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2025-03-07, 03:20:28
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Author Topic: Replication attempt of patent NL1032750  (Read 10118 times)
Group: Restricted
Sr. Member

Posts: 270
Hi everyone,

There is a replication attempt for this patent which is quite simple and almost everything is known. On top of detailed description we have available all formula to practise a bit of math or any simulator software.

Part list required as per patent details:

1. Enamelled copper wire in length required according to signal generator operating frequency. It has to be 2 equal lengths that will match 1/2 wave length corresponding to frequency which can be calculated as:
Where: L is the length of the wire in meters (m), c is the speed of light, f is the frequency in hertz (Hz).
Cross section of wire should be chose according with power source and can be calculated safe as 5 amp per 1 sq mm. Approximative  17.65 m for 8.5 MHz

2. Capacitors at least 1/2 pF so, it can be greater and voltage to be match by 2x of input voltage from power source. If frequency multiplied is desired we need 2 capacitors where one of them will have up to 1.5 times more capacity. Practical you wont find anything off the shelf close to characteristics specified in the patent so, chose whatever small capacity is available without ordering +500 pcs just for a test.

3. Power source. Any AC available that will not exceed voltage permitted by components to be used. So, it need to be 1/2 of capacitors voltage and no more than voltage operating oscillator. Even if higher amplitude (voltage) is desired we are constrained by handling capabilities of components to be used in circuit. I would recommend to keep it for off the shelf components and avoid expensive and bespoke solutions.

4. Oscilator/signal generator. Anything that work with desired voltage and is capable to have an output of decent high frequency. 8.5 MHz or higher square wave if possible, although any shape will do the job but less efficient.

5. Coil former. Depend on the shape you chose to build which can be bifilar spiral flat coil, cylindrical or toroid. Easier one to make is cylindrical where it needs to be large diameter and short. Would be better to try to do flat bifilar flat coil starting with a relative large diameter compared with “usual” bifilar Tesla coil where a smaller cross section of wire would not lead to great difference of length between inner and outer wire if a slightly large diameter is chosen. My choice for this shape is because it offer a higher absorption of zpe, as I found more difficult to wind toroids and should be avoided multiple layers where opposite flow is really hard to achieve.

Few setups like this can be built in cascade for an undeniable ou.

In further posts we can discuss practical approach for sourcing components scavenged or off the shelf to keep it low cost easy to to build.
As an observation: this device is similar to Don Smith, Kapanadze and if a good efficiency and low loss is obtained achievement should be above error margin for ou.
Group: Restricted
Sr. Member

Posts: 270
Anyone can suggest something cheap for signal generator with an output of lets say 110 v and above 3 MHz ?
Or, can we use any components from a smart phone at 2.4 GHz to have multiple of wave length for 3 harmonics ? Or something similar ?
Group: Restricted
Sr. Member

Posts: 270
See attached copy of patent
Group: Restricted
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Posts: 270
To understand what i am speaking about let’s say (an improbable diy project) we decide to use a wireless wifi router circuit to get 2.4 GHz an oscillator with sin wave (sin wave is less efficient than square wave) and imagine yourself the output when amplitude of signal is raised to 220 v before feeding the coil using just a rechargeable 9v battery or a simple circuit as Jes Ascanius described where we use energy dumped in supercap.

(I wanted to get here with my proposed home power generator, but nobody wanted to go further lack of response on topic).

To calculate the wire length required for a frequency of 2.4 GHz (2.4 gigahertz), we can rearrange the formula for wavelength:


λ is the wavelength in meters.

c is the speed of light, m/s

f is the frequency in hertz (Hz).

We want to find L, which is half the wavelength of the wire. So:


First, calculate the wavelength λ for a frequency of 2.4 GHz than.

Using formulae from above we get: - for a frequency of 2.4 GHz, the wire length required for a half-wavelength is approximately 6.25 centimetres.

What would be multiple 1/2 wave length to keep it resonant ?

To keep a wire resonant, we can use multiples of half-wavelengths (λ/2) as the wire's length. To find the lengths that will maintain resonance, we can use the formula:



Ln is the length of the wire for the n-th resonance mode.

n is the mode number (1 for the fundamental mode, 2 for the second harmonic, 3 for the third harmonic, and so on).

λ is the wavelength corresponding to the desired frequency.

In this case, we want to maintain resonance at a frequency of 2.4 GHz, which we calculated earlier to have a wavelength
λ of 6.25 centimetres for the half-wavelength.

Now, let's find the lengths for the first few resonance modes:

Fundamental mode (n = 1):
L1 = 3.125cm

Second harmonic (n = 2):
L2 = 6.25cm

Third harmonic (n = 3):
L3 = 9.375cm

These are the lengths of wire that will be resonant at the 2.4 GHz frequency and its harmonics. You can choose any of these lengths to achieve resonance at the desired frequency

So, the higher the frequency the shorter the wire => more concentrated power in a small area … unfortunately this will lead to some electronic components unavailable off the self or near impossible to make it diy in a household.

A simple description that comes to my mind to use an example give by N Tesla: imagine a huge sledgehammer that is hitting with a large amplitude movement million of times per minute … just try to imagine the power generated. And this is not sf story but just a simple circuit which can be scaled up for your needs.
Group: Restricted
Sr. Member

Posts: 270
Also, i want to stress out that i will prefer easy to understand words and principle as anyone who read with basic knowledge acquired from national compulsory education system would understand and being able to replicate with minimum skill set.

Posts: 48
Circuit in the patent reminds me of user Sperics advice for a basic overunity effect in the AVEC device. But he advises that voltages over 1 kV are needed to see the effect.

@ Classic
What voltage is nessesary in your opinion?

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3602
Anyone can suggest something cheap for signal generator with an output of lets say 110 v and above 3 MHz ?
110VRMS into 50Ω load is 242W so what you need is a RF power amplifier that can handle 3MHz.
If you need a 3MHz square wave then the amplifier better be able to handle 3MHz to 300MHz.

For example one like that.

...or you can build your own.

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3602
To understand what i am speaking about let’s say (an improbable diy project) we decide to use a wireless wifi router circuit to get 2.4 GHz an oscillator with sin wave
The output of a 2.4GHz WiFi router is not a continuous sine wave and its power is only milliwatts.
There is not an easy way to change that waveform nor to amplify it to hundreds of watts.

sin wave is less efficient than square wave
In what manner ?

Group: Restricted
Sr. Member

Posts: 270
Thank you for reply, this is a very good question.

Necessary voltage should be chose upon available parts on your budget. If your aim for test/experiment keep it low if you have accurate mean to measure.
If accurate building of device is maintained we should expect at least 8% gain for fundamental resonance.

Although, we can discuss and suggest available parts for a specific output if desired. And I think this is the main concern for anyone looking to have an excess energy device within a certain budget where bespoke solution isn’t a realistic option.

Also, accurate build and size is necessary to avoid inefficiency as the gain is just above error margin for a simple and cheap build without cascading.

So, my answer is voltage must be chose in respect of clean clean wave form (square is the best, although sawtooth or sine is fine for a higher frequency) and capacitors handling below 10 pico farads, where capacitors need to be able to use at least 2x voltage input for fundamental resonance or more if n harmonics will be used with multiple of 1/2 wave length.
3-5 harmonics to keep the price down should be enough with 9-12v input imo.

If anyone can share a solution for cheap off the shelf or diy signal generator capable of at least 20MHz, eventually with +95% efficiency, let’s say in range of £10-50 would be greatly appreciate. As this is the most expensive part apart from cost of wire, capacitors under 10 pico up to 700v are well below £0.9 at the moment.
Group: Restricted
Sr. Member

Posts: 270
The output of a 2.4GHz WiFi router is not a continuous sine wave and its power is only milliwatts.
There is not an easy way to change that waveform nor to amplify it to hundreds of watts.
In what manner ?

Thank you very much for valuable input, is much appreciated. Please see attached screenshot about wave form to be preferred.
Group: Restricted
Sr. Member

Posts: 270
110VRMS into 50Ω load is 242W so what you need is a RF power amplifier that can handle 3MHz.
If you need a 3MHz square wave then the amplifier better be able to handle 3MHz to 300MHz.

For example one like that.

...or you can build your own.

Ohh, this one exceed by far any kind of budget that i have in my mind.

My aim is to offer a real alternative on very low budget. But this can be an option for someone who decide to spend some money to seek off the grid independence for a household or little production facility.

Or at least something feasible on lease where some business can take advantage of open source … but i wouldn’t go this way.

If a real solution can be found that work at least at 95% efficiency I can bet that in less than a month we can buy it from aliexpress or amazon for a fraction of the cost.

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3602
Ohh, this one exceed by far any kind of budget that i have in my mind.
Then all that's left to you is to build an RF power amplifier yourself.

Do you need an analog amplifier or a digital amplifier?  (the latter can amplify only square waveforms).
Do you need the output waveform to be unipolar or bipolar ?
Group: Restricted
Sr. Member

Posts: 270
Then all that's left to you is to build an RF power amplifier yourself.

Do you need an analog amplifier or a digital amplifier?  (the latter can amplify only square waveforms).
Do you need the output waveform to be unipolar or bipolar ?

Probably a digital amplifier would do a better job. Initially i though i may use a cheap variant for £4-10 or eventually up to £30-40 for 1 MHz low voltage from amazon or aliexpress than boost the voltage … probably another £5 … but the wave form distortion would make it almost useless.

Trying to find out were such device is currently used an is available for a decent price … otherwise we have to spend a lot more on wires and the size of device would be significant increased especially if we go for 5 harmonics.

At 3 MHz we need 50 meters for each 1/2 wave length, although i’m not sure if 3 MHz would be enough to see some benefit. Probably anything above 1 GHz would show beyond doubt ou and easier to measure without any need for extremely precise instruments.


Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3602
Probably a digital amplifier would do a better job.
OK, that's half of an answer. What about the other half ?
Group: Restricted
Sr. Member

Posts: 270
OK, that's half of an answer. What about the other half ?
It need to be bipolar for the effect to take place, we need both components to reach max amplitude at max negative and max positive. As electrons in adjacent wires needs to pass next to each other in opposite direction, with approximative duty of 60-80% for max effect.
I can see that a 60% duty will be at lowest efficient where gain is possible and 80% might be the ideal. Also my guess is once you go above 80% duty in a perfect square wave you may start to draw more power, means less efficient … but this is for trial and error.

But i want to mention the a little distortion isn’t necessarily bad and a slightly trapezoidal wave form instead of square may be desired as can be observed in drawings that make part of patent.

Probably my reference to some cheap components powered by batteries might give the impression that a square wave with zero voltage for negative is something useful in this setup, i apologise for confusion and my only excuse is a silly rush to find a cheap alternative.

So, using unipolar instead of bipolar will wash down the drain efficiency by at least 70% nullifying any potential gain resulting in a net loss i/o

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3602
It need to be bipolar for the effect to take place, ...
So you will need at least two RF power transistors to construct a push-pull amplifier and two gate driver chips for driving them. Something like this.

For example these NXP transistors:

I think that 30MHz is easily achievable with these but for higher frequencies and several hundreds of Watts you'd need two of the rugged ACT LDMOS Transistors made by Ampleon.

Of course once you have a powerful  RF amplifier you can be tempted to replicate other patents, too.  For example this one.

Repurposing commercial devices will be hard because they just do not use RF powers above 5W (more like milliwatts), unless you have access to old military radio gear or CB power amplifiers, HF HAM amplifiers etc... and they are not cheap and many of them will have a problem reproducing rectangular waveforms.

Group: Restricted
Sr. Member

Posts: 270
Thank you very much verpies.

I just revisited some of my calculations and it seems that the input voltage should be under 20 v AC (so, any voltage between 6 and 20 v will do the job) while frequency can go as high as possible. All I need is a square wave generator capable of +30 MHz able to maintain a pretty clean wave form. Clearly would be easier to cascade few circuits and a lot cheaper. As my intention is not to power the whole town but just a small household.

I a working in parallel on few projects, while waiting for delivery of components.

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3602
I just revisited some of my calculations and it seems that the input voltage should be under 20 v AC (so, any voltage between 6 and 20 v will do the job) while frequency can go as high as possible. All I need is a square wave generator capable of +30 MHz able to maintain a pretty clean wave form.
For such low output voltages this might be an option for you.

I think Itsu has a similar one.  Ask him what is the max amplitude it outputs and if it can do bipolar rectangular waves of varying duty cycles.
Group: Restricted
Sr. Member

Posts: 270
For such low output voltages this might be an option for you.

I think Itsu has a similar one.  Ask him what is the max amplitude it outputs and if it can do bipolar rectangular waves of varying duty cycles.
;D ;D ;D

I just spent half of morning just to conclude that a dds signal generator is what i need and i opened the forum to post exact same product … the only problem is delivery time

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3602
Here Itsu wrote that his NanoVNA outputs a square wave up to ~2GHz and I think it fits in your budget.
Group: Restricted
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Posts: 270

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3602
I wonder if this one isn’t a better option
Yes, square waves up to 25MHz but before you buy find out if you can vary the duty cycle at this frequency at all.
...but 25MHz is far cry below 2GHz.
Group: Restricted
Sr. Member

Posts: 270
Yes, square waves up to 25MHz but before you buy find out if you can vary the duty cycle at this frequency at all.
...but 25MHz is far cry below 2GHz.

I just double checked and in description says fully adjustable duty cycle.

If you make a reference for nanoVNA, it seems that they don't have any output unless, it is an TinySAUltra for £160 plus tax and delivery

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3602
I just double checked and in description says fully adjustable duty cycle.
It is very likely that this is true only at less than the maximum frequency. Make sure it is true always or you will be very disappointed.

If you make a reference for nanoVNA, it seems that they don't have any output unless, it is an TinySAUltra for £160 plus tax and delivery
All VNAs must provide output or they would not be VNAs.  It is called "stimulus" in their jargon.
However, not all VNAs support "zero-span" sweeps.
Group: Restricted
Sr. Member

Posts: 270
In meantime i’ve done a little bit of math to relax from stress of sourcing components  ;D and i found some values:

A. 0.2 mm thick wire, 30 meters of each wire, and 500 mm outside diameter, with approx 19.09 turns, capacitance of the bifilar coil is approximately 9.425 picofarads (pF), and inductance is approximately 368.1 nano henrys (nH), Q= 6272.
- calculations based on certain assumptions and approximations, precise values may vary depending on factors like dielectric constant of the insulation of magnet wire and the exact winding geometry.
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