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Author Topic: Energy transfer between HV coil and transformer  (Read 6848 times)

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Hero Member

Posts: 3670
I have never suggested "energy from nothing"...
So you realize how asinine that is.  What do you suggest as the energy gain mechanism then?

Some of the videos you direct me to don't really seem to support/explain much.  Perhaps it is just me, but I need a bit more than is typically presented to draw any conclusions.  Growling variacs
I did not give you the growling variac video as supporting my answer to your questions. It was in a separate massage in which I was exploring a coincidence of frequencies.

...and random videos of signals on a scope somehow related to a TV yoke with wires wrapped around it really don't tell me much.
That video is anything but random.  It is made by the authors of the Yoke device.  It clearly illustrates an anomalous voltage at the output and only when both signals are present (not separately).
Perhaps you don't appreciate its significance because you do not understand what the authors are talking about in it.  ...like scope probe positions and description of signals applied to the primary windings.

What other videos do you find irrelevant or unsupportive of the argument?

Surely you have heard of copper/tin clad steel wire?
Of course, ...and such wire is always ferromagnetic. 
That wire being ferromagnetic is not the anomaly but the change from para/diamagnetic to ferromagnetic - is.  That is why I used the word "acquire".
Sr. Member

Posts: 453
So you realize how asinine that is..

"Energy from the ambient" does not necessarily imply "energy from nothing".

In any case, "asinine" seems a bit uncalled for...

Group: Guest
"Energy from the ambient" does not necessarily imply "energy from nothing".

In any case, "asinine" seems a bit uncalled for...


   Energy from aluminum rings as fuel, is asinine, though.
Oh, of course he is not that, his tests are, maybe that is where he gets the "energy from nothing", bit.
Perhaps, it should be nothing from something, instead. On his tests, that he won't do.
   Just another distraction, nothing to do with any actual free energy, nor NMR, nor even "fuel", as far as I can see.
Yet, now he wants to discredit Tesla, oh, not Tesla, just his outdated ideas, as he thinks he is so much smarter, now. That we even have the power to blow us all to kingdom come.


Sr. Member

Posts: 453

   Energy from aluminum rings as fuel, is asinine, though.
Oh, of course he is not that, his tests are, maybe that is where he gets the "energy from nothing", bit.
Perhaps, it should be nothing from something, instead. On his tests, that he won't do.
   Just another distraction, nothing to do with any actual free energy, nor NMR, nor even "fuel", as far as I can see.
Yet, now he wants to discredit Tesla, oh, not Tesla, just his outdated ideas, as he thinks he is so much smarter.




I support everyone's efforts toward the end we seek.  Even if those efforts do not pan out, there is always some useful knowledge or data that can be gleaned from those efforts.

Regarding Tesla, although I consider him quite the genius of his day, he did not invent AC, AC transformers, or induction motors.  He did greatly improve on these inventions (his polyphase, etc), allowing their use to become the standard still used today.  His work with radio, tuned circuits, and wireless transmission of power were also of great importance

However, with regard to alternate sources of energy (i.e., "free energy") I have never seen anything related to Tesla that would lead one to believe he had discovered or utilized a new source of energy.  The radiant energy patent and a distant third party story regarding the Pierce Arrow are the closest we come to that, but I know of no instance where Tesla himself presented or demonstrated a device that provided useful amounts of energy from some new source.

Could there be something related to tapping into a new source of energy hidden in his lost papers?  Possibly, but other than speculation and conspiracy theories, we really have no proof of that one way or another.

Jr. Member

Posts: 50

back in 2018 I did  research on some russian websites and found a discussion about an electrostatic pump process which fits in here. Original link is in the attached pdf , however it does not exist anymore, also I could not find it in the web-archive.

The russian guy who showed this in the realstrannik-Forum, discovered the description of this techique in an US-Forum and reposted
it in the realstrannik-forum, adding a longer note at the end.
There are some uncertainties in single sentences but the main principle has been made clear.

The youtube-link given is still there

I hope that this is helpful


Posts: 19

back in 2018 I did  research on some russian websites and found a discussion about an electrostatic pump process which fits in here. Original link is in the attached pdf , however it does not exist anymore, also I could not find it in the web-archive.

The russian guy who showed this in the realstrannik-Forum, discovered the description of this techique in an US-Forum and reposted
it in the realstrannik-forum, adding a longer note at the end.
There are some uncertainties in single sentences but the main principle has been made clear.

The youtube-link given is still there

I hope that this is helpful

Yes, I know about it. This is the experiment that SR193 conducted the day before showing the working Kapanadze device.
Group: Guest

I support everyone's efforts toward the end we seek.  Even if those efforts do not pan out, there is always some useful knowledge or data that can be gleaned from those efforts.

Regarding Tesla, although I consider him quite the genius of his day, he did not invent AC, AC transformers, or induction motors.  He did greatly improve on these inventions (his polyphase, etc), allowing their use to become the standard still used today.  His work with radio, tuned circuits, and wireless transmission of power were also of great importance

However, with regard to alternate sources of energy (i.e., "free energy") I have never seen anything related to Tesla that would lead one to believe he had discovered or utilized a new source of energy.  The radiant energy patent and a distant third party story regarding the Pierce Arrow are the closest we come to that, but I know of no instance where Tesla himself presented or demonstrated a device that provided useful amounts of energy from some new source.

Could there be something related to tapping into a new source of energy hidden in his lost papers?  Possibly, but other than speculation and conspiracy theories, we really have no proof of that one way or another.


   PW:  Your evaluation of what we know about Tesla is not complete. I have mentioned about his ideas concerning the "Cosmic Soup", which seams like you may have missed. And how tapping the surrounding ambient energies there in, is where free energy can be obtained. Even while building the tower, he was thinking of providing free energy to every one within range. The idea was not to charge for it, as that would be impossible, nor was it his aim.
   After the tower was torn down, was when he began to experiment with other projects, which involved tapping into this cosmic soup that he mentioned, and about the Aether, as well. And building of the electric motor for the Pierce Arrow car, that he modified. Of course, that car was never to be found, along with his most important notes and tests, that followed. We are not supposed to know about any of that, at all. What was in those 80 trunks? And only some of them are still being kept secret, even in the Serbia, while even his signature was not allowed to be viewed. Why is that??? What is it that they don't want us to know, especially about tapping these surrounding ambient energies???
   So, yes there is much more to all this than we are aware of, nor meets the eye, still. And I don't expect any new disclosures any time soon.
   It is not what we know about what Tesla did, it is what we don't know, that is most important.


   PS. Here is a video about Teslas "Energy from the Ambient".  Although not all his ideas are allowed for public viewing.
         And another informative video: https://youtu.be/2M9AOzcHVz4
Sr. Member

Posts: 453
  It is not what we know about what Tesla did, it is what we don't know, that is most important.


I'll stand by what I said.  I have never seen any patent, document, lecture or demonstration from Tesla himself that would lead me to believe that he was ever able to produce any energy from some unknown or novel source (i.e., tap into the ambient or aether). 

Wardenclyffe was to be a transmitter powered by a traditional powerhouse.   

The quote above taken from your post further reinforces my assertions that all we have are distant third party accounts (Pierce Arrow) and conspiracy theories regarding his ability to produce some form of alternate energy.

Group: Guest

I'll stand by what I said.  I have never seen any patent, document, lecture or demonstration from Tesla himself that would lead me to believe that he was ever able to produce any energy from some unknown or novel source (i.e., tap into the ambient or aether). 

Wardenclyffe was to be a transmitter powered by a traditional powerhouse.   

The quote above taken from your post further reinforces my assertions that all we have are distant third party accounts (Pierce Arrow) and conspiracy theories regarding his ability to produce some form of alternate energy.

So why was all his paper work and documents relating to the subject been confiscated and wasn't wardenclyffe built on an under ground fault a bit like the pyramids.

By the way have you done any experiments on BEMF to see if there is any gain in the power transfer.
I did ask Verpies the same question and got no answer.
Also correct me if i'm wrong but isn't Itsu’s experiments all based on sine waves ?

Sr. Member

Posts: 453
So why was all his paper work and documents relating to the subject been confiscated and wasn't wardenclyffe built on an under ground fault a bit like the pyramids.

All we have regarding the documents is the US government's position on the matter.  Tesla had made claims over the years regarding defense related devices (i.e., his missile defense system and the ray gun).  The government claims they confiscated/reviewed these documents and finding nothing of interest to DOD, eventually returned them to his homeland.  Any rumors or guesses beyond that is mere speculation.

By the way have you done any experiments on BEMF to see if there is any gain in the power transfer.
I did ask Verpies the same question and got no answer.

Not recently, but no when I did...

Also correct me if i'm wrong but isn't Itsu’s experiments all based on sine waves ?

I do not know which experiment's you speak of.  I've seen him use all manner of waveforms.  Ask Itsu...

However, according to Fourier, regardless of what a waveform looks like, we are always using sine waves...

Group: Guest
   Sounds like you believe what the government says.  And trust them to tell us the truth?
  And it looks like what guys like Tesla and Kapanadze said and showed is of little importance?
80 trunks worth Tesla's notes and tests confiscated were of no interest? Really?
  What I think is that there is a lot more important devices owned by the government now,  that make our table top generators and replications look like toys. Just saying...

Sr. Member

Posts: 453
   Sounds like you believe what the government says.  And trust them to tell us the truth?
  And it looks like what guys like Tesla and Kapanadze said and showed is of little importance?
  What I think is that there is a lot more important devices owned by the government that make our table top generators and replications look like toys. Just saying...



I never said anything about my "beliefs" or who I may or may not "trust".  That is merely speculation on your part...

Again, what I said was "I have never seen any patent, document, lecture or demonstration from Tesla himself that would lead me to believe that he was ever able to produce any energy from some unknown or novel source (i.e., tap into the ambient or aether)."

As for the government's current capabilities, that's a completely different rabbit hole...

Group: Guest
  Oh, again just all speculation, is it. Do you trust the government's view. Or not?  I certainly don't. Especially about free energy.
  Our beliefs, count. Over gov manipulations and lies. Our free energy tests and ideas are not found in conventional text books. That is the last thing that you'll find there. Tesla is not taught in school, on purpose.
  Your stance on energy from the ambient also counts, here, and with me. Even if it has not been proven to all of us, as yet.

Group: Restricted
Sr. Member

Posts: 270

I never said anything about my "beliefs" or who I may or may not "trust".  That is merely speculation on your part...

Again, what I said was "I have never seen any patent, document, lecture or demonstration from Tesla himself that would lead me to believe that he was ever able to produce any energy from some unknown or novel source (i.e., tap into the ambient or aether)."

As for the government's current capabilities, that's a completely different rabbit hole...

I really don’t know what have lead you to such conclusion or if you have a real issue with your sight to make such a statement.
For your information there is some useful things to find out here: https://teslaresearch.jimdofree.com/radiant-energy/#:~:text=Comming%20soon-,Tesla%27s%20radiant%20energy,of%20electricity%20of%20negative%20charge%22.

We can observe that at the time of discoveries the energy problem wasn’t stressful enough or have been thought that can be sorted by usage of fossil fuel that were seen extremely abundant and could preserve the status quo of those at comand of leverage.

Nowdays when we experience all the “benefits” of such abusive and harmful exacerbated usage of fossil fuel, and modern lifestyle that have pushed humanity for a huge demand of energy, were politicians together with bussineses (bank systems are considered just a business as well) are using the energy as a leverage and method of control, have lead some other inventors and scientists that are not alined with those in control room to find ways for a better solution for the whole humanity.

Now, on topic: for wireless power transfer you can search anywhere in the world on any patent office you want and you may find that at least 80% of the patents for such phenomena are based on Tesla’s patents.
And if you still think he was such a charlatan means that you call all others charlatans as well

Also, you are just ignoring de facto that any radio or tv station is just proving this wireless power trasmission based on Tesla’s patent as well, where the thief Marconi have tried to claim himself as the inventor.

So, if anyone tells you that wireless power transmission wasn’t and isn’t real you know what to think and how to consider.

Maybe the best use of this wireless power transmission would be to use radio/tv signal and convert it back in electrical power that would be a fair exchange where they use to send lies and you can use the truth from al the energy they spend.
Sr. Member

Posts: 453
  Oh, again just all speculation, is it. Do you trust the government's view. Or not?  I certainly don't. Especially about free energy.
  Our beliefs, count. Over gov manipulations and lies. Our free energy tests and ideas are not found in conventional text books. That is the last thing that you'll find there. Tesla is not taught in school, on purpose.
  Your stance on energy from the ambient also counts, here, and with me. Even if it has not been proven to all of us, as yet.



Lighten up.  You can believe what you want.

My statement is just the facts as I have found them to be from my years of looking into the matter.  It is not a statement one way or another regarding the possibility of energy from the ambient.

In my opinion, the most credible example of energy from the ambient is the work of T.H. Moray, which I have also studied quite a bit.

Sr. Member

Posts: 453
I really don’t know what have lead you to such conclusion or if you have a real issue with your sight to make such a statement.
For your information there is some useful things to find out here: https://teslaresearch.jimdofree.com/radiant-energy/#:~:text=Comming%20soon-,Tesla%27s%20radiant%20energy,of%20electricity%20of%20negative%20charge%22.


Of course I have seen all that material discussed in the link you provided.  I have studied Tesla for many years. 

After all those years of research into the matter, my statement remains my conclusion.

Group: Guest
   Thanks for providing those links. I really do wonder about these guys, here. And their opinions.
It does seam as though they have some sight issues.
 If I mention what I think is right, I get told that I can think what I want. Great.
while another expert in closed systems,  calls ideas of energy from the ambient, asnine.   Hellooo...

Sr. Member

Posts: 453
 If I mention what I think is right, I get told that I can think what I want. Great.


What's the issue?  Would you rather be told that you "can't" think what you want?

I am only telling you what my research indicates to me, based on confirmed facts, not speculation or questionable interpretations of what patents are actually meant to say instead of what they literally do say.  Present something that contradicts my statement if you have such evidence.

It is just my take on it, you are certainly welcome to yours as well...

Group: Guest
  The proof is in the pudding. Not just our different opinions, about free energy.
The issue, is what you are ignoring, and also to be told that cosmic field harvesting, are asnine ideas, by the expert.
 Is not thinking what I want, at all.
   I am after the truth not heresay, about limited personal findings. As that is what they want you to think.
80 trunks of nothing important, so they say... Trust and honesty must be out of style now. Not scientific...

« Last Edit: 2023-10-30, 03:59:35 by NickZ »
Sr. Member

Posts: 453
  The proof is in the pudding. Not just our different opinions, about free energy.
 And to be told that cosmic field harvesting, are asnine ideas, by the expert. Is not thinking what I want, at all.
   I am after the truth not here say, about limited personal findings. As that is what they want you to think.



That was not me that said that and it does not represent my opinion on the subject...

Group: Guest
   Yes I know who said it, and to who.
    The point being. That is one mas opinion.
     Not written in stone.
     And I would be interested in your take on all this. And why you are in favor of energy from the ambient, also.

     The more that you investigate the ideas of self runner inventors, you'll find that a portion of them also work to prove and show their OU devices, and how and why they work as well as where the extra energy is coming from. At least they did.  I have already given my take on it, many times, before. Nobody seams to care. And nobody wants to build anything, either. Except for Itsu.

« Last Edit: 2023-10-30, 13:59:01 by NickZ »
Hero Member

Posts: 2735
Again, what I said was "I have never seen any patent, document, lecture or demonstration from Tesla himself that would lead me to believe that he was ever able to produce any energy from some unknown or novel source (i.e., tap into the ambient or aether)."

Oh, really...

This new power for the driving of the world's machinery will be derived from the energy which operates the universe, the cosmic energy, whose central source for the earth is the sun and which is everywhere present in unlimited quantities- Nikola Tesla, 1933.

On June 9th, 1902, both the New York Times and the New York Herald carried a story of a Clemente Figueras, a "woods and forest engineer," in the Canary Islands who invented a device for generating electricity without burning any fuel. What became of Figueras and his fuelless generator is not known, but this announcement in the paper prompted Tesla to send a clipping of the Herald story in a letter to his friend Robert Underwood Johnson, editor of Century Magazine.
In this letter, a part of the Nikola Tesla Collection, at Columbia University Library, Tesla claimed he had already developed such a generator and to have revealed the underlying physical laws.

In fact, the most credible and successful free energy inventors like Nikola Tesla, Clemente Figuera or T.H.Moray all claimed the same thing. They invented a self-acting machine, which does not consume any fuel, which they believed was powered by some form of cosmic energy. As well, like myself these successful FE inventors did not believe any of this technology violated the conservation of energy.

Think about that, why did all of the critics claim any FE device must violate the COE when anyone with any credibility knows nothing can violate the COE?. My belief is most of these critics were either incompetent or paid shills because early on nobody was suggesting any energy came from nowhere. The critics made that nonsense up to try and discredit these inventors. Only a fool would believe anything can just be created from nothing.

I'm not sure why so many people are making up nonsense about Tesla. Early on he claimed his life goal was to tie into the wheel work of nature. To extract clean energy from nature anywhere on the planet. As such anyone claiming they read Tesla's work and also claims Tesla didn't mention free energy is a liar.

I remember the first article I read about Nikola Tesla describing free energy as if it were yesterday. It was his lecture " THE PROBLEM OF INCREASING HUMAN ENERGY" from June of 1990. More so the section concerning...

In fact, here Tesla quite literally describes how the concept of free energy actually works. Only a fool would believe they could do work lifting an object and then gain more energy from the same object falling. This is where the myth of violating the conservation of energy came from, from fools. As Tesla explains there is nothing to gain from repeating a conservative cycle where nothing changes. It does not matter whether the cycle is mechanical, electrical, hydraulic or otherwise. There is no extra energy to be gained unless the working medium being utilized can be transformed in some way.

From Tesla...
For example, if heat be represented in this analogue by the water of the lake, the oxygen and hydrogen composing the water may illustrate other forms of energy into which the heat is transformed in passing from hot to cold.  If the process of heat transformation were absolutely perfect, no heat at all would arrive at the low level, since all of it would be converted into other forms of energy.  Corresponding to this ideal case, all the water flowing into the tank would be decomposed into oxygen and hydrogen before reaching the bottom, and the result would be that water would continually flow in, and yet the tank would remain entirely empty, the gases formed escaping.  We would thus produce, by expending initially a certain amount of work to create a sink for the heat or, respectively, the water to flow in, a condition enabling us to get any amount of energy without further effort.

The concept is so simple even a child could understand it. Take a ball, it's just a ball and will always act just like a ball. However if we break the ball up into it's constituent smaller parts then it stops acting like a ball. The ball now has completely different properties than when it was whole. Now we drop the ball, it bounces back upward but as it does it breaks up into a million much smaller and lighter parts. Now external/environmental energy could act on all the smaller parts helping to lift them. Then at the peak of it's height we reassemble the ball back into it's original form. Conceptually this is how a "transformation" works. In part of the cycle we change the working medium to act like something else, we change it's properties, which changes the nature of cause and effect and the total energy present. 


Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman
Sr. Member

Posts: 453
 The issue, is what you are ignoring...



I am not "ignoring" anything.  However, I pick and choose what I let rile me up.

Life is too short...

Sr. Member

Posts: 453

Oh, really...

Yes, really...

The closest thing to be found from Tesla regarding the production of what we would call "free energy" is his radiant energy patent.  For that he gets credit for work regarding the atmospheric potential gradient and the photoelectric effect.  However, I have seen people twist and interpret his radiant energy work beyond recognition.  His comments regarding Figuera's work, particularly with regard to commenting on the geographical location being ideal, leads me to believe he was discussing what is covered in his radiant energy patent when he made those comments.

Group: Restricted
Sr. Member

Posts: 270
   Yes I know who said it, and to who.
    The point being. That is one mas opinion.
     Not written in stone.
     And I would be interested in your take on all this. And why you are in favor of energy from the ambient, also.

     The more that you investigate the ideas of self runner inventors, you'll find that a portion of them also work to prove and show their OU devices, and how and why they work as well as where the extra energy is coming from. At least they did.  I have already given my take on it, many times, before. Nobody seams to care. And nobody want to build anything, either. Except for Itsu.


It seems that you care more about what others think than you do for your work, have some faith and trust your instincts. Maybe small steps approach might work better, check your wire length and calculate with precision to half millimetre, leave them a bit longer than trim the ends when you have a square wave at the right frequency, make sure all coils have the corresponding length so, they will couple wireless. Make sure you don’t load the source and your load can be powered easy by the total capacity of the coil and have an impedance at least 10 times smaller the circuit providing energy. Voltage will drop when load is connected, that’s why you need good amount of capacity in coil. Make sure there is multiple of 1/2 wave length at any ends of coils to get the connections at max amplitude. If your connections are anywhere else you lose all the gain.

And yet everyone ignore the most ever proof the over unity exist …just look at human body, how much energy do we get and how much energy are we able to use on top of keeping us alive ? Or any living organism.
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