At great expense of time, I took a trip down memory lane. Here is the vital last post of my business partner regarding the Aquarium 2 and the 3 phase 10 KW follow up.
Re: Selfrunning Free Energy devices up to 5 KW from Tariel Kapanadze « Reply #12608 on: August 08, 2012, 01:17:53 PM » Ladies and Gentlemen, I am the sponsor and visitor, that went to see TK's invention, on 2 occasions. My first trip, with a physicist (bilingual in Georgian and English), was from the 5th to the 8th of May 2012. We met TK, his son and twin brothers, who build these devices. TK builds the important parts. I'm the guy in the blue shirt, holding the box. The plastic box weighed about 6-8 kilos and was shown to run a 2 kw fire (2 bar) for about 4 hours. I paid TK, via a friend of the physicist, 3000 USD. This payment was ongoing, as TK was in bad health. I also, via the friend, paid for TK's medical treatment. All was well and good. The device seemed to work without wires attached (except the earth). I picked up the box, looked underneath, followed the braided earth lead outside to an earth spike (for grounding), touched it and checked it for hidden wires. We agreed to sponsor TK, to pay for and build a 10 kw 3-phase version, that could be tested, using multi-meters etc. In the meantime, I approached 2 government agencies and started visa applications and commercial negotiations. The return trip, with an RF Electronics expert and a box of test equipment (list below), was arranged for 26 July until 02 August. I had a Confidentiality Agreement ready and a Technology Licence contract. I emailed these legals to TK's lawyer, beforehand. On day 2 of the trip, I met with TK's lawyer, made slight amends with him to the 2 documents, printed off and signed the Confidentiality Agreement. The Technology Licence was to be signed after the tests were carried out. I had done my part, as agreed. TK, at this point, stated that he was worried about our test procedures. I emailed his lawyer and stated "I have asked *** to test the machine, to clarify what goes into the box and what comes out of the box. This will not be invasive testing. These tests are to prove that there is no outside source of energy and that the energy output is of good quality. Each test will be approved by TK before we carry them out. We have rented electrical test equipment to do this: Neotronics Impact Gas Detector. Fluke 435 Power Analyser. Fluke 199 Scopemeter. Radiodetection CAT and Genny. Monitran VM110. Flir i60. Mechanical stethoscope. Basic clampmeter. All these machines have standard data logging, to save the results. We shall take the process of testing very slowly, confirming with TK at every stage. If we cannot test, we cannot get our government to invest in a manufacturing company, or sell the power to industry." We then waited a further 2 days. In the evening of day five, TK's son came over and showed us a picture of the (supposed) 3 phase machine on his digital camera (a 2" x 1" photo). We said thank you but stated that testing must take place for this working arrangement to proceed. We asked for a full day of testing and we only had 1 day left. Nothing until 7pm of the last evening before we flew out. During the previous 5 days, we had promises from TK that all is well and we could test that day. Each day we saw nothing. At 7pm, we were invited by TK to see the box running. We asked if we could test. He said no. We politely declined his offer. He called us repeatedly over the next few hours, to try to get us to see his box. To us, as commercial people, this was just TK trying to reel us back in, as a big fish that is getting off the hook. The last contact, was by email, from his lawyer, stating that they believed that this test equipment would find TK's secret. He also stated that we should risk some more money with TK, for a further 2 months. By the way, his lawyer amended the Technology Licence to state that I would pay him 1500 USD a month.... That said it all. We left Tbilisi at 3 am the following morning and went to the airport. Who did we see there? TK's son, in the arrivals section. Probably waiting to receive a new party, to look at the machine that I had paid for. The total spend on the project was about 20,000 USD. I am a committed Christian. TK said that this was a gift from God. I prayed with the man. He rewards me with insults, saying that I was trying to steal his technology. TK, unfortunately, in my opinion, lives in fear. His trust is verbal only. He gets a financial reward and runs away. When he was seriously ill, we paid for a doctor to see him and give him life saving medicine. This means nothing to him.
Electrostatic induction: Put a 1KW charge on 1 plate of a capacitor. What does the environment do to the 2nd plate?