As you may know by now, any increase in gain at the output,
Why did you use the word "gain" ? Gain is a ratio. Ratios require two arguments. One of them is the output amplitude Did you mean to write: "...any increase at the output..." ? ...due to adding ferrite pieces into the grenade former tube will cause an added draw from the input side.
By what mechanism ? Doesn't the ferrite increase the inductance of the coil? So, No free lunch there.
Only when you make the assumption that all energy appearing at the output comes from the input. As is happening now. If the input energy is used to enable some intermediary gain mechanism, then that assertion is not applicable anymore. Also causing an increase in overheating of the grenade coils, as well as over heating of the push pull Fets,
By what mechanism ? Alas, increased inductance causes the current to ramp up slower on pulse-by-pulse basis so the PP FETs are subjected to less current and less i 2R heating. Which is probably why there is nothing inside of the empty former tubes, shown by our topic inventors.
You cannot see that on the videos. Especially if the core is constructed like this. Magnets like my magnetite snake eggs can help tune the ferrite yoke for better performance, again at an added draw from the input.
That makes sense because saturating the yoke ferrite with external magnets lowers the inductance of the windings wound on that ferrite. Less inductance means that the current ramps up faster on pulse-by-pulse basis and the average current increases. But do nothing for the grenade coils.
The purpose of the magnets is to polarize the metal ring - not to help the "grenade coils".