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Author Topic: LK-99 Worlds first room-temperature ambient-pressure superconductor  (Read 5311 times)
Sr. Member

Posts: 333
« Last Edit: 2023-07-27, 08:23:24 by broli »

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3602
Hmm, Lead Phosphorous and Copper that will be easy to verify in many labs so we should know pretty soon if this is for real.
Sr. Member

Posts: 333
Hmm, Lead Phosphorous and Copper that will be easy to verify in many labs so we should know pretty soon if this is for real.

I agree, and I'm sure some labs are making the material as we speak. It will take a while to peer review but I bet verification/replication attempts will happen in a matter of days.
Group: Restricted
Sr. Member

Posts: 270
We need a major overhaul in education system and academic bodies, I’m quite reluctant to credit them for what they doing when we can see from the moon huge discrepancy while they keep telling us that everything needs to be seen through the microscope as we aren’t yet that advanced.

If they want to keep their status they need to release to public or face being overthrown when all their credibility will be blown away.
« Last Edit: 2023-07-28, 10:09:05 by Classic »
Sr. Member

Posts: 333
There is a live stream of a replication attempt from Andrew who is an Engineer:


And here is the guys twitter page:


PSA. This is all for fun. We're a few enthusiastic engineers doing this as a hobby project, we just want to see the rocks float.   We support the real scientists around the world that are executing the proper methods of evaluation and publishing.

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 1783
Another patent too from a different lab. https://patentcenter.uspto.gov/applications/17249094

Group: Professor
Hero Member

Posts: 3602
Here is a video debunking their video

Dave is right about this one.

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 1783
Here is a video debunking their video

Dave is right about this one.
It's starting to feel like they rushed the results to get it out before the other lab announcement.

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 1783
@verpies https://arxiv.org/abs/2307.16892 Good thread here. https://twitter.com/alexkaplan0/status/1686208150590935041 Finding of a theoretical basis for superconductivity in Cu doped lead apatite

The paper discusses how the presence of a manifold of flat copper (Cu) d-bands is a feature of the structural reconstruction provided by the apatite network. The author also discusses the band structure of the Cu-substituted compound without performing a structural relaxation.

The author explains how the Cu interrupts the hexagonal network that characterizes the apatite structure, leading to a structural rearrangement to a lower P1 symmetry. The Cu substituted in this position has a significantly different electronic structure with no correlated d-bands crossing the Fermi level.

The paper suggests that Cu on the Pb(2) site is more energetically favorable than Cu on the Pb(1) site, which could impact the robustness of obtaining Cu substitution on the Pb(1) site.

In the discussion section, the author theorizes that the apatite structure provides a unique framework for stabilizing localized Cu d-states that form a strongly correlated flat band at the Fermi level. When Cu is substituted on a Pb(1) site, it results in various structural changes, including reduced lattice parameters, changes in coordination, and modified polyhedral tilts. This leads to a local Jahn-Teller distorted trigonal prism around Cu, resulting in a set of isolated d yz = d xz bands with half-filling. The author notes that achieving such a crystal field environment could also be possible in intercalated twisted heterogeneous bilayers.

Please note that this is a rough summary and a full understanding of the paper would require a more detailed reading, especially for more complex and technical sections.


Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 1783
but wait there's more.


Both papers appear to focus on the study of superconductivity in copper (Cu)-doped lead-apatite, often referred to as LK-99. The main points of overlap and consistency between the two papers can be summarized as follows:

Structure of Lead-Apatite: Both papers discuss the structural and electronic properties of lead-apatite and the impact of replacing a lead (Pb) atom with a copper (Cu) atom.

Role of Copper (Cu): Both papers delve into the significant role of Cu in altering the properties of lead-apatite. Cu substitution leads to changes in the electronic structure and possibly contributes to the observed superconductivity.

Flat Bands and Superconductivity: Both papers seem to discuss the concept of flat bands in the context of superconductivity. The first paper talks about the presence of a manifold of flat Cu d-bands as a feature of the structural reconstruction provided by the apatite network. The second paper also discusses the appearance of a half-filled very flat band crossing the Fermi level after Cu doping.

Doping with Other Elements: Both papers touch upon the possibility of doping with elements other than copper. The first paper mentions potential difficulties in obtaining robust Cu substitution on the Pb(1) site, which could imply the need for other elements. The second paper explicitly discusses doping with other elements, such as nickel (Ni), zinc (Zn), silver (Ag), and gold (Au).

Please note that this is a high-level summary based on the initial sentences from each section of the papers. A more thorough comparison would require a more detailed reading of the papers.

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 1783
More breaking news.. no really!

First claimed reproduction of LK-99 here they observe the effect under microscope of the mag field orientation https://targum.video/v/2023/8/1/e2ad3b8e86961ccfdcf411d2d4d18d3f/?l=en

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 1783

Doping is a process used in materials science to add impurities to a substance in order to change its properties. This technique is particularly common in semiconductors, where small amounts of a dopant can significantly alter the electrical properties of the material. Here's a general process of how doping might be achieved:

Choice of Dopant: The first step is to choose the appropriate dopant. The choice of dopant will depend on the material being doped and the desired properties. For example, in the case of the papers you provided, copper (Cu) is used as a dopant to induce superconductivity in lead-apatite.

Preparation: The base material (in this case, lead-apatite) is prepared for doping. This may involve cleaning the material or creating a thin film of the material.

Doping Process: The actual process of doping can be done in various ways:

Diffusion Doping: In this process, the material is heated in a chamber with the dopant material. The high temperatures cause the dopant atoms to diffuse into the material. The amount of dopant in the material can be controlled by adjusting the temperature and the doping time.

Ion Implantation: In this process, the dopant atoms are ionized and then accelerated towards the material using an electric field. The ions penetrate the surface of the material and become lodged within the crystal structure. This method allows for more precise control over the concentration and distribution of the dopant.

Epitaxial Growth: In this process, the material is grown layer by layer in a chamber filled with the base material and dopant gases. As the material grows, the dopant atoms are incorporated into the crystal structure.

Annealing: After the doping process, the material is often annealed. This involves heating the material to repair any damage caused by the doping process and to allow the dopant atoms to move into their equilibrium positions in the crystal lattice.

Evaluation: After the doping process, the material's properties are evaluated to ensure that the desired changes have occurred.

These are general steps and the actual process may vary depending on the specific materials and desired outcomes. Also, it's worth noting that doping requires precise control and specialized equipment, as even tiny amounts of a dopant can significantly change a material's properties.
Group: Restricted
Full Member

Posts: 102
Here is a video debunking their video

here is original Korean  video:

Dave is  not a  .. a trained in physics  scientist -
« Last Edit: 2024-02-27, 17:43:15 by stivep »
Group: Restricted
Sr. Member

Posts: 326

Thanks - extremely interesting developments IMHO.
Please keep the info coming...

Might just be the "final key" to a >6X solution!


Posts: 48
Already some failed replications from india and china.  :-[
See the list of worldwide replications:


Full Member

Posts: 140
can anyone tell me what the super conductor  'conducts'?

"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence". Carl Sagan.

Please can anyone provide the Proof of this 'thing' that's being conducted.... (I need this sort of 'proof' in another thread.)

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 1783
Another replication and first claim of 0 resistance.  https://arxiv.org/abs/2308.01192


The authors summarize their findings, stating that they successfully synthesized the compound Pb10-xCux(PO4)6O and observed zero resistance above 100 K. However, they didn't observe the Meissner effect, suggesting that the superconducting volume in their samples is relatively low. They note that more evidence is needed to confirm superconductivity and to identify which component is responsible for the observed zero resistance. The question of whether the transition temperature (Tc) could be enhanced to room temperature remains open.

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 1783
Wikipedia tracking here. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LK-99
Full Member

Posts: 124
   So is this a real reality or just another one of MIT's great finds that never comes out?  This will really tear up the energy markets. How about transportation markets. Drive motors that can really go for 1000's of miles before charge?
   Right! Believe it when I see it.
Group: Restricted
Sr. Member

Posts: 270
can anyone tell me what the super conductor  'conducts'?

"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence". Carl Sagan.

Please can anyone provide the Proof of this 'thing' that's being conducted.... (I need this sort of 'proof' in another thread.)
It’s supposed to conduct electricity with zero resistance.

Instead of using wireless transfer or hairpin circuit of Tesla’s patent … or the working principle of Joe Cell

Smoke and mirrors … this is what academic society offers when we are +100 years later after Tesla’s work … yet they dare to demand respect and pretend they can rule all inventions by their standards.

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 1783
I think you could apply what they are learning through whatever lens you wanted. I.e. how does this relate to Russell’s et Al work on vibration frequencysacred geometry etc. it seems to be new information. It’s up to you how you use it.
Group: Restricted
Sr. Member

Posts: 270
Can anyone explain in simple terms (please, no more Wikipedia), why we can’t use hairpin circuit of Tesla’s and we need a superconductor ?

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 1783
« Last Edit: 2023-08-06, 11:34:29 by JimBoot »
Group: Restricted
Sr. Member

Posts: 326
Can anyone explain in simple terms (please, no more Wikipedia), why we can’t use hairpin circuit of Tesla’s and we need a superconductor ?


The so called "Hair Pin" operates on "nodes" and uses capacitive coupled high voltage pulses; whereas
SuperConduction involves elimination (reduction) of conductor resistance (the R in Ohms Law).

[Tesla] Hair Pin Reference: https://waveguide.blog/brief-history-tesla-hairpin-circuit-stout-copper-bars/

Two different phenomena I would guess - super conduction reduces the resistance in conductors where
Tesla Hair Pin is a Nodal based impedance scheme. This is well understood in "distributed microwave circuit
and waveguide design." {Tesla was probably the first microwave designer - years before it was actually known}

Imagine winding a coil or pole with a conductor of zero resistance!    WOW ->   I=V/R where R=0...  ???

BTW - Tesla never refered to the now "so called Hair Pin" by that name - he simply called it "Stout Copper Bars."

Unless you're refering to the "hairpin winding" found in a Tesla Electric Car motor - another story, however

Group: Restricted
Sr. Member

Posts: 270


The so called "Hair Pin" operates on "nodes" and uses capacitive coupled high voltage pulses; whereas
SuperConduction involves elimination (reduction) of conductor resistance (the R in Ohms Law).

[Tesla] Hair Pin Reference: https://waveguide.blog/brief-history-tesla-hairpin-circuit-stout-copper-bars/

Two different phenomena I would guess - super conduction reduces the resistance in conductors where
Tesla Hair Pin is a Nodal based impedance scheme. This is well understood in "distributed microwave circuit
and waveguide design." {Tesla was probably the first microwave designer - years before it was actually known}

Imagine winding a coil or pole with a conductor of zero resistance!    WOW ->   I=V/R where R=0...  ???

BTW - Tesla never refered to the now "so called Hair Pin" by that name - he simply called it "Stout Copper Bars."

Unless you're refering to the "hairpin winding" found in a Tesla Electric Car motor - another story, however


This is really interesting … why do we need zero current in a wire ? I mean, is it right … I agree upon benefits of diamagnetic,  levitation and attraction in the same time (superconductor stays within the field in attraction but is repelled from touching the magnet) … yet I=0 as I/0=0 as per I=V/R 🤭

Yet, in my limited knowledge I thought that high voltage follow (allow directional transmitting) along a hair size diameter of wire in hairpin circuit of Tesla’s … eliminating the need for thick wires which have less resistance than thin wires and being able to transmit higher value of current or no amps but voltage
Unless no amps could mean infinite amps like minus infinite.

And no, I won’t make any reference to impostors whom seek to impersonate the great inventor name for crap things.

Anyway I won’t expect to see anything good from this possible invention for the benefit of mankind anytime soon as we can see what happened with graphene where all the good things went for military use and almost none for anything else, yet some malevolent individuals keep promoting idea that graphene production is expensive when in reality the production cost is well below £8-9000 per tonne with almost no damage for environment.
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