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Author Topic: Anomalous long lasting batteries.  (Read 9211 times)

Group: Elite Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 4236


i have to concur with Picowatt, the circuit in that (yours?) video shows nothing abnormal, It's how current flows through a circuit.

So i wonder what school the author of that video went to.

A led is not a good indicator for eyeballing the amount of current flowing through it, as it seems that 3.4mA and 100mA does not show much difference (on video) but there is a difference.
Look up "VI curve of a led" on google and see how it behaves.

Also use a simulator like the free LTspice and set up this simple circuit and see that it matches what is shown in that video (normal behavior).

Group: Restricted
Sr. Member

Posts: 270
You guys missed the whole point or, maybe I wasn’t clearer enough. His original setup was running for 275 days, now this setup has been “improved” by adding a second LED. A green LED ! In his previous vids showed that the green LED takes even less power than any other colour of LED.

Now, by adding this green LED from negative to negative of 2 sets of batteries energy saving is even better than before and not less as we could expect having 2 LEDs instead of just 1.

And, honestly if anyone can show me any text book where it says that swapping parallel set with series set of batteries let you consume at least 10 more power from the same batteries without charging them, i’ll eat my hat.

OR, if it is normal, maybe someone is so kind to explain me why all electric/electronic devices are powered different and exhaust the batteries at least 10 times faster.
Sr. Member

Posts: 453
Now, by adding this green LED from negative to negative of 2 sets of batteries energy saving is even better than before and not less as we could expect having 2 LEDs instead of just 1.


The green LED was connected between a positive and a negative.  If you follow the current around the loop, all is normal.

Using "conventional" flow for simplicity, +5 from the somewhat depleted series string of four alkalines, thru the white LED which provides around 2 volts or so of Vdrop, connected to the positive terminal of the 4 somewhat depleted alkaline batteries in parallel provides another Vdrop of 1.2 volts.  Open circuit voltage between the negative terminal of the parallel set of batteries and the negative terminal of the series string of batteries now at  +1.8volts, which is the voltage applied across green LED when it is connected and the loop closed.

LED Vdrop (actually referred to as Vforward) is current dependent so numbers given are approximate.  The rather high internal resistance of the somewhat depleted batteries is what is limiting current (thankfully).

« Last Edit: 2023-11-01, 21:40:51 by picowatt »
Group: Restricted
Sr. Member

Posts: 270
Group: Restricted
Sr. Member

Posts: 270
And another one with explanations and clear circuit diagram https://youtu.be/ng-Xu4foAic?si=7XZOp91mRJKVEB0P

Some people do get mad when someone deny the truth and push the accepted limits  >:-) just in spite of the naysayers.

I would like to see any mainstream science explanation and why we don’t use this instead of all obsolete setups that bigco and gov want us to follow

It just make me think what would be the outcome if such setups in order of thousands will be exhibit at front steps at NASA, CERN and any relevant institutions around the world ? When they keep saying we cannot have any free energy.
Also would be nice if “just stop oil” movement and some other similar groups would use such devices or similar when they hold pubic protests.

Or if Gretha Thunberg would hold in her hands such devices at public protests.
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