bfulmind23 Could you explain in more detail the mechanism of how the coil is expected to act as one capacitor plate? There are many opinions on this subject but the easy answer is any object which does not have a neutral charge qualifies as a "capacitor". Capacitor; Capacitance is the capability of a material object or device to store electric charge. It is measured by the charge in response to a difference in electric potential. In effect, the moment any object including a coil acquires a (-) or (+) charge different from any nearby object it acts like a charged capacitor plate. This is because "plates" have nothing to do with capacitance and any charged object no matter it's appearance has capacitance. In a coil the "capacitance" can be. 1)The whole coil relative to something else, ie. a charged coil which is grounded. 2)The ends of the coil having opposite potentials, (-)IIIIIIIIII(+). 3)The difference in potential between each turn in a coil, ie. interwinding capacitance. 4)The (-) Electrons and (+) Protons in the atoms and molecules have capacitance, ie. an electric field between them. It's best to ignore the bulk terms like plates, capacitors, wires, coils, transformers and go deeper looking at first principals. In effect, any charged object can store electrical energy in the space between any other object with a different charge. The electrical energy is measured in volts/cm or volts/metre and literally applies to every object in the known universe. Think of it this way, understanding electronics tells us what a capacitor can do. However understanding physics and first principals tells us what a capacitor is, how it actually works and how it relates to everything else. AC
Comprehend and Copy Nature... Viktor Schauberger
“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool.”― Richard P. Feynman