When reading https://figueragenerator.wordpress.com/patents/patent-44267-year-1908/ It did hit me:This is one of ways how to create virtual moving magnetic field. So all we have to do in that case is extend or shrinken virtual magnet length. And we can have permanent magnet attached in series to multiple coils in that arrangement. With some coils in steps strenghening magnetic field and some coils canceling out to create similar action to moving magnet through generator coil.
Any thoughts for practical experiment? 
What you do is create two equal inductive discharges into two distinct but close-frequency LC circuits and join their outputs together. It is a type of multiplexer used for combining different audio frequencies into the same wire and keeping them separate., they will be all positive peaks of different amplitude and out of phase. Regards Mike
"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed, second it is violently opposed, and third, it is accepted as self-evident." Arthur Schopenhauer, Philosopher, 1788-1860
As a general rule, the most successful person in life is the person that has the best information.