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Author Topic: Samsung Generator project  (Read 6903 times)
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Posts: 140
I only saw that video a couple weeks ago.

I have also seen Joe with a drum where he cut and replaced the magnets but he never explained exactly why. He did say that motors like overhead fans could have this magnet replacement also.

I received the following query the other day
"When I try to find information on  "Samsung Smart Drive motor"
I don't find anything usefull, so what type of motor is exactly talked about?
Also the way of making connections is not clear.

here is a picture of the 3 input terminals and the 'bridge' where the 3 wires are terminated. pick any two input wires and connect to car battery
Pick any 2 of the wires after unbridging them and connect them to a 'load'.

Apparently, the larger industrial samsung washing machine made in the UK already has the Magnets orientated correctly and this was the motor that Joe scored at the scrap metal dealer and used on the bench I was privy to watching run.
Group: Guest
I only saw that video a couple weeks ago.

I have also seen Joe with a drum where he cut and replaced the magnets but he never explained exactly why. He did say that motors like overhead fans could have this magnet replacement also.

Saw that video back in 2016.

Now you have an explanation. :D Joe rotates the 'equilibrium' of the magnets facing the coils. Even better if they're circular, not square on/off.

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Posts: 152
MerLynn, I didn't expect you back so soon. All went well on your trip I hope?

So far, your posts leave me with many questions, too many for a forum post so for now I will follow as best I can and hope for illumination.

I applied the 'limited' version of the Battery Energizer technique twice and the tinnitus has not improved yet. However it appears that a different injury suddenly improved tremendously. I’m not sure how often it’s safe to perform that charge up and would like to continue.

BTW, I don’t consider the thread hijacked, please continue. Also I for one don’t object to a Pai Mei teaching method, but I draw the line at pounding my knuckles to a bloody pulp and feeding you fish heads :)

As to your question, “What is a diode and how does it work?”
I will guess and say the diode breaks the attachment to the neutral center and converts the first vibration into a discontinuous vibration of lower frequency that does not have push / pull. The balanced rhythmic interchange in the effect of the original cause is lost.

'Tis better to try and fail than never try at all
Group: Experimentalist
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Posts: 1861

I'm a little confused in regards to the connections on the Samsung smart drive motor.  I assume it is made similar to other 3-phase PM motors in that the 3 sets of coils are connected in a "Y" configuration with the open legs brought out to the controller and the common is not connected.  If so, how does one connect any two to the input and any two to the output?  Is there a common leg then between the input and output.  Also, I can see the use of an inverter to drive any two legs but a DC input from a battery would maybe move the rotor a little and then lock right?


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Posts: 140

in my post above there is a picture of a Fysher Paykel motor.
Its the same as the samsung essentially
how to
You will see the red, blue and white leads/wires that are the input wires   pick any 2 of them to make the motor spin on a 12v car battery or motorbike
next to these 3 terminal inputs you will see where these 3 input wires Bridge off as in joined together after they individually wire 1/3 of the coils.

Unbridge the 3 of them and any 2 will be able to be used as the output for the 'generator' side of this motor. Connect these to a Load like lights or motors.

If the magnets in the drum are orientated in the right direction, you might have your illusive over unity.....  see whiteligtningwiz and the Joe Video for how to orientate them.

I would use a samsung motor and if you can find one made in the UK it needs to be complete as in taken out of a washing machine so as it is still in its cradle and can operate.
If you buy the rotor and stator like they sell on ebay, you will need a special splined shaft and it will need to be manufactured. They really dont want you to play with this motor. You dont need the wiring harness. just the red white and blue clips with a couple inches of wire on each

dont use a multimeter.

Group: Tinkerer
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Posts: 1783

did u watch the video?

Joe says clearly to set the magnets in the drum 'end-to-end' instead of 'side-by-side' as they come stock.

This allows use of the poles on the OUTSIDE of the drum, and if you follow this idea thru... you just DOUBLED your poles in the drum.

so in ONE revolution you have what it used to do in TWO revolutions... yeh?  :D

AND if you round the magnet, it rolls over the rounded stator pole with no start-stop or resistance.
Now u got a next-level Smartdrive motor "they" don't know about! or tell u about!  :-X

Joe IP.

I didn't understand that. The magnets in those motors are curved and have striped polarity. Was he referring to a different magnet?
Group: Experimentalist
Hero Member

Posts: 1861

Now I understand.  The common or the "Y" connection is broken open to allow access to the individual ends of the coil sets. 

Thank you.

Group: Guest
I didn't understand that. The magnets in those motors are curved and have striped polarity. Was he referring to a different magnet?

G'day JimBoot,

The magnets come stock in the drum are square-ish. They have a square edge. Joe explains with a circular magnet the fields go a different way!
The Smartdrive stator poles are 'de-cogged' meaning slightly rounded convexity. Do the same with the magnets!
Joe is giving such a MASSIVE hint away to anyone playing with these 36-pole washing machine motors.  O0

Don't use Neo magnets in the drum, stick with ferrite !


Posts: 1
Hi all,
I'm looking at this project and I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask question because of "Benches" thread, so please let me know if there's another thread for this kind of questions.

Looking at the video where Joe talks on the Fisher and Paykel motor he speaks on this:

Change the magnets.
Set your magnets out, turn your magnets around end to end, instead of side to side.
Then you have something that they don't even know about and tell you about.
And if you don't use a flat side of a magnet, why not curve a magnet on the end?
Sort of like the old magnetos, the horseshoe magnets.
They played up in the horseshoe, they played in that hook.
They never played where the fields ar on the end, they played up in the hook.
So if you got your magnets and lay them down in your outside drum, around everything else and made them circular.
Do you think you're going to have a square, you know, positive, you know, neutral negative or North pole South, nothing,
so you got push pull?
Because your magnetic fields don't come on and off like that on a circle.
They go a different way.
And if you apply that to the coils, you make a magnet in a circle build into them and everything else, and hook it up to a coil.
Mate, you get something phenomenal like they don't even know too much about or they're not telling you about, or they don't build it.
Because then you don't get your on off fields.

So when thinking on the horseshoe magnets where the poles are taken away further from the coils, am I correct in understanding that the same would happen if we take round bar magnet and mkae the core of our coil so that it works on the neutral line and not on the poles?
Note: my setup in the picture is just to keep the magnet standing and not flipping over to the core.
I'm just trying to visualize what I think is talked about.
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Posts: 152


I don’t want to stifle any creativity here but I feel this subject of physically changing the magnets is steering the thread away from MerLynn’s offer of help with a stock pancake motor-generator.

But the above is all you need and the head scientist at philosopy.org did away with the motor speed controller to get his results. I am only describing what I helped build and operate.

If we are going to take MerLynn at his word then changing the magnets is not necessary for a successful build.

So lets focus on MerLynn’s original offer and not complicate things more than we need to please.

Thank you for understanding

'Tis better to try and fail than never try at all
Full Member

Posts: 140
The creation of Aetheric Scalar Energies as Tesla envisaged or otherwise known them as "pure Flat Line DC (direct current-no hertz) necessitates the creation of a Neutral Centre 'point' attachment to the Aether or Aristotles Quintessence. It is to be thought of by the Inventor (alchemist/blacksmith/Druid) as being like a ‘god’ and 'creating Life'. Any newly created Energetic or magnetic Field that isnt found elsewhere and so is like an 'invention', first creation or proto type is "alive" when its MANufacturer (person-facturer) creates a Neutral Centre attachment of the 'invention' to the Aether, as a newly created life form. (but not a Life Form as we know it Jim, for the trekkies)

We can draw a simile in the Creation of a New Life Form between a man and a woman. Where one can easily see that at the moment the sperm enters or breaks the Field of the Egg, a new magnetic Field is instantly formed or created and all the other sperm are no longer attracted to the egg’s Field Charge. A New Field is ‘born’ awaiting birth. Incidentally, all the Magnetic Spheres in the Heavens and their positions effect the 'pattern' of the New Field as we are in "their Field".

So we think of building this Scalar Energy Motor or Crystal Staff or magnetic In Line Cell and as we assemble this Magical Item we talk to it and lovingly make every piece fit like a glove, plain and functional no frills. It’s the moment the alligator clip touches the Battery to make the connection, its the beginning to Spin the Stator by hand, its the moment the sperm drills the egg. It’s the Magical moment you have a device you created with an attachment to the Aetherical Universal Consciousness, that your thoughts or words of 'command' or instructions of what you want from this new life form that determines how it functions. Its a Mental Universe. This is how one creates LIFE.

The Honeymoon would fairly ensure that that moment of Creation of a new neutral centre life form would happen in the after glow of lovingly embracing the union. Or we can wonder where the egg donor and sperm donor is in their drunken state. Or the randomness of shaking a test tube. Some call this Civilization, others call this Satanic and some call it "science" you can safely and effectively trust.

It can also be likened to the Joining of Magnets. see video of Joe here https://metallicman.com/forum?view=topic&id=178

To explain this Mathematically... adding one magnet to another magnet is like adding 1 + 1... but the answer is only ever 1.   Adding 3 or 4 magnets together still only gives 1 "Field" and 2 poles and the Gauss stays the same. 1+1+1+1+1 only ever equals 1 (or 1 magnetic 2 poled Field)
But in the above vid Joe adds 2 magnets together and he gets something completely unexpected or another number that we can designate '2'. So 1+1=2 in Field science Maths and this can be extended when a 3rd magnet is added to the 2 with same poles together or 1+1+1=2 or TWO distinct new and stronger 'poles' on the washers made by 3 magnets.

One is CREATING a NEW Field the other is just adding to an existing one. One changes the water the other just adds more water to the existing mass. Some Creations can have a Neutral Centre and be Alive. This is the Quest… to become a God and Create Life if you want to play with Scalar Energies in a Samsung smart drive motor. Any other generator that puts out more than it consumes is NOT Scalar, it is just ‘over unity’. Creating or joining 2 or more rotating Magnetic Fields creates this Neutral Centre that ALL ‘defined’ Fields have. 2 interacting rotating Magnetic Fields is 1+1=2

These Physics of Life Principles are even more magical and evident when using the JoeCell (hyper-charged water Field)  to use existing DNA to create Mental Images of new DNA species  combinations like a Fish with human Teeth for example. (google it, it was probably a high school experiment back in Posidea)

The creation of a New Magnetic 'entity' that previously did not exist, happens when the Field is first turned on, water flows through the pipe or the moment that the electrodes are connected. In the water JoeCell the centre of the inner tube has no 'electricity' passing through it forming a 'natural' neutral centre. But its full strength is reached when the Total number of 'Poles' adds up to 9 in number and are Magnetically aligned for a Unified Field effect that can surround a craft for example like making Jock’s F150 Levitate and lacking Inertia or resistance to the Aetheric Energy Grid of the Universe as it has become One with the God Consciousness. Simple really. These are some of the practical applications of the Secret Teachings of all Ages.

If you can play with the Vibrations we call 'electricity' and through the use of semi conductors and batteries, you can make these Vibrations do many things like Laser Lights, Tasers, LED's, transformers, inverters. Stop thinking in terms of making electrons that can be stored. Two metal sheets insulated will store these vibrations as a capacitor. What do you want this motor to do? You can do both... make a motor run its own generator as there are 3 phases so one is free to be a generator, or use the magic of Rotating magnetic Fields  (1+1=2) to generate a Neutral Centre that is Mentally Created by the inventors Mind.

I am here to inspire you to be a creative integral of the Universal Consciousness... not to spoon feed you. Only this way you will learn your position in the matrix. The CSO at Philosophy.org is much smarter than me and his experience and interpretation of Joe's Video where he explains the position or orientation of the Magnet on the stator, is critical and may require several to be modified. Joe and I went to the laser and water jet cutters many times. He 'found' or some would say was guided, to a particular washing machine at the scrap metal dealer saving him the work of repositioning the magnets. But he learned the hard way by trial and error. Think about them iron filings wave forms traveling past a coil and how they interact. Smooth flat-line DC requires smooth riding the waves past the magnet not 'cutting' them but more like surfing the wave.

You now have all you need to know to build a Samsung smart drive motor to make Tesla’s Radiant or Scalar Energy. Watch the Joe Vid on the motor CSO posted. Think about what and why you are doing it. Let the Creative forces of the Universe (faith) guide you. It can be done and has been done by what one would call ‘gifted’ people. Tesla, Joe, Keely, they are all/were blessed with the Gifts of God (intuitive energies) for without these you must be forgiven for you know not what you have done or the mistakes of life you may yet commit. 

I saw many people who got ‘sick’ like me the day they arrived in Vegas. I overheard people at dinner tables complaining and coughing about getting sick the moment they arrived. I believe it was the 5G towers doing this. I don’t know of any ‘bug’ that acts this fast upon arrival. Poker was marred by the Beasts frequency. Within hours of driving to Phoenix I felt better. I don’t think I will ever go back.

When I visit Joe next I will inquire of the magnets orientation on these motors now that I can ask a decent question I might get a decent answer.
Full Member

Posts: 140
Bruno quoted Joe... "Change the magnets.  Set your magnets out"

Joe and I pulled a couple ceiling fans apart as they are similar to the samsung motor.
Joe had cut out the metal frame with 'slots' for magnets to be placed after removing the inner magnets. So the rectangle magnets were outside and exposed on this motor... He did not finish it but he did show me what to do but I never understood why. This is more than a decade ago. He didnt finish it because he's not about improving already existing tech but more into doing it a way thats not been thought of before. Even the Samsing motor he had running was to be finished by it just rocking back and forth not spinning. Easier to control the 'output'.
Full Member

Posts: 140
If you have read this far, you are probably wondering if the 'average' Joe can build these Neutral Centre Tesla Scalar energy devices.
The simple answer is yes you can build these and they will operate exhibiting Scalar Energies. But at least you now know exactly what it is you are trying to accomplish. At least you know now the atomic structure, the 'matrix' structure of the Aether and where Life Sustaining Energy comes from that your human body MUST access to be 'Alive'.

The 5 Tube JoeCell creates a Neutral Centre with all the 16 Connections and sequencing electrode placements. Instead of asking or programming the "Cell to make oil" like at the 1.04 mark in the water into oil demo, one can just dip ones fingers into the oil one wishes (or prays or casts a spell) to replicate and just touching the Cell imparts this Vibration for the Cell to replicate or Emulate. This is how Alan Rush discovered the Oil production of a JoeCell that Joe loaned him in 1995. Without the Neutral Centre attachment to the Aether, or the Quintessence, which Aristotle said 'controls or sets the Laws' on how the 4 Elemental States of Matter interact, can the Element Water be Magically or Magnetically transformed into Oil as the Aether Energy is a Pure Flow Of Non Hertzian Direct Current that Effects the 'elements' according to Gods Laws. WHICH IS... using the only 2 forces in the universe. Compression and Expansion or the Negative and Positive Forces of Magnetic Vibrational energy. We call this chemistry but its Alchemy because we are mixing Magnetic Frequencies not 'particles'. If you want to Understand God and his Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.

So it is with the Samsung motor. By giving the motor Load, instead of trying to Measure it with a multimeter, is the same as programming the Motor when activating or creating a neutral Centre attachment with the 2 or 3 rotating fields the motor creates when it starts to rotate. Just reading this is enough. Your spirit understands even if you dont. Remember to spin it anti clockwise.

Group: Professor
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Posts: 3670
..., what I see is a way to apply a very short DC pulse into an inductance and turn it into a magnetic field of much longer duration...
The same can be achieved by shorting the inductance after applying a very short pulse to it.  If the inductance is ideal then the magnetic field generated by it and the current in it, will persist forever.
Group: Guest
The same can be achieved by shorting the inductance after applying a very short pulse to it.  If the inductance is ideal then the magnetic field generated by it and the current in it, will persist forever.
Yes Don smith spoke about this in his (back in his video in   1994 a telephone tech talk after his illness it was on youtube
in one of Ruslans YouTube account, unfortunately it has been deleted and so has his thread in the Don Site on youtube.

« Last Edit: 2023-12-05, 17:32:41 by AlienGrey »
Group: Ambassador
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Posts: 4052
Quick note to cadman
I believe all posts that you removed are back now,
Please check?
Group: Moderator
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Posts: 152
Hey thanks Chet. It never occurred to me the forum software would have that ability. Should smooth some ruffled feathers, eh?

Now I can try it all again. Hopefully I won't screw it up, again.


'Tis better to try and fail than never try at all
Group: Guest
Thank you!  O0

Group: Moderator
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Posts: 152
Ok, posts #8 - 37 have been copied to the other topic. https://www.overunityresearch.com/index.php?topic=4554.0

I'll leave everything as is for a day or two, then I intend to remove those posts from this thread

« Last Edit: 2023-12-11, 19:41:56 by Cadman »

'Tis better to try and fail than never try at all
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