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Author Topic: Kapanadze replication  (Read 104623 times)
Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 1861
If someone bother to read and try to understand what they read in patent NL1032750 of Arie Melis deGeus (NL1032759 on this forum), may find out how to make it work any device similar to Kapanadze. I would strongly suggest to download and save hard and digital copies.

Just try to analyse many other ou/fe devices and find out that same principles are involved an been applied in different ways.

Build 1 device with whatever you have at hand and cost almost nothing, play with it to understand, than scale it up for your needs.

Wire length equal where wire length is half of wave length based on frequency, jion them in midlle with 2 series capacitors where 1 of them is half capacitance than the other (135 degrees phase, or equal capacitance 180 degrees), simple oscillator circuit.
“Bellies” and nodes easy to understand if you look at standing waves when transformers are shorted.

I don't think it could be easier and simpler than that !

Simple deny of aether existence from mainstream science has put in jeopardy most of replication attempt by many. In this patent we can see how mainstream science colluded with unscrupulous gov/military/ bussiness against every individual living on this planet and has lead to an enormous international malefic organisation. This is the reason why they killed inventors and scientists including Arie deGeus and Kapanadze or any other that were showing why or how it work ar attempt to mass production or sell such devices.

Keep simple explanations and simple words to make it available for anyone understanding.

I can see a lot of fancy devices that are meant to be used in such devices, but for ordinary people to get started on non taxable and not metered use of energy is not needed right now ! Please understand this ! Anyone in the world can have this in their houses with no need for enslaving power grids.
In the patent Arie states the use of 1 picofarad for starting values for the two capacitors!  However, if one has ever attempted to build this device as he described, you would quickly discover if you did not know beforehand, that the mutual capacitance between the parallel windings is many times greater than 1 pf.  I'm not sure if this is included in his math analysis!
Below is a paper of tests I ran years ago with circuitry based on Arie's patent #NL1032759.
Group: Guest

   AG: It was Woopyjump, a French guy that showed the split tube device, that did NOT provide for OU, nor self running.
So, I won't bother to look for his video. Maybe Verpies can look for it, if interested.
To me this is all just part of the wild goose chase, we've been on for the last many months. And I've come to think that we are being misled, on purpose. And we do need to find the truth behind these miths.

Group: Guest
thats right he did as well
Group: Restricted
Sr. Member

Posts: 270
In the patent Arie states the use of 1 picofarad for starting values for the two capacitors!  However, if one has ever attempted to build this device as he described, you would quickly discover if you did not know beforehand, that the mutual capacitance between the parallel windings is many times greater than 1 pf.  I'm not sure if this is included in his math analysis!
Below is a paper of tests I ran years ago with circuitry based on Arie's patent #NL1032759.
Maybe a new thread would be useful
Group: Guest

   AG: It was Woopyjump, a French guy that showed the split tube device, that did NOT provide for OU, nor self running.
So, I won't bother to look for his video. Maybe Verpies can look for it, if interested.
To me this is all just part of the wild goose chase, we've been on for the last many months. And I've come to think that we are being misled, on purpose. And we do need to find the truth behind these miths.

yuo need to find the original one it's different all the others are different again
Group: Guest
   I don't need to do anything of the sort. Like chasing dead ends.
If replications don't work, something is wrong. I try to direct my thread towards what I feel is right. Not fish waves, modulated waves, nor split copper tubes. Verpies has missed nothing in the last year. As nothing has worked, at all. 
My interests at this time is finding what is WRONG, not building a new wheel. Or looking at other builds.
   Sorry to those with other intentions.


Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 3670
I try to direct my thread towards what I feel is right.
Being directed by feelings might be a good approach to love - not science.
Group: Guest
  Well, each to his own. Science has not shown self running devices as being anything real. I don't bank on them.
Put your faith where you want it. Why are you here? Have you something to add to our search? No? Just arguing with me about split tubes. "Show me" how well they work towards free energy. Show me...

Full Member

Posts: 199
I probably didn't start correctly...
It is a pity that there were no comrades. :-X
« Last Edit: 2023-09-21, 20:38:19 by DELAMORTO »

Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 3670
Science has not shown self running devices as being anything real. I don't bank on them.
Science is a method, its successes to date do not invalidate the method.

Put your faith where you want it.
Science does not rely on faith.

Why are you here?
To share my knowledge and acquire new one.
Perhaps some guys here will remind you of the many times I had helped them.  Anyone ?

Just arguing with me about split tubes.
I oppose anything that is solely based on faith, feelings and suppressing experiments not aligned with some cherished principle of operation, which is not supported by evidence or logic.
Your knee-jerk reaction about the presence of that split-tube in Itsu's experiment qualifies as such and must be challenged.

"Show me" how well they work towards free energy. Show me...
I could show you but I do not have a working OU device. So does it even make sense for me to explain it to you what that split tube is supposed to do if it is not backed-up by a self-runner in my hands?
I, on the other hand, will gladly learn about your proposed operating principle on which the construction of this device is supposed to be based upon.
Group: Guest
What on earth are you on about  ;D if the tube wasnt split it would be a short turn !
and what is going on if i drop a magnet down the centre of a copper tube with no slit ?
and in our tesla coil how do electrons get from the tesla tube to grenade biffilar coil ?
sort that one out !  ;D ;D

And how do Aliens get here from another planet loaqds of tankers trailing be hind them ???
Group: Guest
   I don't need to do anything of the sort. Like chasing dead ends.
If replications don't work, something is wrong. I try to direct my thread towards what I feel is right. Not fish waves, modulated waves, nor split copper tubes. Verpies has missed nothing in the last year. As nothing has worked, at all. 
My interests at this time is finding what is WRONG, not building a new wheel. Or looking at other builds.
   Sorry to those with other intentions.

see what i mean  >:-) >:-)
Group: Guest
Science is a method, its successes to date do not invalidate the method.
Science does not rely on faith.
To share my knowledge and acquire new one.
Perhaps some guys here will remind you of the many times I had helped them.  Anyone ?
I oppose anything that is solely based on faith, feelings and suppressing experiments not aligned with some cherished principle of operation, which is not supported by evidence or logic.
Your knee-jerk reaction about the presence of that split-tube in Itsu's experiment qualifies as such and must be challenged.
I could show you but I do not have a working OU device. So does it even make sense for me to explain it to you what that split tube is supposed to do if it is not backed-up by a self-runner in my hands?
I, on the other hand, will gladly learn about your proposed operating principle on which the construction of this device is supposed to be based upon.
scientists lie 

Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 3670
scientists lie
Lying is not a part of the scientific method, so whoever lies disqualifies himself as a scientist.
Group: Guest
I probably didn't start correctly...
It is a pity that there were no comrades. :-X
Oh dear he should have got a tread where he could control the gunk posts.

I do hope he won't give up till we get it going

Group: Guest
   Has he ever shown anything that worked. Self ran etc? No?

Group: Guest
Science is a method, its successes to date do not invalidate the method.
Science does not rely on faith.
To share my knowledge and acquire new one.
Perhaps some guys here will remind you of the many times I had helped them.  Anyone ?
I oppose anything that is solely based on faith, feelings and suppressing experiments not aligned with some cherished principle of operation, which is not supported by evidence or logic.
Your knee-jerk reaction about the presence of that split-tube in Itsu's experiment qualifies as such and must be challenged.
I could show you but I do not have a working OU device. So does it even make sense for me to explain it to you what that split tube is supposed to do if it is not backed-up by a self-runner in my hands?
I, on the other hand, will gladly learn about your proposed operating principle on which the construction of this device is supposed to be based upon.


   Well Verpies, perhaps you'd like to catch up on my 6000 posts on this topic, that you've missed on. Where I've explain in detail and living color videos, what my tests have shown, so far. Where were you prof, did you miss the clase?
   I could care less about your knee jerking reactions. Perhaps you should have that jerky knee checked, sounds serious buddy.
   Could not get out of the box.  Sorry for that.
« Last Edit: 2023-09-22, 01:30:28 by Chet K »
Group: Ambassador
Hero Member

Posts: 4052
 Verpies has helped many open source researchers ,AND he is a builder/experimenter .
He has Shared valuable circuit design information and utilized his skill set whenever asked ( within reason ..
“I am trying to do this” ..“this” being well described in some hypothetical scenario)
Not writing about EE101 questions ( which can be answered on Google search ) referring to higher skill set builders seeking opinions etc etc

  Definitely held in high regard in community ( outside of a few in this  group ,which has not really defined a “this” yet (working principle or target goal which can survive scrutiny ( it seems?
And also seems to write half a thought ( leaving the other half open to some interpretation?( never properly explained)

Split tube has been around a long time ..
Was actually the “secret” claimed in somebody’s build years back …
Glad to see itsu investigating this .
To note:
I have heard MANY say they would luv Verpies input on an experiment prior to
Picking up the tools.
( was talking with a few builders today where this exact scenario came up ,
Getting the experiment a bit more thought out prior to asking his opinion)

Group: Guest
 Well they can take all the time they need, to confirm or denie what I've mentioned.
 There is no free lunch from a split tube. There is no secret, there, as well. Zilch.
"Show me". When and IF you get it working.  Another distraction, at best. Watch, how this one ends.
Perhaps standing waves will be "in", next...as all others tests up to now have failed.
I am trying to avoid going on that route. And looking for what WORKS, instead.
« Last Edit: 2023-09-22, 04:18:00 by NickZ »

Group: Moderator
Hero Member

Posts: 3670
I am trying to avoid going on that route.
Have you ever gone the route of a split tube ?

Group: Guest
it's rich in electrons

Group: Renaissance Man
Hero Member

Posts: 2782

Buy me a cigar
I’ve forgotten how long ago I got involved with alternative energy research, probably 23+ years.

I do remember moaning to my wife about Verpies on several occasions in my early attempts of presentation over at OU. Com. It didn’t take me long to realise that his input wasn’t some sort of “ attack “ on my rather crude experiments but quite the opposite. He was helping me to gain a better understanding of what I was doing.

Over the years Verpies has always been available for me, providing knowledge and ideas with my own avenues of research. We have become great friends and regularly converse by PM.

Coming back to the present, I did have a bash at a replication of the Chibindze device ( containing a split Aluminium core tube ) some 10 years ago….. https://youtu.be/VXIca35GeIY?feature=shared

Looking back I have come to realise that I didn’t have a clue as to what I was doing….  ;D ;D 

As far as I’m concerned Verpies is one of a few of the most highly valued members here at OUR.

Cheers Grum.

Nanny state ? Left at the gate !! :)
Group: Guest
I’ve forgotten how long ago I got involved with alternative energy research, probably 23+ years.

I do remember moaning to my wife about Verpies on several occasions in my early attempts of presentation over at OU. Com. It didn’t take me long to realise that his input wasn’t some sort of “ attack “ on my rather crude experiments but quite the opposite. He was helping me to gain a better understanding of what I was doing.

Over the years Verpies has always been available for me, providing knowledge and ideas with my own avenues of research. We have become great friends and regularly converse by PM.

Coming back to the present, I did have a bash at a replication of the Chibindze device ( containing a split Aluminium core tube ) some 10 years ago….. https://youtu.be/VXIca35GeIY?feature=shared

Looking back I have come to realise that I didn’t have a clue as to what I was doing….  ;D ;D 

As far as I’m concerned Verpies is one of a few of the most highly valued members here at OUR.

Cheers Grum.
Grum sure he is but whydoes he keep asking what two items produce the energy ? The thing is or was John Badini must have had all Don Smiths
Vids and gave them to Ruslan next thing they are typed out on Above unity and still are as far as I know, I suggest if any one wants them they look there.
I read some of them but I do not have any coppies of them nothing lets you copy here any more. I posted most of this info back in april on OU but it just got ignored. Now most of it's gone but Rick the Geman guy has them for sale on Amazon for a fortune.

Regards Sil
Group: Guest
Kapanadze replication in English

Done with google translate

Regards Sil

Group: Renaissance Man
Hero Member

Posts: 2782

Buy me a cigar
Grum sure he is but whydoes he keep asking what two items produce the energy ?
Regards Sil

Well….. isn’t this the fundamental question? Sadly I can only answer with the number 42.  ;D  Seriously though. P = V x I

After being involved for several years, watching innumerable videos I came to the conclusion that most of the so called “ self running free energy “ devices were probably faked in one way or another. One video, the one in the field the battery supply was clearly hidden under a pile of loose hay or straw.

I do believe that someone, somewhere will eventually find an answer and let’s hope it’s sooner rather than later. It will sadden a few because I firmly believe it will be the transmutation of one element to another whilst giving up its energy during the process.

Cheers Grum.

Nanny state ? Left at the gate !! :)
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