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Author Topic: Samsung Generator project  (Read 6206 times)
Group: Moderator
Full Member

Posts: 152
To start the ball rolling for this Samsung generator project, this is a circuit idea I’ve been kicking around for awhile.

It’s a twofer.

Pulse one inductance, which could be a generator exciter winding or perhaps a pulse motor, and use the inductive collapse to power a second generator or pulse motor in the same manner.

Does the circuit demonstrate OU? You tell me…  Suggestions are welcome.

The Ltspice file is attached.

'Tis better to try and fail than never try at all
Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 1847

If you check the peak currents in L1 and L2 and then calculate their peak energy levels along with the energy required to charge L1, you will come up with a COP<1.  You have in essence an energy shuttle from  L1 to L2 and in this case there does not appear to be any energy gain mechanism unless I'm missing something.

Group: Moderator
Full Member

Posts: 152
That’s right, no energy gain. But, what I see is a way to apply a very short DC pulse into an inductance and turn it into a magnetic field of much longer duration in a second inductance. L2 and C1 are just recycling the bemf current but that cycle lasts a long time which is effectively the same as if a long DC pulse was being applied to L2. Just the sort of thing you want for an electric motor, or perhaps a transformer.

I suppose you could do the same thing with coil shorting but this does it with a few simple components, and L1 could be be a separate device rather than just a choke.

It has possibilities IMHO. L1 & L2 happen to be the measured values of one of the phase windings in the Samsung motors I have.

'Tis better to try and fail than never try at all
Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 1847
Ah yes, I see your point!

Group: Moderator
Full Member

Posts: 152
So in a sense we don’t get extra electrical energy but we do get extra electromagnetic energy duration.

Furthermore, with an eye toward looping the system, if the Samsung motor/generator can be motored in this manner, and I don’t see why not, the generator output can be used to charge a cap that in turn would supply the pulse to L1.

Everyone that I have seen collects the generator bemf into a cap and fires it directly into the motor or adds it to the battery input and then fires it to the motor. That takes a lot of joules and none of them self-run. By using this method the generator output can be used to charge a much smaller cap to re-trigger the pulse, saving a lot of joules and perhaps open the door to a self runner.

'Tis better to try and fail than never try at all

Sr. Member

Posts: 291
there is nothing surprising here - the inductance L2 is less than L1, therefore the current amplitude is higher.
How to find the energy stored in an inductor? According to the following formula:
ML = I^2 * L / 2
If losses are not taken into account, then
ML=I(L1)^2 * L1 / 2 = I(L2)^2 * L2 / 2
From here
I(L1)^2 * L1 = I(L2)^2 * L2
I(L2) = I(L1) * sqrt(L1 / L2)
Therefore, if L2 < L1, then L1 / L2 > 1, and I(L2) > I(L1).
Let's reduce L2 to, say, 10mH and the difference in amplitudes will be noticeable to the naked eye.
However, the energy from this no larger becomes.  :(
Group: Moderator
Full Member

Posts: 152
Hi chief,

I think you're missing my point, which is

That’s right, no energy gain. But, what I see is a way to apply a very short DC pulse into an inductance and turn it into a magnetic field of much longer duration in a second inductance. L2 and C1 are just recycling the bemf current but that cycle lasts a long time which is effectively the same as if a long DC pulse was being applied to L2.

Everything in the circuit affects everything else. Inductances, cap values etc. Make the two inductances equal and the current drops about 100ma in L2. The cap size in the circuit limits the voltage level of the bemf spike. Play around with the values if you want and you'll see.

But if it ends up being a dead end, well, it wouldn't be the first one.

'Tis better to try and fail than never try at all

Sr. Member

Posts: 291
Aha. It's clear.
Full Member

Posts: 140
I have seen on 2 separate occasions, a Samsung Smart Drive washing machine motor, power up 3 x 150 watt work lights and 2 bench grinders.
The 'circuit' requires a battery and a load.
A flat car battery (it barely lit a brake light bulb) was connected to a 12VDC to 240 VAC inverter
From the inverter, the 2 wires went to an electronic motor speed controller. It was set on 100 rpm.
From the MSC 2 wires went to the Samsung motor.
The samsung motor is a 3 phase motor. Meaning there are 3 separate coil windings or 3 input wires. Or there are 3 motors in one.
The motor was pulled out of a washing machine complete, meaning it could run on the lab bench with just a cradle to support it.
All the wiring was cut off and discarded as we only needed 2 bare wires going in the motor and 2 wires unbridged to connect a Load
We used a flat car battery for 2 reasons. 1. it quickly showed the battery was not powering the lights and motors. 2. its a 4.5 VDC motor.
So on the bench was a motor with 3 input wires where each wound 1/3 of the coils in the motor. The end of these 3 wires after winding all the coils is bridged off or all 3 wires come together as a mutual dead end.
Pick any 2 input wires and connect them to the msc. (or flat battery)
Pick any 2 of the terminated wires (unbridge them) and take these to a terminal block where the motors and lights or the LOAD is wired into.
Now hand spin the motor up to 100 rpm and watch the thing become self sustaining and I warmed my hands under the heat of the 3 lights.
The samsung smart drive motor is a motor and a generator in one.
The 'trick' is to make it do both at once. This is done by unbridging the terminated wires giving the 'electricity' generated some where to go.

This is a simple explanation of what I observed and participated in. It is more 'complex' but only in what not to do.
The 3 rotating magnetic Fields create a Neutral Centre connection to the Aether. (not to be confused with zero point misconceptions)
Tesla said Rotating magnetic Fields create 'radiant' energy every time. He also called this energy "Scalar".
Tesla did it with a 2 phase motor at Wardenclyff.
IF you connect up a multi meter or an O'scope you are adding ANOTHER Battery to the circuit and it will shut down the Neutral Centre and guarantee failure. O'scope is even worse. NEVER use a multi meter on something you are trying to make 'over unity' with. A Load will tell you if its working.

Understanding the Physics of this Motor Generator in one, so as to be able to replicate this, will be explained in a future post. This is the IP that makes it work, Some of you might get lucky and happenstance upon the IP if I dont get permission to post more IP. The reason everyone fails is they use a multi meter. Do I need to say it 3 times?

But the above is all you need and the head scientist at philosopy.org did away with the motor speed controller to get his results. I am only describing what I helped build and operate.

Naturally the Motor went down the river in the worst flood ever in Lismore last year. But many saw it preform. The inventor is Joe.
You have more than enough to succeed.
Full Member

Posts: 140
Hello Cadman.
The 'answer' that you seek also answers what you seek in obtaining 'over unity'.
The answer while simple and could be written in just a paragraph, would be meaningless without the backup information.

Having been in the 'over unity' business for 30 odd years, and having cracked this subject with literally hundreds of devices (well more like several dozen but still) All I find anywhere on the net is word salads and absurd theories based upon people that were No Belled for even more absurd imaginative theories. Every single time I try to explain what is needed to know, some one gets their nose out of joint and it ends abruptly. It is 'written' for those with critically thinking skills in a language school kids can understand for a reason. These are PEARLS of wisdom and arent for everyone (yet).

To this end, rather than just hand over Priceless IP, is there any one on this site experimenting with samsung motors and what stage are they up to that I may assist?

But given the answer that you seek has already been been 'published' on the net, For those who really are researchers, the following links will answer lots of questions and give prospective tinkerers all the clues needed to make any one of the many over unity devices I will refer to in the coming weeks.
This will help in members asking questions that are relevant rather than 'just tell me all' kind of questions.

The links are (in no particular order)

https://www.magneticwaterscience.com/?page_id=14 until it is that you know what 'electricity' is, how can you make an excess? And quite frankly there are no marbles in the atomic Nucleus or its structure.

https://www.magneticwaterscience.com/?page_id=33  The human body is an Over Unity Aetheric Based Bio Battery generating device with an Infinity Loop of Energy for that elusive Neutral Centre.

https://www.magneticwaterscience.com/?page_id=120 The Atomic structure MUST be known to achieve the correct Mind Programming abilities. (the universe is mental)

https://www.lenr-forum.com/forum/thread/6977-fun-science-everything-is-magnetic/  On this 'thread' one will find many links and references to 'over unity'.  Follow them all.

For some reason these people also didnt want this Over Unity stuff on their site....

You see cadman, This is the practical applications and inventions of understanding Hermes Trismegistus First Law where the Universe is Mental. 

Now you may have a different view, But it would appear, that the over unity community has had very little success in that elusive endeavour.

There are basically 2 types of 'over unity'. Those that give a couple hundred % over unity and those that are basically unlimited as they tap into the Aether. This is the Tesla designed or modified apparatus's that is what you are looking for.
I will give a discourse on the Lutec 2000 generator that Joe Made over unity back in 2000 for Lu the inventor in Cairns as an example of over unity but 'limited'. I met these guys and know of how it was done.

Full Member

Posts: 140
Hello again.
here is the scam report on Lou Brits and John Christie

after a quick google I couldnt find a picture of their device although Ive seen pics before.

The design was in Principal, correct. In fact you can couple most any 12VDC motor to a generator and it will be over unity as long as the generator feeds back to a car battery. (conditions apply) But they had too much drag and friction from not having a low drag generator.

Joe was in Cairns in 2000 where he instructed a guy to build JoeCells. This is how Joe met Lou and Christie. They had lots of 'investors' but the 3rd Silent partner, an Accountant, held the 'rights' over the motor and the only way these two guys could realize any money from their crappy barely over unity motor was to get investors in and convince the Accountant guy to sign a deal. This never happened as 'greed' always raised the price for each new prospective investor. Oh how they promised Joe everything if he would just make it work again. But they sorta did the dirty on Joe. He gave them what they wanted and then they stuffed it up.... Joe doesnt fix stupid, not his job.

So Lou showed Joe the invention and Joe immediately seen a way to make it actually work and did the necessary changes. Then Lou, John and the accountant really got to infighting and Lou died some time around 2010. The other 2 didnt have a clue about electronics etc and they faded off into history. John Christie visited Joe several times trying to get Joe to make it work again. I sold John a SilverJoe Generator on the last visit more than a decade ago.

Here's the short version of the guy in Cairns who got 5 vehicles to run on a JoeCell. He is about the only other person I know who Joe divulged the IP too. Its all in the links above.
Joe actually told a guy in Cairns how to make JoeCells.(and how to make them work Mentally) it was the year 2000 3 days before Xmass and after he got a tractor, 2 cars, a truck and a pickup to run on nothing, he phoned the TV station and asked to send a TV crew out. Long story short, His kids went looking on xmass day, found do not cross tape everywhere, they found father 3 months later in Rockhampton Hospital with no memory. Joe can relate a dozen more stories like this. If Joe would ever had actually made the IP public, he wouldnt be with us today.
So bear with us please. Its obtuse for a reason.

The "necessary changes" that Joe made was to simply make the shaft of the Motor Magnetic. He did this by applying the Principles of Magnetics and "SAME POLE" technology as seen here.  https://metallicman.com/forum?view=topic&id=178
This created a rotating magnetic Field within a Rotating Magnetic Field. Same as the Two Phase Motor/Generator of the Wardenclyff fame.

John and Lou didnt understand what Joe did and naturally took apart the "Cell" that Joe applied to the Motor. Joe calls EVERY ONE of his inventions a "CELL" because all batteries are Cells. And all Cells are batteries like your Brain Cells (grey matter).

When Joe makes a Cell, its a unique Magnetic Field Generator. Or a 'composite magnet'. To break it apart or reverse engineer it, is like breaking a Magnet. You cant put it back together again. Well actually you can re-join a broken Ferrite magnet but we need to show you how and this also applies to his Cells. So after they took the JoeCell attachment off the Lutec motor, the Lutec device was back to being crappy as all the kings scientists and all the kings over unity experts didnt know nothing. 

And another Joe Inspired Over Unity device faded into obscurity and entered the Scam Files.
Alex Shiffler scammed the public with JoeCells by labeling them a Orgone device. Fancy labeling a Joecell with a FAKE science label in a Mental Universe. The single most consequential reason why they all failed at replication. You cant ask a Cell, which is a Living Entity (because of the Neutral Centre) and an extension of the Aether (as we all are) to make something that doesnt actually exist.
Joe says ALL his Cells are a frequency generator. A common Car Battery is a Frequency Generator, if you understand what 'electricity' actually is. So a JoeCell is an Over Unity battery in ANY of its designs.

I see here on this site, many over unity devices in various stages of experimentation. Some may actually be commercially available or replicate-able. But there is NOT ONE design that gives the Scalar Non Hertzian Pure Flatline DC from the Neutral Centre Created attachment to the Aether. Thats why Im posting in the samsung thread. The Quintessence said Aristotle, sets the rules governing how the other 4 Elemental States of Matter Interact.  This is the Real Alchemy.

The Alchemy of Cells or Batteries. “ANY TWO differing frequency sources in close proximity or within a shared ‘medium’ constitutes a BATTERY”
Batteries can be made with Earth/earth sources like NiCad batteries. Or Earth/Water like a Lead Acid. Earth Earth battery like 2 nails in a Tomato. And you have Billions of tiny Cells in your Grey Matter all connected in parallel as an Earth/water battery. The Samsung motor is a Fire/Fire battery. The JoeCell is a Fire/Water battery. The Dendra "light bulbs" at Abydos are a Vacuum battery using Aether/Fire as the 2 differing frequency sources. They constitute a "MED BED" by just touching the Cells as shown in the wall carvings. Joe has a dozen of theses Aether Vacuum Cells batteries and they are quite an experience to just hold them and feel the energy surge through the body. Is any one figuring it out yet? Ready for the New Paradigm Shift called the Apocalypse where all this will be revealed? The MED BATH using this Neutral Centre Tech of Fire applied to Water is the Principle of the Aqua Chi Footbath.com where I built the first prototype of back in 1997.  Who here is still trying to harvest the Back EMF spark?


Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 1783
Hey MerLynn I spoke to another bloke that examined the lutec device and he said it was a measurement error fwiw. Thanks for the links.
Full Member

Posts: 140
measurement error

Electricity comes from a coil "harvesting" the invisible Non Physical IRON FILINGS wave form that activates or the VIBRATIONS of the Crystalline Structure of the Copper Coil at 50 to 60 times a second. The Coil is vibrationaly EXCITED. Inventing a device or meter to calibrate these vibrations and call them electrons or a FLOW OF CURRENT is falsely claiming where the 'energy' is coming from. It is fraught with errors in understandings and thus the design principle of a multi meter is not to be trusted when using this SOUTH POLE POSITIVE Metering Device with the Production of the North Pole Negative half of the cycle or Hertz wave or when the energy is entirely Negative North Pole energy and without Hertz as there is no Pos component so just what does the multi meter read then?

These Vibrations travel the entire length of the Conductive Wires from the power station to your Kettle and Toaster at the speed of Light to where ANOTHER COIL is used to create heat by the 90 degree interaction of the Positive and Negative nature of the Wave form or vibration 'cycle' of the Pulsed Field we call AC.

A Coil in all its configurations is only a Frequency to Heat (energy) Con-In-verter. The vibrations make the toasters 'element' or COIL heat up  A Tesla Coil takes this conversion and also splits the 'phases' with its 2 windings. One to power the spark plugs and the other is used as Waste Spark Management and this WSM aspect or phase of the 'electricity' will NOT fire an engine if used as the source for the spark plug. Electricity has an opposite and equal within itself. Man really only uses the South Pole Positive nature of Energy. The North Pole Negative aspect of 'energy' is IMPLOSION or Cold Fusion or Compression (Walter Russell) and this is what you seek but know it not.

Joe and I can make these 4 Phases of Electricity with just 2 car batteries. (I cant divulge this as its way to advanced in the Magnetic Science to understand at this point in time because everyone still thinks in particle terms, also it can be lethal if used in a medical apparatus) Youse all think its just Pos and Neg out of a car battery but there are 2 more 'inbetween' phases. These are present in any Neutral Centre device which the Lutec motor was once for a short while. Your measuring sticks are useless and down right destructive in real 'over unity'. If you cant USE the extra vibrations as a LOAD then why are you doing it? The LOAD or the motors and lights you power up are your METERS.

Think of the Sine Wave where the peaks and troughs are Pos and Neg. As the Wave form cycles through each cycle of Hertz, it passes the 'Line" where it "transitions" between the two, so there is a..... -- and -+ and ++ and a +-   No matter how one rectifies or filters the AC, there is always the ripple of the the other phases we call noise because we dont understand the Non Physical Nature of Magnetic Fields Vibrating the 'atom'. The Atom is a Tetrahedron Crystal made with 6 structures of Light. Its ancient 'symbol' is an Inverted Triangle for a reason. Its indivisible as Democtris said. Its the Only 'atom' in existence making Everything Is Water said Thales and Aristotle.

A Multi Meter ADDS another frequency to the Circuit and measures the Difference between the 2 and this is displayed on the dial. What you call AMPS is just 'greater' frequency. (not to be confused with Hertz as this only represents the number of Disturbances per second to the Crystals in the copper.) To increase the Current in a circuit, make the Spinning iron filings wave form Magnet larger and the Coil larger. A lager magnet or a stronger magnet will have a Greater Disturbance in the Crystalline structure of the Copper creating Stronger Vibrations or more AMPS. If the coil isnt sufficiently large enough for the large magnet, the coil will overheat with the Massive Disturbance within the coil. The Coil is then not Tuned to the Magnet. Add more winding and make the wires bigger.  All these Tesla Secrets of Electricity are NEEDED to KNOW to make Scalar, or NON Hertzian Energy from a motor that is clearly spinning and generating and assumed to have a Frequency like the Samsung motor or the Joe Modified Lutec1000 motor.

What we found is that, when an over unity aspect is added to the motor (the Lutec in this case) that conventional "Meters" cannot register the correct change in vibrations when an over riding Magnetic Field is added or another lot of vibrations emerge from the device.
Not only will a multi meter not read correctly, but NO scientific instrument can read what we do when we make one as a Water JoeCell Battery. It follows through to any 'Frequency Generator' or Battery creating a circuit including the Lutec. A Multi Meter will KEEP you ignorant of what you are GENERATING.

Think in terms of energy, frequency and vibrations. Look at it as a NON PHYSICAL Phenomena. There is no 'spin'. There are no 'charged' marbles to count or measure. These things were PURPOSELY invented to control science and thus inventions. Westinghouse and Morgan did this and Einstein gave it the death blow.

These multi meters are ADDING more vibrations to the circuit and not all circuits are created equal.

Again I caution to not ever use a multi meter when the Motor is running. Use it only to check for open circuits when assembling. A motor is a Tuning fork. A generator is a Tuning fork. A Coil is a tuning fork. The generator makes a Frequency that the Motor is Tuned to and it spins according to the Frequency of the Generator. This is most evident in taking a 120VAC motor and plugging it into 240VAC socket. Add another frequency to a Tuning Fork where one is trying to connect to the Aether and voila a mega stuff up. Joe doesnt own a multi meter. He can actually SEE the field as vibrations in the circuit and knows if its tuned right or not. We mere mortals have to build an apparatus to detect and then imagine what it is that we detect. And therein lies the MEASUREMENT ERROR.

after thought....

There is no 'electricity' used in a Motor. Vibrations activate the Coils to Rotate it only.
So if one was 'smart', one would take the Power from the Mains Meter box to a Single Motor and UNBRIDGE this motor and connect another motor to the Unbridged wires and run them to another motor and then another motor and so on, as the Vibrations are always present in the wires and not actually being "used". Probably best to trial this on the bench first. You might find the Meter only measures the first motors Load on the meter. If you think in terms of electrons, this concept will bypass your thoughts. This is all that we did in the samsung motor above. Activating the Motor and Generator in one, by giving the generating aspect of rotation or the vibrations a place to go and go and go etc.

Over Unity isnt what you think it is...... You need to think of the Non Physical Nature of Energy, Frequency and Vibrations to understand this Universe of Light Crystals. Its how Tesla envisaged the universe.

The above probably needs a little tweaking to be digested properly but I have a Plane to catch..... anyone in Vegas next week?

The Bottom line with the Lutec motor is that Joe took it from a type one over unity device to a type 2 where it became a Mini Tesla Scalar Motor/Generator until they reversed engineered it and stuffed it up.
Group: Moderator
Full Member

Posts: 152
Hey MerLynn,

To this end, rather than just hand over Priceless IP, is there any one on this site experimenting with samsung motors and what stage are they up to that I may assist?

I have on hand one complete Samsung pancake motor with a factory mounting plate, shaft and bearings, ready to run. I also have two others that consist of only the stator and rotor. I have never powered them up or attached any meters to them, however they were all tested for continuity by the people I bought them from so I can’t swear a multimeter has never been connected to them.

The links are (in no particular order)...

I used the last few days to study the links and watch the videos you provided several times.
I have hearing loss and tinnitus so I could not quite follow what was being said in the videos. The closed captioning was lousy.

You see cadman, This is the practical applications and inventions of understanding Hermes Trismegistus First Law where the Universe is Mental. 

Before now I had never heard of the Seven Hermetic Principles and was struck by the first principle in particular because it resonates with what I have previously considered in my own thoughts.
I do posses an open mind and I do not seek recognition or monetary gain of any kind from of my efforts here at OUR.

So, how do we proceed to turn this motor into a self sustaining motor/generator with unlimited over unity from the Aether?

'Tis better to try and fail than never try at all
Full Member

Posts: 140
Hey MerLynn,

I have on hand one complete Samsung pancake motor with a factory mounting plate, shaft and bearings, ready to run. I also have two others that consist of only the stator and rotor. I have never powered them up or attached any meters to them, however they were all tested for continuity by the people I bought them from so I can’t swear a multimeter has never been connected to them.

I used the last few days to study the links and watch the videos you provided several times.
I have hearing loss and tinnitus so I could not quite follow what was being said in the videos. The closed captioning was lousy.

Before now I had never heard of the Seven Hermetic Principles and was struck by the first principle in particular because it resonates with what I have previously considered in my own thoughts.
I do posses an open mind and I do not seek recognition or monetary gain of any kind from of my efforts here at OUR.

So, how do we proceed to turn this motor into a self sustaining motor/generator with unlimited over unity from the Aether?

Ok, note to self. Dont over emphasis the Multi Meter usage. Its quite OK to use a Multi Meter for TESTING for an Open Circuit. The DO NOT is only for when the Motor is running or attempting to run. The Multi Meter has a battery and adds Frequency to the device. Joe uses a Battery to 'spark' his metals before using them to REMOVE Memory. This is more important in a Water JoeCell. No need to remove memory in the SS Motor if you never use one when its running.

From memory, the splines to couple the rotor to the stator is unique so its very difficult to make these run again. Not impossible but difficult. Stash these under the bench for now.

Hearing loss and Ringing in the ears..... Your Bio Field has been disrupted. either by injury or dis-ease. This is easily fixed and would sorta be a 'pre-requisite' to be in Harmony with your surrounds considering Reich's Y factor and we need your Mental State to Believe you are correct. (FAITH by another terminology) There is a 'limited' version of the Battery Energizer technique for balancing your Di-Pole Brain. You should have come across it in the Links. But to relate a story about this as an example of the Universe is Mental.....

Maurice the 'gold miner' and 3 others came to Joes House when I was there visiting as well. He had a bad case of Ringing in the Ears too. And it was said to him Joe could fix that. So the meeting started off at the dining room table with a 48VDC (1 amp) Telecom Ring Tone Generator on the table. Joe asked Maurice to hold the electrodes in both hands in a partricular manner and to touch the 2 electrodes on Points on the face. Most people dont feel much and then only if their circuitry is 'shorted'. Well poor Mr Gold Miner each time nhe touched to electrode to his nose or chin or blush points he got zapped pretty good. (so did I the first time) after about a minute or 2 he threw the Alligator Clips on the table and said I didnt come here for that in a rude sorta way. Joe used a Ring tone Generator Power Supply to fix Ringing in the Ears... Ironic to say the least.

Next they went down to the Shed for some science lessons. He was shown a lot of experiments. The one where Joe takes a battery or this telecom rectifier (OLDE School Transformer tech)  and places the electrodes on either side of a Plastic Cap for a few seconds and then the water burns.  see it here
I have seen Joe do this more than a dozen times. The universe is Mental.
Anyway, no matter how many times Joe threw a match on the water it would NOT burn. Then Maurice left the shed and the next match the water burned. And this Guy wanted to own all of Joe's IP.
At the end of the day, Joe asked Maurice if the Tinnitus was still a problem. He had to admit after the Energizing, it had gone for the rest of the day and not a word of thanks. His MindSet didnt realise he was cured (to this day) and he also didnt realise his MindSet exempted him from acquiring this type of technology.  Joe and I can basically cure any disease with up to 4 car batteries. Maurice wanted it ALL not just the Gold Separation Technology that would have made him the most competitive producer in the world. The Ok Tedi people had the same problem.

"so how do we proceed"?  In 4 hours I fly out from the Outback in OZ and arrive in Vegas tomorrow nite for a couple weeks. My Mind will be on other thoughts and insulated from the Noise for a while. For me, the WSOP is a test of my mental skills in the real world.

I also have a SS motor on the bench and a fisher and paykel one too. Even over head fans will work with just a little modification. This is a Tesla designed motor. There are no repair manuals. Its difficult to modify even for a Wind Generator application.

I call a spade a spade. This is Biblical. This is Spiritual and this is Magic. The more members reject these most important points the more I will call a spade a (dumb) spade. Its a package deal. This OUR forum has Nothing because of Mindsets and false beliefs of Understanding the Non Physical relationship between Energy, Frequency and Vibration. Sure there are a few Light bulb lightings with magnet Motors, but real Over Unity like the Wardenclyff tower 2 phase Motor/generator will always remain hidden to these OVER EDUCATED TOO FAR IN THE OTHER DIRECTION EXPERTS  are, well, experts arent they?

Until we get into the nuts and bolts of this motor, the Mindset still needs tweaking. You MUST know the atomic Structure and the only 2 forces in the universe first. This forms the foundation of Knowledge to build upon to get the correct outcome. So I will try to figure out how to post pictures and pages from the Q Mechanics book so this is understood from a Pure Theoretical point of View.  It would help to read all that you can from Walter Russell at philosophy.org  Its not important to understand Russell much at this stage but to understand that this has all been said before but rejected by the experts because it was a SPIRITUAL awakening for him. What I do is make Russells science more understandable with practical experiments and apparatus that allows one to understand his Theoretical explanations.

We call this FIELD SCIENCE where everything is a Magnetic Field.  and some moron named Alan Smith at LENR decided it was Fun Science where everything is magnetic. https://www.lenr-forum.com/forum/thread/6977-fun-science-everything-is-magnetic/

This moron musta realized his days were numbered and purposely sabotaged my thread and decided there couldnt be any magic on his site and relabeled the Unified Magnetic Field Theory to being a 'joke'. Will I be treated the same here? Lets get this point out of the way first. Stupid is as stupid does and if one doesnt call out stupidity, then there is no progression. I tolerate dissent but be prepared to be ridiculed for not understanding.

Pai Mei of Kill Bill Movie fame is how I intend to lecture. Are you ok with this.... ?

DaveL from this site and I have crossed swords so to speak many times for nearly a decade. He knows I come from the Right Place even if we dont see eye to eye on some 'things'. He may want to participate in these discussions.

John Keelys Neutral Centre is important in this discourse and I explain what it is he actually meant by this terminology.

Gota go, a plane to catch.

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 1783
Safe trip. I have not travelled there since 2018 as I live in the most lockdown city in the world. Russ Gries lives there now if you are connected. I'm sure many are open to the exploring concepts you describe .

Posts: 48

I have seen Joe do this more than a dozen times. The universe is Mental.

Quite fascinating! Thank you for this information.
Please explain to me what exactly you mean with the universe is mental? Can the process in the video be successful repeated even not believing in the universe is mental?

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 1783
Quite fascinating! Thank you for this information.
Please explain to me what exactly you mean with the universe is mental? Can the process in the video be successful repeated even not believing in the universe is mental?
Read or listen to The Kyabalion re the universe being mental.

Group: Tinkerer
Hero Member

Posts: 1783
Finally got to go over some the links. Good to see Joe looking well. A lot of what you say is ticking some boxes for me. It would appear our current mechanistic approach to nature is not where the answer is. Also I have a poker night coming up so happy to try and replicate anything you learn there. ... for science you understand.
« Last Edit: 2023-06-20, 11:55:32 by JimBoot »
Sr. Member

Posts: 350
Quite fascinating! Thank you for this information.
Please explain to me what exactly you mean with the universe is mental? Can the process in the video be successful repeated even not believing in the universe is mental?

I'll take a shot at what is meant by the "universe is mental"  I believe this is referring to the concept that thoughts can create effects - even at a distance.  Some may call it 'string theory'.  Others 'action at a distance' by intent of thought.  I've read that certain 3 letter agencies use focused thought to trigger a sensitive device on even the other side of the planet as a way to communicate without cell phone, radios or any electronic devices.  In other words there are many things that have shown our minds and thoughts have an effect on the outcome of experiments and devices.  There is some evidence that fusion devices will work if the inventor and observers believe it will work but it will fail to work if they think it will not work.
Group: Guest
Hello all,

My very first post.  ;D

I can 100% confirm what MerLynn is saying. The Samsung washing machine motor is a Motor/Generator in one!

Joe explains in this video @1:14 mark how to get even MORE out of it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qM3x2z5Twno

I have personally played with all of these suggestions.  O0

Group: Guest




What we term 'electricity' is the MANIFESTATION (physically) of God's THINKING.

Full Member

Posts: 140
Hello all,

Joe explains in this video @1:14 mark how to get even MORE out of it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qM3x2z5Twno


The "more" out of it is the Creation of the Neutral Centre 'attachment' to the Aether where Scalar Non Hertzian energy manifests in the Physical.
To understand this more I suggest https://svpwiki.com/Neutral-Center
All of Joe's Cells create a Neutral Centre. Listen very well to what he says, it doesnt get any clearer than this. Im here to tell you it can be done but there is a lot of understandings that need to be complied with.

Not one device that uses DIODES to rectify the AC to be useable, will ever create the over unity from the Aether. They are merely toys to confuse the prospective builder. My father and I built an Adams Pulsed motor weighing a couple hundred pounds and used both sides of the magnets back in 1995 taught me that this is obsolete tech. I have it on video cam 8 that I presented to a Nexus conference in Sydney of it running. I do believe we built the biggest one ever.

If you want a WardenClyff Tower motor/generator (aka samsung) to broadcast or at least power your house using these types of motors theres a lot re-education that needs to be done.

Before I Update the Kybalion https://www.sacred-texts.com/eso/kyb/index.htm  on the Universe is Mental, with JoeCell devices and give modern science experiments to show the wisdom of the Ancients (Joe is a Living example of this ancient Way of Alchemists) and why humanity needs to get back on track if they wants free freaking energy, it comes at the experience of Living your Beliefs. If one is all inclusive of trannies and evil-ution and big bang shit it aint eva gonna happin. To the Wise, Science is religion and vise versa. I should have followed my own advice and stayed out of Sodom/Vegas. Headed to Phoenix Sat if anyone wants to buy me a coffee.

Can one build this motor without this Mindset? Well yes one can but like White Lightning Wiz, he knows that the Universal Mind will assist by 'coincidences' and spiritual Guides for the want of a better way to say it. Our Time is Coming.

But I have a question to ask of all, (hoping Cadman appreciates our taking over this thread and saving him a lot of grief and failures)

WHAT IS A DIODE and HOW DOES IT WORK if all that is in the 'electrical' circuit is the Crystalline Structures of the metal wires as only being massively vibrated along its entire length passing through the Diode to "flatline" the out put?  Dont forget the 'ripple' part.

This is not a trick question, Its your first test paper. Dont be frightened of failure, It is a poor teacher who doesnt learn from his students. I woke up last nite from a dream and had to google how a diode works.  Very hard to do WSOP when this is flooding one's thoughts... but then again, there's a reason for it, I gotta leave town.

MerLynn, Apprentice to the Wizard of Oz

What we term 'electricity' is the MANIFESTATION (physically) of God's THINKING.

God is the word or "term' for the Unknowable. It was once a term that was never to be uttered. To 'personify' this Higher Consciousness is to pervert its true 'meaning'. Yet the Universe is the ALL and the All is Mind. Without the Universal Mind there is no creation. One cannot separate the outcome from the experiment.
I can take this "creation of the universe" and explain how it was 'done' and 'who' did it to another level, going beyond what Walter Russell said. but thats for another day. Lets hear some thoughts about Diodes please.
Group: Guest
God is synonymous with the Universal Mind. For those that walk and talk with God, all is Knowable.  O0
God's Light centers ALL things !!! The Kingdom of Heaven within !!!

A diode is simply a SPIN SEPARATOR.  :o

it is simply two different metals of different conductivity sandwiched together. P and N material, but this naming doesn’t really matter. So it’s just two different “crystalline structures” interacting, just like a battery.
You would say.

“Electricity has an opposite & equal within itself.” - MerLynn
So a diode neutralizes one forward and one reverse flow when the spin direction of the electricity re-polarizes or changes…

we see this as blocking current when the diode is ‘reversed-biased’. But it’s really neutralization of spin, exactly analogous to putting a North pole and South pole magnet together, we destroy 2 poles and one equator leaving only one equator between the remaining 2 poles.

Tesla rectified AC to DC with coils and magnets before ever any diode existed.
He even rectified with two batteries in series! an early early diode of sorts.

My 2 cents.

Group: Guest

did u watch the video?

Joe says clearly to set the magnets in the drum 'end-to-end' instead of 'side-by-side' as they come stock.

This allows use of the poles on the OUTSIDE of the drum, and if you follow this idea thru... you just DOUBLED your poles in the drum.

so in ONE revolution you have what it used to do in TWO revolutions... yeh?  :D

AND if you round the magnet, it rolls over the rounded stator pole with no start-stop or resistance.
Now u got a next-level Smartdrive motor "they" don't know about! or tell u about!  :-X

Joe IP.

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