A member was banned at Stefan’s forum recently ( prior to classic posting here) posted similar unsupported summaries ( no actual experiments to support)
Many times using YouTube vids to bolster unsupported claims.
Took over as many topics as he was able to ( with combative unsupported claims)
Then got moderated and went further with
horrific behavior towards Stefan offline ,he had to close forum membership .
Very similar behavior here ( smaller scale with a few plot twists )
Classic you seem to post over there under adrouk ( new member who recently got through new moderation policy there after
Closing of membership..
Yes there is no room for unsupported claims or YouTube as evidence here
Now I see you changed your “Always share” to never ?
Please no games here …
You seem to make plenty of claims…and offer very strong statements (“ it’s all there “ etc etc
And now you share nothing of your own and try to infer incompetence ,nefarious behavior /accusations in our host
And others ?( try to dismiss with “sorry “?

Signal to noise is way off the charts ( signal being bench proof of claims , not wordy often corrected text)
I will speak with owner tonight about this ,
Your recent addendums to your willingness ( unwillingness) to share your own work,bring even more concern to “ why are you here”?
And making incredible amounts of posts …towards encouraging others to build ??and share ??