizer instead of grey water back into the drinking water for the SilverJoe Silver generator Cell to release it as Memory.
« Last Edit: 2023-12-14, 19:13:26 by MerLynn »
Group: Moderator
Full Member

Posts: 140
That phrase is a keeper!

My science is better than your science
Yours pollutes the Planet and Mine cleans it up.

North Pole Cleans and South Pole Dirties or Rusts.

place a piece of Iron between two North poles and the iron becomes Rustless or stainless. Dont ask how to do it now so you will fail and come back with proof and then I give you the instructions because you are hard headed now will Ya?
My Magnetic Science is better than your furnace Science for stainless steel. Sorta like free energy. An equal effect at a Penny of the price.
Now go prove it to yourself and if you need instructions Ask and all will be revealed. As long as you change your attitude Im sure it will work

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3670
As long as you change your attitude I'm sure it will work
An attitude-dependent experiment, WTF ?!
Looks like you are setting up the stage for my attitude as a reason for the failure of the experiment.
Group: Moderator
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Posts: 140
As You think so it will be
We create our own reality

Player 2 leaves The Ring
Group: Guest
   Player #3 is wondering what all this discussion has to do with free energy from crystals...
And, just how much energy can a Joecell or crystals provide?

Group: Guest
   Player #3 is wondering what all this discussion has to do with free energy from crystals...
And, just how much energy can a Joecell or crystals provide?


a Samsung or Smartdrive motor/generator 'JoeCell' can output 2500W+ from a 'flat' battery input (small battery, only 7A-hr.)

but understand you can't measure this power with meters, you can only USE it.

once running, it's self-sustaining just like the Human body is self-sustaining.
ALL this discussion is necessary because nobody on this forum understands what electricity actually IS !!!
yet we want it for FREE, this thing we don't comprehend ???


Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3670
Player #3 is wondering what all this discussion has to do with free energy from crystals...
Good question.

Group: Renaissance Man
Hero Member

Posts: 2782

Buy me a cigar
a Samsung or Smartdrive motor/generator 'JoeCell' can output 2500W+ from a 'flat' battery input (small battery, only 7A-hr.)


Does this battery have Corrugated plates by any chance?

Nanny state ? Left at the gate !! :)

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3670
a Samsung or Smartdrive motor/generator 'JoeCell' can output 2500W+ from a 'flat' battery input (small battery, only 7A-hr.)
For how long?

but understand you can't measure this power with meters, you can only USE it.
Can it be used to power a 2500W electric resistive space heater ?

Crystal Over Unity
Sr. Member

Posts: 453
a Samsung or Smartdrive motor/generator 'JoeCell' can output 2500W+ from a 'flat' battery input (small battery, only 7A-hr.)

but understand you can't measure this power with meters, you can only USE it.  once running, it's self-sustaining...

Do you have any evidence to back up this claim?  How do you know it outputs 2500W if you can't measure it?


Group: Ambassador
Hero Member

Posts: 4052
Note :
Designation as potential “replicator” ( player ??)
Requires a dog in the hunt ..
There are several who are inline to replicate,
requires actual “crystal”,and I suspect “claimants” ( MerLynn)
Approval ( meets his criteria for a successful replication )

Steps down that path are in the works ( might take a few days or a week to coordinate ( in OZ)
Chet K
Possibly “Samsung “ replication falls into same category (OZ)
EDIT for picowatt comment below
Yes all measurement protocols are always part of replicator discussions.
Sr. Member

Posts: 453
   Player #3 is wondering what all this discussion has to do with free energy from crystals...


The title of this thread and its original post is related to a claim that when a laser beam is split into multiple beams using a "special crystal", the sum of the measured "power" of those multiple beams is greater than the "power" measured from the original beam.  In other words, a claim of overunity (more power out than in), presumably due to the "special" crystal.

A pdf document was attached to the OP that provided some details as to how measurements were performed and their results.

The document states that a phototransistor was used as a measurement sensor.  I could not find a data sheet for the phototransistor specified (If anyone else can find a data sheet for the Z3235 specified in the pdf doc, please post a link...).

There is no mention of any power source or bias method utilized with the phototransistor.  Additionally, the measurements provided were given as a voltage instead of current.

If the Z3235 is indeed a phototransistor (or photodiode), it is possible that the claimant, not understanding how to use a phototransitor, merely measured the voltage between the phototransistor's terminals.  If this is the case, the data provided is meaningless and the original claim would therefore be unsupported by the evidence provided.

Claimant was questioned about this possibility and was asked to provide additional information regarding how the phototransistor was utilized during the performance of his experiments.

Many posts later, these questions remain unanswered...

Group: Guest
   Thanks PW:
   It would be more convincing if he were to show something working, input and output readings etc .., but I guess that is too much to ask. But, will it self run??? The only proof that we need to see... Not more measurement errors or split laser beams on special crystals, that do no actual useful work. Or just provide MAs worth of power, as proof.
I asked about the output, and what it can do.

Group: Moderator
Full Member

Posts: 140
   Player #3 is wondering what all this discussion has to do with free energy from crystals...
And, just how much energy can a Joecell or crystals provide?


This discussion diverged from Crystals into some basic Aetheric Science. Which is required for "some" crystal over unity energy devices.
And is a must for the JoeCell energy production.

This energy output is measured in terms of Load it can provide. We had 3 induction Cook Tops at 2000 watts each and it easily heated up 2 but the third shut it down. So it could be said the load were our measuring devices and provided the answer. This was in relation to the Vacuum Cell.

The Samsung at 100 rpm ran 3 x 150 watt work lights and 2 bench grinder motors. Spinning it faster just burned everything out.

The Crystals are 1000x and then some, times over unity.

A JoeCell, if made as a Cold Fusion Battery would be 1000x easily
How much 'power' does it take to desalinate a 1000 litres of Sea water? If the Magnetic Cell does it in an instant (and this subject needs expanding and clarification)  then its Kilowatt hour output is in the Millions.
Group: Moderator
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Posts: 140
Does this battery have Corrugated plates by any chance?

Some where I gave the Alchemy of Batteries on this site.
A quick recap.
A Water JoeCell is the Alchemy of adding Fire to Water.  (electricity is Fire)
The Alchemy of a NiCad battery is adding Earth to Earth
The Alchemy of a car battery is adding Water to Earth
The Alchemy of the Samsung motor is adding Fire to Fire. (rotating magnetic Fields interacting)

The actual Alchemy of a Battery is defined as Two Elemental Frequencies in a shared 'medium'.
And there are only 4 Elemental States of Matter. With a 5th Element , the Aether or Quintessence as the State of Matter (Prima Matter) That Binds them all together, as another way to say it. Russell says it as "without the Universal Mind there is no creation" or thereabouts

This is the science that built everything in stone. This is Hermes Trismegistus Laws of the Universe science. This is Aristotle's Science. This is Democratis's ATOM science, This is Thales Everything is Water Science and Life is in Everything Science. This is Walter Russell science, This is Tesla Science. This is JoeCell Science.
This isnt some Mythical electron science.

Tesla spoke about PRESSURE in the Circuit from T1000.  Russell calls it Expansion. Joe and I call it South Pole Positive Heat or Ex-plosion energies. Joe and I tell it in the TERMS that you will PLAY with it in a Lab. Russell is very much Theoretical in Nature. And the others have been relegated into Mythology. And NO ONE to this day knows anything about how Tesla thought about it.

The Highly educated contemporaries of Tesla didnt understand the term PRESSURE in the Circuit. Undefinable.... more in the Realms of Non Physical. So LITERALLY they invented the Particle 'electron' to explain Tesla's "electricity".
Tesla Said in effect Energy is Vibration.
So they Invented Einstein to counter this with Energy is related to mass and speed.
Youse all have been lied to for so long you cant reverse any device on this forum because your Science is FAKE.
And this relates to How crystals function in YOUR circuits

No corrugated plates.
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