Do you have either a digital or an analog multimeter?
I have just ordered an Astra AI 6000  I bought my existing meter 25 years ago  I would like to ask this too: how do you utilize the AC output of the generator coils? Do you rectify the AC and filter it with an electrolytic capacitor?
And do you connect this output back to the DC input of the motor where the 36 VDC is coming from your power supply?
I know you showed a rectifier drawing in your Reply #19 but as you wrote in Reply #32 you made certain changes in the circuit, this is why I ask. The best would be if you could draw an actual circuit schematic on the setup you kindly showed in the video. This way we could all comment and help in a much better way to understand the behaviour of your present setup. Please do not make changes on it.
My intention is to use the AC output from the generator coils on the LT's, recitify and filter, to drive the LM. The LM is going to be the main power output of the system. The LT's are going to power each other via the output from the em coils. I'm in a bit of a quandry at the moment. With 9V into the EM coils, my little terrors (LT's) are putting out too much voltage from the generator coils (>37V) which is the threshold for the 5V & 9V regulators, to feed back into the EM coils on the second LT. I haven't been able to test driving the second LT from the first LT via the EM coil output as I'm still waiting for a second rotor to be printed. And, after some testing this morning, the regulator capacitors are sized too small to keep up with the EM coils. This is where I also need to get a scope. The change in switching circuit for the little monster (LM) was ony to satisfy the additional voltage (36V) at the gate of the PFET - as this exercise was to test the switch with an estimated output voltage from the LT gen coils, and validate the build. The output recitifier of the LM is still a work in progress as this is where I intend to harvest all of the energy from all of the coils, and as I'm still learning, improvements will be made  I understand it's a little confusing with so many points of input/output, but as mentioned in an earlier post, this is the only way I could initially build it to test out all of the elements before consolidating into a simple single unit.
« Last Edit: 2023-11-28, 00:54:49 by unimmortal »