So it looks like the slotted alu pipe has a negative influence on the signals on both the Inductor and the Grenade.
If you were building a transformer, than this would be a "negative influence" indeed, because of the smaller amplitude at its output with the Al pipe present. However, this is not a transformer - it is an energy generator and you need to subject the Al pipe to very specific magnetic environment for it to generate short high current pulses. You should constantly monitor for the occurrence of such pulses while you are tuning the device - not for the highest amplitude of the sine wave at that which you have designated as the "output". I noticed that the frequency of the current applied to these windings has stayed almost the same (it changed only by 1kHz). In order to hunt for these short high current pulses in the Al pipe, you must subject that pipe to optimal magnetic bias and excitation (it is unknown if your setup does that) but also you need to monitor for these pulses with an H probe, while sweeping the excitation frequency, e.g from 10kHz to 1MHz over a long time period (your FG can do only 15min sweeps but SCPI can extend that). This is difficult to do in your setup because you've made the windings (and their drivers) resonant and thus very frequency-selective, therefore they allow you to efficiently generate magnetic flux at that resonant frequency but anything outside of it is severely attenuated. This would be great if you already knew the optimal frequency for that Al pipe in that particular magnetic environment, but you don't and the present setup makes it very difficult for you to sweep for it and find it. If you get lucky it will look like a spike superimposed on that sinewave.