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Author Topic: Crystal Over Unity  (Read 11825 times)
Group: Ambassador
Hero Member

Posts: 4052
Chet and Graham

It was on Cadman's bench on Samsung Generator and I can no longer find it?

so Cadman is moderator then? so he would be admin.

Maybe I don't belong here??

Call it what u will, but content is being removed by those who deem it "necessary" which is censorship.

 and with that mindset
Now you are posting in administrator Merlyn’s board …

One note
All posters must follow terms of service and “power and creed” ( guidelines for OU claims)
We cannot make a mess of our hosts life ( by writing things which can cause legal or other issues here)
Or just make a mess of forum ( been a dicey trip last few years)

And yes the theme here is open source FE research and experiments
“ closed source” hasn’t worked very well for our planets future .

Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 1861
For decades, scientists were baffled by the behavior of semiconductors. For example, in early 1940 a Bell Labs scientist names Russell S. Ohl fashioned a block of silicon that was divided into two different electrical regions, one containing an excess of electrons and another an excess of holes, or positive charges. (This was accomplished by doping, or chemically contaminating, the silicon with positive and negative impurities during manufacture.)

this is manufactured Fake History.
being  patented in 1955 means the FOR DECADES part is fictitious and as the First Premise of a 'debate' it means that all else that follows is fake.
Who were these 'scientists'? just except is as fact sheeple.
2 'regions' gives two distinct 'charges' principle of a battery AND a diode.  Look I can make HOLES in the atomic structure....
And there's that magical ELECTRON .... where do you people come from?
Its not a Crystal... its some freak compound with impurities...

really cant you do better? Did people not learn anything from the expose of FAKE NEWS and fake narratives?

Again I ask. what is a Transistor....?  If i wanted to be lied to I would google it. But I really want to know by the people who try to make over unity energy... not from the fake Scientists... not with fake particles science, but what this Transistor does IN YOUR CIRCUITS.

is that such a hard question?

and yes I knew that they were working on replacing the tube valve even before the war... got anything else?

What is the mystery with your repeated question above?  Do you really know how a bipolar junction transistor [BJT] works?  If not, let me explain in simple terms what most of us believe to be the operating principle.  This of course means that you are obligated to give your theory on the operation of the BJT if it differs!

In terms of conventional current flow, any current applied to the base and emitter junction creates a larger current flow in the collector to emitter region that is normally connected to positive and negative potentials respectively.

Your turn!

Group: Moderator
Full Member

Posts: 140
What is the mystery in terms of conventional current flow, any current applied to the base and emitter junction creates a larger current flow in the collector

you really havent answered the question only provided more mystery...  What is this Current Flow?
Can anyone provide pictures of these 'junctions' as the actual POINT of connection to the crystal.
What is this larger current flow?
Anyone ever connected them in series?

What is the POINT?  To learn about crystals of course. Why do we want to learn about crystals? because they are the Rolls Royce of Space Drive Tech. We start by understanding HOW a crystal Functions.  Sure it works... does it make more electrons in this larger current flow?
Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 1861
you really havent answered the question only provided more mystery...  What is this Current Flow?

OK, I'll play!  I don't know so enlighten me.
Can anyone provide pictures of these 'junctions' as the actual POINT of connection to the crystal.

I'm sure you're well aware of the many on-line photos and details of semiconductor construction.

What is this larger current flow?

Again, enlighten us!

Anyone ever connected them in series?

Yes, I have in many different configurations and designs in both analog and digital.  And what was I supposed to see?

What is the POINT?  To learn about crystals of course. Why do we want to learn about crystals? because they are the Rolls Royce of Space Drive Tech. We start by understanding HOW a crystal Functions.  Sure it works... does it make more electrons in this larger current flow?

Then tell us, what is the operation of a "crystal" in regards to semiconductors that is different from what is commonly known today?  Special current, voltage, etc?  What? 

How does displacement current in a simple capacitor fit into your crystal theory?

Group: Moderator
Full Member

Posts: 140

Cadman has said he was attempting to clean up his thread claiming we never provided anything that could be construed as tangible working model and the powers that be blacked it out figuratively speaking. It was there in Theory. All that was left out was the orientation of the Magnets and that was explained in Joe's video. I explained it as North Pole Magnetism is where the magic is. The present LEVEL of technology on earth uses primarily South Pole magnetic force. Fire crackers for space exploration. Expansion in Russellian terms. When the Rotating Fields are Harmonized and the Neutral Centre made North Pole, Magic happens. (also known as Cold Fusion) But all cadman wanted was a fully working patent like disclosure. Why am I insisting that the theory goes along with the schematics? Because the Last Over Unity device I Gave to the world freely was perverted by over educated people in marble science and reverse engineered as a cluster fark totally destroying any lifting of Vibrations within the Human psych and the new teachings about Field Science verses marble science.

This 'crystal' discourse is going to be all about Vibrations not a Flow of Electrons and until we get to the bottom of what it is that this so called crystal in the transistor is DOING and by this we will examine every Point or electrode placement until and why and for what reason, there isnt much point in continuing this thread.

In years to come people will pay or borrow for student loans 100's of 1000's for what I am giving here freely and being received with a lot of emotion it seems. Absolutely amazing such feedback we are receiving eh wlw?

I have 1000's of pages from posts on dozens of forums spanning 2 decades. Except the samsumg one. And God only knows of the synchronicity of LOSING this most informative subject. It means they arent ready for this info... we have to run with that wlw. They clearly dont want to be enlightened, they only want Light for free without the understanding The Light that this level up entails.

One of the 'prizes' that can be had with a full understanding of Crystal energy or crystal modulation of energy is pictured below. Its possible to make this incorrectly and one of the 'beams' may come back in the direction of your heart and drill a whole right through it in the blinking of an eye. We are in effect reverse engineering alien tech when attempting to make real Tesla over unity as he came from Venus. Marble science is earthly tech.

As per UFO disclosure trying to go thru US congress as we write this, it was and still is important for the human narrative to remove any 'alien' source of info for the transistor and give it a "History" to obscure their reverse engineering of the many 'things' that the US Military have sequestered around the earth. (which includes the Baghdad batteries stolen in Iraq 2003 along with Gilgameshes tomb of 'things'.) Many here dont see it that way and so should refrain from participating in this expose thread with copypaste wiki extracts as "facts" pertaining to earthly tech  They dont think like we do wlw.... yet.
Group: Moderator
Full Member

Posts: 140
OK, I'll play!  I don't know so enlighten me.
current flow is Vibrations, one is only 'adding vibrations'
I'm sure you're well aware of the many on-line photos and details of semiconductor construction.
No Im not. For the first time last nite I googled a picture of a transistor and got side tracked on FLUX... the best BS dose ive had in months.

Again, enlighten us!
"If you want to understand the Electric Universe think in terms of energy, frequency and vibrating Light Crystals"  Tesla wanted people to THINK FOR THEMSELVES... The reasons many inventions have come from Fields of Endeavor they were unfamiliar with is because Inventors think for themselves not google pics of transistors.

Yes, I have in many different configurations and designs in both analog and digital.  And what was I supposed to see?
Does not this transistor/crystal device have GAIN   What is this GAIN function as explained in Vibratory Physics terms not in some imaginary marble..........

Then tell us, what is the operation of a "crystal" in regards to semiconductors that is different from what is commonly known today?  Special current, voltage, etc? 
We are still determining just what it is doing to 'electricity'. one step at a time.

How does displacement current in a simple capacitor fit into your crystal theory?
What is displacement Current...? actually what is this Current you want me to understand?

Sr. Member

Posts: 453
We are in effect reverse engineering alien tech when attempting to make real Tesla over unity as he came from Venus.

Although many like to claim otherwise, there is no evidence of Tesla ever producing what we would call "over unity".

His radiant energy patent is the closest to what may be considered "free energy" and for that he gets partial credit for discovering the atmospheric potential gradient and the photoelectric effect.

But, "Venus", really?  That pretty much says it all...

Group: Moderator
Full Member

Posts: 140
  That pretty much says it all...


Then say no more....
Sr. Member

Posts: 453
Claiming Tesla was an alien from the planet Venus surely qualifies as an "extraordinary claim".

As the saying goes, "extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence"...

Perhaps he was an "ET" from Mars and the Wardenclyffe tower was actually his attempt to "phone home".  After all, Tesla did claim to have received radio signals from Mars...

Group: Moderator
Full Member

Posts: 140
Claiming Tesla was an alien from the planet Venus surely qualifies as an "extraordinary claim".

I down loaded the FBI Files on Tesla... Its all right there in a Certified Govt File from the FBI... I dont consider it extraordinary but some might

try not to say any more til you've googled it and proved it to yourself.

edit... https://vault.fbi.gov/nikola-tesla
Sr. Member

Posts: 453
I down loaded the FBI Files on Tesla... Its all right there in a Certified Govt File from the FBI... I dont consider it extraordinary but some might

try not to say any more til you've googled it and proved it to yourself.

edit... https://vault.fbi.gov/nikola-tesla

That's it?  That is your proof Tesla was from Venus?

An obscure group of people claiming to be in communication with spaceships (and where is that evidence) using what they claim is Tesla radio technology (again, where is that evidence) claim they were told by space beings that Tesla was from Venus.   

That is not proof, that is merely a third party claim, with no evidence provided to back it up.

This you will believe.  However, 200 years of science, complete with contemporaneous notes, papers, lectures, and patents leading up to the "age of silicon" is, according to you, all fake.

If Tesla was from Venus, it is a shame his Venusian parents did not share with him some of the really cool technology they must have possessed to fly their spaceships.  Compared to that, all of his achievements seem rather mundane.

Group: Moderator
Full Member

Posts: 140
This you will believe.  However, 200 years of science, complete with contemporaneous notes, papers, lectures, and patents leading up to the "age of silicon" is, according to you, all fake.

I am glad you realize the monumental Task to upwise humanity that I have undertaken.

As to the rest of your insecurities I believe I already wrote the answer

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3670
If Tesla was from Venus, it is a shame his Venusian parents did not share with him some of the really cool technology they must have possessed to fly their spaceships. 
...and survive the heat, acids and pressure there.  The material science alone would be worth a fortune.
Sr. Member

Posts: 453

I am glad you realize the monumental Task to upwise humanity that I have undertaken.

If by "upwise" you mean to prove that 200 years of verifiable scientific history leading us to the age of silicon and modern electronics is all fake, that would indeed be a monumental task.

So tell us, what do you believe happens when two transistors are placed in series?

I would think that many here familiar with electronics would like to hear your answer...


Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3670
Indeed - a monumental task, especially without experiments to the contrary.
Group: Guest
...and survive the heat, acids and pressure there.  The material science alone would be worth a fortune.

   And, that red color lens used previously really made up for all the other things that they have lied to us about space the moon and Mars. Didn't it? So go ahead, trust NASA... They are so scientific... And the FBI to let us in on all of Tesla's work, tests, and results.

Group: Guest
If by "upwise" you mean to prove that 200 years of verifiable scientific history leading us to the age of silicon and modern electronics is all fake, that would indeed be a monumental task.

So tell us, what do you believe happens when two transistors are placed in series?

I would think that many here familiar with electronics would like to hear your answer...


   I can tell you what won't happen,  no free energy.
   Of course Merlyn won't show that, nor the wizard, nor show any other free energy device. But wants to educate people to believe him, without proof.
  He did not respond to the Samsung device, and won't show anything here, either, I would bet. So???
 The reason being that they have nothing to show. Or they would not need to write long unrelated essays, about their vast updated knowledge, instead, of showing what works.
   Same with Wesley. So, I call their bluff...

« Last Edit: 2023-12-10, 14:29:28 by NickZ »
Group: Guest
Na a crystal is just a high Q narrow pass filter nothing else.

Me thinks they been watching too much SG1 scifi with all that stuff
in the gate controler boxes and Ship controler boxes C.C

« Last Edit: 2023-12-10, 15:37:09 by AlienGrey »
Group: Guest
 and with that mindset
Now you are posting in administrator Merlyn’s board …

One note
All posters must follow terms of service and “power and creed” ( guidelines for OU claims)
We cannot make a mess of our hosts life ( by writing things which can cause legal or other issues here)
Or just make a mess of forum ( been a dicey trip last few years)

And yes the theme here is open source FE research and experiments
“ closed source” hasn’t worked very well for our planets future .


I have re-read terms of service (guidelines).  O0

Open source FE perhaps time for expectations to change.

There is too large a gap b/w those who found FE and those who just want a free ride.

and r willing to do absolutely no work to change understanding or thinking.

There must be compromise and a meeting (at least) part way from both sides towards common ground.

You worry about Planet Earth pollution, but understand completely that we have


and no amount of technology or Free Energy will fix this human pollution preventing us from relating to one another properly.
we must be willing to change our THINKING.

Group: Ambassador
Hero Member

Posts: 4052
I suppose our host will have a look here this coming week
The original reason for a builders board , is too share a build idea or path towards a build

A claim was made about a laser gain mechanism utilizing a crystal ( “prepared” crystal)
Seems that might still be doable ( it is on this end)
Hopefully that can help to break the ice .( please advise if offer has been rescinded)

Regarding humanity and playing god by denying access?
Not really in my frame of reference ( I perceive it as homicide to deny help to those who will perish for lack of technology (which I would withhold )

Yes I have heard it all …mostly from persons who are not suffering the consequences to their lives (withholding this tech )

One step at a time ..
Chet K
Sr. Member

Posts: 453

Having read your "Crystal laser test.pdf" document, I have questions regarding how the phototransistors were utilized. 

Although no schematic is given, it seems that the collector/emitter voltage was being measured using a multimeter.  I was unable to find a data sheet for a Z3235 phototransistor, however, most phototransistors have a temp and current dependent CE saturation voltage of around .4 volts, which is suspiciously close to all the measurements given.  Perhaps the phototransistor was not biased properly (or not biased at all).

The measurements given should have been the CE current through the phototransistor, not the CE voltage across the phototransistor (although the CE voltage can be used as a proxy for CE current with a proper collector resistor and supply voltage).  The phototransistor used should be selected to have low dark current and good linearity over the luminance range to be measured.  The applied luminance should never drive the PT beyond its linear operating range.

There are several other technical issues (beam diameter, PT die size, PT reflectance/alignment, etc) related to measuring the intensity of these laser beams, but addressing how the phototransistors were utilized in circuit is a good first step.

And again, please tell us what you think happens when two transistors are connected in series.

Group: Moderator
Full Member

Posts: 140
Crystals, like everything else Vibrate. Anyone not understand this point yet? Or are we stuck on 'energy, frequency and spin'?
To add "Electricity" to every component in the circuit, is EXCITING or adding more Vibrations or Charging up the Circuit from its ambient natural frequency of Vibrational signatures. This includes Crystals or crystal like components.

Everything 'modulates' or changes 'frequency' when adding the Vibrations we call 'electricity'. Each metal, crystal or compound or insulator modulates battery or DC vibrations. Used as 'directed' in Electronic Circuits, they exhibit a Gain in vibrations and why wouldnt they, all we are doing is adding more Vibrations. Think of it as a pond of water and throwing a 2nd stone to amplify the Wave pattern of the first stone thrown. The Size of the Pond, its component 'elemental' vibration and size of the Stones all bear upon the outcome of the new wave form. The 'Transistor' increases the vibrations in a Circuit when DC activates the Circuit. They call this Gain. So a crystal is also used as part of an AMPLIFICATION process.

what happens when they are Joined together in series or even parallel, but NOT wired according to 'instructions' should have been added for more clarity.
I wasnt there for this experiment. So its an extraordinary claim. Forum rules it seems. Thats why I asked if anyone else thinks outside the box.

And now we know the Mechanism for Gain. The Cubical Quad Antenna, from back in ham radio days (morse was a bitch) uses similar principles for Gain in Antenna wave form propagation. Posidea used a Crystal Gain Antenna for Scalar Wave Propagation. A little bit in and more out but shrouded in mystery as Gain..... but in what exactly they dont know or more precisely hide.

The Gain from a Tube Valve requires heat to Increase the vibrations of the components of the Valve for this "gain" to be used in amplification. We gotta wait for the valves to warm up first back in the old days. Vibrations people. Elemental Vibrations are where Energy and frequency is derived from. Crystal Technology is Alchemy of Fire added to Earth or an Earth Fire Battery. For comparison, Nickle Cadmium is an earth/earth battery. Others may not see it that way.

I note that in some modern interpretations, They have changed it to Energy, Frequency and Sound Vibrations... further removing one from the Truth.
Group: Moderator
Full Member

Posts: 140
Indeed - a monumental task, especially without experiments to the contrary.

Have you watched any of my Videos?
Did you actually understand the Silver Generator literally transmutes the water into "silver" and posted with component pictures for replication?
Its ability to reveal the MEMORY of sewerage in water.
Any research into the Aqua Chi Water Module Technology, No probably not. The many experiments that these two devices and the results they would yield on plants or water tests for the 'proof' you require has all but escaped your attention.

Given your last post on the samsung thread.... please kindly refrain from further baseless accusations.

I will eventually get to more of these experiments of Aether Energy you can play with. Try to lift your game.
Group: Moderator
Full Member

Posts: 140

   I can tell you what won't happen,  no free energy.
   Of course Merlyn won't show that, nor the wizard, nor show any other free energy device. But wants to educate people to believe him, without proof.
  He did not respond to the Samsung device, and won't show anything here, either, I would bet. So???
 The reason being that they have nothing to show. Or they would not need to write long unrelated essays, about their vast updated knowledge, instead, of showing what works.

Nick. Correct there is no free energy. The costs involved to make it keep it that way.  What Actually do you mean? What Kind of Energy are you looking for? I specialize in unlimited Healing Energy.

SHOW? Either you didnt watch the videos or you dismiss them. But SHOW I DID. I particularly like the water into FREE OIL or at least pennies a gallon cheap oil energy. I can but conclude no proof will suffice for you. Please refrain from further posting or shift your focus please.

The Samsung device told you what to buy, how to wire it up, why it needed Ballast/battery
And that the orientation of the Magnets were critical with the video evidence that the Magnetic orientation is critical.
Instead all I got in return were nay sayers and my several observations on different days dismissed.
I tried to give the principles of the JoeCell for replications but was asked to leave.
In the Magnetic Cell of LENR I give the Principle of Magnet Orientation for the Samsung Motor completing the IP required for you to be an INVENTOR rather than a spectator.
I have a Life. I have been preoccupied with other projects. Most of them are now completed and when I return... its all gone. deleted. poof.

How is this https://rumble.com/vhodfb-full-unedited-version-of-oil-from-water..html
not showing how it works?

How is this https://rumble.com/vh7v87-im-plosions-and-ex-plosions-demo.html?mref=6zof&mrefc=4
Not showing the Principle of how it works

In your physics indoctrination, these things cant be happening and as such, for you, no proof will suffice to the contrary.
Sr. Member

Posts: 453

So, apparently, you won't be telling us what you think happens when two transistors are connected in series.  OK...

Having read your posts, I have to ask, what is your level of expertise in the field of electronics?

Can you describe how a BJT connected as a simple common emitter circuit operates?  Can you tell us how we achieve "gain" in that circuit and how we measure it?  Not with all your talk of vibrations, but as is currently understood in the field of electronics.

It would seem to me, that before anyone can tell us our current understanding of electronics is incorrect, they must first know what that current understanding is. 

Again, having read your posts, it appears that you do not really understand how we achieve gain with a transistor or a simple thermionic triode.  As well, it appears that you do not understand the concept of antenna gain.

Please clarify the above if my impressions are incorrect.

Regarding the pdf doc attached to your OP in this thread, can you tell us how the phototransistor was connected while performing your laser measurements?  I have a feeling you thought a phototransistor produced an output voltage related to luminance (somewhat like a solar cell) instead of understanding it actually varies its current (not voltage) with luminance.

Again, please clarify if my impression is incorrect.

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