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Author Topic: Crystal Over Unity  (Read 11826 times)
Hero Member

Posts: 2735
And again, please tell us what you think happens when two transistors are connected in series.

The two transistor problem is a good example of how even most experts can fail to understand relatively simple concepts.

Many strange devices often used counterintuitive setups like weird coils, backwards diodes, series transistors etc. I developed a two transistor switch to solve a specific problem before I knew others had also used this setup and the solution seemed pretty obvious at the time.

You see one switch has a specific cut in/cut off and rise/fall time or delay. Take the 2N222A transistor with a 25ns rise/60ns fall time which limits the switching time period. However if we use two transistors and offset the rise/fall the actual series switching time period can have any value even sub ns.

Switch A        on..........off
Switch B                on..........off
switch time period     ..

The problem is many confuse the frequency and time period. The frequency is the cycles per second and the time period is the duration of the disturbance or on/off cycle. I thought my two transistor solution was funny because all my EE friends thought it does nothing. They couldn't seem to get it into there head that there could be an offset between the two switching cycles producing an independent switching cycle between them. It's so simple and obvious after the fact but apparently not before. So we need to be careful about what we think were seeing and making assumptions.


Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman
Group: Moderator
Full Member

Posts: 140
Here a bench has always been a path towards an experiment ,
an open source experiment.

Chet K

Why does Verpies have a "Bench" that he self spams in?

Chet, I know you mean well. 

My BUILDS, My video Evidence, absolutely every post is based upon Magnetic Science. Not Particle science.

I spent millions (one way or another about 9) bringing a Field Science, Aether Energy Healing device and gave it to the world. The aquachifootbath.com  (and he wont even sell me parts at a discount.) Its an amazing product and will be discussed soon and how it can do many other free energy experiments and particle science defying transmutations.

It works so well, in what its singular marketing angle states, that it spawned a 100 $Million IONIC (Fake science) copy footbath industry, dwarfing our Field Science sales of over 50 million and counting.

People didnt like to pay for R&D to make this safe and effective (haha) and instead reversed engineered the Ionic footbaths where they use only 2 'electrodes' where Ours used 6 and a Neutral Plate. Comparisons show Ionic baths KILL Life not heal. Yet the scam continues re Ions rather than Fields because there is no magnetics within the atomic structure. Water doesnt have Memory and the FDA exists to approve toxic medicines as an Industry. The CDC is a private company to give medical advice. Its a scam and still is.

Understand Marcy Purnell earned a PhD on this device. You dont get one of these without it DOING something. Thats a feather in my Cherokee Shaman Wizards Hat that no one here can match.

So the greatest healing device since Atlantis or at least since the Baghdad Batteries was buried by, you know, particle science and ions.

This is what happens when you GIVE AWAY something that not only shouldnt exist, is then not even considered Valuable. When in fact its PRICELESS for those it CURED, me included. I literally spent a fortune on doing my own research in Health Care.
So I shall continue to Give it away, by SHOWING First the Mechanism of how they operate. Otherwise history will repeat as the task of Upwising is pretty monumental.

What you have dealt with in the past is misguided conspiracy theorists running with the latest 'you wont believe.....'

This submission or Bench is unlike anything you have ever dealt with before and represents 5 decades of investigating and proving Magnetic Theories. WLW is privy to most of this History and experiments and has procured many components to replicate my presentations. He presents from a Russellian perspective, while I present from Joes magnetic perspective. They are identical when the magnifying glass is applied.

When I posted about the Quad Grid of the Aether and the Tetrahedron of the Atomic Structure and how these 'fit together'. WLW finds the hand drawn diagram of where Russell drew this.

Cut me some slack please. More experiments are coming as per bench rules. Monumental journeys are taken one small step at a time.


Posts: 10
I really appreciate your posts and I am looking forward to learn new things..
I hope you will keep posting and will not be discouraged.


Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3670
Having read your posts, I have to ask, what is your level of expertise in the field of electronics?
Don't be silly. Electronics runs on magic smoke, not particles. If it escapes, then everything stops working. All wizards know that.

Can you describe how a BJT connected as a simple common emitter circuit operates? 
Can you tell us how we achieve "gain" in that circuit and how we measure it?
How dare you impose your book-thumping ways and ask pointed questions about a transistor?
The mainstream electronic science has clouded your judgement.  You need to break through the indoctrination and start thinking outside of the box. Can't you see that a transistor is a crystal of silicon. Crystals tap into the sea of aether that surrounds us and amplify everything with its infinite energy.

Not with all your talk of vibrations, but as is currently understood in the field of electronics.
It cannot be explained without the vibrations because there can be no resonance without vibrations.
Q: Vibrations of what, you may ask?  A: Vibrations of the crystal lattice that taps the omnipresent aether field.
Your electronic books hide these simple facts from you.  Regurgitating them will never lead you to overunity.

It would seem to me, that before anyone can tell us our current understanding of electronics is incorrect, they must first know what that current understanding is. 
The current understanding of electronics relies on artificial constructs like electrons and other charge carriers which don't really exist because Tesla never detected them. In his many patents he did not need to mention electrons even once to explain what is going on.

Again, having read your posts, it appears that you do not really understand how we achieve gain with a transistor or a simple thermionic triode.
The transistor modulates the flow of the aether through vibrations of its crystal lattice, thus creating a gain and the diode allows the aether to flow only one way because in the reverse direction it encounters an out-of phase vibrations of the cathode which cause destructive interference and cancel the flow.

As well, it appears that you do not understand the concept of antenna gain.
Antennas tap the vibrations of the aether - not the transmitter ...and that is why they do not create a power draw on the transmitter.  It does not matter whether the antenna is close or far away from the transmitter - the transmitter never feels the presence of the antennas.

Regarding the pdf doc attached to your OP in this thread, can you tell us how the phototransistor was connected while performing your laser measurements?  I have a feeling you thought a phototransistor produced an output voltage related to luminance (somewhat like a solar cell) instead of understanding it actually varies its current (not voltage) with luminance.
Yes, the voltage generated by the naked transistor is proportional to the illuminance of that transistor and independent of the light's wavelength because the stronger the light the higher the amplitude of the silicon crystal vibrations that gate the aether flow. The more transistors you have surrounding the light source, the higher the total voltage is and the higher the energy received because energy is proportional to the square of the sum of voltages when the load (R) is constant as illustrated by the well-known formula P=V2/R

Again, please clarify if my impression is incorrect.
Your impressions are very incorrect because they are based on outdated scientific principles like particles (electrons) and you should be thinking in terms of frequency of magnetic energy vibrations, which are based on the matrix structure of the aether and where the Life Sustaining Energy comes from and its modulation by the vibrating tetrahedral crystal lattices.

All the experiments meticulously analyzed and performed in this thread are a clear evidence of the above.
The footbath, too.
« Last Edit: 2023-12-11, 21:54:09 by verpies »
Group: Guest
   What kind of energy am I looking for, you asked?  You mentioned that free energy is expensive to produce. That does not answer the question.
  I am looking for energy from the ambient as was mentioned by Tesla, not energy from fuel, be it water or any other material substances.
  Do you have anything working, such as a self running energy producing device, from the ambient, or not?
  Simple question. Yes or no, would be a good start, at this point. You were invited here for that purpose.
This is a thread for the purpose of producing the above mentioned energy producing device, from crystal technologies not other unrelated topics or distractions.

Group: Moderator
Full Member

Posts: 140
   What kind of energy am I looking for, you asked?  You mentioned that free energy is expensive to produce. That does not answer the question.
  I am looking for energy from the ambient as was mentioned by Tesla, not energy from fuel, be it water or any other material substances.
  Do you have anything working, such as a self running energy producing device, from the ambient, or not?
  Simple question. Yes or no, would be a good start, at this point. You were invited here for that purpose.
This is a thread for the purpose of producing the above mentioned energy producing device, from crystal technologies not other unrelated topics or distractions.


You can do better than this Nick... I said energy has a cost to produce making it NOT FREE ... not 'expensive'. Semantics yes, but its a premise for further debate and depends on being quoted correctly.

"energy from the 'ambient' isnt the same as energy from the 'aether'.  You want North Pole energies from the Aether not south pole energies from the physical environment or 'ambient Fields'. You want Cold Fusion Energies. This is the Only energy Joe plays with. All his devices are Cold to the touch. Every one of his inventions are 'over unity' from the Aether'. I will get to a Unified Field Science explanation of Aether or Scalar in due course, but a limited discourse can be found at LENR Forum. Until the Aether is understood from Tesla's way of thinking, it cannot be made 'mechanically' like John Keely said. This OU forum is ENTIRELY about MECHANICAL over unity which is different from Aether or Scalar Radiant over unity energy.

NO electrical Circuit anywhere on this forum, uses "Aether' or NON HERTZIAN energy, No component in any electrical circuit on this forum is ''subject to" Aether energy (directly). Non Hertzian Energy does not have VIBRATIONS. It is "SIMILAR" to Flatline DC from a 'battery'. In Fact it takes a Battery in the Generating Circuit to Excite the Field being Generated before it becomes 'self sustaining' or BREEDING as they called it in JoeCell replications.

All this has been done without any understandings of any electrical component. Joe made a 'Doubler Circuit'. He would not let me examine it in any way other than a quick look at the mini 'circuit' inside. He knew I didnt know what I was looking at. It was the size of a deck of cards. Made by the Guy who tested waters and products from a JoeCell, like oil and coal at the Local Southern Cross Uni in Lismore for 30 years. Because of his KNOWING of the Level of science and explosive nature of the revelations this science can bring with 30 years of providing 'reports' on tests, he abides by Joe's secrecy wishes. He built several of the Joe Designed Doubler Cells. One AA battery doubled a couple times will run a house for a day or 2 maybe forever. This is unsubstantiated of course. But Ive seen it. I can reverse engineer it but I know nothing of these electrical components where as Joe merely picks up a diode or transistor and knows EVERYTHING about what it can do because "God tells me what I need to know when I need to Know it" says Joe. and then he builds a doubler. What is he 'doubleing' or Gaining? (rhetorical)

Eventually this crystal discourse will show that we really know nothing about the components and functions of a Crystal especially when described with Electrons. which means that to understand Conventional electronics will confuse Minds as to what else they can do.  Are we there yet?

Group: Moderator
Full Member

Posts: 140
@ Nick
Do you have anything working, such as a self running energy producing device, from the ambient, or not?

I have 3 JoeCells in a Hand Bath. Each 'Cell' is a Cold Fusion Cell and each one of them would run a 'car' like was tried to replicate as they are permanently wired for Cold Fusion with a North Pole Neutral Centre.
I have an In Line Magnetic JoeCell like described in my other thread. Its larger at 8 inches in Diameter for treating 60,000 gallons an hour.
These magical Cells Use energy from the Aether to make water Pure and Heal humans. They are Priceless so I made a 'trade' with Joe for them.

The Samsung Motor rested on a trolley in his shed so was moveable and no power cords etc. It sat there for demo purposes for many years and was demo'd many many times. Then the Flood came and with it the pickers who lifted everything he owned. A JoeCell will make a Water Cell battery 10,000 times better than Pons and Fishyman. Its output is Aether energy via the same wires that DC was applied to to activate the Neutral Centre for this energy to flow. When I dismantle a washing machine to get a Tesla Designed 3 phase Motor all hell breaks, well all heaven breaks loose in my house and life. Joe is the Key Master. I'm the Gate and Record Keeper. Yes I will meet you at the Brisbane Terminal and taxi 2 hrs to meet Joe. But like 1000's before you, you MAY not believe what you see. The indoctrination is just too strong. Too good to be true reigns supreme amongst the audience in Joe's world. Dont expect to come and learn how it works. You do that HERE. I am allowed to Teach.

The one "Cell" that wasnt stolen after the floods, was a Vacuum Cell. the size of a standard 'candle'. This he will happily show you the difference that Aether Energy has. He had a 2 foot square plywood board with about 8 'light bulbs' wired in a typical circular circuit. Attached to the circuit was a standard car bulb brake light to act as a Coil in the circular circuit. You connect a car battery to this circuit and all the lights came on, Attach the Vacuum Cell and all the lights came on, except when one disconnected the Cell the Lights stayed on forever. He got the "idea" to TRAP ELECTRONS in a circuit from Gerard Morin on youtube.

This can be easily demo'd if you want to go to the only place on planet earth to see Aetheric Scalar Non Hertzian energy like produced by the Dendrah so called 'light bulb'. Think of the ramifications this has.... A Water cell would do this too.

If you dont understand the Aether Energy at work in the Magnetic In Line Cell, or even a water 'tube' JoeCell, you arent ready for Scalar energy production. It appears you want to jump to jet propulsion with bicycle methodology. I thought I could change that with the samsung motor thread. Monumental Patience is our words for the day. 

Group: Guest
Do you mean this thing ?


It might say it's not very practical to build but unless you can get your hands on tube as listed
very few will bother unless it's available in kit form and then does it give more back
and again unless you know all the tricks you end up with incorrectly put together
useless monstrosity  ;D oops sorry to say.

PS Merlyn a fictional character of Geoffrey of Monmouth a monk from the dark ages!
« Last Edit: 2023-12-12, 11:55:00 by AlienGrey »
Group: Moderator
Full Member

Posts: 140
Merlyn wore a special Tiara like crown with 4 'nodes' points embedded with fire crystals. Without it he had little Radiant energy

What was the metal that Tesla used in his "Tesla Coil" and no Tesla didnt use 'copper'. The use of copper in circuitry 'lessens' any 'electrical effect' so if you want to invent like Tesla you have some research to do.

History is Bunk. I knew a guy we called him Horus. He had access to the Akashic records much 'better' than Cayce did. He could tell you your every lifetime and everything you did in THIS lifetime. Horus went to work for MI6 after he left high school. All the 'remote viewers' combined dont hold a candle to what Horus could do. Horus reads as I type it and he's a 1000 miles away. Joe sees your entire life as a movie the second he lays eyes on you. Both these guys grilled me intensely about my 'past' and lessons on how I can remember 'them' in a better format that them holy men from the east. Another Guy we call Mr T had even better abilities for reading the vibrations imparted in anything and around anything. I could go on and on about this subject but you people are stuck on stupid to be quite frank. Drinking Charged Water made with Platinum induces Instant Lucid dreaming and if you know what that means, you know there's a whole lot more.
Dannion Brinkley got his powers by becoming a Lightning Shaman being struck twice. His book Saved by the Light tells lots. He needed to shake your hand to read your Life Story. One can duplicate this Lightning Frequency to activate latent 'abilities' in the Human Bio Field if you know the right guy to make such a Cell. In Peru, one isnt considered a Lightning Shaman until struck 3 times to fully active this hidden talent. And apparently there is such a shaman alive today in Peru.

Please... stop with the bull. You are sheetting up the thread. I have conspiracy theories Humans havent even dreamed of yet. Im Trying to be as real as i can given the esoteric nature of what I know.

again @ Nick. How could I admit to owning, using, having some Zero Point Cold Fusion device? NO ONE outside Military R&D has one and they WILL keep it that way. You think I want to post 'evidence' of such a thing existing? Did you not learn anything how many deaths/disappearances  are associated with this Technology. ALL I can do is tell you how to build one. if that isnt enough then leave and that goes for Verpies and his spam nature even on his own bench. I just had Joe grill me for 2 hours on the phone because he KNOWS every word I write as I write it and I am MerLynn. Not some other spelling.

sheesh end of rant
Group: Moderator
Full Member

Posts: 140
Do you mean this thing ?


It might say it's practical to build but unless you can get your hands on tube as listed
very few will bother unless it's available in kit form and then does it give more back
and again unless you know all the tricks you end up with incorrectly put together
useless monstrosity  ;D oops sorry to say.

PS Merlyn a fictional character of Geoffrey of Monmouth a monk from the dark ages!

That Link will see you fail. the info is SO WRONG I dont know where to begin. And Joe prefers me to not start.
Its extremely simple to build. but the Construction methodology is beyond everyone unless instructed by Joe or I. Like the Silver Generator. Field Science means everything has a magnetic Pole and they all must be aligned. Joes sees the North Pole end of any piece of Stainless Steel, so for him its easy.
The Operating IP on how to connect the Battery is more Critical than you can imagine. I am allowed to discuss this Cell construction. But was asked to leave in  the JoeCell Thread... simply amazing the open minds I have to work with here.

If you consider it a monstrosity then there's nothing here for you, the exit is that away. Its 10,000 times better than any other Cold Fusion attempt made anywhere else in the world. But its only for those with eyes to see it.
Group: Guest
It is spelled "Merlin" and he was King Arthur's mystic.
Geoffrey's depiction of Merlin is below:
He wasn't English it's with a 'y' in wales  ;D

Colin Morgan as Merlin Left with  Arthur on Right
Group: Guest
That Link will see you fail. the info is SO WRONG I dont know where to begin. And Joe prefers me to not start.
Its extremely simple to build. but the Construction methodology is beyond everyone unless instructed by Joe or I. Like the Silver Generator. Field Science means everything has a magnetic Pole and they all must be aligned. Joes sees the North Pole end of any piece of Stainless Steel, so for him its easy.
The Operating IP on how to connect the Battery is more Critical than you can imagine. I am allowed to discuss this Cell construction. But was asked to leave in  the JoeCell Thread... simply amazing the open minds I have to work with here.

If you consider it a monstrosity then there's nothing here for you, the exit is that away. Its 10,000 times better than any other Cold Fusion attempt made anywhere else in the world. But its only for those with eyes to see it.
Hsve you got a pointer hyper link to the build information of the working device you can show ?

Full Member

Posts: 152
The Samsung Motor rested on a trolley in his shed so was moveable and no power cords etc. It sat there for demo purposes for many years and was demo'd many many times.
 Joe is the Key Master. I'm the Gate and Record Keeper. Yes I will meet you at the Brisbane Terminal and taxi 2 hrs to meet Joe. But like 1000's before you, you MAY not believe what you see. The indoctrination is just too strong. Too good to be true reigns supreme amongst the audience in Joe's world. Dont expect to come and learn how it works. You do that HERE. I am allowed to Teach.
If you dont understand the Aether Energy at work in the Magnetic In Line Cell, or even a water 'tube' JoeCell, you arent ready for Scalar energy production. It appears you want to jump to jet propulsion with bicycle methodology. I thought I could change that with the samsung motor thread. Monumental Patience is our words for the day.

Bold applied to the quote text by me.


Here is the topic dedicated solely to your efforts on the Samsung motor generator.

There is nothing stopping you from continuing your Samsung work there. If you are concerned about having moderator control of the thread you are welcome to move or copy it to your own bench. I would delete it from my bench if you did.

I’m sure many people would welcome a coherent and cogent discourse on the subject.


'Tis better to try and fail than never try at all
Group: Moderator
Full Member

Posts: 140
Thankyou for restoring the thread cadman.
I will see what Spirit advises.

In Celtic the Masculine is Lynn and the Feminine is Lynnette

Mer is a Title denoting Rank or Origin.
I was the Cook manning the forge or 'kitchen' 24/7 for the 9 months we took to make Excalibur.
The the sword then went on to make History 2 generations later when the grandsons DNA Frequency was able to vibrate it enough to pull it. History is Bunk.
Group: Moderator
Full Member

Posts: 140
Hsve you got a pointer hyper link to the build information of the working device you can show ?


That will get a thread all on its own. From events on this forum, it appears no one likes me to add what I know to their thread.
Its why I asked for a bench.
I have in other forums given the basics but no where is there a manual I would recommend.
Group: Ambassador
Hero Member

Posts: 4052
The “here and now” works for most,
As already mentioned we have members in your part of the world ,( very close
Nothing quite as good as “eyes on” first hand experiences !

Please keep that in mind.
Also verbal communication is always preferred here (when doing projects such
As this .

Sr. Member

Posts: 453
What was the metal that Tesla used in his "Tesla Coil" and no Tesla didnt use 'copper'. The use of copper in circuitry 'lessens' any 'electrical effect' so if you want to invent like Tesla you have some research to do.

Is this question in reference to what type of wire Tesla used?

Please enlighten us...

Sr. Member

Posts: 453
You see one switch has a specific cut in/cut off and rise/fall time or delay. Take the 2N222A transistor with a 25ns rise/60ns fall time which limits the switching time period. However if we use two transistors and offset the rise/fall the actual series switching time period can have any value even sub ns.

Switch A        on..........off
Switch B                on..........off
switch time period     ..


I was hoping MerLynn would answer the question regarding his "two transistors in series" mystery, but it seems his posts are to be moreso like faith based preaching where direct questions to him will remain unanswered.

There are lots of useful application where transistors are used in series.  I use them frequently, mainly with regard to analog applications (cascodes, current sources, long tailed pairs, analog switches, complimentary pairs, etc).

However, in this "two transistors in series" circuit you propose, assuming the emitter of A is connected to the collector of B, there can be no BE current in A (to turn on A) if B is turned off.  Although B will have some leakage current and IO capacitance that could allow some degree of BE current to flow in A when B is off, it is doubtful if either if these will allow meaningful BE current to flow in A when B is off.  One could imagine some sort of isolated drive between A's BE junction to provide base current in A (while B is off), but with no collector current flowing in A during that time, the BE junction will saturate and you will then have to deal with the very long storage time (225ns) when A is turned off.  But, let's say you have worked this all out (perhaps post your schematic...) using an isolated BE drive or some other method to allow BE current to flow in A when B is off and perhaps the use of a Baker clamp to deal with storage time, etc, the best you can hope for is a 25ns risetime and 60ns fall time (and this is not including the additional 10ns delay time inherent in this transistor).

Your "sketch" is misleading in that each instance of the word "on" represents a 25ns rise time, and each instance of the word "off" represents a 60ns fall time.  No matter how you time or overlap the words "on" and "off" in your sketch, those are the the fastest switching times you can achieve.  Any attempt to switch faster than that will not allow either A or B to turn on completely.

Sr. Member

Posts: 453
What was the metal that Tesla used in his "Tesla Coil" and no Tesla didnt use 'copper'. The use of copper in circuitry 'lessens' any 'electrical effect' so if you want to invent like Tesla you have some research to do.


Thought I would give this a bump so you would be sure to see it...

Is this question in reference to what type of wire Tesla used?

Please enlighten us...

If you do not believe he used copper wire, do you have any evidence of references to support your claim?

Hero Member

Posts: 2735
hello picowatt
Your "sketch" is misleading in that each instance of the word "on" represents a 25ns rise time, and each instance of the word "off" represents a 60ns fall time.  No matter how you time or overlap the words "on" and "off" in your sketch, those are the the fastest switching times you can achieve.  Any attempt to switch faster than that will not allow either A or B to turn on completely.

Think of two mechanical relays A and B. Suppose it takes X time for A to open and close and the same for B. With a large enough offset in the timing of A and B we could catch relay A as it was just about to close and B was just about to open. The reason the conduction current can have any value down to nanoseconds is because the offset determines the conduction time period. Think of it from the opposite perspective, if A closed before B opened then nothing would happen. Now back the offset up a bit until A is about to close and B is about to open. The difference is variable, ergo it can have any value. Key concept... any value. Imagine that, a simple pair of relays or spark gaps or any switching mechanism could compete with the most advanced switching electronics trying to produce nanosecond impulses.

The goal is to understand this mechanical concept and then try to replace it with an electronic one. It does not matter how you do it only that you do.

However, in this "two transistors in series" circuit you propose, assuming the emitter of A is connected to the collector of B, there can be no BE current in A (to turn on A) if B is turned off.  Although B will have some leakage current and IO capacitance that could allow some degree of BE current to flow in A when B is off, it is doubtful if either if these will allow meaningful BE current to flow in A when B is off. 

In effect this is really no different that a common ground problem in my opinion. You suppose that the common collector/emitter connection between transistor A and B is an issue and you explained it pretty well. Of course it is and that's why the problem is so much fun. Now we get to imagine the hundreds of ways in which we could work around said problem. Said imagining opens up new possibilities and new understanding ergo learning.

I solved these electronic problems years ago and there of little interest now. I was only trying to add to MerLynn's idea that two switches displaced in distance thus there time frame could do something of interest. I really like MerLynn's posts, not because I believe them but because they make me think. In this respect they have succeeded, well done.


Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman
Group: Moderator
Full Member

Posts: 140

Is this question in reference to what type of wire Tesla used?

If you do not believe he used copper wire, do you have any evidence of references to support your claim?


Tesla did not use copper wires. That is the Claim yes. For me to provide the 'answer' will create much unwarranted debate.
But if this info can still be found by others when given more clues in this discovery science lesson, perhaps it will open many eyes.
I will say this about what is know about 'history' of Tesla...

Tesla was all about 'free energy' but actually it was about broadcasting it as WIRELESS. This term originated with Tesla and Electricity not RADIO. Its manufacture from Aether was kind of a 'hidden' part of Wardenclyffe.

Westinghouse wanted meters, for obvious reasons. Westinghouse then faked impending bankruptcy and conned Tesla to tear up the Royalty contracts.

Tesla's AC was merely Vibrating Circuits. No way to charge for Vibrations. Unless you use COPPER at the end user.
Overhead power lines have a steel core surrounded by many Aluminium cores.
Metals have 'Properties' and other 'conductiveness' when it comes to Vibrations. This is a given.
Without going into each metal (I will in another thread about using unknown properties of metals for experiments) Copper is a Metal that has an INHIBITING Factor in the conduction of Vibrations. It easily generates 'heat'. But this isnt heat related. Copper lessens or de-tunes the vibrations ever so slightly. Plastics stop all vibrations or absorbs vibrations but still lets the Magnetic FIELD through. (Edit) AN Insulator is the extreme opposite of Conducting vibrations. (Something I type it wrong)

So if our Home is wired with a 'Lessening" material, while the Transmission lines are made with an 'amplifying' material, there is a DIFFERENCE IN the Vibrations that a METER can register and Westinghouse can charge for. Once Westinghouse got this out of Tesla, he didnt need him anymore. And burnt down his Lab.
By promoting 'electrons' as electricity, people fell for this CON JOB and are continuing to pay to this day for 'something' that isnt there.
AND copper mines can now be purchased to control what everyone invents forever and can never compete with Tesla's science again.

So to prove me write or rong, what metal did Tesla use in His Wires when making his many Coils and Motors?
Sr. Member

Posts: 453
Tesla did not use copper wires. That is the Claim yes. For me to provide the 'answer' will create much unwarranted debate.

In Tesla's Colorado Springs notes, he makes specific references to the use of copper wires (both in Colorado and New York).  All his "wire gauge versus length" resistance calculations match modern annealed copper wire to within a very small fraction of a percent.

This evidence is readily available.  Where is yours?

Tesla was all about 'free energy' but actually it was about broadcasting it as WIRELESS. This term originated with Tesla and Electricity not RADIO. Its manufacture from Aether was kind of a 'hidden' part of Wardenclyffe.

There is no contemporaneous evidence (lectures, patents, notes, demonstrations) that indicates Tesla was able to tap into some unexplained energy source (i.e., manufacture it from the Aether).  His radiant energy patent is the closest thing to "free energy" and for that he gets partial credit for discovering the atmospheric gradient and the photoelectric effect.

Tesla did a lot of things that were considered quite amazing in his time, but all of his works from those times are rather mundane and well understood today.  The man was definitely a creative genius, but many people have made claims in his name that are simply not supported by available evidence.

His name is often bandied about as if invoking it helps support someone's otherwise unsupported claims...

Group: Moderator
Full Member

Posts: 140
You can have it your way. You win I lose.. Youre better than me I must admit...
Take it or leave it. I dont care.
We will believe NASA and real Adreno-Vampies dont run the world because the internet says so.  (Edit... add)... When History is being erased in front of our very eyes by it.
Copper kills life. Used as an IUD it kills sperm. Just a penny will do it. Its not so much EMF as it is A Copper FIELD of Energy you live in. It makes minds sick too. Has all kinds of ANTI BIOTIC properties. If he was forced to use copper because of his backers that may be the case. Again without photo proof of the ACTUAL MOTOR its all words for the umteenth time. (edit) Or tell me where I can go and inspect it. For a man shrouded in such mystery they had to Invent dumbeinstein because you cant have ENERGY    is vibrations      Equals MCsquared. So we spend 100 years deebating the Mass instead of the Alchemy of Metallurgy. Me thinks you missed the point wanting to prove me wrong. But the truth is out there. It will surface after the Awakening. I see the dogma is strong within you. So dam sure you are educated enuf...

Try to work with me... you'll learn more. like the Meters.... the copper... the aluminium... its such a Drag, this magnetic Science.

edits adds.
Sr. Member

Posts: 453

Try to work with me... you'll learn more. like the Meters.... the copper... the aluminium... its such a Drag, this magnetic Science.

You make that "work with me" part rather difficult...

Your posts are the first I can remember on this forum where all sorts of claims are allowed to be made with absolutely no evidence to back them up.  Reincarnations, MI6 operations, and all manner of assorted conspiracy theories littered with a heap of science denial.  I have never seen the like on this forum.

Much of what you say requires "faith" to believe because we have no way of verifying the claim that is made.  How can we verify a past life or top secret MI6 info?  We must just have faith that it is all true...

You make claims of small devices that can power a house or transmute water, and yet again, their is no way to verify these claims.  No rigorous measurement data or credible third party replication data are provided.  We are expected to just believe it.  Just have faith...

What the reader can do is fact check any claim you make where real evidence is available to support or falsify that claim.

We know that Tesla used copper in Colorado and New York because we have his contemporaneous notes wherein he states he did in his own words.

Most of your post not quoted here regarding copper is just word salad that has nothing to do with whether Tesla used copper wire or not.   

If a person makes claims that can't be proven, that require "faith" to believe, while also making claims that can be readily proven to be false, it begins to wear away at that person's credibility.
Science is not faith based...

Group: Moderator
Full Member

Posts: 140

Science is not faith based...


Very correct. Science is only question everything, believe nothing until one has proved it to ones self. Then you know more about this word Faith.

Youve done a very good job of questioning a lot of my sources of information. Excellent I couldnt do better myself. Player may enter the ring.

And sorry for not forth coming with the written reports for the Video evidence.

In this video https://rumble.com/vhrdlh-magnetic-in-line-joecell-restructuring-ocean-sea-water-into-fresh..html

The Cell used is the one used for the Report by independent fact checkers as is the 'electric' Cell was the one used to make oil. They do a lot of stuff.

Attached is Mt Carrington report on Acid Mine Wastes treated with variations of this Cell Technology.

It took us 5 years to get this report as its the same with the other reports I have, No one wants to sign their name to these Fantastic Results. Too good to be true.... even for you.

I see you dont have a bench. I dont have time to read your posts. What have you achieved in the last 8 years on this forum? found the elusive over unity yet? You need a new approach. A new way of looking at things. Like Tesla did. if your point is true, then I'd say at some time the wires produced for telegraph changed to copper and that was all that was available given who owned the wire companies. They stole all the info they needed and made sure it didnt change. No one KNOWS the truth. No one has a monopoly on the truth. To BAN any source of info because there's no proof to fit your paradigm shouldnt be how it works on a private bench. Designed for only those who are interested. Critics are welcome to learn. Critics should not call for censorship. It stopped other forums in there quest for new knowledge of the olde ways.
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